Author's Note: This is part one of three planned stories, which diverge from the series after 3x13 ("The Puppeteer 2").

"Cat Noir! Behind you!"

Cat Noir ducked on instinct. A brightly-colored flash streaked past his head. A couple feet ahead, it wheeled around, squawking, and flew back at him, talons spread wide and beak open. With an angry roar, Cat Noir swung his staff at the parrot like a baseball bat, aiming to send the bird all the way to the Seine.

He had barely begun the swing when he felt a tug on the end of his staff. Looking back, Ladybug had caught it with her yo-yo. Cat Noir ducked below the parrot's dive before straightening up and giving Ladybug a glare, panting heavily. "What did you do that for, Milady?"

"Don't hurt them!" she called back, releasing his staff with a flick of her wrist. "They're being controlled; they don't know what they're doing." She jumped into a back flip over a pack of dogs, landing nimbly on one foot in the middle of a mass of hamsters.

"You know cats and birds aren't supposed to get along, right?" he yelled. "And anyways, how are we supposed to get to whoever's controlling these animals if we can't touch them?"

"Working on it," she grunted, sidestepping a herd of cats and swatting aside a very persistent pigeon. "Lucky Charm!" she shouted, swinging her yo-yo above her head. Energy surged from the yo-yo and resolved into a box of dog treats.

"Hey, great!" Cat Noir commented. "I was feeling a little hungry."

"I don't think these are for your kind of animal, Cat Noir," Ladybug retorted, looking around her at the mass of various house pets wreaking havoc on the city park.

"So you think I'm an animal?" He wagged his eyebrows at her.

She rolled her eyes. "You're not that kind of animal either."

"Milady, I'm touched," he said, putting one hand over his heart. "I had no idea you thought so highly of me."

"Focus, Cat. Now give me your bell."

"Right." He unfastened his bell and tossed it over to her. Ladybug caught it deftly in midair. Cat Noir ducked a flock of birds, threaded a needle between cats and dogs, and slipped behind a pony. "Who in Paris has a pet pony?" he demanded.

"Whoever it is, we should thank them!" Ladybug answered, grinning. "I need you to tie this to the pony's leash." She handed him the box of treats, poked through with a bunch of feathers she'd plucked from a flock of parakeets and with his bell tied onto its top with a dog's leash.

Beyond commenting on her unusual plans, Cat Noir hastened to obey. "Okay, now what?"

"Now, give it a smack in that direction." She pointed along a tangent just to the side of the epicenter of the animal storm.

"Gee up, horsey!" Cat Noir shouted, slapping the horse's rump as he did so. The horse neighed and charged into the mass of animals. The sound of the galloping horse, combined with the jingling bell, drew the attention of the swarming animals. Then a dog smelled the treats and bayed, followed by about half the dogs and cats present. As the horse passed, the box of treats tore open and started spilling its contents. The pets, distracted from their controller's commands, chased after the horse.

Ladybug charged through the rapidly-diminishing mass of animals, Cat Noir hot on her heels. As they approached the person standing in the middle of the animals, they finally caught sight of the Akumatized victim. She was dressed in bright purple athletic shorts with a green shirt. She wore roller blades and a helmet. In one hand was a dog's leash which she swung around and cracked like a whip.

"I am Dog Walker!" she screamed, swinging the whip around behind her head. As the whip darted forward, Cat Noir dove into Ladybug's side, knocking her down. The whip cracked right where Ladybug's head had been seconds before.

"Thanks, Kitty," Ladybug said, giving him a smile as she pushed herself back up to one knee.

"I'm always happy to sweep Milady off her feet!"

"My dogs refused to heed me, so Hawk Moth has given me complete control over all animals! And all he wants in return is for me to tame you, Ladybug and Cat Noir! Then the dogs I walk will no longer be able to disobey me!" Dog Walker shouted, moving toward them and brandishing her whip.

"Sorry, Dog Walker," Ladybug retorted, jumping to her feet and swinging her yo-yo to protect herself and Cat Noir. "I think your scheme's going to the dogs!"

Cat Noir groaned as he used his staff to lever himself to his feet. "Nice try, Milady, but I think that joke's for the dogs!"

"Less criticizing, more fighting," Ladybug said, giving him a glare.

