Hey everyone!

This is my first BNHA story so I hope you all enjoy it! I'm going to be experimenting a bit with my writing style, specifically with how I use dialogue. Let me know whether or not you like it, as it will help make future chapters significantly better.

I don't own anything from BNHA, except for maybe an OC or two. We'll see.


"If you, his friend, called him...I'm sure he'll listen!"

Eijiro Kirishima looked backward and reached out his hand, red hair flailing wildly in the wind. "COME ON!"

Katsuki Bakugo looked up to see his classmates literally flying through the air. It all happened so quickly that a normal person couldn't react, but he had trained his mind to think quickly in times of stress. He barely managed to glimpse a pale hand reaching toward him before igniting an explosion beneath his feet, propelling him high into the air.


A second explosion gave him the speed necessary to catch his airborne comrades. Bakugo barely managed to snag the redhead's outstretched hand, holding on for dear life as their combined momentum kept them moving despite the extra weight.

"You idiots!" he yelled over the roaring wind. Despite his tone, the boys could see the smile on his normally angry face.

"Bakugo-kun! On my mark, create a blast-" Tenya Iida began.

"You follow my mark!"

"Guys, this isn't the time to be fighting!"

From down below, Tomura Shigaraki was trembling with rage. "How do you manage to show up everywhere!?" he seethed, forgetting his mentor's battle entirely in the moment.

Izuku Midoriya, the rescue team's green haired member and All Might's successor, took a glance down at the dumbstruck villains to see the masked man Mr. Compress flying in their direction and gaining on them quickly.

"Titan Cliff!"

Mt. Lady grew to her maximum size as quickly as she could before the flying man collided with her nose, breaking it in the process. "Prioritize the rescue, you stupid kids!" she yelled, voice slightly distorted from her broken nose.

This entire time, All Might and All For One continued their rapid exchange of blows after the latter had pulled himself from the rubble of a building. The villain turned to the side and his fingers darkened, before extending and impaling a motionless Magne.

"Forceful Quirk Activation: Magnetism!" he said, causing a blue glow to envelop the men of the Villain Action Squad and a red glow to surround Himiko Toga, the sole female of the group. A wormhole stood behind her, and most of the men were pulled toward her until the impact forced them all into the portal.

"Master, no! What are you doing!? Your body is too damaged!" Shigaraki cried, struggling against the force with all of his might. However, he continued inching toward the gate with every moment. The memories came back to him.

"Nobody came to save you? You've had a hard life. Don't worry, I am here for you..."


The pale haired man struggled for a few more moments before he was pulled into the portal, disappearing from sight. The wormhole followed shortly after, fizzling out until no trace was left of its existence.

All For One turned back to his opponent, allowing his fingers to return to their normal size and color as his quirk dissipated. "I only came here to save Shigaraki, but if you want to fight, I may as well stick around." he said.

The symbol of peace was growing more agitated by the second before charging with a fist cocked and ready to fire. His fist was halted as the villain halted his fist with Gran Torino's body, which had been warped in the way. All Might cringed as he heard the brittle bones of his mentor's head crack.

'Gotta end this, and fast!'

Ripping the old man's body out of the liquid that suspended him in the air, All Might dropped Gran Torino behind him with a glare. "You've always toyed with people, exploiting their weaknesses. You scoff at innocent people who are just trying to live happy lives!"

He bounded forward with a single powerful step, launching himself toward the villain. "I will not allow it to continue!" He quickly grabbed All For One's outstretched wrist, squeezing and twisting it to the side.

"I'LL DEFEAT YOU!" he screamed, plunging his fist directly into his opponent's chest and ripping apart the clothing that covered it. Putting more force into his punch, All Might angled downward to force the man's body into the ground. A quick shockwave destroyed the ground beneath his body, and a gust of wind emanated from the blow.

The hero panted heavily, fist still embedded in the villain's chest. His eyes widened as dark laughter came from the dust below his fist.

"Hahaha. You seem a bit worked up about something, All Might. I've heard that exact same line before you know, from the person who held One For All before you!" All For One said, seemingly unaffected by the massive blow he was just dealt.

"Nana Shimura!"

