A/N: Anyway, as promised, here's Purple Haze Chapter 3! And later on, King Crimson! So, it is here, the USJ Arc! Buckle up boys, for things will be intense, and hazey *BA DUM-TS*. Nothing much to add in the Author Notes except for a few things here and there. Mainly, one of the reviewer in King Crimson requested for a Star Platinum, which I'm not sure whether the guy wants Star Platinum: The World or just good ol' Star Platinum.

Other than that, I think I will be making Moody Blues next, because the Stand is pretty unique and would be very invaluable for a profession like Hero/Police/Inspector/Detective.

PS. There was a mistake where I actually put Izuku as an S-Rated Hero. Scrape the Hero like The Hand scrape everything, and replace it with Villain. So it is S-Rated Villain, and not Hero. Sorry for the mistake.

-Chapter Start-

Izuku along with Aiba, strolled along the alleys to head towards their destination. The place where they will be deployed to USJ. Izuku theorized that with that big of distance from the location where the League of Villains resided, there is a Warping Quirk in play. Why they're targeting the USJ, and not the school itself, Izuku have no answers to that, although he think that attacking the school would paint them as a mark even more.

A day have passed, and today would be the day. Hence the reason for why they are heading towards their intended location. Of course, Izuku sparred with Danjuro, with the rules being no weapon, Quirk, or outside help being used. Izuku lost after a good whole ten minutes of sparring, due to their leader's stronger build and experience. After said defeat, he was given a lesson on how to improve by Danjuro.

Aiba now in her costume, and Izuku couldn't think but she was like a doll or something with how she dressed and with her physique. He doesn't judge her though considering no Villain would wear an elegant suit like him, except their leader –also kind of a brother figure to both, Danjuro.

While waiting for the both of them to arrive, let us indulge into each of The Gentle Trio's likes and dislikes. We will begin Tobita Danjuro, the acting leader. A moniker of Gentle Criminal was bestowed upon him due to his gentle personality, despite being a Villain. Not to mention, a very well-mannered and polite person, although not as quite as Izuku. Danjuro likes are simply black tea, his partners which he considered to be his little siblings, and anyone with gentle and polite manners. As for dislikes, it is only those that hurt his partners, and also rough and crude personality of a person.

La Brava, real name Aiba Manami. She is not really listed as a Villain due to her mainly not being on the frontline and merely do the hacking parts, which she continue to enjoy. Her Quirk is Love, which empowers anyone who have her affections, in this case: Izuku and Danjuro. Despite knowing her for a long time, she is still called 'Aiba-san', because she quoted, 'I will call you Manami after my 16th birthday, to signal our knowing for four years'. Apparently, the same thing was applied for Danjuro. Anyhow, her likes are her two siblings figures –although she kind of have a crush on Danjuro, gentlemanly-manners, hacking, and spending time with her said siblings figures. Her dislikes are not truly that much, merely hating those who belittles her partners, and those who are not polite or a gentleman.

Now, we move on to our protagonist, Midoriya Izuku. Moniker Purple Mist, due to killing two Pro-Heroes, and of course, to avoid being sued by the man who wrote the song Purple Haze, although Izuku himself name his Quirk the same thing. His likes includes training, sparring with Danjuro, Quirks, spending time with his family, and performing all those stunts with said family, but ONLY with his family. And you got that right, the only reason he even went to do the USJ Raid with the so called 'League of Villains' was because his family will be doing it with him. His dislikes are the sins the murders he committed against his mother, people who hurt his family, and those who belittled said family.

As time have passed while the author is describing or more like introducing you readers about our three little protagonists, the duo have arrived at the base of operations. Izuku took a deep breath before opening the door, revealing all the small-time Villains, along with the main schemer.

"Huh, what's a kid doing here? The chick I'd understand, but what's the brat doing here?" The man with many dismembered hands called out, his voice raspy and sounded like he needed more than a barrel of water to fix it.

"Those are my gentlemanly partners, Shigaraki Tomura. Although, it should gentlewoman in Manami-san's case." Danjuro calmly replied, stroking his beloved moustache all the while.

