I have no proprietary claim to Harry Potter or SG-1

If anyone is confused, I rewrote the one reference to their seventh-year project as a magical masteries / non-magical doctorate due to their extended Alterans/Lantians based academics, which would have put them well into the Early College.

As the families arrived at the connection point, they were instantly transported into the pocket Dimension through the modified Astrid Porta. Remus Lupin couldn't help but trip when a certain big black dog ran right in front of him as he entered. He paid Sirius back by giving him a poodle haircut, complete with pink bows when Remus heard from the woods. "When did you have time to get a new wand. I thought yours stopped working properly."

"I flooed straight to Diagon Alley right after I met with Headmaster Dumbledore. The wand is near identical. Ollivander said the only difference was that this wand and all of its components abnormally new. He even commented on the fact that my old one, while near-identical, mysteriously stopped responding to me accordingly. Am I to assume that you are here to lead us to the School?"

Sirius stepped out of the woods, having removed the hair bows that his a good friend added. He confirmed as much when he said. "This is the new path. It's added after an unusual creature incident. Let's get back to topic now," he said it a little too quickly, "this path, makes the moving staircase looks simple. Without one these crystal's, he said while pointing to the Crystal on his lapel, "this path will lead you anywhere but where you want to go. Whether it be above, on, or below, you will never be able to avoid its effects." By the time this was said, they had already reached the mansion.

Once we arrived inside, we were greeted by the students and staff when Sirius stepped in front of everyone. The Headmaster was conspicuously absent, but after what had come out in the daily prophet, he was probably writing to someone about the security breach. "I am sure that all of you might want to spend some quality time with your children start at the beginning of Summer. But, we have our annual summer project, this year is a voluntary animagus transformation as Mr. Blackwell, Miss Abbott, and Mr. Lockwood, due to the particular forms, they chose not to participate. The accelerated transformation will start at 7 p.m. and end at 7:30 p.m. tonight. I have preparations to make, so if you excuse me. I hope you all enjoy your stay.

After this, we all sat in the renovated dining hall. I'm not entirely sure I want to know since it has all been replaced with what looks like a highly ornate but still magically fortified granite hall. The students began telling stories of what happened in the past year. Harry talked about them making Ainmhithe Féin and how they had to hybridize the magical and nonmagical techniques because of its a vaporous nature. At which point Jim took over and described how using Sirius as an example, they gauged the base process for the Animagus transformation. Miss Stewart was able to establish an artificial change to condition their shared form for Harry's Animagus transformation.

Before the event occurred, we had moved to the closed-in Courtyard. The courtyard had a grand double staircase with waterfalls and basins below the stairs leading back to the main building. It was straight out of it a muggle fairy tale. Most of the class regaled us with stories of their misadventures. There were many references made to Harry's mischief. I think his father would have been more than proud, boastfully even, and his mother's anger would have rivaled Molly Weasley's. His master's / doctorate project would have made her proud, though, triple in Charms and Transfiguration. With his non-magical doctorates being in the science of Technology. Not to mention, everyone will be receiving an honorary Masters in Combat/Defense Against The Dark Arts. Professors Longbottom spoke with pride about their son discovering the fossilized plants. And how thrilled they were that he chose to magically bring them back to life as his masters' project in Herbology. I found Mister Lovegood's fascination with his daughter's masters in care of magical creatures and her doctorate in journalism mildly uncomfortable. But, I am uneasy about him in general. The other students have yet to choose their Masteries course, but I'm sure that will change after some 'focused' conversations with their parents.

We were finally gathered in the sub-basement when we saw what looks like a flat, simplified platform version of a Stargate. The outer portion contained eight Chevrons. The ones I could see referred to the lunar cycle. The inside ring at four numerical sigils between each, but I could not see much more. Each platform had a single potion vial in the middle waiting to be picked up, and I noticed a metal rod protruding from the ceiling with what looks like sparks coming from it. Headmaster Leslie, with the other faculty behind him, gave a nice, but short speech to the assembly. Headmaster Leslie, first, he apologized for his absence earlier vaguely explain it away as International concerns. He then began by explaining how the improved animagus potion worked, additionally, described the gate like platforms which upon spinning would cast the enchantment for the students. The inner ring acted as a power generator. The numbers were denoting the amount of power provided to mimic a lunar cycle. And lastly, he confirmed that what was in the ceiling was a lightning rod which regenerates enough electrical charge to simulate a lightning storm. As the students, one by one stood on the circular platforms. They put the potion vials to their lips, and like magic, pun intended, the potion mixed itself with the Mandrake Leaf added. Then, the inner ring began to oscillate. They kept recited the Animagus incantation. Then, they drink their potions as the lightning lit up the entire ceiling, and the inner part of the platforms glowed blue and shut off. Once all of this was done. The students had each transformed into their animagus forms for the first time.

I was shocked. I can recall precisely how difficult it was for the rest of the Marauders, including the rat, to achieve this. And, Harry and his classmates accomplish everything but mastering their transformations in thirty minutes. There will be so many more Animagi once this is revealed.

time skip One Week

Harry or Jim, having finally gained some minuscule control over there transformation, had asked to meet me in the enclosed Courtyard. They wanted to go over the contents of the mail that I forwarded. Jim also wanted to go over a startling discovery that he made when reviewing the recorded information regarding the animagus Rings. I sat anxiously on the ornately carved Stone bench by the first water basin. An unidentified Vine kept tickling me annoyingly. This plant made me think this particular spot wasn't chosen by chance. When they arrived saying, "I see you've met Neville's second-year summer project, we call them tickling the vines now." They were referring to the annoying Vine. "What you probably don't realize is Neville created the vine to comfort someone in distress, not annoy them, but he was only a second-year at the time, and it has a lovely bloom. Anyway, I asked you here because while the mail seems to be in order, there is three months' worth that is unaccounted for it is probably an oversight. If it is not an oversight, then I will have to look at other things in more detail as well as this business with the daily prophet. It should be resolved more quickly, by your perspective, at least. Jim and I have almost got approval to release what you would call Magi Tech, but it is a self-replicating, parchment-thin, square tablet. It should be solely provided to Mr. Lovegood, because he has signed the confidentiality agreement. The new technology will force them to either Aid us with the reacquisition or risk facing obscurity. I am sure you know which one they will not want to happen."

I understood Harry correctly. Not even Lord Malfoy keep them restrained if they fear to be replaced by a more eccentric media outlet. I saw Harry's head lower, and his eyes flashed. Then, Jim said, "lastly, before we leave to return to more exciting endeavors, I think we might have a feasible cure for lycanthropy." I was speechless. "You see, I was going over the logs from the animagus platforms and cross-referenced it with readings from your former self. The artificially induced lunar cycles produce an unnatural version of reflected solar radiation. Supposing the isolated energy that existed solely with your old self that did not carry over to your current body is the lycanthropy curse. Our artificially induced animagus transformation would purge it from the body while animagus transformation occurs. Now, this does require extensive study and at least the revelation of the animagus technology. We both know the magical community will accept that as a Magi-Tech without question. Still, with the proper modifications, it could be a realistic cure for lycanthropy. Unlike the Asgard cloning technology, which would require a lot more explanation and quite a bit of unnecessary information being revealed. When I asked for more details, he did provide them. Unfortunately, this discovery was too new to go beyond its current stage without proper testing. I told him I would get in contact with the werewolves that have contacted me, and if we could get them in like they did the Goblin, then we could begin realistically testing something that would be magically accepted. I decided to become an animagus (not surprisingly a wolf, considering my former condition). I did this in the hope that it all works out. After this, I intensely enjoyed the rest of my summer vacation.