Author's Note: Helloooooo! Did you guys like the update to the first part of the Prologue? I hope you guys did, sure it's much longer than it was previously, but I kind of think I did alright! Also I hope i managed to clear up a few questions you guys had buzzing in your heads, if you had any. Also, Menma can be freaking scary when he wants to be, add Kaonashi-chan into the mix and look out! Anyway, I still need your help on deciding the pairing for Menma, whether to have him be with Anko, Hana, Ayame, two of the three or all three! So please go to my profile and vote for his future spouse(s). Anyway today will be the long awaited NaruSaku Chapter, with a glimpse into the Uzumaki Clan's Kekkei Genkai, which I will explain later on! Also, I am going to be posting a series known as "Maelstrom Lore" to my profile that will allow me to not only track my Canon but also act as a way for you guys to get more information on this story that you may have missed, which will include elements from other series I'm crossing over into this series, and where it came from! On one last note, after the Naruhina Prologue part, I'm going to go more and more into the Uzushio Canon of this series, so prepare to get a lot of lore dropped on ya! Anyway, that's enough out of me for now, I'll explain the rest at the bottom. Catch ya on the Flipside! DATTEYARO!

Prologue Part 2: Destiny's Play

Naruto wakes up, feeling groggy, but he can smell food being cooked, it's delicious scent rushing into his nose, and he can hear music playing in a room not far off. "Music?" Naruto asks, then his stomach growls, "Food…" However, when he walks out to the kitchen of his apartment, he sees his brother Menma cooking as he listens to a song playing on a radio with a smile on his face as he cooks a hearty breakfast. "Aniki?" Naruto asks, pinching himself to see if this isn't a dream.

"Oh Naruto! Good Morning!" Menma explains, smiling as he serves up a massive omelet for Naruto with rice on the side. "Good thing you're awake!"

"Y-yeah! Wait why are we in my apartment?"

"Well to be honest, I had second thoughts about us moving into the Clan Mansion last night, especially after you fell asleep. I wanted you to see it for yourself rather than suddenly waking up there! So after you get out of school today, we will be heading over to the mansion, and then in the coming weeks, I'll move all of our stuff to the Mansion!"


"So eat up and get yourself dressed, then off to school with you!"

"Yeah!" Naruto says, digging into the omelet, but when the food touches his tongue, his eyes light up like fireworks. "DELICIOUS!"

"Right?" Menma asks, smiling at his little brother, "Now hurry up, you're going to be late!"

"Right!" Naruto says, smiling big as he starts shoveling it into his mouth, loving every bit of it with a smile. Menma can't help but find his eight year old brother adorable, then Menma makes him a delicious lunch to take with him. "Alright Naruto!" Menma places a bento box down for the boy, "Here's your lunch, so be sure to bring it back when you come home today!"

"Yeah!" Naruto says as he picks up his lunch and his other stuff. "See ya, Aniki!"

"Later, Naru-chan!" The blonde chunin says, smiling at the red head as he darts off. "Now... " He places his hands together in a crossed Tiger Mudra. "Kagebunshin no Jutsu!" Creating several Shadow Clones. "Alright everyone, we need to get everything packed up and ready to move out! Leave the beds and kitchen untouched for now, we will depart in a few days, get everything else packed up first!"

"Sir, yes sir!" The clones shout, while Menma picks up a pen and paper and begins writing his report to the Hokage about his meeting with Kaonashi and Kurama, and everything that happened inside his little brother's head. Meanwhile, as Naruto enters the school grounds, he takes a deep breath, smiling as his brother has come home and now he has somebody waiting for him, and the boy rushes inside, finding his classroom with one Iruka Umino as his teacher. The students start whispering as Naruto enters the room, but then there is one person who stands up and walks to him.

"Naruto-kun!" Sakura says, walking over, smiling. "I'm so glad, you're in my class!"

"Oh Sakura-chan! I was hoping you'd be here…!" He looks around, "Wait, where is she?"

"She?" Sakura asks, tilting her head.

"Another friend I had made yesterday, a girl named Hyuga Hinata!" Naruto says.

"Oh! Did you save her as well?" Sakura asks, curiously.

"I did, she was being attacked by a group of bullies!"

"Oh my, such a charmer!" Sakura says, smiling, a slight blush on her cheeks. Before Naruto can say anything more, the door opens and in walks in Hinata, who looks to Naruto.

"N-Naruto-kun!" Hinata says.

"Hey, Hinata! It's good to see you!" Naruto says, smiling at her.

"I-It is good to see you t-too!" Hinata says, smiling with a slight blush on her cheeks, to which Sakura notices, and can't help but feel something she never felt before. In either case, Class soon begins, and when Naruto introduces himself, he declares his dream of becoming the next Hokage. Many of the people in the class start laughing at him.