"Yes, Milady," he said, holding his hands up placatingly. "Fur-get that I said anything. Cataclysm!" The black energy of the Cataclysm surged from his ring and resolved into a swirling black aura around his right hand. At that moment, Dog Walker flashed out at them with her whip. Ladybug and Cat Noir shared a nod, and Ladybug stopped spinning her yo-yo. Cat Noir jumped in front of her and held up his right arm. The whip wrapped itself around his arm, and Cat Noir tugged, reaching to grab the rope as he did so. The whip was pulled out of Dog Walker's grip, just as he grabbed it with the Cataclysm-infused hand. The whip crumbled to dust, releasing a purple-tinged butterfly.

Ladybug opened up a compartment in her yo-yo and whipped it around. "No more evil-doing for you! Time to de-evilize!" She caught the butterfly in the yo-yo and released it. "Bye, bye, little butterfly." Then she threw a couple of nearby dog treats up into the air, shouting, "Miraculous Ladybug!"

A swirl of red energy flew out of the treats, fluttering through the city and repairing the damage their fight had caused. Dog Walker disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke, replaced by a woman in athletic shorts and roller blades and accompanied by a dozen dogs on leashes. Cat Noir reached up and felt that his bell was back in place. He looked over at Ladybug and grinned. Seeing her answering smile, he held out his fist, which she met. "Pound it!"

"You know, Ladybug," he said, forcing his voice to sound casual, "it's too bad we only ever see each other in the middle of pet-nados like this. Do you want to hang out later? Walk by the river? Maybe get some ice cream?"

Ladybug looked troubled. "Cat…" she began. "I-I'm sorry. I-You remember I told you I'm in love with someone else, don't you?"

His heart fell into his stomach. "I understand," he said, sadly. He turned to walk away.

"No, Cat…" She grabbed his arm before he'd taken more than 2 steps. "I really like you. You're one of my best friends. You are the best partner I could ever hope for. There's no one I trust more in the world than you. It's just… I feel… that way… about someone else. Even if he doesn't feel the same."

"Who would reject you?" he demanded, eyes wide in shock. "You're amazing and kind and brave… If he doesn't see that, he doesn't deserve you."

Ladybug blushed. "Thanks, Cat. I just wish he thought that." She looked like she was about to say something else when her earring started to beep. "Oh! I'd better run! Bug out!"

Cat Noir slipped into a nearby alley and muttered, "Claws in." When the transformation was complete, Adrien pulled a piece of cheese from his shirt pocket and handed it to Plagg, who nearly swallowed it whole before disappearing into the same pocket. With a glance in both directions to make sure no one was watching, Adrien stepped out of the alleyway and onto the sidewalk. He pulled out his phone and hit the button to call his bodyguard.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting," he said. "There was another Akuma attack this afternoon and the city's been a zoo. Can you pick me up by the city park?"

His bodyguard grunted back before disconnecting the call. Adrien couldn't remember ever hearing him string more than 2 words together in a sentence; sometimes he went several days without saying even that many! Most of his life, this had bothered him: of the 4 people he saw on a regular basis (3 after his mother disappeared), 1 hardly spoke and 2 more largely ignored him. Only his mother really paid attention to him or showed any indication that she cared for him. His father and Nathalie were always busy working, though his father would occasionally spend a day playing with him – usually when he was working through a creative slump. Since his mother, however, his father had locked himself up in his office 23 hours a day. Now, Nathalie was the closest thing to a parent he had. After his mother's disappearance she had tried to step into that role of friend, confidante, and supporter – at least when she wasn't too busy helping his father. Even still, it had been a lonely life.

Now, however, he had friends. He still, 2 years later, couldn't believe Nathalie had convinced his father to let him attend a regular school. But she had, and he had made the first real friends of his life – after Chloe, that is. He would always be grateful to Nathalie for giving him that chance.

Adrien was pensive on the car ride home. If only Ladybug would see me the way that I see her.

Walking through the front doors, Adrien was surprised to see Nathalie waiting for him. She still held her customary clipboard, but it hung at her side. She gave him a smile, which changed to concern when she caught sight of his expression, and beckoned him closer.

"What's wrong, Adrien?" she asked. "Did something happen at school? Don't tell me it was that Chloe girl again."

"No." He shook his head firmly. "Everything's fine at school. And Chloe's always been a little… yeah… but no more so than usual today. Everything's fine, really."

"It certainly doesn't look that way," Nathalie observed, eying him critically. "Did someone kick your puppy?"

