A/N: So, Purple Haze is where things SLIIIIIIGHHTTTTTLLYYYYYYY go different. I've mentioned different roles and when I mentioned that, I meant that it will not be Hero! Izuku. Or it may be, in the future. Who knows?

This Izuku is not really a Villain, not really a Vigilante. He merely follows a certain celebrity and seemed to enjoy it. Of course, it will slightly follow cannon. And this story is A LOT different than the others since it shows more of the thing Izuku does.

Well, what a boring author note, yeah? Anyway here you go. And slight warning, since this is Purple Haze we're talking about, Izuku miiiiiiiighhhhttttt get overboard when he get too pissed.

-Chapter Start-





The sound of footsteps grew larger in these stairs. The figure using these very stairs is none other than our protagonist, Midoriya Izuku. He had experience probably the worst thing that could ever happened. At first, he was quite happy. His Quirk have bloomed! He'd seen it! It's brief, but somehow, he seen purple arms. The knuckles are decorated with purple circles, and above the hands are what seems to be capsules. He was so curious then.

When he think of it, he was expecting maybe, just maybe, the insults will go away. Maybe his friend, Kacchan, will want to be friend with him again. Maybe, he can now be a Hero now that he has a Quirk.

Because he was too curious, he somehow shot one of the capsule towards his mom, when they both were inspecting said Quirks. It has been two years. Two years, ever since that doctor told him that the check was positive and he will unlock his Quirk. But they waited and waited, but… it won't appear.

Izuku tried imagining his father –who is away, breathing fire, and nothing worked. Trying to lift things up without standing and carrying it on his own? Still nothing worked. He even tried flexing his baby fats, imagining it to be muscle just like All Might's, to see it maybe turning a big and strong muscles. Again, nothing worked.

They've tried everything for 2 years.

During those two years, without his mother knowing, he was bullied relentlessly. Mocked, teased, insulted, played over, bullied. What made it hurt even more, is the main cause is his friend, Kacchan, or Bakugou Katsuki. It really hurt. All those memories of them playing Heroes together, to bullying him. Calling him names. Right, names. Deku.

Means useless.

Fitting for someone like him. But now, he don't think 'Deku' fits him anymore. Because he knew, even a Deku wouldn't kill his own mother. Izuku sobbed loudly and tears streaming down his eyes. His mom, his beautiful, lovely, and caring mom. All gone, killed, reduced to nothing thanks to him. He caused it… he made that capsule broke.

Those capsules were containing dangerous and very lethal virus. He saw it. When just a little went in, making contact with his mom, just a slight contact, the skin of his mother bubbled. What seems to be bubbles appeared, and melting, the skin melting off, and the sound of his mom's tearful scream haunted him even now.

H-He wished he was Quirkless. How can he be a Hero now? No Hero killed his or her own mother. Willingly or not. And even so, no Hero have a Quirk as dangerous as he has.

And that's why he's here. On a rooftop. On a used and abandoned hospital building. He deemed it tall enough, and with his small figure, he guessed he will die and turned into a mush. He sauntered slowly onto the edge. Staring at the beautiful environments. Lights brightening the night sky. The sounds of honks from cars, trucks, etc.

His tears still streaming down, but no sobs came from him.

He made this decision. He will not regret it. No one will miss him anyway.

Not Auntie Mitsuki, or Kacchan, or any of his 'friends' at school.

A trash like him should just disappear.

And with his decision made, he took a leap of faith. The wind blowing his ears. He closed his eyes. Afraid of seeing his own vision suddenly go dark. But somehow, he can still feel it. The proximity between him and the ground. The hard and sturdy ground which will definitely kill him. He went down head first too.

'Goodbye, World.'

"Gently Trampoline!" A voice called out.

And true that what that man Izuku heard saying, what he hit wasn't the hard cement ground he was about to crash into but instead a trampoline. He fluttered his eyes open and found that the ground became elastic, like rubber. And it's really like a trampoline.

'I-I'm not dead?'

He felt his shoulders grabbed by someone, and he was soon face to face with whoever saved him was. And true enough, he was face to face with his saviour. His saviour is a man with a refined appearance. He has a silver slicked-back hairdo with a curl at the front and sports a handlebar moustache along with a well-kept, medium-sized beard. As for his outfits, a simple black and red striped v-neck shirt, and black pants, matching his rather extravagant pair of boots. He's still living in his youth despite the beard and moustache. If he has to estimate, probably around early to mid-twenties.

