Hi everyone, in honour of American Thanksgiving, I've written THANKFUL. It was intended as a one-shot, a stand-alone story, but if it's something you've enjoy and you'd like to see it continue, let me know and we can take Donna and Harvey on this journey.

You may see some familiar storylines here… that's because this story piggy-backs from where DAZED left off. If you haven't read DAZED, it's a fun read. It begins in those last few minutes of Episode 816.

- After coming to her door to confess his feelings, Harvey whisks Donna away for a weekend, and ends up proposing.

- They host a wedding weekend. Louis and Rachel stand for Donna; Mike and Marcus for Harvey. Jessica officiates the ceremony.

- At the wedding, several romances blossom – Stu/ Katrina, Samantha/Marcus and Prof. Gerard/wedding hostess Isabelle. Donna's parents also reconnect.

- Harvey takes Donna to a private Island for their honeymoon. They've been back only a few weeks when Donna discovers that she's pregnant.

Now they're now hosting their families for Thanksgiving.

And it's here that THANKFUL begins…

He rolls over and his arm slides easily around her belly. Palm splayed across white silk, it rises and falls with her sleepy breath. Right now, it's actually a tummy, but soon, it will be a belly… and he can't wait.

There's no real change in the way Donna looks, she's just over two months along, but there's a change in the way he looks at her.

Maybe it's because after everything they've been through… at the office, the wedding, this new house… he never thought he could possibly love her more, or feel more protective.

But he does.

The late November rain pelts the window and he snuggles closer. Chest meeting her warm back, Harvey's nose caresses her face until his cheek finds hers.

Images float past his drowsy eyes, lulling him back to a sleepy haze. Snapshots of all those baby steps that brought them here.

A gentle handshake at the bar. Coffee and vanilla. Strawberries and whipped cream. The night she left and the night she came back….

Harvey exhales into her hair. His arm protectively closer.

The thought of that kiss in her office still gives him shivers. And the memory of reading her resignation letter will forever feel like a punch to his gut.

And then there's the night he finally surrendered himself at her door…

But that was another lifetime, Harvey reminds himself. No secrets now. They're together, and come springtime, they'll be three.

After they got married, Harvey figured the band around his finger would take some getting used to, but it didn't. In fact, he can barely remember a time without it.

He had the ring a month when learned that he and Donna were going to be parents.

And they were in bed, just like this, when she told him.

Sinking deeper into the mattress, Harvey considers how this king-size bed has carried so many intimate moments between them. Under these sheets, a decade's worth of dreams about Donna, then confessions, and now, this bed holds his future… his wife and unborn child.

After they returned from Tahiti, Harvey assumed Donna's exhaustion was related to their whirlwind wedding, honeymoon, and then move to the new townhouse. So, instead of evenings out, they kept early nights.

Harvey even brought his files home, just so Donna could wind down while he worked. Thinking about it all now, he's never been so happy to be wrong.

"Donna…" His eyes were fixed on deposition documents. "You gotta a pen? I need to color-code this section."

"Sure," she agreed, as she casually folded her novel on her lap.

Donna was reading one of those historic romances that she likes so much. Something set in Paris during wartime. Something with a strong female character.

But, instead of handing him her signature four-colour pen, she reached inside the drawer, and presented him with a plastic stick.

"What's this?" Harvey asked, confused. Blue and white, it was the size of a marker, and for a second his mind didn't compute.

Donna remained quiet, giving him time to put the pieces together. Then, his eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

"Is this…" he swallowed, as he immediately zeroed in on the two lines between his fingertips. "Are you… are we?'

"Yes, yes… and yes…" she said, softly, her hair gently falling to the side as she smiled. "Harvey… you're going to be a father."

He doesn't exactly remember what happened next, except that, somehow, his dozen papers landed all over the floor, and his heart was ready to explode.

Donna didn't mention it, but this was actually the second test she'd taken that week… just to be sure.

Before she could react, Harvey cradled her in his arms so protectively, that she could barely breathe.

"When? When… did you find out?" he stuttered, once they finally settled into bed. Donna was almost asleep, but his mind kept racing, as this life-changing news sank in.

"Three days ago," she said, cautiously eyeing him. And, in anticipation of his next question, added, "I didn't want to distract you until your case was over."

Harvey nodded, because this made sense. This is exactly how they operated. Business first, and the rest could wait.

But the precious little stick that he held between his thumb and index finger earlier that evening, had changed everything.

"Ok Donna, but no more," he told her, his dark brown eyes gentle on hers. "You're the priority, not my caseload… understood?"