"Why would we want a tomato as our Hokage?" A student asks, to which Naruto's spiked crimson hair becomes more feral as he looks at the boy.

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?" Naruto shouts, growling angrily at the one bullying him.

"Enough!" Iruka shouts, his head becoming large at this point. "That was uncalled for, now apologize!"

"Nope!" The boy says, "I'm the son of the Inuzuka clan leader, I don't need to be kind to this tomato right here!"

"JUST WAIT UNTIL YOUR SISTER FINDS OUT ABOUT THIS, KIBA!" Naruto shouts, to which Kiba stiffens, and looks to Naruto, shocked.


"You don't know?" Naruto asks, but then gets a mischievous look on his face, "You didn't know that my elder brother and your sister know each other? Oh my, this is rich! If you saw the fight between Menma and Itachi last night, you'd have known that my big brother is rather scary, and he doesn't tolerate bullies either!"

"Ha! My sister could take him on!"

"Kiba…" Sasuke says, "You're an idiot…"


"That Chunin forced my elder brother, an Anbu Black Operations Captain, into submitting defeat, even if it was only by a hair's thread, it was still a defeat…" Sasuke says, looking down as he grits his teeth in frustration. "Still I wouldn't want to go against that guy… He is terrifying…"

"R-really?" Kiba asks, starting to lose his arrogance via fear.

"Kiba, sit down!" Iruka says, to which Iruka turns to Naruto who has already sat down and he can tell from his closed eyes and his hands folded together that he is trying to calm down. "Well now that we know this, today we're going to be spending time getting to know one another, so please, take your time today class, and we'll begin the basics after lunch!" Iruka says, to which Naruto walks over to Hinata and Sakura, talking with them, in which Ino looks to the pinkette and wonders what that red head could be doing with her. The day continues as everyone begins to get to know one another, the lessons introduce everyone to the concepts of the Academy, but most importantly of all, that once they graduate, they will be soldiers that defend Konoha as well as bring in income for the village to survive, but more than that, they will be considered adults. However, there will be three things that will be limited to them until they reach 16…

The First is Alcohol, though they will be considered adults, a Genin must only drink Alcohol rarely, as it will cause their bodies to age faster than their body can keep up, weakening them over time. The Second thing is that of the Red Light District, until they reach the age of 16, the Red Light District is off limits to any ninja younger than 16, no matter their rank. Finally, there is money, upon graduating, each shinobi is responsible for their own expenses, whether they still live with their parents or not, and the Gambling Houses around Konoha have set limits for how much money each customer under the age of 16 is allowed to gamble with in order to prevent them from becoming addicted.

Lunch comes for the students and Naruto is sitting at a table, alone, but as he begins to open his bento, Sakura walks over to his table. "Excuse me, Naruto-kun, is this seat open?"

"Yes it's open!" Naruto says, smiling at the pinkette. The young girl smiles as she sits down and opens her bento box revealing it is a Nori Bento, but the young girl simply smiles and bears it. However, Naruto opens his bento box to find there is not only flavored rice, but also pieces of shrimp tempura and also a few egg rolls. "Whoa! Awesome!" Sakura is shocked at what he sees and finds a note from Menma. "Naruto… I know some of the girls in your class will more than likely attempt dieting during their years in the Academy, but if any do become your friends, be sure to remind them that the quality and quantity of their training as Ninja will allow them to lose weight much faster than any diet will, but to do that they need to need to eat hearty meals and exercise after school." Naruto reads out loud, the female students having their ears stretch to him, listening intently.

"Trust me, Naruto, I've had to ask several Kunoichi who dieted in their early years and they deeply regretted it, and considering that Uzushio training methods are several times harsher than Konoha's, several Kunoichi died during the first day of training because their bodies were too weak to handle the strain from dieting and starving themselves. I know Konoha isn't like Uzushio, but the same logic applies here. And I know you're likely reading this out loud and girls are listening in on you, I have one suggestion for you Naruto, eat quickly… and run!" Naruto gulps as he starts eating his food at a breakneck pace as the girls of his class start popping their knuckles and Naruto runs as fast as his legs can carry him with the girls chasing after him and by the time everyone gets back to class, Naruto is covered with bumps, bruises, and a black eye.

"Naruto-kun!" Sakura and Hinata say, rushing over to the Redhead, in which Iruka looks stunned, and demands answers, to which Naruto hands over the note from his brother.

"Who was involved with this?" Iruka asks, to which a vast majority of the girls look down, guilty, the Chunin growling. "I am going to see you all after class, this is not acceptable behavior! And be lucky you're dealing with me and not Naruto's elder brother, he'd skin you alive if he hears of this!" The girls become terrified, but Sakura is currently helping Naruto to a seat.

"Are you okay, Naruto-kun?"