The name struck All Might deep in his heart, and the memory of her death left a hole in his being that pulsed in agony. Distracted, he didn't notice All For One's movement until he was punched in the side by a massive burst of wind. The impact forced him backward, creating a small crater where he landed.

"You're growing weaker, All Might. One For All no longer dwells within you, and it grows weaker each time you use it." the man remarked in a snide tone. "That boy, Izuku Midoriya, is the one you passed it onto, isn't he?"

The mention of his successor created a spark of fury within the hero. "It's a shame you will not live to see him surpass you, All Might. You're a failure as both a hero and a teacher!"

The dust settled around the symbol of peace, showing his skeletal form to the world. He panted weakly, gasping for air that refused to stay in his lungs. Around the country, people gasped as they saw what their symbol had been reduced to.

Unseen by everyone else, the motionless body of Kurogiri stirred...

Izuku, Kirishima, Bakugo, and Iida all continued running from the battlefield. Their adrenaline-fueled steps kept them moving at a quick pace, but they had stopped to watch for much longer than they should have.

"Okay, I think we've gotten far enough away for now." Kirishima said, wheezing in between breaths.

"We need to keep moving! If we're seen anywhere near the battle, it could get dangerous!" Iida exclaimed, continuing onward. Bakugo scoffed.

"I didn't need your stupid help anyway! I would have figured out how to beat those assholes somehow!"

Kirishima glanced at him as they all ran. "You serious? You say that after we save your ass?"

"Whatever, Stupid Hair! Let's just get out of here." the ash-blond grumbled before a dark mist cut them off in an alleyway. From the inky blackness emerged two glowing yellow, slanted eyes, as well as two metal neck bracers.

"Well now, I'm afraid I cannot allow you to go any further." the deep, polite voice of Kurogiri caused the hairs on their necks to bristle. Izuku pushed his Full Cowling to 12%, enveloping himself once more in green lightning and stepping in front of the other boys.

"Iida-kun, Kirishima-kun, Kaa-chan, get out of here while you can. I'll take this guy." he said, resolutely.

"Absolutely not!" Iida cried. "If you fight him, we fight with you!"

"Hell yeah! Leaving you behind to fight for us isn't manly at all!" Kirishima said with a smirk. Bakugo chuckled.

"One versus six gave me some trouble, but one on one I can take him myself!" The explosion user rocketed himself forward, quickly followed by the others. Bakugo arrived first, using another blast to propel himself over Kurogiri's body and into his blind spot.

Izuku used the buildings in the alleyway to zip around at high speeds, and Iida rushed directly toward the villain. Kirishima hardened himself but lacked any sort of speed boost, so he ran normally.

Suddenly, the Warp Gate user's body expanded to cover a large portion of the alley. Two gates appeared, one in front of Bakugo's fist and another in front of Iida's path. Already most of the way through his punch, Bakugo couldn't react in time to prevent his fist from entering the cold portal and striking his classmate directly in the face.

Izuku hesitated just long enough for Kurogiri to turn and grab the explosion user's leg, his grip strong despite his arms being made of mist. He slammed the boy into the nearby wall before leaning backward just enough for Izuku's fist to grace his left bracer.

Creating a gate below his feet, the villain vanished in an instant before reappearing behind Kirishima, who couldn't react in time to defend from his blind spot. A savage kick made of darkness flung the boy into a nearby dumpster, denting it heavily with a metal screech.

"You are all powerful, but your teamwork is atrocious. Surely you don't believe you can defeat me with such simple minded tactics?" Kurogiri chuckled softly to himself. "I haven't led the League of Villains for this long without being powerful in my own right."

Bakugo spat a wad of blood to the side before wiping his mouth. "Shut up you bastard! This was just a warm up!"

"Bakugo-kun! Don't run in blindly! We need to work together!" Iida said, picking himself off the ground.

"Don't tell me what to do, dammit!"

Izuku took a moment to catch his breath. 'We can't overwhelm him all at once, but we can't just destroy everything either. We can't run away without taking him down, so our only choice is to fight!' he thought to himself, gritting his teeth. 'But how!?'