"Are you alright, child!?" The man enquired in panic. Izuku now noticed how hard the man was breathing, and he was sweating a lot.

But, he just had one problem. And he wanted to die. He don't want to live anymore. He can't even be a Hero now, not with a history of killing his own mother. With a Quirk that can kill anyone that entered his range. "WHY!?" he screamed at the young man. "WHY DID YOU SAVE ME!? I… I DON'T WANT TO LI-"

His screams was cut-off by the young man, who hugged him tight and rubbed circles on his back. "It's alright now, child."

Despite the hug, which feels very comforting and warm, he still muttered out lowly, but still enough for the man to hear. "It's not… nothing will be alright… my mom's gone… and so is my dream to become a Hero…"

Izuku felt the hug became even tighter. He was soon face to face once. "What is your name, child?"

"W-What's the point of ans-"

"Just answer it, please." The man insisted.

"I-Izuku... Midoriya Izuku…" He told him, he said it. His name. His prized name, now tainted with the blood of his own mother. "I… I killed my mother… I was too excited… I accidentally killed her with my Quirk… there's not even anything remaining of her except her clothes… The virus… was very lethal…"

The man's eyes widened in shock upon hearing the quivering mess that is Izuku. Soon enough, his eyes became soft, and engulfed the cinnamon roll into a hug once again. "Listen, Izuku. You are not the first child, who have ever accidentally harmed or killed their parents when their Quirks first bloomed. And you will not be the last. And I'm sure, your mother forgives you. She loves you, no mother will not love her children. Even if you do not ask for it, she will still forgive you. Such is the love of our mother."

Izuku hugged him, and sobbed harder. Nodding his head rapidly on the chest of the stranger he just met who's comforting him right now. "How about you head with me right now? And while on the way… I will…" Izuku noted that the man seemed hesitant of telling him something. "I will tell you the tale of how I failed to become a Hero."




Exactly three seconds, and then the bomb went off. "NO!" Izuku's shout surprised the man. "No, you didn't fail… y-you just saved me… I didn't ask to be saved and yet, you saved me… y-you're my Hero, mister…"

Izuku did not notice it, however the man was shaking. And if one was to observe closely, tears gather at the edge of his eyes. Unknown to him, this man always have wanted to hear those words. The words Izuku have spoken to him right now. It just proved, that he have done something useful. Even if he's not legally a Hero –he failed to get the license four times in a row, resulting in him to be expelled, and after that, disowned by his family. Elasticity is not a Quirk for Heroes they said. He will not succeed they said. And look, their words rang truth. He did not succeed in becoming a Hero legally. However… he saved the life of an innocent boy, accidental murder or not.

"My name is Tobita Danjuro. A student who was recently expelled from U.A High."

Danjuro saw just how quickly Izuku's head went up to look up at him. "Danjuro-san went to UA?"

"Yes, Midoriya-kun, however, I failed to License Exam four times in a row. So now, I was expelled after years of trying to get into said school. I managed to get in when I was 18, after lots and lots of repeats during my middle school. And now, expelled by the very same school I wish to attend." Danjuro explained further. "However, Midoriya-kun, you still have a cha-"

"No, Danjuro-san… No school will accept someone that have murder on their hands. And even so… my Quirk, it's a dangerous one for the civilians. I know, there are Quirks of Professional Heroes who are even more threatening, but mine… the moment the virus out, someone who is exposed to it will die in seconds…"

Danjuro's eyes widened in shock. That is certainly a dangerous and very powerful Quirk. He narrowed his eyes, making Izuku froze. "Show me, Midoriya-kun."

"B-B-But, y-you migh-"

"Just show me. If you fear it that much, then I will stand at least 10 meters away from you." Danjuro insisted.

Izuku nodded his head hesitantly. He recalled the feelings of when he summoned those hands. The feelings of something going through his veins. Like a virus, like a plague. He focused his wills to manifest it as his Quirk is different than any other Quirks.

Danjuro held his breath while standing from the child exactly 10 meters away. He subconsciously held his breath what deadly abomination of a Quirk it is to make a sweet child like Izuku become so scared. And then he felt. A big sense of dread. As if Death himself went out from his throne and paid a visit.