"Y-yeah… I heal fast, so there is no need to worry about them…" Naruto explains.

"A-ano…" Hinata says, to which Sakura looks to her. "U-use this!" Hinata says, offering a little container, "It's healing salve… It will numb the pain…" Sakura nods, and gently takes the container.

"Hey, Naruto, this may sting a bit, but it will help with the pain…" Sakura says, to which she gently rubs the salve on Naruto's injuries, at least those she can see, to which Naruto's skin begins to heal quickly from it's touch. "Whoa!"

"Whatever is in this stuff, it's pretty good…!" Naruto says, "Thanks Sakura…!"

"Oh no I didn't make this!" Sakura says, to which she turns to Hinata, "It was her!"

"Oh thank you!" Naruto says.

"Y-you're welcome, N-Naruto-kun!" Hinata says. Afterschool, Naruto walks out, with all but the most severe of his bumps and bruises having become invisible thanks to Hinata's salve, however that is when suddenly the ground begins shaking as all the children look up and see somebody walking towards them with long, jagged, strands of golden hair.

"Naruto…" The voice comes from the man. "Who hurt you!?"

"You told me to run but I was too slow to get out of there, Aniki!" Naruto says, "There is no need for violence!"

"If you let girls just walk all over you, you'll become a coward, Naruto! Get angry for once!" Menma shouts, indignantly, to which Naruto recoils a bit at that statement. However Menma soon calms down and looks at his little brother, "I'm sorry, Naruto, I just don't want to see you get hurt by girls because you were too nice… Believe me, I've had that done to me before…"

"Menma…" Naruto says, looking at his brother, and then sheds tears as he runs into his brother's arms, to which Menma smiles as he pets his little brother's head. "Aniki… What are we going to do now?"

"I know you just got out of school, but I think it's time we did some training, so you can learn to understand our clan's Kekkei Genkai!" Menma explains, walking away with Naruto.

"Kekkei Genkai?" Naruto asks.

"Yes, Naruto! Now let me tell you a little story… In the beginning, there was a great and mighty god named Jashin… He created the world through dust, spinning it together in millions of directions and containing the rotation together until the dust settled and became stone. As he looked on this barren world, he saw it was missing something, and so he cried, letting his tears become the first rains, which flooded the barren world, creating the oceans, lakes, rivers, and seas. After seeing water upon this world, he fertilized the world with his blood, taking his blade he cut his hand and let the blood drip upon the world and it spread, making the land rich. From his blood sprung plantlife; trees, bushes, bamboo. From these plants came air, and with but a breath, Jashin created the winds." Menma explains, speaking as if religiously, and Naruto was not only absorbing it like a sponge, but he was also becoming entranced by it. "From there, Jashin let his saliva flow and as it dripped into the oceans, new life came into the world, starting with single-celled organisms born from his maw. In time, these organisms changed and grew, changed and grew, until at last us humans came into being along with all the animals of the world."


"For Millions of years, the world was at peace, and Jashin gave one last gift to the World, a great tree known as Shinju, a mighty tree that fed upon the dead and recycled it's nutrients back into the world itself, while in exchange, it would feed upon the life forces of it's food, and through these life forces, every thousand years, it would bear a fruit, a fruit that contained the divine energies of Jashin." Menma continues, to which people who hear him listen as they walk away. "And the world was at peace, until, for reasons lost to the ages, there was a great war, and many lives were lost, giving excess food to the Divine Tree, slowly but surely corrupting it. To stop this, Lord Jashin's daughter, a woman named Kaguya Nayotake Otsutsuki, left the divine realm of her own free will, and came to this world." He smiles at his little brother, "Upon doing so, she was discovered by a young emperor named Tenji Mikado, and the two of them swiftly fell in love with one another. Menma smiles as he gets to this part, "But five other emperors of that time swiftly grew jealous, and attempted to sway Kaguya away with the greatest treasures of their lands, but still she refused. Eventually, though, Kaguya knew that the war was going to reach her lover's country, and as the Divine Tree was within his domain, she pleaded with him to use it's power to stop the fighting once and for all."

"Loving her too much to deny her request, he went with her, along with but a handful of protectors, and within a few days, they made it to the Divine Tree, where it began to lower the fruit upon her call. Kaguya would then confess that she was Kaguya-hime no Nayotake, Daughter of the Grim Reaper and Goddess of the Moon, and that she came to this world to stop the fighting, as the excess of death and destruction was corrupting the sacred tree, and to do it, she needed the sacred power of it's fruit. Her lover, despite hearing this and afraid of the ramifications, loved her too much, and proposed marriage to her in front of his men, but sadly as Kaguya said she would, Tenji Mikado was murdered… The Five Emperors whom she spurned had come to take her from Tenji, and killed him with an arrow through his heart. Overwhelmed with grief, Kaguya ate the fruit in her rage, and changed from a Goddess to a Demon in that moment, and she destroyed the armies and the emperors who took her beloved from her."