"HUH!?" The revealed Shigaraki Tomura stood up, enraged if the tone of his voice is any indication. "YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT BRAT, OR AT LEAST ONE OF THEM, IS THE SO CALLED DANGEROUS 'PURPLE MIST'?!"

"Specifically, Midoriya Izuku, the one with the green hair."

Izuku can feel all the eyes on him now, and he can even heard some of them laughing, not believing Danjuro's claims. Despite this, he is not enraged. It is merely words and insults, nothing to get furious all over.

"Tch," Shigaraki scratched his neck rather creepily and deep to the point he can see it bleeds. "I just waste all my time, searching for this 'Purple Mist' who is an S-Rated Villain and he turned out to be a kid."

Danjuro was about to slam his glass down in fury before the bartender beat him to it. "Calm down, Shigaraki Tomura. Perhaps he truly is the famed 'Purple Mist', and if you're that bothered about it, why don't we have him prove it?"

At this fact, The Gentle Trio widened their eyes, and their leader had enough. The glass in his hand cracked and broke apart, uncaring to his now bleeding hands due to the broken shards. "I would appreciate it, if you do not force Izuku to not unleash his Quirk."

However, Izuku brought a hand to stop an incoming from emerging. "I-Its fine, Danjuro-san." He levelled a glare to everyone in the bar. "While I will prove its appearance, I will not use its deadly virus, unless you want to lose all these resources."

"Understandable, Midoriya Izuku." The bartender nodded his head.

"Purple Haze." With an utter of its name, his Quirk appeared by his side while glowing with purple aura, startling some who was laughing earlier at the sudden appearance, especially the sudden mist that just appeared out of nowhere. Some of them shakily tried to get away from the purple abomination that is Purple Haze, who is growling like always while drooling. His slitted eyes glaring at anyone, except his Master's partners. Izuku will him to bring up a fist, showing its yellow capsules that contained the deadly virus. "The virus, that can kills anything in seconds, are contained within these capsules." And just like that, Purple Haze disappears.

"Tch." Shigaraki merely clicked his tongue, and looked away. He still eyes everyone, including him. "As you all know, today we will be raiding USJ, and our main objective will be revealed once wet there." As he finished, The Gentle Trio was suspicious of how discreet the raid is. "Most of us here will be on the frontline except La Brava," pointing a thumb to Aiba, "who will be here, controlling the security system, including alarms, and such, in case someone managed to shrug off our main electric interceptor."

He levelled a hidden glare at everyone again, before speaking up. "Anymore questions?"

-Line Break-

Unforeseen Stimulation Joint, or USJ for short, is an enormous building, made specifically for Hero Training Class which focused on rescuing operations. There are sections for flood zone, earthquake, flood, and many others. The main Hero, who is also a staff of U.A High, is none other than the rescue specialist Hero, Thirteen. His Quirk is Black Hole. His Quirk is just as what it said, a black hole which sucked in everything, a great Quirk for rescuing, sucking every rubbles and debris, but is dangerous, for one wrong move and he could have sucked in a civilian.

It was in this building, and also said Hero, which the Hero Class of 1-A witnessed. The Class of 1-A was accompanied Eraserhead, an underground Hero who is well-known, but quite bit unknown due to the fact he preferred doing his job without the media going all over him. The man literally looked like he didn't sleep for days. This is due to his Quirk, Erase, which erase the Quirk of those he sets his sight on, which can cause quite the eye dry, due to the fact he need to keep his sight on if he needs his Quirk to work.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Stimulation Joint, or USJ, Class 1-A! I have been expecting your arrivals!" Thirteen joyfully welcomed them.

"Ah, it truly is him, Iida-kun!" One of the class student, Uraraka Ochaco, exclaimed while talking to his friend, Iida Tenya, the brother of the Pro-Hero Ingenium. The Quirks of these two are Gravity Manipulation and Turbo respectively.