Iida looked back and locked eyes with Izuku, before they both nodded in agreement at the unspoken plan. "Midoriya-kun and I will go first. Bakugo-kun and Kirishima-kun, you both follow up!" the blue haired boy exclaimed.

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed slightly. "Is it wise to discuss your plan in front of your opponent?"

The only response was a cloud of dust bursting forth from Izuku and Iida's feet as they rushed forward. Iida took the lead, rushing in with a leg sweep that was dodged by Kurogiri simply moving his fog away from the ground. His pants floated limply where his legs were a moment ago. Izuku followed up with a high speed grapple aimed at the villain's bracers, which was narrowly avoided once more.

However, this gave Bakugo just enough time to slide underneath the man and unleash a ferocious explosion upward. The blast caused the tops of the adjacent buildings to crumble, some large rubble falling toward them.

Eyes widened, Kurogiri created a gate beneath him once again before diving into it. Bakugo was dragged into the portal as well, feeling the cold grip him as he moved through the void along with the villain, who's body became corporeal during that moment. Firing off another quick burst, Bakugo managed to strike the man square in the bracer, cracking it slightly.

The explosion user felt his return to the world more than he saw it, as his body received a sudden impact from his fall. Kurogiri panted slightly beside him, visibly shaken. "You have guts, I will give you that. However, that will not be enough!"

"Like hell it is..." Bakugo wheezed, taking big gulps of air into his lungs.

"Kaa-chan!" Izuku cried out, rushing toward them with a fist cocked and ready to fire. Iida grabbed Kirishima and used his Recipro-Burst to fling the two of them toward the other end of the alleyway where the two had reappeared. With a roar, the bespectacled man let loose one last powerful burst of speed and gripped his comrade's leg, throwing him forward for extra speed and kicking himself off the next building to catch up.

Kurogiri was unprepared for the attack, and was still winded from Bakugo's explosion during their teleportation. "Too slow!" he exclaimed, creating a portal in front of him to throw his three attackers as far away as possible.

However, his desperation caused his quirk to send them somewhere else.

Instead of being teleported to the other end of the alley, all three of the boys sank into the darkness only to reappear several meters above him. Bakugo, sensing an opportunity, prepared a massive explosion to finish off the Warp Gate user. With a simultaneous roar, time slowed for Kurogiri as his defeat drew closer.

'No! I don't have time to make another gate!' he thought, frantically. 'Anywhere is fine, anywhere but here!' His bracers were the only point on his body that could be damaged, but if they were destroyed his quirk would lose control.

The man pumped as much power as he could into his quirk, forgoing any sense of caution or restraint. Seeing the two fists, the leg, and the heat from an explosion nearing his body, Kurogiri's thoughts drifted to his long deceased wife and daughter. 'All I ever wanted...' he thought, life flashing before his yellow eyes. If those attacks all hit him at once, there was a good chance he would not survive.

'Was to see them again...!'

Suddenly, his body burst forth with unnatural amounts of vitality and expanded into a single, massive portal that covered the entire alley. With an uncharacteristic roar of anguish and desperation, Kurogiri's power surged and his glowing eyes intensified. Caught off guard, the attacking students hesitated for just a moment.

Izuku's fist and Iida's leg collided with the villain's bracers, cracking them both. Kirishima's punch shattered the left bracer, and a concentrated blast from Bakugo annihilated the other.

The black and purple body of Kurogiri cried out in agony, turning black and red and flaring wildly. The portal beneath their feet rippled like a multitude of stones thrown into a pond, and red lightning surged from within its depths. Kurogiri's cries being more and more pained as the portal slowly absorbed all five of them.

Bakugo attempted to stand up but found himself unable to move as the portal had already captured part of him. "What the hell!? I can't get out!"

The other boys were suspended slightly in the air by Kurogiri's flailing mist-body, but slowly were being dragged down. "I can't get out! Midoriya-kun, can you throw me out!?" Kirishima cried, vision being obstructed by darkness.

"I-I can't move either!"

"We must remain calm! But for the record I cannot move as well!" Iida said, struggling without the power of his Recipro-Burst to assist him.

"Dammit, not like this!" Bakugo grit his teeth and pulled as hard as he could, but he could barely reach an arm upward before his body disappeared completely into the portal.