"She would learn soon after that she was pregnant with Tenji's sons, and would name them Hagoromo and Hamura, and with Jashin's blessing he passed on her new power onto them. However, Kaguya would be told that she had become a demon, letting her grief and rage control her when she ate the divine fruit, and she could no longer return home, unless she defeated three others like herself, her elder brothers, Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Urashiki, once proud gods who became demons through their arrogance, anger, and greed. Kaguya swore that she would redeem herself, even if the cost was her life. Because of this, Kaguya began to experiment with the corrupted tree, and began to learn how to create soldiers out of the mortals, and secretly condemned the world's worst criminals to becoming part of her secret army to fight off the Three Dark Lords as she called them. Her sons, Hagoromo and Hamura, grew up without this knowledge… Because it was the only way to protect them from the three if they ever found their way to the world, she loved them too much."

"However, without her fiance, Tenji, she slowly but surely became bitter at the world, and began to isolate herself more from her sons. This left them open to be informed of what the corrupted Divine Tree was doing to the world by a great Toad Sage named Gamamaru, but since Kaguya knew nothing of Senjutsu, she herself did not know what the Divine Tree was doing to the world itself. However, the breaking point in the family's relationship came when the woman Hagoromo loved, trying to understand what was going on, went to the Divine Tree itself, and she also became a victim of it's hunger." Menma continues, "Once Hagoromo and Hamura discover this, Hagoromo was overcome with rage, and confronted his mother on this, who, despite her calm and expressionless demeanor, was internally mourning for the girl's death, for she had seen her as a daughter and was hoping she and Hagoromo would marry. However, as she could not bear to be seen as weak before her sons, she kept her pain internalized, leading to a misunderstanding that would lead to a conflict between them. This conflict awoke not only Hagoromo's Rinnegan and Hamura's Tenseigan, but it also awoke the Corrupted Divine Tree, transforming it into the Ten Tailed Jubokko, Shinju."

"The battle between the four of them was intense, but in the end, Kaguya, making peace with her sons, and apologizing for bringing this horror upon them, used her divine powers to restrain the Ten Tails, and ripped out it's soul, splitting forcing it into her own body. Unfortunately, the soul of the corrupted Ten Tails was too much for her own body to withstand, and it cast her own soul out of her vessel. Seizing the chance their mother left for them, Hagoromo and Hamura sealed the Spirit of the Ten Tails away inside the Moon, whilst in turn, they used their Creation of All Things technique to bring their mother's soul back to them. Kaguya would apologize for bringing such disaster upon her sons and the world, but now that she was dead, her fate was written, all the evil she had committed would turn either send her to Hell, or she would wander the world as a Hollow, a hungry spirit that would devour all that it can. However, knowing they couldn't allow this to happen to her, they decided upon a third option…"

"What was the Third Option?"

"They used their Creation of All Things Jutsu to transform her into a vampiric creature that fed upon the negative emotions of whomever she came across, and in return, gave them power." Menma explains, to which Naruto realizes who he is talking about. "She even took on a new name to justify her own existence…"

"Kaonashi!" Naruto says, smiling. "So she's still serving her sentence to this day?"

"That's right, and she will until Momoshiki, Kinshiki, and Urashiki are put down for good! Only then will she be able to return to heaven, and at last be reunited with Tenji!" Menma explains, to which Naruto smiles. "Anyway, after the battle, Hagoromo and Hamura sealed the Ten Tail's chakra into Hagoromo's body, and Hamura took the corpse to the moon, and sealed both of them together, using the Body of the Ten Tails as a prison, for without chakra, the Ten Tails could not revive, even with it's soul united with it's body, as there was nothing for it to feed on. Thus it would be placed in a state of perpetual hibernation until it could regain it's chakra." Menma explains, "In time, Hagoromo would have three children, two sons and a daughter… The Eldest son was Indra, who was talented beyond imagining, and gained his father's spiritual strength and his eyes, which became the Precursor to the Sharingan! His youngest son was that Asura, who, though a dunce and a slow learner, inherited his father's elemental prowess and boundless stamina, and though a dunce, he had a determination and a cunning mind of his own that came up with new and creative solutions that his brother only saw one direction for."

"And the daughter?"