Adrien started and looked at her. But then he saw the corner of her lip curling up and laughed. "Can you imagine my father's reaction if I brought home a puppy?" He fell quiet. Nathalie was a woman. And that made her the closest thing he had to an expert on girls, at least since… "No… yes, actually, there is something wrong."

"What is it? Can I help?"

"No… I mean yes… I mean… I don't know if anyone can help. It's about a… girl," he finally said lamely, his ears burning.

"What about this girl? Is she cute?"

"Oh, she's amazing!" he answered enthusiastically. "So brave, and smart, and kind…"

Nathalie smiled. "So what's the problem? Do you like her?"

"Of course I like her. But she doesn't seem to like me," he replied, frowning. "Or at least not the way I like her."

"You've told her how you feel?"

"Only every time I've seen her, but she always tells me that she doesn't feel the same."

"And who is this girl who seems to be immune to your model-good looks, fame, and fortune? That would make her a special girl, indeed!" Nathalie's eyes twinkled, and her smile grew a little wider.

"Promise you won't laugh?"

Nathalie quickly schooled her expression. "Absolutely. Who is this girl who has so enraptured you, Adrien?"

"It's… Ladybug."

When Adrien looked up at her, Nathalie's jaw had dropped and her eyes widened slightly, but only for a fraction of a second. By the time he looked closer, her expression had returned to its usual professional dispassion. All except her eyes, which were staring off a little into the distance.

"Ladybug…" she muttered. "Of course. But…" She looked back at Adrien and said, "I may have an idea for your Lady problem, but I need to talk to your father first. Go to your room and study for your exams; I'll come see you when I have your father's answer."

Adrien nodded, nonplussed. He wasn't sure what he had expected from Nathalie, but this wasn't quite it. But maybe this would turn out for the best. Maybe she thought his father could design something to go with Ladybug's suit, something that he could give her as a gift. But what would go with Ladybug's red-and-polka-dot suit? He shrugged. Whatever idea Nathalie was toying with, it was more than he'd had 5 minutes ago. He walked up the stairs to his room, shut the door, and flopped on the couch.

Plagg flew out of his pocket and hovered in front of his face. "Why are you so blue, kid?" he asked.

"Do you even have to ask?" Adrien retorted. "Of course it's Ladybug."

"Shouldn't you give it a rest? You're partners. You don't even know who she is under the mask yet," Plagg observed, flying in a lazy backflip. "Maybe she'll come around eventually, once you know a few more things about each other. Things like names."

"But how can I 'give it a rest'?" Adrien demanded. "I've known her 2 years. Shared so much with her. She's my best friend. When we lost our memories a few weeks ago, apparently we even kissed! I thought maybe after that, that she would warm up to me. But no. And today she was even more distant and short with me than usual!"

He fell silent when he heard Nathalie's soft tap on the door. Plagg disappeared among the pillows on the sofa. "Enter," he called.

Nathalie walked in with a smile. "I talked to your father," she said. "It took some convincing, but he agreed to my plan. Why don't you invite your Ladybug over here for dinner Friday night? It's the end of the term, and a good time for a celebration. Tell her it doesn't even have to be a 'date'; your father is grateful to her for the number of times she has saved his life and yours during Akuma attacks. What do you think?"

Adrien jerked his head up in surprise. Whatever he had expected, this wasn't it. At the same time, he could see the brilliance of Nathalie's plan. After all, it's different going on a "date" alone with someone versus being invited for a thank you dinner. It didn't even have to be a date unless they decided it was. Maybe this could work! "I-I will ask her, next time I see her," Adrien finally said. "Maybe she will come over." Nathalie smiled and turned to leave. "And Nathalie? Thank you."

Nathalie smiled at him, crossed her fingers, and left, closing the door behind her.

When the door was shut, Plagg flew out of his hiding place and said, "You realize this will complicate things a little, don't you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, it's not like Cat Noir can exactly invite Ladybug to come over here for dinner on Friday night!"

Adrien's mouth flew open at the realization. "You're right! It will have to be Adrien who invites her over! And then what will happen if this date goes well and we start seeing each other regularly? Do I tell her my secret? Do I hide from her that she's my girlfriend while I'm Cat Noir? What about the future? What if—?"

Plagg burst into laughter. "Kid, you're seriously over-thinking this thing. You haven't even asked her yet; do that, then worry about making retirement plans with her!"

Adrien looked at him in surprise. "What, you think I should do this?"

Plagg shrugged. "Eh, as long as there's plenty of cheese there, I'm all for it!"