The excitement of Emily's capture quickly faded, and the group was on the move again.
Well, when I say on the move...
Vincent laughed as the wild Yamper licked at his face. "I call dibs!"
Summer simply stared. "Vincent, that Pokémon ran at you, knocked you onto your arse, and is now apparently using Lick on you."
"Yamper can't learn Lick."
"Huh. Then what's it doing, Alex?"
"I believe it to be expressing a minor infatuation using the organ canines would normally use to display affection."
"...Galarian please, Einstein."
"It's licking him. Summer, it is a dog. What do you think it's doing?"
"Oh, yeah, no, I got that. I'm just curious as to why it's expressing affection towards Vincent of all people."
Vincent scowled. "May I remind you about the blackmail folder?"
Summer paled. "Shutting up now, please don't spill any beans!"
Emily snickered and rubbed her hands together. "How much will 1000 P buy me?"
"Et tu, Em?!"
"Hmm... baby photos, humiliating videos, and that one time she-"
"I'll take the baby photos!"
Summer moaned, Andromeda twitching as she read her Trainer's emotions. "What did I do to deserve this?"
Alex simply sighed. "Summer... just... go do something. They'll probably calm down by the time you get back."
"You wanna come with?"
They walked a good distance away from their idiotic friends and ended up beside a lake. Summer sighed. "Well, at least we're free. You wanna do some fishing?"
"Why not? It's a soothing, peaceful activity."
Summer snickered even as she pulled out her fishing rod. "Clearly your dad has never fished up a Gyarados."
"Oh yeah. Dad used to take me and Vince camping every year. Nice little site in the Pastoria Marsh."
"...I believe I need to hear that story."
"Oh, you do. You definitely do."
Summer's rod bent, the reel spinning wildly. "Ooh, got a nibble! Andromeda, help me pull it up!"
"Is that not a little like cheating?"
"I've got a Psychic-Type! Do you think I'm not gonna cheat?!"
Andromeda's eyes glowed with Confusion as she began pulling on the line as well, causing a burst of water as the fish on the line was pulled up. "Arro!"
The fish flopped onto the ground and splashed back into the water, poking its head out and glaring.
"Just a moment..."
"Arrokuda, the Rush Pokémon. Water-Type. If it sees any movement around it, this Pokémon charges for it straight away, leading with its sharply pointed jaw. It's very proud of that jaw. This specimen is male, Level 4, has the Ability Swift Swim, and knows the moves Peck and Aqua Jet."
Summer blinked. "Huh. Not bad... oh, what the heck."
She bent down beside the Water-Type. "Hey. I'm terribly sorry about the disruption to your daily activities."
Arrokuda glared harder.
Summer opened her purse and pulled out a small bag, revealing a small quantity of Poke Beans. "Would you like one? They're quite good."
Arrokuda gazed distrustfully, then opened his mouth and allowed Summer to place a bean on his tongue. He bit down, and bliss lit up his expression.
Summer smiled. "I think we got off on the wrong foot. My name is Summer, and this is Andromeda."
Andromeda chirped merrily, and Arrokuda nodded in return.
"Anyways... I'm on a journey across this region. I want to see all there is to see in the world. Vast oceans, tall mountains... I'm going to explore all of it. Sounds cool, right?"
Arrokuda nodded, looking almost dreamy at the concept.
"And I'm probably gonna need a Water-Type at some point. Would you be interested?"
Arrokuda blinked in surprise. "Kuda?"
Summer grinned. "C'mon, you don't really wanna spend your whole life in this lake, do you?"
The fish seemed to ponder this for a second, then shook his head no. Then he made a little motion at Summer's belt.
"So you wanna come with me, then?"
Arrokuda nodded, then pointed his sharp beak into the water.
"Ahh. Alright, go ahead. I'll wait for you."
Arrokuda dove, streaking away under the water.
Alex frowned. "What was that about?"
"Well, he's probably got friends in there. He needs to say goodbye, doesn't he?"
Vincent and Emily had found them a minute before Arrokuda returned, and Summer was somewhat surprised to see no Yamper in tow. "You didn't catch it?"
"Played with her a little while, then some of her mates came along, including a very impressive Boltund. Figured she'd be better off in her pack. And I also didn't want to be on the receiving end of a Thunder Fang. What about you?"
"Found an Arrokuda. He's just- oh, there he is!"
Arrokuda had swum back up to the surface, smiling. "You took care of your affairs, then?"
Arrokuda nodded and waved a fin at a small group of Pokémon- a few other Arrokuda and a pair of older Barraskewda. "Ah, your family's seeing you off?"
Summer pulled out a Poke Ball. "Alright, then. Good to have you on board, Aquarius."
She tapped the sphere to her newest teammate, and in a flash of red light, Aquarius was officially her Pokémon.
Vincent grinned. "That makes three for you! You're coming along great!"
Summer smirked. "Well, you three are gonna challenge the Pokémon League, aren't you? I'm not about to fall behind you!"
"Well, we are gonna need a training partner. Besides, you might still change your mind!"
"Don't bet on it. Speaking of training, though, you think you could help me with Carina? Until she evolves, she's only gonna have Struggle Bug."
"Yeah, I can manage that. Hephaestus, how do you feel about beating the crap out of a small innocent bug that never did anything to you in her life?"
"Sounds like fun!"
Vincent's Team
Hephaestus (Scorbunny, male) (Tackle, Growl, Ember, Quick Attack) Ability: Libero
Emily's Team
Kong (Grookey, male) (Scratch, Growl, Branch Poke) Ability: Grassy Surge
Snapper (Chewtle, female) (Tackle, Water Gun) Ability: Strong Jaw
Alex's Team
Unda (Sobble, female) (Pound, Growl, Water Gun, Bind) Ability: Sniper
Eques (Rookiedee, female) (Peck, Leer, Power Trip) Ability: Big Pecks
Summer's Team
Andromeda (Hatenna, female) (Confusion, Life Dew, Play Nice) Ability: Anticipation)
Carina (Blipbug, female) (Struggle Bug) Ability: Swarm
Aquarius (Arrokuda, male) (Peck, Aqua Jet) Ability: Swift Swim