He saw something besides Izuku. At first, he can see a little of a foot, and then it multiplies more and more. From the foot, the legs, the torso, limbs and oh God. He always heard people saying how a Quirk reflect the user's personality. So when he saw the expression on the… thing that manifested beside Izuku, he wasted no time in deciding that Quirk reflecting user is bullshit.

The… let's call it spirit for now. The spirit is a humanoid looking thing with an impressive build. With lean yet strong muscles, and a height that is as tall if not taller than Danjuro himself. Its face and body are patterned by horizontal lozenges of alternating shade, and armour pieces are present on its shoulders, elbows, and knees. It has spikes along its back. A long blue flowing cape to give company to the spikes. Its lips and appendages are loosely stitched, and its eyes have distinct irides with miotic pupils. On its head is a helmet with a transparent visor in the approximate shape of a beak.

Again, its expression still terrified him. With those eyes, and raging expression while drooling like a mad beast all the while. Not to mention, the rather ominous looking purple mist (1).

Braving himself up, he called out to the child who is yet to open his eyes. "Midoriya-kun, open your eyes. You have summon it."

Doing as he was instructed, Izuku opened his eyes and was shocked by what greeted him. It was no longer just an arm. In fact, the whole thing was there. And he mused to himself as he observed it whole, 'Since a Quirk is a part of oneself, does that I mean I am afraid of myself for fearing my Quirk?'

"Midoriya-kun, when you've mentioned virus, do you mean the purple mist surround its body?"

Izuku shook his head. "No, the virus… it came from one of the three capsules on its hands. The moment it broke… and then… and then… everything is over."

'Testing the virus won't be a good plan now. It may traumatize Midoriya-kun even worse.' Danjuro cupped his chin in thought. "Have you any home to stay at?" Izuku shook his head. "Then, why don't you come with me?"

Izuku stood perplexed by the offer, and was waving his hands without control. "I-I-I don't want to trouble you, Tobita-san. Furthermore, I may harm you." Izuku bowed his head further, ashamed.

"Rubbish, Midoriya-kun!" Danjuro rebutted. "I live alone at my apartment. It is quite dull living alone. Having you would be nice, Midoriya-kun. And trust me, you are no trouble to me, boy, and don't worry! Your Hero is very strong so he can endure your Quirk!" Danjiro made the good guy posed, completed with a thumbs up.

"I-If you insist, Tobita-san. Although I have to ask, what are we going to do about money?"

A very audible crack heard throughout the street. "A-Ah, now that's a good question." Danjuro rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Vigilante?" Izuku shrugged. "Perhaps an odd jobs, like Yorozuya? If not then, we can try being an Internet Celebrity."

Izuku looked up at him with his big curious eyes. "How?"

Danjuro smirked. "Quite easy, Midoriya-kun. You know YouTube yes?" a nod answered his question. "We can get paid by uploading videos! The more viewers, subscribers, etc, the more we will get paid!"

"That sounds fun, Tobita-san, but what kind of videos will we be making?"

Danjuro suddenly narrowed his eyes. "If I say, we will be making a criminal video, would you agree?" Izuku stiffened. "It's not really 'crime', to say. It's more of a stunt. We tried to do something that everyone thought impossible and upload it. Of course, sparring, techniques, training, will count."

Izuku seemed to be hesitating a lot. Anyone would. Imagine yourself wanting to be a Hero, and then making a crime video or something like that just to make a living. It will be quite the torture, both yourself and your dreams. But… Izuku knew that this would be the only way for them to make money, without hurting or killing innocents. Well, their stunts might hurt some, but they don't want to hurt them anyway.

"I will do it."


Despite his words, Danjuro was having another thought. 'Perhaps, doing all those stuffs, U.A might catch his potential and picked him up. He deserves that.' At his own thoughts, he smirked without the child noticing it.


1. Localized name for Purple Haze.

A/N: As I've said, different than the other three. With that said, this is my first time attempting a none Hero role for Midoriya. Hope you guys will give this a chance and see if you like it. Who knows, if I'm bored, might a second version of this one where Izuku IS a Hero.

Anyway, I've noticed that Purple Haze's virus capsules are locating on top of the hand, not the knuckles. So with that said, I will be making it that, the capsules won't break unless Purple Haze punched something so hard to the point it went through (breaking the capsules) or releasing it like a pressured gun.

Silver III Jhin, Arrivederci!