Chapter One: Aftermath

Waking up, she felt heavy. No matter how hard she tried, her body wouldn't move. Her head was being covered by a green-haired boy. The one she reached out to for help, the one she begged not to go, the one she selfishly clung onto to escape. Despite all the danger involved, he came back. He got hurt, called her Quirk kind and gentle, and even asked her to lend him her power!

Just what kind of hero is he…

Mustering the strength to stand, Eri anxiously looked around. The cracked concrete was cold under her bare feet, smoke towered everywhere, and sirens blared in her ears. She couldn't understand it, all this chaos, all this destruction was… horrible, and it was all her fault. Broken out of her mental anguish by shouting, her red eyes snapped forward to two people pointing in her direction. Eri could only register a familiar feeling of terror as the unknown began to approach.

Trying her best to breathe, she felt the horn on her forehead.


No… that meant she had no power.

She didn't know how, but she was able to control her Quirk when she fought with the hero. She could tell if people were bad by the look in their eyes, but these people… seemed concerned? Probably for the hero, but what did that mean for her? That thought sprung the young girl into action, turning and running as fast as her legs would go, berating herself for her cowardice.

Eri ignored all the people she passed, yelling for her to stop. The hero was hurt, and Lemillion was nowhere to be found.

She couldn't take it anymore!

'When people get close to me, they get hurt or worse! Maybe it would've been better if I had just done as I was told!' Eri mentally screamed with tear-brimmed eyes, not realizing she had run into an alleyway. 'It's… It's just like when I met them! If I keep running, maybe I'll meet some more nice people!'

With that optimistic thought, she fell back as she bumped into someone. After muttering an apology, all hope faded from her eyes.

Staring at her was a relatively petite, fair-skinned girl in an oversized beige cardigan, the edge of a dark blue skirt peeking out. On her thighs were two green boxes containing knives, another set resting on the blue belt around her waist. Two large cylinders were fitted atop her shoulders, wires connecting to the machine on the girl's back. What it was for, Eri did not know, her mind at a standstill, focus trapped on the sharp, inwardly-slit yellow eyes of the stranger.

"Well, well, aren't you just a cutie!" she delightfully squealed with a wide grin, showing her long canine-like teeth, a fierce pink shadowing her cheeks.

Eri had no response.

She didn't know what to do. The exhaustion from aiding the hero and her run finally caught up with her frail body. Eri had felt helpless many times before, not reacting had become natural in those situations, but somehow, this was different.

Usually, people were cruel and unconcerned with her well-being.

Usually, just quietly letting the pain hurt her rather than others, was normal.

But now, she understood real fear.

The golden cat-like irises of the girl towering over her were overflowing with genuine curiosity. The only thing Eri could do was bring her attention to the stranger's disheveled blonde hair, done-up in two messy buns with wild strands everywhere, the ones framing her face forcing the child back into her gaze. As her hand approached, the only thing the young girl could do was close her eyes and endure whatever pain was coming.

But none came.

"Wow! I love your hair! Such a lovely shade of blue!" the girl bubbly exclaimed as she softly stroked her head.

Huh? Did she say she loved her hair?

Nobody had ever told Eri that before. The way it made her feel… it was just like when she first met the hero! Maybe this person was one too! Even if she did have scary eyes.

"Hey, Toga! Isn't that the 'core-child' boss-man was telling us about?" a strange man in a white and black bodysuit pointed-out as he appeared over the girl's shoulder. Though she didn't know where he came from, Eri was more focused on his torn mask being covered by some cloth.

"Hm? Oh! You're right, Twice! This is the girl he wanted us to get!" she realized, a predatory gleam in her eyes.

"You're coming with us, little girl!" he told Eri in an ominously-quiet voice as he reached out.

"First of all, rude!" Toga admonished as she slapped away Twice's hand. "And second, that just sounded creepy. Now, hush for a moment, please," she requested as she pulled off the cloth cover.

"Ah! Toga! I'm going to split!" he cried out as he gripped his head and crouched in front of the wall, Toga gently rubbing his back and whispering soothing words.