"Yes, please behave yourself, Uraraka-san." Iida heaved a sigh, although a smile was etched on his face, not that you can really see it due to him wearing a robot-like mask.

However exceptional they may be, the student of 1-A who stood out the most is one ash-blond hair teen. With quite the impressive build, Quirk, and personality to match, Bakugou Katsuki is a teen who aimed for the number one spot. While before, he was quite arrogant to say the least, he is quite reformed now. This is due to the disappearance of Midoriya Izuku, who he bullied quite a lot before said disappearance, and the death of Midoriya Inko, the mother of said boy, whose death was only confirmed after weeks of investigation.

Safe to say, he regretted what he did to his formerly best friend. He is not the best of friend, he tormented Izuku. He is disgusted with himself. He kept thinking, every day, every night, that perhaps, Izuku wouldn't be gone, if he did not torment him just for the sake of being superior. Due to this: He do not want to be the number one Hero just for his sake, but he would do it in the name of his still missing friend, Midoriya Izuku.

As for his Quirk, it is Explosion. Just as the name explained, he can literally make anything explode. This is due to the fact that his sweat, is made of nitro-glycerine, a highly flammable or explosive chemical. The more he sweat, the bigger the boom.

"Thirteen, where is All Might?" Eraserhead, or Aizawa Shouta, asked out.

The Rescue Specialist wryly chuckled, "He seemed to outdo himself in the morning, and is now taking a rest in the teacher's lounge."

Before Eraserhead could say anything though, Bakugou grabbed everyone's attention. "Were they always there?" Everyone glanced towards where the blonde pointed his finger at, and found what seems to be a purple mass of vortex, and out came lots of Villains, not that they know.

"Are they like the robot Villains" Kirishima Eijiro asked, a spiky red haired teen with an impressive build with an average height, whose Quirk is Hardening. Quite a simple Quirk, for a man whose determination and personality is quite off the charts. He admired manly traits, such as courageous, bravery, and of course, heroic deeds. He can use his Quirk for defence and offense, like a certain unblockable attack (1).

Eraserhead narrowed his eyes, and brought up an arm to stop his class from advancing. "No, those are real Villains! What are they doing here!?" He was about to leap towards the fray, but something popped up. Something that made his blood freeze. 'What is that Villain doing here!? This is bad!'

True to what the readers have theorized, it was because of Midoriya Izuku's appearance. However, it was not only Eraserhead, as Bakugou is also quite in shock.

"Sensei, what's wrong? You seem a bit pale." Iida enquired, growing rather worried.

"Listen up for what I am about to say, you too, Thirteen, since you do not know much about Villains and only a specialist in rescuing." He inhaled, to make everyone heard him voice, also unintentionally making the Villains heard it too. "Whatever you do, do not, and I repeat, DO NOT engage the Villain with the green hair! Even if you have to engage him, do not go into his range!"

Everyone, even Thirteen and Bakugou, are shocked by the sudden instructions. They looked towards the green hair Villain, and they could only look sadly due to the fact someone of their age have become a Villain. He must led quite the life, to break to that point.

"That Villain, is none other than the S-Rated Villain, Purple Mist! Just small contact with his Quirk, and you're all done! Not only we do not have an antidote for his Quirk, the infection is far too quick before we can even do anything to heal it!" Eraserhead ordered out, again making everyone shocked, with the fact that someone of their age is an S-Rated Villain. 'This situation went from bad to worse! If he wasn't there, I can just leap there and engage them! But I can't keep an eye on him to cancel out his Quirk while fighting the others!'

Bakugou however was sweating lots due to the sight of Izuku, 'You're lying right…? You're a Villain? What's this about, D-Izuku!? What happened!?'

'I have no choice but to engage!' Eraserhead leapt towards the fray, immediately cancelling out a Quirk or two, knocking them out of consciousness with a vicious kicks. He dodged a strike, and countered with a devastating punch to the attacker's abdomen. He decided to use his capture weapon that is his scarves, attacking three Villains instantly, making a quick work out of them.

Meanwhile, with Izuku and Danjuro, the both of them were conversing with each other. "It seems we're the first one to ever raid U.A High, Izuku?"

