Green-Extreme-Ninjetti13 –

I feel if any character on Power Rangers doesn't deserve bashing, it's Kat. While I think her and Tommy have no chemistry and the relationship between them was forced, it doesn't mean she deserves to be spat on. My solution: keep Tommy and Kim together, keep Billy from superaging and living off on another planet, and pair Kat with Jason. It's the perfect way for all the fans to have their cake and eat it too.

Guest –

All I can say is, those boys were pretty damn stupid to try something like that. You'll see exactly what they tried to do.

brankel1 –

Thank you

mcamy84 –

This isn't the first time someone has written a story where Kim's father leaves her. But I'm glad you're hooked. You'll have to see what comes next.

Kimberly still couldn't believe that she did it.

She sent the letter to Tommy, breaking up with him. Not only did she manage to get herself raped, but she lost the best thing that ever happened to her.

She couldn't help but feel the self-loathing and disgust as she made her way to the dorms, tears making their way down her face. A sob threatened to get past her lips as her eyes filled up with more tears.

After she'd gotten released from the hospital, she decided that she needed to throw herself into her training. She needed something else to put her focus on. But every time she entered that gym, she kept seeing Chris and his friends flashing before her eyes, even though she knew they were being held in jail until trial. But their friends who had cheered them on during the rape were still there. She could catch their gazes as they stared at her, as if they wanted to touch her, too.

Kim shuddered, clutching her hot pink hoodie tightly around her as she hugged herself. She had taken so many showers already, but she couldn't feel clean. She still felt so dirty and used. And her father's harsh words to her still stung. Additionally, her mom still hadn't called her or came to see her. That told her that her mother was ashamed of her, and didn't want to have a washed-up, used gymnast for a daughter who had been too weak to fight.

'At least Tommy will be able to move on, and be happy with somebody else. Maybe he can be with Katherine; at least she's prettier than me, and at least she isn't used, or leftovers from somebody else.'

Kimberly shuddered again as she made her way to the doorway. However, before she could open the door to the dormitories, she could feel someone grabbing her and slamming a hand over her mouth. She then heard someone whisper in her ear.

"You remember me?" It was Chris' friend, Xavier, who had been one of the boys cheering on the rape. And he wasn't alone. He was with ten of his other friends from the rival gym.

His hand was bruising her cheeks as he kept it over her mouth. Kimberly just stood there shaking as he shoved her against the brick wall. He nodded for two of his friends to begin pinning her. One of the boys punched her hard in the face, causing her nose to break. Another kicked her hard in the ribs. She could feel that they were broken.

Letting out a cry, she tried to break free as they forcefully pushed her down to the asphalt underneath her, holding her wrists down as Xavier unbuttoned his pants. He bent down and upon ripping off Kim's leggings, he went in between her legs to rape her and have the turn he didn't get to have that night.

Kimberly let out a loud scream. Someone shoved a dirty sock into her mouth to gag her. However, she felt Xavier was being pulled away from her forcefully.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" shouted the voice of Zara's boyfriend, Daniel. He was glaring daggers at Xavier especially as he noticed Kimberly's underwear was around her knees. He willed himself not to look at Kim's half-naked body to protect her dignity. Kimberly felt the other two boys being shoved off her by Daniel's friends Jake and Oliver. Zara, Gabrielle and Brenda were all there. Brenda helped Kimberly up to her feet and allowed Kim to pull the sock out of her mouth. Quickly, Kim tried to pull up her underwear to cover her bruised vaginal area. But her hands were trembling so badly.

"Why do you care for her, Dan? She fucking asked for it, always being a little tease walking around in those tight clothes!" shouted Xavier.

"I don't care what she's wearing! No means no!" snapped Gabrielle as Jake wrapped his arm around his girlfriend. Miranda and Sam soon enough made their way around.

"What the hell is going on?" demanded Miranda, her green eyes holding a glare.

"You've got some serious nerve to try that with her when your friends are in jail right now for raping her!" snapped Oliver, Brenda's boyfriend.