"Kaa-chan!" Izuku called out, wrestling with shadows before he felt the icy cold of the portal envelop his leg, then the other. Soon his chest was below the portal and he shivered from the sensation.

The last thing he saw before his entire body vanished was his two friends and their opponent all sinking into the darkness.

Back with All Might and All For One...

"United States of Sm-!"

The sentence ended as All Might's enlarged fist bled profusely, causing him to cringe. His power exploded with everything he had left, but that moment of hesitation gave All For One the opportunity to use his Shock Absorption quirk to lessen the damage of the blow. Despite the massive cloud of dust, All For One came out of the attack no worse for wear.

The hero was helpless as he was backhanded away, body returning completely to his true, skeletal form.

"Close, but that last attack of yours was all you had left of One For All. Even now, I can sense it vanishing from within you."

All Might gasped from his place on the ground, attempting to pull himself up but barely able to sit up. He was unable to form words, knowing that he had failed both his master, his mentor, and his successor.

'I'm sorry, Midoriya-shounen. I'm sorry, Gran Torino...' He closed his eyes as All For One's fist began to enlarge and mutate with quirks once again.

'I'm sorry...Shishou.'

However, the punch never came.

The hero cracked his eyes open slightly before they shot open in shock. Directly behind his opponent was a dark portal of black and red lightning. The surface of the warp gate shimmered and flashed from the unstable energy within, before a red shoe emerged.

Green pants followed the foot until the entire person's body was visible. All Might's eyes widened. 'That's...impossible!' Green eyes and verdant hair, as well as freckles adorned the head of the person, leaving only one person who fit that description.

"M-Midoriya-shounen!?" he exclaimed, weakly. The boy-no- the man in front of him spared but a glance in his direction before gritting his teeth and narrowing his eyes at All For One.

It took the hero several moments to realize that his successor had gotten significantly taller, more muscular, and his face had lost all traces of baby fat. Izuku Midoriya no longer looked like an inexperienced student facing down a monster.

Izuku Midoriya looked like a hero, willing and capable of defeating anyone in front of him.

"We meet again...All For One."

Both All Might and Gran Torino shivered at the sound of his voice. It was a deeper tone than they expected, despite his new appearance, but it was undoubtedly his voice.

Shortly after, four more individuals slowly stepped out of the dangerous portal. An ash-blond in a sleeveless skin-tight black bodysuit, heavy looking metal greaves, and with sparks emanating from his hands could only be one person.

'Bakugo-shounen too!?'

The red haired man stretched slightly as he exited the warp gate, as if he had just woken up from a nap. His razor sharp teeth and multitude of scars on his body gave him a menacing appearance, but his smile looked carefree, relaxed even. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but a baggy pair of black pants and a waist-cape.

A bespectacled, blue haired man in a full suit of pure white armor was the next to reveal himself. His eyes were as sharp, and the mufflers on his calves roared in anticipation.

The final person to step through was one that All Might had thought was unconscious. His dark, misty body was accompanied by a full suit and neck bracers. As he exited the portal, it closed behind him without a trace.

All For One turned to the newcomers, interested. "Kurogiri, you've returned so soon. And with...guests." his voice's pitch rose on the last word, intrigued.

The Warp Gate user crossed his arms across his chest. "I have returned...Sensei." he spat the final word with such disdain that even All For One's non-existent eyebrows rose.

Izuku glared at the embodiment of villainy. "Enough talk. We finish this now."

All For One smirked. "You're strong, Midoriya, I can feel it. One For All burns brightly within you now."

Bakugo cracked his knuckles with his other hand before clicking his tongue. "Tch. Are we gonna stand here and chat, or are we gonna fight, Deku?"

"Aww give him a break, Katsuki. He's about to get his ass handed to him, can't blame him for being chatty." Kirishima said, rolling his neck a few times to loosen any kinks. "But I'll admit I can't wait to beat this guy down, manly style." he smirked.

"Stay focused. Things are different this time around, but we can't get careless." Iida said, clenching his fists. The villain chuckled.

"Kurogiri, have you betrayed me as well? You still owe me a few favors, you know."

"I owe you nothing."