"Her name was Durga, and while she trained with her brothers, she was more into peaceful pursuits. However, she also inherited something from her father, he had inherited his physical prowess and his massive chakra reserves. Unlike her brothers, she had inherited her mother's crimson red hair and her amethyst violet eyes, and using ninshu, she created ways to harm, capture, and defend without hurting others. However, when her father had decided it was time to name the Heir to his ways, he asked each of his sons which would be the best way to peace, in which Indra had said that Power was the Path to Peace, while Asura said that Love was the Path to Peace. Unable to decide, he left the final decision to Durga, who thought and thought… and decided that both and yet neither were the path to peace, as doing either one of them alone would lead to nothing but conflict. This left her brothers stunned at her decision. While she didn't leave room for argument, she would finish her statement with the fact that if she had to choose one of the two approaches to start with, she would start with love, and when that was proven to no longer be an option, she would use force to try and get everyone to see the folly of hatred. This statement influenced Hagoromo to choose Asura as his successor, and he unfairly expected Indra to follow Durga's statement."

"Indra didn't take it well, did he?"

"He did not, he actually tried to kill his father at a later date, and the battle between Asura and Indra was ferocious. Durga, on the other hand, saw no point in the fighting, as she saw it was just a petty squabble, and chose to stay out of it. Once the battle was over, Hagoromo demanded an explanation, only for Durga to tell her father he had been a fool for expecting Indra to just follow Asura blindly, as she empathized with her elder brother, explaining he felt like had been passed up, especially with how Indra was hailed as a genius and as the rightful heir since he was born, since he was the eldest child." Menma explained, "While Hagoromo realized his mistake, Asura, hotblooded and unwilling to listen to his sister's explanation, banished her under his authority as the heir, to which Durga simply told her that she was more than happy to leave since her brothers were acting like children fighting over a toy. Without another word after that, Durga left, but those who had silently agreed with her, followed her across the continent until they found themselves upon an island, where they could live in peace. Praying to her great grandfather, Jashin, creator of all, she and her followers begged that he protect them for as long as they lived."

"What did Jashin do for them, Menma?"

"He created the Naruto Strait, the narrow channel that separates the Land of Fire with the Land of Whirlpools, as well as acts as a channel between the Northern and Southern Seas on the western side." Menma explains, "He also created creatures never seen before or since upon the island's larger areas, though, in a desperate attempt to protect our people, our grandfather, Ashina Uzumaki, had broken the island into three parts, the battlefield of Uzushiogakure, the evacuation area, and the area known to the populace as Summoning Island, but to us of Uzu no Kuni, it is known as the Sanctuary!" Menma explains, smiling. "But recently, Our grandfather reunited the Islands, and now the Land of Whirlpools is whole again!"

"Really?" Naruto asks, smiling at his brother. "I would really like to go see it myself, Aniki!"

"I can arrange that!" Menma says, smiling at Naruto, and once they reach the training field he smiles as he looks at Naruto, "Now Naruto, do you remember what I said what Durga had inherited from Hagoromo Otsutsuki, the Sage of Six Paths?"

"Uh… I think you said she inherited her father's powerful body and his chakra reserves?"

"That's right Naruto, and that brings me into our clan's Kekkei Genkai… You see, Naruto, there are three different types of Kekkei Genkai: Doujutsu (Ocular Techniques), Karada Tosei (Body Control), and Gattai Shizen Henshin (Combined Nature Transformation). Those who descended from Indra inherited the blueprint for what would later evolve into the Sharingan! Those who descended from Asura would later become like the First Hokage and develop Combined Nature Transformations, like the First Hokage's Wood Release. However, our Body Control Kekkei Genkai is something much more specific. You see Naruto, our Life Force and Chakra Reserves are actually far more special than many give us credit for!"

"How so?" Naruto asks.

"You see, Naruto, our Life Force and our Chakra Reserves actually grant us a Kekkei Genkai, a special form of Chakra that is rare amongst a few member of the Uzumaki Clan that grant us special abilities. Most members of the Uzumaki Clan have both our Life Force and our Chakra Reserves, but there are cases where individuals of our clan have those two forces merge, and grants the user the potential to unlock a number of abilities that can only be activated with this form of chakra…" Menma then makes handseals rapidly and then slams his hand on the ground, causing different scripts of calligraphy to spread across the ground. Naruto looks shocked as he sees these markings but by some force, he gently kneels down and begins examining them, and follows the lines, reading as he goes, and then moves to the other end, and by instinct alone, he begins making handsigns and places his hands down onto a circular space in the formula. The calligraphy glow and spark with power as Naruto finds himself standing before a mighty gate, where it carries a depiction of the Shinju, and the image of a woman with eight arms, each one of them making a handsign, and sitting before the door, is Menma. "Shall we go little brother?"

"Go where?" Naruto asks.

"To train…" Menma says as he guides Naruto through the gate as it opens, the two of them taking steps through, into the darkness as they begin to fall, Menma holding Naruto's hand as they dive down, down, down into the depths of the Abyss. Naruto screams as they fall, to which Menma let's go, "Don't be afraid Naruto, it will be over faster if you don't fight it…"

"No! I don't want to die!" Naruto shouts, screaming in fear, but then suddenly streams of light rush into Naruto's eyes, mouth, and ears, and in this, Naruto can see things from far into the past, images of people and of those whom Naruto's family lines lead up to, eventually ending on his parents, who manifest before Naruto as beings of light. "Mom! Dad!" Naruto shouts, reaching out for them. "Help meeeeee!"