"Yes, it seems so." Izuku nodded his head.

"Tobita Danjuro, Midoriya Izuku." The two looked towards the misty bartender, who's all mist now except what seems to be plate guard around his neck. "You will be coming with me, for the both your Quirks are quite useful for the students from getting out of the joint."

The two of them nodded their heads, and they found themselves in darkness, returning back to the light after a few seconds. The three of them stood menacingly in front of the students. Decided to make some fun of it, Izuku and Danjuro stepped to the front, raising an invisible eyebrow from Kurogiri, the bartender.

The two were side by side, before posing rather intimidatingly, letting one of their arm laid limply while leaning on side towards the students, glaring all the while. "We won't let you pass, Heroes."

While the pose and the words itself were intimidating, it was soon broken apart however, as the two of them broke into grins and high fiving each other. "That's so cool, Danjuro-san! That would make quite the views!"

"Yes, indeed, Izuku!" Bakugou, hearing the name, widened his eyes in shock. "It is unfortunate however, considering we won't get views since this will be unrecorded."

Izuku nodded his head, searching for a familiar student and then he found him. He found himself smiling despite all the pain he received from him. His eyes managed to get tears on, about to cry, he wiped his eyes, confusing the students. "Hey, Kacchan! I'm glad you got enrolled to U.A! Not that I'd doubt you!"

Everyone was confused except Danjuro about the sudden exclaim. However, another one was not confused, and that is Bakugou Katsuki. He took a shaky step forwards, with a scared eyes as if he just seen a ghost. "I-Izuku, is t-that you? What happened to you, why are you with them?"

Thirteen stepped next to Bakugou, "Do you know him?"

Bakugou nodded his head rather reluctantly, "Yeah, although, for one reason or another, he disappeared when we were 6 years old…"

"I have to, Kacchan." Izuku cut any words that were about to be said, bringing everyone's attention onto him. "My mother, the reason why there's no body of her left to prove her death, the reason why she's dead, it's all because of me, Kacchan."

"WHAT!?" They asked, some are enraged, some shocked, some in a state of unbelief.

"That's why I ran away, and it's also how I met Danjuro-san," pointing to Danjuro behind him, who give an elegant bow, "after a failed suicide attempt." It brought another shock through the whole class again, except Kurogiri.

"W-What do you mean it's because of you Auntie Inko died?"

"It's because of my Quirk. It's too dangerous for everyone, including myself. The virus is so lethal that it can decompose all the flesh within seconds, hence the reason why there's only clothes left of my mother." Izuku explained, shaking his heads as if saying 'what can you do'. "It's why I resort to this, being a Villain, no one would want a Hero with a Quirk as dangerous as mine."

"B-But, Izu-"

"Kacchan, please, call me Deku, I kind of missed that nickname you had for me. It wouldn't be fair if it was only me that's using our childhood nickname."

Bakugou looked like he swallowed a quite bitter pill as he nodded reluctantly. "Fine, Deku… But my point still stands, even if your Quirk is dangerous, there are other Quirks who are dangerous too, even mine, even Thirteen's."

"That's true, but mine take 'deadly' to the next level, and of course, my kill of two Pro-Heroes ain't helping the case, which is the reason I'm given the name 'Purple Mist' and being rated as an S-Rated Villain." Izuku explained.

"Why are you not fighting us, just like how all those thugs are fighting Aizawa-sensei now?" Kirishima enquired, deciding to be brave and deep inside him, believed that this kid, a kid who's the same as them, are not as bad as some Villains despite his kills.

"Well, our objectives here, are to hold you off from calling any reinforcements of course."

Another showed up, a girl with a rather long earlobes, "Can you show us your so called 'deadly to the next level' Quirk? If not, you can just tell us its name."

"Purple Haze, and in case you're wondering, yes, the song Purple Haze." Izuku and Danjuro looked at each other with sweat dropping down as the girl seems to grow a stars in her eyes as he said Purple Haze. "That reminds me, Kurogiri-san, what truly is our objective raiding USJ here?"