With an agreeable nod, she grinned.

Donna knew Harvey would be happy with this news, but what she saw that evening was unexpected.

He was elated. And, in fourteen years, she could count on one hand how many times she's seen Harvey Specter elated.

The day they made partner, the morning Mike was released from prison, their wedding day, and the moment Harvey learned he was going to be a daddy.

Since then, it's been a rush of weekly doctor's appointments and blood tests… and Harvey's accompanied her to every one.

After that first doctor's appointment, Harvey uploaded a pregnancy app, which he's been following with precision. Now, every morning, as Donna readies herself for work, he offers an update on their baby's development.

"Our baby is an inch long, and fingers and toes have begun to develop," he informed her at the eight-week mark. "Our baby is also destined to be smart and gorgeous like her mother."

"Is that what it says? That's quite the app," she laughs, while trying to put on lipstick. "And how do you know it's a girl?"

"All fetuses are girls until around the ninth week," he clarifies. "I've been researching."

"Wow, I'm impressed," Donna replies, smiling at his reflection through the bathroom mirror. "But you do think it's a girl, don't you?"

Stepping from behind to wrap his arms around her, Harvey's hand, once again, finds her stomach. Maybe it's in his head, but her tummy feels rounder.

"Honestly Donna, it doesn't matter, but yes…. I think it's a girl."

"You've always been a gambler," she teased. " and the odds are good here."

Gambler. Thinking about the word, Harvey releases another long exhale. For years, this was true. But with their child on the way, he feels protective and cautious. Afraid to take any risk that would affect Donna's and the baby's safety.

For Donna, these first few months have been trying. She's definitely excited, but it hasn't been easy, especially since they haven't yet shared the news.

Louis has commented that there's a rosy glow on her cheeks. As a result, she's had to "up" her lie, saying that, in addition to yoga, she's introduced a plant-based diet, which has done wonders for her complexion.

But Louis is right about her glow, and while her pregnancy might not be obvious to others, Donna has felt every change.

Her hair is thicker than ever, and her favourite Roland Mouret dress is just a little too snug for the office. Her bras are definitely pinching, and every hour, she's peeing like a race horse.

Harvey, on the other hand, swears that she's more gorgeous than ever. A compliment that Donna makes a point of remembering… every nauseous day.

Once they tell their families, they'll inform the office, and without having to hide it, she hopes things will get easier.


"Is it already time to get up?" she mumbles into the pillow. The wind and rain picking up outside. "When does everyone arrive?"

"In a few hours," Harvey confirms, his hand running circles across her back. "Go back to sleep, I've got it covered."

They decided to host Thanksgiving this year. Their first as a couple, and everyone is coming for the four-day weekend. Lily and Bobby are taking Donna's old apartment, while Donna's parents, and Marcus and his kids will be staying at their new townhouse. Samantha is also expected for dinner.


Ever since the wedding, the pretty blonde lawyer and the younger Specter have been inseparable. Harvey was surprised at how fast it's all gone down, while Donna is pleased as punch that, in addition to Stu and Katrina getting serious, Marcus and Samantha seem to be as well.

Knowing that Samantha does not have a family of her own to celebrate with, Harvey couldn't be happier to have her join. Plus, it's also been a very long time since he's seen his brother this happy.

Samantha, meanwhile, has never before felt this hopeful about her personal life. Over the past few months, she and Donna have had quite a few heart-to-hearts about the younger Specter. Donna wouldn't be surprised if, one day, they even end up as sisters-in-law.

"Honestly, Donna, I've got it covered. Did I wake you?" Harvey whispers. Donna's is the morning person in their relationship, but now it's him who gets their day going.

"No, the nausea woke me up," she groans into the pillow, her messy red hair covering her face. "And even with that, I still want coffee."

Her demands reinforce to Harvey how helpless he feels. There are some things he just can't do for Donna, and it's frustrating. Her discomfort can't be fixed with a persuasive conversation or by working around a legal code. All he can do is be patient and supportive, while her body does what it does.

"You know I can't give you coffee," Harvey sighs, apologetically. "But once the baby's born, I promise we'll visit Mike and Rachel. There's nothing but coffee in Seattle… you can go on a caffeine bender."

"Decaf then," she pleads. "Just a sip."

"Peppermint tea," he replies, soothing her back. "Doctor's orders for now. You know I'm right."

"Tell you what…I'll give you all the sex you want!" Donna negotiates, with a sly grin. "Decaf for sex… it's fair exchange."