However, as Naruto is about to grab their hands, he finds himself touching the gate once again… "What was that?" Naruto asks, but then feels the memories rushing through his head again, but then he understands it. "I get it now… Our Kekkei Genkai, the chakra we produce isn't just special or limited to a few members of the clan…" Naruto looks at the Gate with a smile, eyes wide with excitement, "The chakra we have is special because of how it's composition… It's the original chakra that was produced by the Ten Tailed Jubokko! It's name is Katsuryoku! (Prana, Vitality)"

"That's right, Naruto… When Kaguya had Hagoromo and Hamura, her abilites and the Primordial Chakra was split evenly amongst her sons, but when Hagoromo had his sons, the chakra was once again split evenly, only this time imperfectly. However, when he had his daughter, Durga, the chakra didn't split, because it can't be passed on from father to son or mother to daughter, like most Kekkei Genkai can… While the Chakra Reserves and Powerful bodies can be passed on normally, the Kekkei Genkai can only be passed down from Father to Daughter, or Mother to Son perfectly, and it doesn't matter your birth order…"

"So if mom had given us a sister…?"

"She wouldn't have been born like us, Naruto… This rare chakra is only capable of being passed down from parent of one gender to the child of the opposite gender… It's just flat out confusing at times, but at least the pattern holds up." Menma explains.

"So that means that since mom had the Kekkei Genkai..." Naruto says as the world returns to normal, "We have it as well!?"

"Yes, Naruto!" Menma says, "So… Shall we begin?"

"Yes!" Naruto says as the two of them return to the material world. "So where do we begin?"

"We begin with these…" Menma explains, bringing out paper, ink, and a calligraphy brush. "Our clan was known for utilizing Fuinjutsu, Juinjutsu, and Barrier Ninjutsu, and all jutsu linked to them, but as always, everyone must begin with the basics! For us, that is learning calligraphy!"

"Calligraphy? You mean that artistic writing?"

"Exactly, Naruto-kun! The reason we learn calligraphy is because each of us has a very specific style on how we write our letters, and some Fuinjutsu need to be written out on tags before they can be utilized, which not only adds in a step, but also causes the binding to be more secure by adding an element that can be trapped." Menma explains, "That is why it's good to learn Calligraphy, some forms of writing can actually influence the effectiveness of the seals and curses you place down."

"Oh!" Naruto says, understanding, "So say if I were to make an explosive tag, depending on what my chosen style is, i can create a bigger or smaller boom!"

"Exactly!" Menma explains, smiling at his brother's deductions. "Now I will warn you, Naruto, some styles are harder to learn, so you'd best be ready to get them down correctly!" Naruto nods, and with the first few hours, Naruto begins training with Menma, learning how to write correctly with calligraphy, and even how different brush techniques can influence his jutsu and how much chakra it costs. For example, a brush with hairs that are of a soft texture, small size and long length can allow for the brush to be used for long complex designs of a seal, while a hard, big, and short hairs are more used for quick writing, allowing for simpler seals. As for the basic seals, Naruto quickly learns that most basic level Fuinjutsu artists learn how to utilize Rice Paper Tags to create simple, easy to dispose of seals that can be charged with and elemental ninjutsu to act as a bomb or a mine.

"Hey Aniki…" Naruto says after having Menma check on his latest attempt.


"Since we are studying Calligraphy, how does this relate to using Katsuryoku?"

"Good question, Naruto…!" Menma says, "Let me demonstrate…!" He then begins by taking out three tags, "Now I will draw the same kanji three times, you need to tell me which one has Katsuryoku inside it!" Menma says, doing as he says so and as Naruto studies the three tags in front of him, he looks at each of them, but then notices something. Each of these tags has a different amount of chakra in them, the first one on his right has no chakra at all, the middle one has chakra to make it, but the third one, on the left, has something else in it, he can't explain it but in his eyes it's almost glowing! "Have you made your decision?"

"Yes, it's the left one! But how did I know that?"

"Did the tag appear to have a golden glow coming from it?" Menma asks.

"Yes, it did!"

"Well that's why, Naruto, you see the Katsuryoku actually has a set of abilities that unlock with practice!" Menma explains, "The first one you just unlocked, and that is the Shingan (Mind's Eye)... It is a sensory ability of ours that is far more advanced than most other sensory abilities. In battle it allows us to predict our opponent's moves, like the Sharingan, and see 360 degrees around us, like the Byakugan, only far more detailed! Our Kekkei Genkai also affords us 3 other abilities as well!"