Kurogiri walked to his side, explaining to everyone present. "We apologize for your lessons being interrupted," Danjuro 'hmm' in amazement of his manners, "however, we are here with the objective to kill, the Number 1 Hero, The Symbol of Peace, All Might." Now he have a shocked look as his face, spitting the black tea he was drinking.

Not just him however, as everyone that heard his declaration was shocked to the core. And Izuku, he looked as if someone just shot him in to the heart. Villain as he may be, he still adore All Might, and the Number 1 Hero is still his idol.

"Of course, we have our own weapon to kill him. We have prepared for this very day." Looking towards the two of them, he decided to head to Shigaraki, "I leave the task of guarding this door to you both." And with that, he warped himself next to Shigaraki.

"S-Secret weapon?" Izuku began, glancing towards the spot where Kurogiri, and Shigaraki are. Now that he looked, there is an enormous figure down there, coloured black, with what seemed to be a ripped pants, and visible brain on its head, not to mention that beak of a bird as its mouth. "That thing!? Danjuro-san, were you told of this plan as well?"

Danjuro shook his head, "I'm afraid not, Izuku. I accepted this raid because I thought they were like us, to gain reputation, fame, or at least, maybe stole a certain specific items." He narrowed his eyes at Izuku as he continued, "You know what this mean now don't you?"

Izuku nodded his head, while the others are dreading the answers. "Of course. Who's the fastest among in your class?" The class was in shock at first, but after a moment, a teen with an impressive height, Iida Tenya, walked to them.

"I am! Why do you need me, Villain?"

Izuku and Danjuro nodded their head at each other, before giving way to the student. "Go, alarm all the staffs. We may be Villain…"

"But we do not allow killing as our daily activities if we can help it. For that is not how a gentleman behaves." Danjuro continued.

Iida hesitantly looked behind, as he nodded his head at them all. "I will be right back with help, everyone!"

"Why you t-"

"It's because, despite being a Villain…" Izuku cut him off, a wry smile taking place on his lips. "…he's still my idol, that All Might."

Everyone was shocked except Bakugou, who smirked after listening to what he said. Suddenly, a dark purple vortex swallowed up Danjuro, and later, the man disappeared along with the portal. Izuku didn't mind it at first, for the first few seconds, but then his eyes widened in shock, after he heard a huge boom. He sprinted his way to the stairs to see what caused such a shake.

What he saw, made every blood in his eyes turned cold.

There, on the crater, along with an injured, and bloodied, Eraserhead, was Danjuro, who was unconscious, with blood flowing from his temple, having a rather thick bruised mark. If that was not enough, Aiba was also there, looking quite shocked, both of her sudden appearance there, and also of Danjuro's state.


-Line Break-

"DANJUROOOOOOO!" Izuku screamed, running all the way to Danjuro's, he saw all the blood that was in his hands as he hold his older brother, and he was reminded me of when he was panicking of his mother's death. "BASTARD, WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?" He screamed enraged at Shigaraki, who had a rather nasty smirked behind all those hands.

"He outlived his usefulness. Seriously, intentionally letting the door open after deciding that you will not allow killing?" Shigaraki then turned furious. "WHAT KIND OF VILLAIN DOES THAT, HUH!?"

"WE'RE NOT THE TYPE OF VILLAINS, WHO WENT ALL AROUND CAUSING DEATHS TO EVERY PLACE WE STEPPED ON!" Aiba suddenly turned nervous, as she saw Izuku getting even more furious. The purple aura around him also glowed even brighter. "We… We, you stupid excuse of a human, are marks, marks of a sign to not give up. We became what we are, so we can be a warning to all those people out there, of what happen if you give up!"

"Huh?" The blue haired Villain tilted his head mockingly. "I'm afraid I don't get what you mean."

"I wouldn't mind all this, I would have just let you go… but after hurting Danjuro-san to this extent," the aura skyrocketed brightly, "Do you think I would just let you go?"

"Of course, because you can't do anything about it." Was the smug reply.