Harvey bursts out laughing, "I gotta say, you're a very tough negotiator… but I think that's what got us into trouble in the first place."

Frustrated, Donna flops back down, as Harvey kisses the top of her head.

Later in the afternoon, everyone is set to arrive, and as drawn out as Donna feels, she's excited about this weekend. Forcing herself out of bed, she slowly makes her way to the shower.

Waves of nausea urging her along, Harvey offers to guide her in, but she brushes him away.

"I'll be ok," she says, with a faint ,and not entirely convincing smile. "Thank you, though."

Initially, their weekend plans included a family pie-making contest and a hike through central park. But seeing how Donna's been feeling, Harvey put an end to it, opting for simpler activities.

"Once we tell everyone, they'll understand," he assures her. "This is about family getting together, not about keeping everyone busy. Marcus and I will take the kids to the parade tomorrow, and you can relax."

On late Friday afternoon, the family will gather for dinner, and on Sunday, watching football is very much on the agenda. Harvey has turned their new den into a virtual sports dome, complete with a big screen tv, popcorn machine and beer fridge.

Donna has planned an afternoon tea at The Plaza. Her mother has never been, and she thought it would be a fun girls' afternoon to share with Lily, Samantha and Hayley. Crustless sandwiches, Crumpets, preserves and cream, and the best selection of tea in the city.

"When do we tell everyone?" Harvey asks, as he slides his silver Rolex around his wrist. Today, he's casual in a navy dress shirt and grey trousers.

"Definitely before pumpkin pie," Donna confirms. "I already know that smell is going to make me sick. And everyone will be suspicious, when I don't drink wine with dinner."

Originally, the couple were going to prepare the feast, right down to the pie. Donna had gotten her mother's famous stuffing recipe, and Harvey had asked Lily about her sweet potato casserole.

Although she wasn't feeling up to it, Donna was determined to see it through. Harvey, on the other hand, was having none of that, and took it upon himself to have the meal catered.

"It's ok, Donna," he assured. "Everyone will understand. And next year, we'll have a toddler. I'm pretty sure we'll be begging to have it catered then."


"Only you would think to have Thanksgiving catered, when you have a chef in the family," Marcus teases. "Why didn't you ask me? I could have made dinner."

"Marcus, I figured it would be the last thing you'd want to do this weekend. Besides, with Samantha, Hayley and Will here, you've got enough turkeys to deal with," Harvey quips.

"Very funny," Samantha chimes in. "That sounds like a dad joke if I've ever heard one."

Donna's eyes suddenly go wide, and Harvey nearly chokes on his wine.

"Well, it's funny you should say that," Donna smiles, while reaching for Harvey's hand. "We have some news…"

"We're pregnant," Harvey blurts out. His grin is so wide, it takes over his entire face. "Well, Donna's pregnant… but, we're having a baby!"

At first, there's complete silence around the table. Mouths agape, as all eyes are fixed on the couple. Then chaotic excitement.

"Sweetheart! What did you just say?!" Donna's mother is the first to jump up and wrap her arms around the couple. "Jim, did you hear that? We're going to be grandparents!"

Jim immediately reaches across the table and shakes Harvey's hand. "Congratulations, you two. And I thought nothing this year could top that wedding weekend!"

Aside from the fact that Donna and Harvey hosted the most beautiful late summer wedding, it was also there that Carol and Jim rekindled their romance.

After that weekend, Carol returned to Florida, and promptly ended her less-than-happy relationship with Tex. She's back in Connecticut now, and living with her first love.

Harvey looks over at Lily. His mother's hand is covering her face, and she's beaming with pride. Rounding the table, Lily quickly meets Harvey in an embrace.

As she takes his face into her hands, Harvey's eyes immediately begin to water.

"You and Donna, and a baby…. Oh, Harvey, I'm overjoyed for you both. This is going to be one very lucky child. You're going to be wonderful parents."

"Thanks Mom," Harvey replies, his voice quivering. He didn't expect telling family and friends would be such an emotional experience. And he's even more grateful that they didn't make the move to Seattle.

Next, Lily embraces Donna. With a whisper in her ear, her mother-in-law asks, "How are you feeling, dear? These early days can be exhausting. Say the word, and I can come to help out."

"Thank you, Lily. I'm tired and pretty nauseous… but the doctor says that should pass soon," Donna says. "Peppermint tea helps."

"That's why you had Thanksgiving catered!" Marcus exclaims, with a pat to Harvey's back. "Welcome to the club, brother. It's gonna be a wild ride."

"Can we pick out names?" Hayley asks.