"Whoa!" Naruto says, "And what about the Chains I saw when I passed through the Gate?"

"That is the pinnacle of our Katsuryoku's potential, and it's what allows us to become Jinchuriki, but I will get into that lesson another time." Menma explains to his younger brother, "For now, we need to go home, because for summer vacation we've got a vacation to plan!" Menma explains, to which Naruto cheers, and the two make their way across Konoha, arriving at Ichiraku Ramen for dinner. Menma sits down as he looks over to a young girl to walk over.

"Oh Menma-kun! You're back!"

"Oh, if it isn't Ayame-chan!" Menma says, smiling at the woman in front of him. "You're more beautiful than I remember!" The blonde smiles as he looks at her, his violet eyes gleaming as Ayame blushes with a grin.

"Flattery will get you nowhere fast, Menma-kun!" Ayame says, "You guys hungry?"

"I would like Tonkatsu Ramen with Menma, Tamago, and a touch of Rayu…" Menma says.

"And I want a Miso Ramen with extra meat!" Naruto says, to which Ayame nods and brings the order to her father.

"Say, Ayame, I need to ask you something…!"

"Oh, and what might that be, Menma-kun?"

"Well to be honest, I was actually wondering if you'd like to go out to dinner one of these nights?" Menma explains, smiling at the young woman, who blushes, "Well I won't force you but, that's something I need to start doing…"

"Why is that, Aniki?" Naruto asks.

"I got a letter this morning saying that I would be the Uzushio Representative, and in doing so, I am no longer under Uzushiogakure's political protection when it comes to the Clan Restoration Act…" Menma slams his head against the counter, "Now, as the Leader of the Konoha Branch of the Uzumaki Clan, I'm going to have to bring in as many new lives into this world as possible! I was hoping it wasn't me!"

"Why is that so bad, Aniki?"

"Because you and I are going to be forced to marry multiple women in the future, Naruto-chan…" Menma says, miserably.

"EEEEH!?" Naruto shouts, shocked. "B-but why would they do that to us!?"

"It's because we have to establish the Uzumaki Clan here in Konoha… And since I volunteered to stay in order to take care of you, i've no other choice…"

"What if we went to Uzushio?" Naruto asks.

"Can't do that until you're a Genin…" Menma says, but then suddenly he sits up. "You sly fox!"

"Eh?" Naruto asks.

"Ayame-chan! I'll be right back!" Menma says, vanishing in a burst of lightning.

In the Hokage's Office, Hiruzen feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up, and he knows what this means, and thus opens the Window, then ducks for cover. "HIRUZEN! TREATY! NOW!"

"You don't make demands of me brat!" Hiruzen shouts, but then notices the frantic look in Menma's eyes. "Wait, why do you want to see the treaty!"

"Treaty first, questions after!" Menma says, breathing hard. Desspite his better judgement, Hiruzen brings the treaty with Uzushio out of his files, utterly confused, and Menma reads it closely, and then grins like an idiot. "Oh my god, Ashina-jiijii! You beautiful beautiful bastard!"

"Menma, what is this about?" Hiruzen asks, wanting answers.

"Okay okay… First off…" His chains lash out and move around Hiruzen, grappling on somebody right behind the old man, to which the Hokage turns and sees one of Danzo's Root Anbu sitting behind him, with the chains wrapping around the man's neck and strangling him. "We need to take care of this pest… GET OVER HERE!" Menma shouts, to which the Anbu react as they appear and Menma pins the Root Anbu to the ground, Cat, Dog, and Weasel looking in shock as Menma brings out a calligraphy brush. "Hold still!" Menma says, struggling with the man and then holding the brush in a reversed grip, the bristles glowing with chakra. The Strangled Anbu's mask falls off and his mouth opens, his tongue flowing out as Menma stabs the Curse Mark on the man's tongue, causing him to scream as the chakra burns away the curse. "There we go…! Weasel, could you do me a favor and take him to Inoichi in Torture and Interrogation? I know who this guy is, he's one of Danzo's most trusted Root Anbu, and if we can get into his head before Danzo kills him, we got dirt on him."

"Hokage-sama?" Weasel asks the aged Hokage.

"You have my permission, and be quick about it!"

"Sir!" Weasel finishes.

"Okay, second, I needed to see that treaty for a very important clause in the conditions…" He shows Hiruzen and then reveals to the Old Man this line of text.

"As Naruto is the Jinchuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox, Kurama, then as per our agreement, Naruto is the Jinchuriki of Konohagakure, but under this agreement, Naruto is a citizen of Uzushiogakure, and upon graduating the Ninja Academy of Konoha, is a Genin Representative of Uzushiogakure. If under any circumstances that Naruto's wellbeing and sanity are negatively influenced by Konohagakure and deemed unfit to support him, then Uzushiogakure will recall Naruto back to Uzushiogakure for Counseling and provide full citizenship, no exceptions." As the Treaty states, and Hiruzen realizes how deep the grave the civilians of Konoha have dug for themselves. At any moment, Naruto can proclaim that he no longer serves Konohagakure and is, by law and under the clauses of the treaty, able to transfer to Uzushiogakure with no negative consequences, and anyone taking action to stop him, under any circumstances, is an act of war against Uzushiogakure.