"Oh, come on not you too, Oliver! Seriously Kim, tell them how you begged to have your pussy dragged you little slut," Xavier said.

Kim shook her head, tears filling her eyes as she started to cry. "N – No … No!" Her face crumpled. "I – I didn't w-want it!"

"Look, Xavier, you better leave her alone," spat Sam.

"Oh, really? Like you're gonna make me?" asked Xavier.

"You're being a creep," Miranda said angrily, shaking her head. "Leave her alone!"

However, Xavier seemed as though he was determined to get what he wanted, and he didn't care how he did it. He closed in on Kimberly right in front of Sam, Jake, Oliver, and Daniel, pulling her panties down and moving in closer … closer …

That was when the bomb went off. Daniel lost it at that. He jumped on top of Xavier and began to punch him as hard as he could in the face. Daniel's reaction was enough to get Sam, Jake, and Oliver reacting, and they began punching the boys who had just stood there and laughed while Kimberly got raped. However, for Zara, watching Daniel getting into a fistfight was too much for her. As much as she hated Xavier and those boys for what they did to Kim, she also knew that they had to leave it in the hands of the law. Several of the boys who weren't in the fistfight began pulling Kimberly's clothes off. Kim let out a loud scream as she felt her sweatshirt being pulled off her head, leaving her in her in her tank top. She was pinned against the wall again, a forceful kiss pressed to her mouth to drown out her screams. She squirmed, shaking violently as she felt one of the boys starting to choke her. However, Jake and Sam pulled them off, throwing them down on the asphalt. Kimberly wrapped her arms around her torso. Her ribcage area was heavily bruised due to the broken ribs that had been caused by the boys kicking her there. Tears flew down her cheeks as Zara pulled Daniel off Xavier.

"Daniel, stop it! Let the law take care of him! Let the cops handle him! He'll go to jail for just standing there and doing nothing, let him rot away like the rotten piece of garbage he is!" Zara cried.


However, another one of the witnesses went in to try and climb on top of Kimberly, causing Kimberly to scream again. However, he was pulled away by Jake.


"Oh, please, the fucking whore is a tease as is. She got what she wanted!" Xavier said.

Kimberly slumped against the wall, shivering violently as tears flew down her face. A sob escaped her lips as she kept her arms wrapped around her body to protect herself. She shuddered as she sat on the ground, burrowing her face into her knees.

As she stayed there propped against the wall, all she could think about was how she wanted Tommy. She felt physically sick, scared that she was about to throw up.

'Tommy, I need you,' she thought.

She then heard a voice over her head. "What the hell?"

It was a voice that was so comfortingly familiar. It brought her a feeling of security … safety … for the first time since the rape had happened.

"Who the fuck is this?" asked Xavier.

"Kim's boyfriend," Kimberly heard Gabrielle saying. The tone in her voice said, "You're about to get your ass kicked."

"Kim," she heard someone whispering … Kat's soft Australian accent … she was here, too? She felt something wrapping over her shoulders; it felt like a flannel shirt. So, Billy came, too.

"Kimberly, look at me," Billy's voice whispered.

Kimberly shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to look at Billy, even as she felt him rubbing her shoulder soothingly. She felt Kat's fingers in her hair.

"Miranda, what happened?" asked Tommy, having met Kim's friends from the last time he visited her.

"It's not my story to tell." Kimberly could hear Miranda's voice shaking. "I – it happened four nights ago. I – I feel like a complete idiot!"

"Baby it's not on you," Kimberly heard Sam say soothingly. She felt Tommy's hand resting on her shoulder gently. "You couldn't have known that that would happen to her," Sam added.

"Oh, please, Sam. If you saw her that night, you would have saw how she begged like the little slut she is."

"Shut the fuck up," spat Gabrielle in disgust as Tommy tried prying Kim's face out of her hands.

'Oh man, beautiful. What happened to you, Kim?' Tommy thought. Though he already knew the answer. He could see from the way Kimberly's clothes had been torn off her body by force. He could see her underwear was still around her knees. He could see deep bruises on the insides of her thighs, and saw her wrists were bruised heavily. He felt rage coursing through him that somebody would do something like this to Kimberly. But he knew he had to get the answers from Kim either way. He needed to hear it from her, and understand why she sent him the letter to break up with him.