"Well, we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl," Donna smiles. "Do you have any ideas?"

"If it's a girl, how about Marigold?" the young girl suggests. "Flowers are pretty and they make people smile."

Nodding in agreement, Harvey asks, "And if it's a boy?"

"Luigi," Will jumps in. "Like the best video game in the world."

"Marigold and Luigi… seems to me you've both given it some serious thought," Donna replies. Winking at Harvey, she adds, "We need to add these names to the list."

Seeing the way Donna treats his niece and nephew warms Harvey's heart. She's a natural.

"This is so exciting!" Samantha cheers, as she shuffles over to give Donna a hug. "This kid has already won the gene pool lottery! When are you due?"

"In the spring. We'll find out this week," Donna says. "We go for an ultrasound to measure how big the baby is."

"According to my app, our baby is as almost as big as a strawberry," Harvey proudly reads from his phone. "Probably with strawberry blonde hair, too."

As the group chats excitedly about the baby news, Carol places the pumpkin pie on the table, and its sweet and spicy scent causes Donna's stomach to turn.

"If you'll excuse me…" Her hand cupping her mouth, as she rushes towards the bathroom. Carol immediately follows.

"Oh sweetheart, I'm sorry. Usually by now, the nausea should be subsiding," Donna's mother says, gently rubbing her back.

For a second, Carol pauses, uncertain if she should say what she's thinking, but then continues, "Have you considered… that you might be having… twins?"

Looking up at her mother, Donna's face is pale, and her red rimmed eyes are wide as saucers.

"Twins?! What?!" she chokes out a response.

Well, dear," Carol says softly, her hand now brushing Donna's hair from her face. "As you know, your Aunt Marlene had twins, and so did your great grandmother, Edna. It runs in the family… and you're an older mother. That also increases your chances."

"But, with twins, wouldn't I look pregnant by now?" Donna asks. Everything she's read suggests that with multiples, the symptoms are often intensified.

"It's still early, dear," Carol replies, as she soothes Donna's arm. "Your ultrasound will clarify things."

Donna's heart is thundering now. Although it's unexpected, it's not the suggestion of twins that's gotten her attention,. It's that her mother is highly intuitive… that also runs in the family...


For the rest of the evening, the news of Donna's pregnancy is the source of a lot of spirited conversation. Marcus warns Harvey about midnight feedings and sleep deprivation, while the ladies offer Donna advice on how to handle the many physical changes coming.

"Everything ok? You seem distracted." Harvey asks later that evening, as he settles next to her in bed.

"How do you feel about twins?" Donna asks, matter-of-factly.

"It depends," he quips. "Will they be twice as nice or double the trouble?"

"I'm serious, Harvey," Donna says. He can tell by her tone, she's not in a joking mood. "What if we have twins? It's possible, you know… it runs in my family."

Harvey slowly nods, taking in her words. Two babies, not one.

"Why are you asking?" he questions. "Are you worried about it?"

"Because we have another doctor's appointment this week, and what if that's what she tells us?"

"You know what? I'm ok if that's what she tells us," he says, snuggling down beside her. "It just means that instead of a zone defence, we'll just have to switch to man-on-man… we can handle that."

Turning on her side to face him, Donna sighs, "Look at Louis and Sheila.. one child is already a lot, how would I handle two?"

Scanning her face, Harvey sees the worry in her eyes. "You mean, how are we going to handle two…?" he corrects. "You're not alone here, and we've dealt with scarier cases than this. Cameron Dennis, Liberty Rail, Mike going to prison… we're talking about babies, not district attorneys!"

Donna laughs at his reasoning. Somehow, Harvey has a way of making her believe that everything will work out.

Resting her head on his chest, she allows herself to feel a little excited.

"I still can't believe we're going to be parents" she happily sighs. "Next Mother's Day, I'm going to be a mom, and next Father's day, you're going to be…"

"Exhausted," Harvey interrupts, with a sly grin. His heart instantly swells at the thought of being able to call himself a father. "But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We've got months to go."


After talking with her mother, Donna's been anxious about this ultrasound visit. No matter what, it's a big deal… even if Harvey's already thought through his defensive strategy.

Since they've arrived at the hospital, he hasn't stopped grinning, and Donna wonders if he's actually that relaxed, or if, for her benefit, he's trying to appear calm.

The ultrasound room is dark, with only the blue glow of the equipment giving light. Her belly exposed, Donna reclines on the examination table, anxiously waiting for the technician to begin.

Seeing her nervous, Harvey takes a comforting hold of her hand, his thumb running soothing circles across her fingers.