"Hoh?" All For One's smirk grew larger. "Interesting. After all I did for you, too. How regrettable." He reached his unmodified hand toward the Warp Gate user, fingers darkening with his quirk and extending quickly.

Faster than anyone could see, Izuku had gripped the lengthening fingers in a single hand and squeezed, shattering them in the process. Although it did not hurt in the slightest, All For One was shocked that his attack was so easily blocked.

A burst of air was all that foretold the kick that came from Iida. In an instant, he had appeared beside the villain and readied an extremely powerful blow. Just before the moment of impact, the mufflers on his calves flared with a bright white flash and his leg smashed into the side of All For One's head, sending him flying toward the rest of the newcomers.

Ready and waiting was Kirishima, who had hardened his body to the point where he no longer looked human in the slightest. His body creaked like rusty gears as he moved, but his immense muscles bulged as well. The villain flew right toward him, giving him a perfect opportunity to land a single, powerful punch straight to the chest with a roar.

All For One's flight path was forced upward by a burst of wind and a double-legged kick from below.

"Kaa-chan, now!"

"You're dead meat!"

Bakugo's left hand was shaped like a pistol and he stood in a firing stance with his right arm stabilizing his left. A bright, orange light shined from the tips of his pointer and middle finger, growing brighter until smoke wafted from his body.

"Railgun shot!"

A bright flash accompanied by a quick, high pitched burst was followed by the deafening roar of a sonic boom. The force of the blast pushed All Might and Gran Torino back, unable to keep themselves grounded in their weakened state. A thin line of sizzling ozone floated in the path of the attack, where the air itself continued to burn from the intense heat.

All For One's form was forced further upward from the force of Bakugo's attack, before it rapidly approached the ground. With a resounding thud and the cracking of rubble beneath him, his body was still.

The entire exchange took no longer than five seconds in total.

All Might struggled to rise to his feet, jaw agape at the scene. His arch nemesis was defeated so quickly that it terrified him. As he stumbled to his feet, he felt a supporting hand behind his back.

"It's okay now, All Might. Take it easy."

All Might was not an emotional man. He did everything he could to put on a brave face for the people of the world, so that they could feel secure in their usual lives.

But he was All Might no longer. He was just Toshinori Yagi now, and Toshinori Yagi was a very emotional man.

"M-Midoriya-shounen...how...? Wh-Where...?" the man stuttered, eyes gathering tears. "What happened to you...?"

The green haired man chuckled softly. "I'll explain later once we get you healed up. I'm sure Recovery Girl won't be too happy to see you, though."

Gran Torino stumbled his way closer. "Toshinori..." he started, weakly. "He's gone. He's finally gone."

Toshinori tried to speak, but realized that the hand holding his back was not human.

It was robotic. A prosthetic.

The man tried to turn his head and look at it, but Izuku merely smiled. "Lost it in a fight. Like I said, I'll explain later." the green haired hero looked toward his companions.

"Kaa-chan, you made sure to hold back a bit, right?"

"Of course I did, you moron! I wasn't trying to kill him!"

Toshinori was floored. 'They were holding back and they still managed to beat All For One...?' his brain grinded to a halt and Izuku could swear he saw steam coming out of the skeletal man's ears.

"STOP RIGHT THERE, VIGILANTES!" a deep voice roared from above before the flaming form of Endeavor crashed beside Kirishima and Bakugo. "What do you think you're doing, rushing into a fight like that!? You could have gotten in a professional hero's way!"

Bakugo scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Tch. Any other professionals would just get in my way." he glared right back at the eldest Todoroki. "You're a good example."

Endeavor's rage boiled over, causing his flames to ignite into a beautiful and dangerous blue color. Before the man had time to attack, Bakugo was lightly chopped on the head by Iida.

"Katsuki, remember what I said about your tone."

"Tch, okay mom."

"If I was your mother, you'd be getting a lot worse than that."

Bakugo let out a drawn-out sigh. "Uuuuuughhhh, just kill me already."

The Engine user chuckled. "Just do the dishes next time and we'll call it even."

Another sigh. "You know I hate doing the fucking dishes."