A loud bam, followed by a crash was heard.

"I've found a rather panicking Young Iida, sprinting all the while. So I cut my conversation with Principal Nezu short, and came here as fast I can." A commanding voice was heard. "But to think… to think it was to this extent, to the point one of my colleagues heavily injured, the situation is dire than what I have expected!" The smoke dissipated, revealing All Might, who lack his signature smile.

"Fear not! For I am here!"


All Might posed, spreading his legs, both hands on each sides, flexing his impressive build to the world. After the pose, he was immediately next to Eraserhead, next to him, Izuku could feel the power radiating off him. Izuku could hear his fanboy side losing its mind.

However, he was still enraged at Shigaraki. He will crush that bastard, turn him into a mushy piece of shit!

"All Might, ho-"

"DON'T YOU IGNORE ME, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Purple Haze immediately went to his side, shocking All Might, who recognized said spirit, and who it belonged to. "YOU BASTARD THINK YOU CAN JUST HURT DANJURO-SAN AND GET AWAY WITH IT!?"

"UBASHHAAAAAAAAA!" Purple Haze let out his signature cry towards Tomura, in an impressive speed, but was blocked by the black looking thing. Purple Haze growled more, and he gritted his teeth even harder.

Shigaraki wagged his finger in a 'no, no' gesture. "A mob monster should make way for the boss. Kurogiri." With that said, Izuku was teleported, and not only him, he can see a few portals swallowing up some of the U.A students.

After a moment of darkness, he found himself with two U.A Students. One of them was a girl, with green hair who resembled a frog, and a rather short teen, who looked like a grape. The two of them have different reactions of his arrival. The girl was rather unnerved but still have her composure, while the other completely shit himself.

He walked to rail-edge to see, a group of Villains grouping themselves on the water. Izuku hummed disinterestedly, finding this to be easier than he thought. "I have no time for trash like you, when I have an important matters like saving Danjuro-san." Summoning his Quirk, he willed him to drop one of the capsule towards the Villain, hitting on his head. The impact was not too weak, which was good, because the capsule cracked, and after a few ominous cracks, it finally broke.


Purple mists sticks around them, fluttering around them. Then, they screamed, writhed in agony, as the infection kicked in. The two U.A Students watched in horror, as they saw their skins began melting, turning into mush. One of the Villain was unlucky to have the virus affected him the strongest, indicated by the visible skull that now replaced his previously dangerous looking face.

The purple boy, whose name is Mineta Minoru, vomited due to the sight, coughing badly, with Asui Tsuyui, the girl resembling a frog, comforted him by rubbing his back.

"You two, bring me to the central plaza again." Izuku commanded them with a glare, a glare which glowed a purple hue at the corner of his eyes.

"Y-yes, as you please."

-Line Break-

All Might glanced towards the two Villain, one of them unconscious, and the other a girl with vibrant red hair. He theorized that the pair was betrayed, if the crying girl was any indication. He felt his rage surface again, these Villains are despicable! Betraying their own allies! Despicable, most despicable!

"Don't expect me to go easy, Villain." He spoke with a no bullshit tone. He appeared next to Shigaraki, who widened his eyes in shock. He couldn't do anything but endure the huge pain that entered his system as his temple was punched quite powerfully, sending him flying a nearby building.

Kurogiri, who's in the same state as Shigaraki, thought, 'W-What is that speed!? H-He shouldn't even be this fast!'

Shigaraki stepped out of the rubbles, looking quite bruised and sporting a bleeding temple, not unlike Danjuro. "NOMU! KILL ALL MIGHT HERE AND NOW!"

The sudden shout alarmed the Hero, and he raised his arms to block whatever's coming. It proved to be a wise move, as a moment later, he felt a rather powerful hit made by whatever the black thing –Nomu, was. "Meet the Anti-Symbol of Peace, or Nomu! It is specifically made to combat you at 100%! Prepare to meet your end, All Might!"