"Shit…" Hiruzen says, "Now I wish I had done more for Naruto than I had already done…"

"You and your villagers did this to yourself, Lord Hiruzen…" Menma says, "And Naruto is already thinking about leaving Konoha for good, once I reveal this to him, especially after I take him to Uzushiogakure during his summer break, he will be more than happy to transfer to Uzushio come his graduation day." Hiruzen massages his temples, feeling the headache coming on and he knows that there is nothing he can do to stop it.

"What do you want?"

"What?" Menma asks.

"What… Do I need to give you… To not tell Naruto… Any of this…?"

"Are you really trying to bribe me?" Menma asks.

"As much as I hate to sound like Danzo, Konoha needs Naruto…!"

"No they don't, you see how they treat him! He would be better off in a place that respects and honor him for his sacrifice, not piss all over our parent's graves for their sacrifice by trying to kill my little brother! So no, Hiruzen, I will not be bribed! If you want Naruto to stay as your Jinchuriki, that's fine, by all rights, he is Konoha's Jinchuriki, but he is an Uzushio Civilian, and when he graduates, he is an Uzushio Shinobi." Menma explains, to which he hands the treaty to Hiruzen and walks to the Window. "I need to eat…" He hops out the window… "Lord Hokage… Thank you for taking care of Naruto… But by this time at the end of the school year… We're going home!" He vanishes in a burst of lightning, and Hiruzen sits in his chair placing his face in his hands, realizing the boy whom he has come to see as a Grandson will be leaving him. Menma, on the other hand, returns to the Ramen shop with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Something make you happy, Nii-san?"

"Oh I'm just planning on having us go home to Uzushiogakure, moving there permanently at the end of the school year!"

"Really?" Naruto asks.

"Yes, but the final decision is yours after the vacation during the Summer Break!" Menma explains. "For now, let's eat, and focus on that another time!"

"Yeah!" Naruto says, to which Menma smiles as he begins to sing…

Each and everyone of us creates a different sound…

Everyone around you has a different fate…

All I want to do is draw a map of my future…

Release the unknown power in you,

And follow the mysterious voice calling out to you!

In the darkness, you'll hear it, chase it's melody!

Sometimes people are lost,

And I guess that is their fate…

I won't run away, never again!

It begins again, Destiny's Play!

Am I afraid to know, oh hell no!

I'll connect all our fates… In Destiny's Play!

The Voice in the night, shouts with all it's might:

"Wake up, Destiny's Play!"

As you can now see, Free from Mystery

Wake up, Destiny's Play!

Author's Note: Phew! This chapter was one tough one to do! Took me weeks just to get it set up properly, but I'm glad I managed to get it done! Anyway, as I said before, I really need everyone to help me decide on Menma's pairing, and while I would like for Menma to have a harem of his own, I'm not starting to have second thoughts on it… Oh the Headaches that will ensue… However, whatever you guys decide, I'll go with it and make it work! I also dropped a hint earlier in setting it up that I might have Ino be the last girl in Naruto's Harem, but after that no more additions! I'm also going to upload the first few chapters of my Maelstrom Lore Series soon, so it will have all the canon information for this story to not only help me keep track of it, but also act like a Naruto Databook for the entire series! But I need your help on something, I'm trying to come up with techniques that will fit into the Katsuryoku Kekkei Genkai as Hiden Jutsu! I've already got four on display right now, and I just need 4 more… I need one Fighting Style (Kenjutsu or Taijutsu), and while I want to add the Rasengan as one of them, I don't know on that… Anyway I want to hear your suggestions for the Hiden Jutsus for Katsuryoku, and I need them in great details, if I like them I'll message you and let you know I'll add it in, after modifying it for Balancing Purposes (you understand^^). And one last thing, in the next chapter, it will be Summer Break for Naruto, and he will be going to Uzushio with Hinata, as part of a "diplomatic" mission. And I know this NaruSaku Chapter wasn't up to snuff, but honestly, I was more excited on how to get everything set up. Also, please tell me how you like the fact that I turned Jashin into the God of the Naruto-verse! I'm going to expand on him in the final part of the Prologue, and after that, I'll be getting into the canon of Naruto starting from chapter 1 of the Manga! Anyway, I think that's all I have to say, so that is enough out of me! Don't forget to Follow, Favorite, and Review, and I'll catch you all on the Flispide! DATTEYARO!