Endeavor's anger intensified as he realized he was being completely ignored. His blue flames erupted with a roar, threatening to consume to two men whole if not for the portal that redirected them upward into the air.

Looking to the side, the pro hero recognized Kurogiri. "Villain! I'll incinerate you for what you did to this city!"

The Warp Gate user sighed. "Such brutality is unbecoming of a pro hero. Wouldn't you agree, Bakugo-kun?"

"Piss off, Misty."

Kirishima casually walked between the pro hero and the new arrivals, hands clasped behind his head and his body returned to normal. He was still extremely imposing, equal in height to Endeavor but muscles more toned than large. "We done here? I'm getting kinda hungry and using my Unbreakabletakes a lot of energy out of me."

Izuku held one of Toshinori's arms over his shoulder, helping him walk toward them. "I have to agree with Eijiro, I'm a bit hungry myself. We couldn't eat before we left, or the portal would have made us sick." he said, much to Endeavor's surprise.

"Who are you people?" he growled, eliciting a few chuckles that made him growl even more.

The green haired man smiled cheekily. "What, do you not remember me from the Sports Festival? It's me, Izuku Midoriya."

Endeavor's eyes widened. "There's no way. Midoriya is just a kid!"

Iida turned to him, pushing his glasses further up his nose. "Indeed, he was. Things...have changed."

Kirishima laughed. "Haha, if you think we're still a bunch of kids, you've got something else coming buddy. I turned 23 just a few weeks ago actually."

Bakugo scoffed at the blazing hero. "You'd better not underestimate us. I bet I could wipe the floor with you all by myself."

This declaration caused Endeavor's rage to return, but another chop on the head from Iida forced Bakugo to direct his attention elsewhere as he rubbed the sore spot.

"Can you stop hitting the same fuckin' spot? That shit hurts after awhile."

Three hours later, the quartet stood together in front of detective Naomasa Tsukauchi's desk. The man behind the desk was rubbing his temples in frustration, but the four young men looked completely disinterested as if they wanted to be anywhere else.

"So you're telling me you four got thrown into the past, lived there for EIGHT years, then found a way back?" he asked, exasperated.

Bakugo facepalmed. "Aren't you able to know if we're lying or not because of your quirk? Just take it and let us go so I can get a damn drink. It's too late in the day for this shit."

Izuku sighed at his friend. "What Kaa-chan meant to say-" he glared at the Explosion user who crossed his arms and looked away with a mild grimace, "-was 'yes, that is exactly what happened.'"

Kirishima yawned. "Can we do this tomorrow or something? When we left it was already the middle of the night so I didn't get to sleep. Being well rested and having a good internal clock is manly."

"I must agree with Eijiro, it is awfully late. Thank goodness most of the civilians were evacuated before we arrived, and there were plenty of heroes to rescue everyone else." Iida chimed in, eyes visibly red from lack of sleep.

Tsukauchi sighed, knowing that his night has only begun and the paperwork would keep him up for many more hours into the morning. "Fine, but I'll need each of you to come in tomorrow and explain what happened. How the hell am I supposed to explain time travel to your parents and teachers!?" he grumbled, hands clutching his head at the thought.

Izuku seemed to remember something as his eyes shot open. "Oh shit, my mom!" he thought out loud. "She's going to go ballistic when she sees me! Oh no, oh no, what I am I gonna do? If she sees me like this she'll start crying then she'll fuss over me and ask a bunch of questions and say how old I look and muttermuttermuttermutter" he rambled.

"Hey Izuku, you're doing it again." Kirishima remarked, snapping the green haired man out of his thoughts.

A scoff from Bakugo interrupted them. "The old hag probably won't even care." Izuku sweatdropped.

"I'm sure she cares...in her own way."

"Yeah right. First thing she'll do is scream at me, slap me on the back of the head, and call me an idiot. I bet you a thousand yen on it."

"That's a bet I'm not willing to take. You had to get your temper from somewhere, Katsuki." Kirishima said, hands in his pockets. He sidestepped the punch that came from the Explosion user with a chuckle.

The detective sighed once again. "Just head on home or something. I'll send someone to pick you up in the morning. Please just...don't make this harder than it already is."

Bakugo smirked. "No promises."