"Sorry about that," the villainess apologized with a sheepish grin as she knelt before the young child, the genuineness returning. "Let's try this again. What's your name, cutie?"


"Eri! That's a beautiful name! I'm Himiko!" the girl said as she held out her hand, tentatively being shaken. "So, tell me, Eri, what're you doing way out here?"

"I-I was fighting with the hero, and we got hurt. When I woke up, people were coming, and I ran," she explained, hanging her head.

"Don't feel bad," Himiko encouraged, "You have good instincts. It's like my mom used to always say, 'Stranger Danger'…"

"M-Ms. Himiko?" Eri asked after a moment of her trailing off, only to gently get booped on the nose.

"Don't worry, I'm okay," she reassured, "So, where are your parents?"

"P-Parents?" the frail child spoke with a frightened tone as memories flashed through her mind. "I remember Mom… she would read me stories of heroes. One day, I got hurt, and Dad tried hugging to make me feel better, but I got scared… and then, poof. Mom yelled and called me a curse…" Eri recalled, unable to hold back the tears as she threw herself forward.

The young girl stiffened when two arms wrapped around her.

They felt… so warm, just like before.

"What's a Mom?" she asked the villainess's golden eyes.

Caught off by the sudden question, she took a moment. "A Mom is someone who will love you without reason, protect you from anything, support you in everything, and always put a smile on your face," Himiko spoke with a wide grin, hoping it helped the little girl. Though she didn't smile, her eyes did get brighter. A win in her case.

"W-Will you be my Mom?"


Silence is what reigned for a few eternal moments, only broken by the inner-ramblings from the oblivious Twice.

"A-Are you sure, Eri?" Toga asked, still trying to process the child's request. "I don't think it's a good idea to ask someone you just met," she reasoned.

"Yes!" she nodded with more resolve than Himiko had heard. "You'll be a great Mom!" Eri declared as she hugged her new parent tighter, burying her face in her chest.

"Alright, but if I'm going to be your mom, the first thing I need to do is find you a dad," the blonde decided as she began stroking Eri's long, soft hair.

With her perceptive senses, she heard approaching footsteps and the voices of heroes, probably a search-party for Eri. Noticing the worry and concern in the child's red eyes, Himiko reassured her with a smile as she continued rubbing her head as she quietly spoke.

"Listen, Eri. I need to go," Toga said as the young girl looked confused. "There are people nearby looking for you. Don't worry, they're good people. They'll make sure you get somewhere safe."

"But why?" Eri asked, tears in the corners of her eyes, "Why can't I go with you?"

"It's not safe where I'm going, and as your Mom, your safety is my top priority!" she exclaimed with a big, toothy grin.

Giving a small nod of understanding, Eri kept her head down, unable to look her in the eye as she asked a lingering question.

"A-Are you a bad guy?"

Silence fell once more before Toga gently booped Eri on the nose again.

"No, I'm a bad girl," Himiko pouted, "Now, go on," she softly urged.

Encouraged by a wave, Eri copied her before running out of the alley.

While Himiko was sad to see her go, she knew it was for the best. She'd be watching out for the young girl in the shadows, while Deku would be the light in her life, so there was no reason to worry. It was only a matter of time until they all met again, of that she was sure. Pulling out her phone, she swiftly clicked on one of the few contacts.

"Hey, Compress! So, sorry to tell you, we weren't able to get ahold of the core child, but I have a pretty good idea where they're taking Mr. Overhaul!" she reported in giddy delight as she heard the one-armed man trying to control his tone. "Yep! That highway is the fastest way to the nearest villain hospital. I'm also pretty sure the "finished product" is with him as well.

But even if it isn't, I'm sure you'll give them a warm welcome, won't you?" Toga asked, her eyes shimmering with the dark undertone as the call ended. Gently taking Jin's hand, she began leading him away from the chaotic aftermath.

Broken out of her many vengeful scenarios by her teammate's mumbling, Tog's face turned a shade of pink as it reminded her of Deku. Her smile becoming that of a lovesick schoolgirl as her daydream continued, she couldn't wait to be reunited with her two favorite people.

The day they could start being a family.