Tommy felt Brenda's presence. "Tommy, can you get her out of here, please?" she whispered. "We – We'll handle things from here. Her dorm number is one-nine-five."

"Thanks," he said. Keeping his focus on Kimberly, he whispered, "Come here, beautiful."

'Does he mean that? Oh, Tommy … I missed you so much …' Kimberly thought. Willingly, she leaned into him, her body continuing to shiver. She felt Tommy's arms sliding underneath her knees and wrapping under her shoulders. Slowly, her arms went to move around his neck and her head rested into his chest. She snuggled deeply into his touch as she allowed Tommy to carry her off to her dorm. Billy and Kat followed close behind, both feeling sick at the thought of what had happened to her.

The walk to Kim's dorm room was silent, apart from her sniffles as she shook and cried in Tommy's arms. Once they were at Kim's door, Billy got the door unlocked and Kat was the first one to enter the room, heading to Kim's dresser to pick out some fresh clothes for her to wear. Kat managed to find some pajama pants, clean underwear, and a zip-up sweatshirt.

"Tommy, I can help her shower," Kat offered.

Tommy nodded in agreement. Knowing what Kimberly was suffering through, maybe it would help her getting the assistance from someone female. He proceeded to carry Kimberly to the bathroom, and set her down on the toilet, leaving her in Kat's hands. Kat went to the shower and turned on the water. Kat walked over, very gently removing the torn clothing from Kim's body. She got the underwear off Kim's body and gently helped Kimberly peel the rest of her clothes off. Kim began shivering harder even as Kat helped her underneath the flowing water. Kat removed her own clothes and stepped inside to help Kimberly get washed.

Kim shuddered as Kat handed her the bar soap. With shaking hands, she washed her vaginal area which was still bruised heavily. Kim felt her face going red at the thought of Kat seeing it. Luckily, Kat distracted herself by helping her with washing her hair.

"It's okay. I won't look," she said soothingly.

Kimberly could only whimper as Kat massaged the shampoo into her scalp. Tears flew down her face, mixing with the water of the shower as Kat helped her rinse out her hair. Before she knew it, the water was turned off and Kat was helping her get wrapped in towels before helping her get dressed. Kat wrapped an arm around Kimberly's shoulders once she was dressed, and gently got her back in the room.

Tommy was sat on Kim's bed. Kat noticed that Kimberly still had the white stuffed bear Tommy had given her when she had been in the hospital after hitting her head. Billy looked like he was going to be sick from where he sat on the couch.

"Kim, what happened?" Tommy murmured as Kat sat Kim down on the bed.

Kimberly shook her head, her face turning red. More tears leaked from her eyes as she began sobbing again.

"Kim, we can see what was done. We know already. But we want to hear from you, beautiful," Tommy told her, moving closer.

Kim shook her head again even as she felt Tommy taking her into his arms and placing her on his lap. Tommy sat there, rocking her back and forth in his arms and rubbing her back, shushing her gently. Billy went and grabbed a box of tissues, handing some to Kim in sympathy.

"Kimberly, you can trust us," Billy whispered to her, kneeling in front of her.

Kim's sobs continued to consume her as she shook and cried. She clung to Tommy's shirt, staining it with tears. Tommy couldn't help the tears that welled in his own eyes as he leaned his chin against the top of her head. Finally, twenty minutes later, her sobs reduced to sniffles, but she was still shaking.

"Kimberly, please, talk to us. We're not mad at you. I promise," Kat whispered. She reached her hand over and grabbed Kimberly's hand into hers.

"I – I'm s-sorry," Kimberly managed to whimper. "I-I'm s – so – sorry!"

"Don't apologize," Billy whispered. "You've got nothing to be apologetic about."

Kimberly let out a whimper, shuddering as Tommy continued rubbing her back.

"Kim, I'm not mad," Tommy whispered. "Please, talk to us. Let us help you."

