AN: It'll probably take me some time to catch up in the manga so don't expect an update immediately. I do however love this series and especially this concept. The following chapters will be longer and there will be flashbacks of the case.

I'll Protect You, Conan-kun

Chapter One – I Don't Want You to See This

How long had it been since Ran had had a last moment like this? She knew that Shiniichi was ill and had been running after someone in black until he had exhausted himself. He kept talking about it. Man in black. People in black. Ran knew that he was talking to himself but she had overheard him. She was glad that he hadn't found them, they probably would have hurt him more. He was drenched in sweat and seemed to be jerking. Something must have happened.

"We should probably move," she suggested as she looked around. She had to train more. She had to become someone who she could trust.

"You need to…get out of…here," Shiniichi told her and Ran blinked but shook her head. She saw him attempting to get up, he was desperate in his actions but she didn't want him to leave. She wasn't sure what had happened to him after they had gone to the theme park but the men in black seemed to have something to do with that. "I need to go." He told her feeling a rush of fear through him. He was going to transform, the temporary antidote he had gotten was wearing off. He had to leave her. He would only cause her danger moving forwards.

"I'll let you leave," Ran told him and Shiniichi turned to her, he opened his mouth as he finally got himself ready to run. "Once you're feeling okay," she said and he looked torn.

He shook his head, "I'll be fine. You know I'll be fi-fine," he tried to wink. "I'm al-al-always fine."

He didn't look fine. He looked hurt and as if he would pass out at any moment. He was keeping himself far too busy and preoccupied with this case. She saw his nervousness as he opened the door to the room they were in in the office building. He looked at her again before bowing his head.

"I love you, Ran," he said before running and Ran stood wanting to go after him. She was tired of seeing him run away but it was as if she knew that this should happen. It was the way it always happened with him. Still, she loved him, she had loved him since they were children. He was always so cool with how much he cared and put energy into his work that she hadn't seen in years from her father before he suddenly started solving cases and wanted congratulations.

Still, moments after she had watched him go, she shook her head. She had been running early in the morning to build up her speed. She needed to follow him. As she ran she saw him fall down but something strange was happening to him. As he lost consciousness it was as if his body was getting smaller, weaker. She blinked as he crumpled onto the ground and she walked over to him. These clothes were far too big on him now.

She moved across until she could see his face. He had collapsed? As she lifted her chin she felt a rush of emotions. She felt betrayed, was angry with him, confused, disappointed but at the same time she was concerned, relieved that he had always been okay, and touched that he had always chosen to stay with her. She felt in his pocket for the glasses he had for when he changed back. Did he usually carry an item that would make her connect him with his other persona so easily.

Lifting his chin, she placed them on his face. He had his own reasons for not telling her and although she wanted to wake him and demand the truth, he must have had a choice and somehow she trusted him that he had picked wisely. She knew he loved her. She slowly moved 'Conan' onto her lap. She felt like an idiot for not trusting her own instincts.

Well. If he wanted to be Conan, she would let him be Conan for now. As Ran lifted him from the floor, pulling him to her chest, she saw his pants and underwear hit the ground. He still had the oversized shirt on but she was starting to feel that she was taking care of the person she had fallen in love with and all he had on was a shirt that was extremely large. She would have to get his Conan clothes on him. She blushed. That would require her to change him without his knowledge.

"I love you," she whispered as she let his tiny head rest on her shoulder, "You big deduction freak."

"Love you too, Ran-nee," he said as he slept. He had already changed his identity whilst he was sleeping. It made her sad. He had been pretending for so long though. She would have to find out why he had been lying to her but as for now she just had to get him safely home.

She folded up his clothes and put them in her bag, stuffing her bag until it would barely close. Even with finally finding out the truth, she still could see the old Shiniichi in his face. She could see the friend she had spent so much time with and learned to love and love so deeply that there was nothing that could stop it. Even this couldn't stop it.

She couldn't be romantic with Shiniichi in this manner, not unless he managed to get to his usual self again, but she was still his friend. It wasn't possible for her to be his girlfriend but she would trust in their friendship and one day he would return to her. She had faith that he would return to her.

"Let's get you home, Conan-kun," she laughed softly and he continued to sleep, giving a little smile as she carried him back. He wasn't heavy in her arms. She would just have to train more, practice more, learn new moves in order to protect him. Revealing that she knew might cause him to run and as Conan she was worried about where he would end up.

She smiled a little. He had never really had a chance to be a kid, he had always been too smart for that. Maybe this time he could have fun and enjoy himself. She would do her best to give him as much happiness as possible. "You're not leaving my side, right, Conan-kun?" she asked him playfully.

"Nah," he said waking up a little and not yet realizing what he was wearing. "Never, Ran-nee."

End of Chapter One

Thank you for reading, reviews are appreciated

I hope I didn't screw up the characterization too badly