'Combat me at my 100%? Then, that's easy! I just need to go beyond!'All Might mused in his head, his signature grin etched on his face, as he accepted this test to go beyond (2). He sent a punch aimed towards the temple, but the beast despite its bulking size have an impressive speed as it dodged All Might's punch. He retaliated with a punch of its own, to which All Might parried and countered towards the same direction, this time hitting its target.

Shigaraki was fuming internally. 'There it is again! He should have been slower, weaker! But its like as if he have not received the injuries from Sensei five years ago!' Despite this, he still taunted the Number 1 Hero. "It's useless, All Might! Not only Super Strength and Super Regeneration, Nomu also have a Shock Absorption!"

Back onto the battle, the two powerhouse continued their dangerous boxing match while All Might listened intently to what Shigaraki said. Then, his decision to go beyond is correct. Since it is Shock Absorption, and not Nulification, then whatever he is fighting have a limit to what it can endure. Each punch somehow broke the crater underneath them. And the speed, the precision of each hit was top notch. All Might ducked from a punch, and then with a scream, punched Nomu on its abdomen, staggering it.

All Might took a breath, and continued his onslaught on the bio-engineered creature. His punches were rapid, precise, all aimed towards a vital spot, and each are indeed, beyond his 100% combat powers! The ground shook as each punches landed on its target, and All Might kept on going. After one final powerful punch, he decided to suplexed the enemy to the ground.


The ground shook with powerful force, and a huge mushroom cloud could be seen, before revealing All Might standing victoriously, with half Nomu's upper body buried underground (3). The two Villains left sweating, as what All Might have done should have been impossible. Since Nomu is All Might's match, to have its body buried underground by said match should have been impossible! To achieve such endeavour, one must be MORE POWERFUL!


"Calm yourself down, Shigaraki Tomura!" Kurogiri attempt to calm down his raging boss.

"TCH, BRING YOURSELF UP, AND KILL EVERYONE HERE, NOMU!" Hearing his name, the then buried Nomu, have no arisen. Its' first sight was All Might, to which it dashed madly with a crazed grin (4). His punch would be block by All Might, but before it can reach into said guard, it was stopped rather effectively.

"UBAAASHAAAAAA!" Nomu was brought down to the ground with a powerful punch, after a sickening crunch, indicating its jaw/beak broken by the punch of Purple Haze.

Everyone glanced towards the water, where a raging, purple glowing Izuku is. His eyes are set on Nomu, before changing to Kurigiri and Shigaraki. It then lost its deadly glare, as the eyes are now set on his partners, with Aiba relieved at the sight of him, and also Danjuro, who have just now awake, but barely.

The Villains Duo were shocked again, as Nomu was brought down by a single punch nonetheless, and it came from the brat! Granted it was the Quirk, and not his, but the Quirk is his so it still counts! The Nomu itself is struggling to get up, while growling incoherently.

"Aiba-san, get Danjuro-san away from here, maybe to the Hero on the stairs. I trust them more than I trust these guys." Aiba do not protested the instructions she received from him, and did as she was told. As she was doing her best carrying the much bigger Danjuro, Izuku turned his glare back on. "As for you all, never think for a single moment you will not be tasting my Purple Haze's special deadly virus treatment."

"That punch is merely a lucky shot, brat! Do you really think you can perform the same thing twice!?"

Nomu was suddenly at his face, but it's abomination of a visage was pushed, by Purple Haze. The deadly Quirk sent two capsules towards the Nomu, to which it caught and break it. Izuku grinned sadistically, and All Might was not ashamed to admit that he was bothered by said grin, "Bad mistake, stupid dog."


A cloud of purple mist engulfed the entire being of Nomu, and the bio-engineered creature writhed in agony, its skin melting off. Some even turned into mush already, and everyone can see all the muscles and tissue beneath its body. The creature tried its best to regenerate, but not only the virus was stronger, it is faster than it can heal too!


"UBAAASHAAAAAAAA! ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARU ARUAAAAA!" Purple Haze sent powerful and devastating punches, all aimed at the creature's head. The punches were powerful, and proved to be an agonizing ones by the satisfying meat stabbing sound. To make it even better, all the capsules that were on Purple Haze have now broke, to which the Quirk merely stood near the downed Nomu, to make it consume even more of the deadly virus.