"Ok, Donna, I'm going to put this warm lubricating jelly on your abdomen so we can see what's happening with this baby," the friendly technician explains. He's young, but his voice is confident. "With this wand here, we're going to do some measurements, take pictures and listen in."

Donna's heart is in her mouth. She scans the technician's face in the hopes of getting clues as to what's on the screen. Then, as he glides the wand across her abdomen, there's a tiny smile on his lips, and she exhales.

As Donna focuses on the technician, Harvey's eyes dart between them both. It's not lost on him how crazy this experience is. When it comes to his career, there hasn't been a scenario he hasn't imagined… trials and court cases, negotiations and backroom deals, even prison.

But this? As much as he hoped for a family one day, Harvey never imagined he'd have the privilege of being here. More than ever, this ultrasound makes this pregnancy real for him. Until now, Donna has been the one to experience all the changes. The nausea and exhaustion have made this painfully real for her.

"Everything looks good, but give me a second, I need to call the doctor in," the technician says, as he gets up to stand. Donna squeezes Harvey's hand in a panic, and his heart instantly races.

"Are you sure everything's ok?" Harvey asks, his voice heavy with worry.

"I am. Don't worry," the technician assures, patting Donna's knee.

A few seconds later, Dr. Mills arrives, and instantly smiles when she sees the screen.

"Hello, you two," she says warmly. "I'm glad you're both sitting down… because I have good news. It looks like you not only have one healthy baby… but two."

"What?!" Donna exclaims, her head jolting up from the table. She's shocked, but not completely surprised. Given the amount of nausea and exhaustion she's been experiencing, something seemed different right from the start.

"Two babies?!" Harvey's mouth drops just as quickly as his eyebrows soar. Turning to Donna with a wide grin, he kisses her on the forehead, and whispers, "You were right. It's a full house down there."

Donna can't help but giggle. She's both ecstatic and terrified.

"Take a look," the doctor says, as she turns the screen towards the couple.

The image is black and white and a little grainy. But it's also clear as day. A perfect picture of two little bundles of joy happily floating in Donna's abdomen.

Then, they hear it. The rhythmic thumping of two tiny heartbeats.

"Can you hear two?" the technician asks, as he turns up the sound. "They both have strong heartbeats. That's excellent."

Harvey swallows with relief. His own heart is thundering with what he's seeing on the screen. Then, his eyes begin to mist, the water pooling faster than he's prepared for.

Two infants. Two toddlers. Two children. Two teenagers.

Pointing to the screen, the technician offers details. "Right here, you can see their heads. Their arms and legs are down here, and these tiny ropes… their umbilical cords."

"Are they identical?" Donna asks, her teary eyes blinking, as she takes in the sight of the inch-long bodies before her.

"Fraternal," Dr. Mills responds. "They each have their own little homes to live in."

"So, what does that mean?" Harvey asks, his brow furrowed.

"Just that Donna is essentially having two pregnancies in one. These are two completely separate babies growing from two different eggs. You could be having two boys, two girls or one of each."

"Are there risks?" Donna continues. The grip she has on Harvey's hand telling him she's nervous.

"Every pregnancy has risks," the doctor explains. "But everything looks good. You may need bed rest in the final month, and we need to make sure your nutrition is high. But what we have here is completely normal, and based on size, you're looking at a late May delivery."

Donna looks over at Harvey. He's not only wearing an enormous grin, but his eyes are teary. With his expression, and her hormones in overdrive, she also begins to cry.

She's not even sure how she feels anymore. Yes, she's relieved and happy, even excited. But she's also terrified. The changes to her body, the way she feels… the risks.

Sensing her fear, Harvey leans in, and whispers. "We're gonna be fine. We have great care and… we're not outnumbered."

As the couple leave the hospital, they see Ray waiting out front.

"We're not too late," Donna says to Harvey. "We'll be back in time for your meeting."

"Samantha's handling it," he says, as he guides her into the back seat. "We're taking the day off."

"Harvey we can't," Donna states, matter-of-factly. "Not at the last minute like this."

"We can and we are," he insists, with a broad smile that reaches all the way to his eyes. "It's been a busy weekend with our families, and now we deserve some Donna and Harvey time."

Angling her head, Donna looks at him suspiciously. "Ok… what do you have in mind?"

"I just have one question," he teases, as he intertwines his fingers with hers. "Do you think Hermes makes diaper bags?"

Without missing a beat, Donna replies, "I think they do, and have you heard?… I'm gonna need two."