Waking up the next morning is like a dream. Flora hadn't had a proper Christmas since Miele and now waking up in her boyfriend's house, lights flickering down the hallways and colours swirling, to find an array of presents in all shapes and sizes stacked beneath and around the tree, overflowing in every possible direction.

"Do your parents buy you this much every year?" Flora asks, her mouth agape in pure shock. On their way back yesterday, the two had discussed Christmas and - whilst Helia had stated they have a grand Christmas - the brunette had evidently underestimated the event in the Knightly household.

"Flora, my flower, not only are there my gifts to my parents but there are also gifts for you."

"For me?"

"You really think I'm just going to make you sit here and not get you a single gift?"

"But how?"

"Well, yesterday - in the midst of our so-called baking expedition - I was texting the others. After I found out what had been happening with your home life, I was quick to figure out that you don't exactly get a Christmas, so I started buying a few more presents than usual - as did Aisha. Then when the others found out they did the same. We wanted you to have a memorable Christmas."


"Don't even try that. You know that money isn't an issue for any of us."

"Thank you Helia, thank you so much!" The brunette slowly wraps her arms around the blue-haired male in a loving embrace, overwhelmed by the realisation of what her friends had done for her.

"Are you two just going to stand there? We have gifts to open!" Mrs Knightly urges the two teens towards the tree impatiently, her husband trailing behind her eager to see the reactions of them both.


"I can't believe you all got me so much!" Flora exclaims as their friends come into view, it has been a tradition dating back to the beginning of their friendships for the twelve of them to meet on Christmas Day in the park.

The wind and specialists chuckle merrily at the girl's shock, having no regrets in regards to their present purchases.

"Oh Flora, you should know by now that we're going to make sure you get a proper Christmas." Aisha giggles, watching her flustered best friend try to explain that they can't spend so much money on her.

"Flora, we can afford it. We go over this every time we buy anything for you, we're fortunate enough to have money and you're one of our best friends so of course we're going to share it with you." Stella explains. Some of her words can easily be misinterpreted by the twelve teens are close enough to understand what Stella is truly saying - we're going to buy you presents so you may as well stop arguing.

Flora sighs with a small smile painted on her face, knowing she's lost this argument to Stella's stubborn antics.

"Well thank you to all of you once again."

"You've said that a million times, you don't need to keep saying it." Helia reassures the brunette as he places a gentle kiss on her lips.

The group is so enwrapped with each other - in their friendships and stories - that they fail to notice the speckles of white beginning to drift downward from the sky. Albescent clouds dripping cold onto them.

The first white Christmas Gardenia has seen in years, yet it doesn't seem important in comparison to each other.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry the final chapter is so late in being posted but in my defence it was Christmas. Either way it's finally up now!

I hope you all had a great Christmas! Thank you to all of you who have been following the story the whole way through and to any of you who have taken (or will take) the time to read the story.

Thank you so much for all of your amazing reviews, I have loved hearing from all of you so much and hopefully you'll leave some more reviews on this chapter!

Hopefully you all enjoyed this story - despite it being quite short :)

Love you all! Until next time!!!!

- Mae xxx