The creature managed to writhe still, but it was for naught, as it died down, finally conceding its life to the virus. Said toxic was not satisfied in only claiming the life, but also every muscles, and tissues that are found inside the creature. In just a few moments, all that left of the creature was the blood surrounding, the bones that were left behind, and the ripped pants it wore beforehand.

All Might narrowed his eyes, as he have now seen the virus in person. It truly is a fearsome Quirk. Not only that, Purple Haze, can fight on behalf of his master, he can send a deadly virus, a virus which the country have not found an antidote for! All Might however, thought that even if they found one, it would be impossible, as the virus was really fast in consuming the flesh of a living thing.

Shigaraki and Kurogiri were silent as they bear witness of Nomu's death, and pure destruction. That Quirk Midoriya Izuku have is dangerous, much more dangerous than what they initially thought.

"Sensei, what was that purple thing just now!? What happened here?" All Might and Izuku glanced towards the sound, and found some more students. Judging by their face, the young Villain can guess who by who. Kirishima Eijirou, the one with the red hair, Bakugou Katsuki, Todoroki Shouto if the red and white hair are any indication, and lastly a student in a karate like outfit, with a tail on his back.

"D-Deku… just what was that?" Izuku nodded his head sadly at the question was asked by his formerly best friend, Bakugou Katsuki.

All Might turned towards the outnumbered Villains. "Well, Villains, what will it be? Weren't you claiming that I would be unable to fight? Even without Purple Mist help, I will still emerge victorious, for a real Hero can find a way to serve justice even from a pinch spot."



Two bullets struck him immediately, one on his knee, and the other on his shoulder. The blue haired Villain fell down on the ground in pain, blood pooling undernearth due to the wounds he have just taken.

"Worry not, everyone. Help has come, thanks to the help of Iida Tenya, who informed us of what happened!" A bear, mouse, white creature spoke up. Izuku smiled dimly, as he thought of how impressed Danjuro would be at the outfit of the principal Nezu.

"Tch, Kurogiri, get us out of here!" The Warp Quirk user did was told and enveloped them in a cocoon of darkness. Shigaraki decided to give a warning to all the Heroes, "We will come back again, and next time, you're d-"


His words was cut off by a purple fist sending him further into the portal. Most likely, the bar where they met.

"It felt amazing to cave that bastard's face." The feeling was gone in a moment however, as he realized the situation they are now in. Lots of Pro-Heroes have surrounded them now. Something similar have happened, yes, but these were the famous ones. He can see Ectoplasm, Present Mic, Snipe, Midnight, and many other Heroes up there. Not to mention, he have seen the now cuffed Aiba and Danjuro, thanks to his Quirk's great sight.

He do not need to be a genius to know the Heroes aren't pleased with their presence here. The only thing he could do is only raise his hands into the air, signalling his own surrender, as had the rest of his team.

To make it even clear, he said out loud for everyone to hear. "I surrender."


1. ThunderCross Split Attack – The Best Form of Attack and Defence, an unblockable attack!

2. Doppio/Diavolo's 'I accept this test' speech.

3. In God Hand, if you defeat an enemy with a suplex, their upper half will be buried underground.

4. Reference to One Punch Man's Seaking, when he ran like a maniac while screaming about monkeys.

A/N: So, how's it going? Sorry for the lack of update, was sick lol and the cold weather ain't helping me! Anyway, as said above, the next stand will either be Star Platinum or Moody Blues, depends on my mood, while the next update will be King Crimson, since its on the same arc.

Talking about the two new Stands, Izuku will play the Hero Role while having a different yet similar play to the Cannon. Small AU, but not too much, promise.

About other stories like Konosuba, and Shiroyasha of The Demon Slayer, well, I will try updating it as much as I can. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as usual, and any reviews will help me out to better my writing skills.

Silver III Jhin, Arrivederci!