Kimberly could hear the sincerity in Tommy's voice as he continued to try and coax her to talk about it. She felt him kissing her on the forehead lovingly. She took an intake of breath, before beginning to talk about what had happened to her just days ago.

"I – I went out with – with the girls; they convinced me to. I … I hadn't wanted to. B-But they … they pushed me to … to go. Their – Their boyfriends w-went, and they … they brought their friends with them. One – One of them, C-Chris, he – he's been t-trying to … to convince m-me to g-go out w-with him. I – I t-told him n-no several t-times. He – that n-night he ordered m-me a – a drink. I – I told him I d-don't … don't drink …"

"Yeah, after that experience with Adam sneaking beer I knew you'd never want to do that again," whispered Tommy.

Kimberly sniffled before continuing. "A-Anyway, a … a song c-came on the … the radio, and C-Chris a-asked me to … to dance with him." Her face went bright red as she began choking. "H-He … he k-kissed m-me. I … I tried to – to p-push h-him o-off, but he – he wouldn't s-stop. H-He and … and his f-friends sh-shoved m-me d-down and they … they … oh, God! They – They r-r-raped me! A-And their – their f-friends j-just l-laughed a-and cheered them on! I tried to fight them I didn't w-want it!"

With that said, Kimberly burst into violent sobs. Tommy felt his tears rolling down his face. Billy and Kat felt their eyes burning with tears of their own.

'God, she's so tiny. H-How could anyone do this to her?' Tommy thought.

"I – w-when I w-was in – in the h-hospital, th-they c-called m-my p-parents. M-My d-dad … he – he c-called me a – a slut, and said that I – I asked f-for it. M-My mom h-hasn't c-called yet. I … I thought, i-if m-my own f-father doesn't w-want me, w-why w-would … why would …?"

"Why would I want anything to do with you?" Tommy whispered, finishing her sentence.

Kimberly nodded, bursting into sobs again as she kept her face burrowed in Tommy's chest. Tommy couldn't help but feel the rage coursing through his chest at the thought of Kimberly being hurt like that. However, he also knew that since Kim had gone to the hospital, she more than likely spoke about it with the police. He knew that the best thing would be to allow the law to take care of it. But it also did not stop him from wanting to beat those assholes to a bloody pulp for causing his girlfriend so much pain. His hand brushed against her broken ribs, and Kimberly hissed in pain, more tears leaking down her face.

"I'm sorry," Tommy whispered, gently rubbing Kim's ribs. "God, beautiful I'm so sorry this happened to you. But I promise we aren't leaving you. I swear." He softly kissed her on the forehead.

"Kim, do you know what's going to happen to the people that did this to you?" Billy asked.

"They – They're in jail now," Kim whispered. "They're awaiting trial. I've been waiting to – to have a meeting w-with the DA. The – The p-police said she should b-be c-coming by tomorrow. I – I have n-no choice I – I … I need to stay here until – until the trial concludes."

"They're in jail except for one of them," whispered Tommy bitterly.

"B-Because h-he h-hadn't r-raped m-me that n-night. H – He only s-stood there and – and w-watched. H – He cheered it on," Kimberly whimpered. "I – I j-just w-wanna g-go h – home!"

"But how long do you need to stay here until it concludes?" Billy asked.

"I – I d-don't know." Kim's face crumpled underneath the weight of her tears.

"Well, I don't plan on leaving you," Tommy whispered.

"Me neither," Kat said.

"Likewise," Billy said in agreement, nodding fiercely.

"B-But w-what a-about – about –?" Kim asked.

"We'll have Jason, Aisha, and Zack take our places, temporarily, of course," Tommy said. "The others are just trying to track down Sha right now."

"Sh-Sha's n-not a – a Ranger anymore?" Kim asked.

Tommy silently cursed himself for not telling Kimberly that Aisha was no longer the yellow Ranger. "It's a long story, but she sent someone named Tanya to replace her," he explained. "We're not letting you walk through this alone, Kimberly. I promise. This will be fixed. Those guys that did this to you, they're going to pay."