Ava knew she must have looked weird standing in front of a house with a suit case and an owl cage beside her. The flight from England to America was a long one, and Artemis, her owl, was getting angsty from being in the cage for so long. Taking a deep breath, she tightened her hold on the cage and her suitcase before walking up the steps to the front door. She fought in a huge wizarding war, surely she was capable of this!

There was a pause before she finally knocked, rolling on the back of her heels as she waited for someone to open the door. Bella's truck was still in the drive-way, as well as Charlie's cop car so she knew they were home. Or, at least she knew Charlie was home. After a baited breath the door opened revealing a middle-aged man, his eyes going wide seeing who was at the door. "Uh, hey dad..." Ava greeted shyly, tucking a strain of black hair behind her ear.

"Ava..." He breathed, bringing her in for a hug. She hugged him back just as tightly as tears threatened to fall. It had been a while sense she saw her family. She sent letters as much as she can, but it was a long flight for owls to be sent off. She came back every other holiday, but for the ones that didn't offer much time off she stayed back at Hogwarts. The last year had been brutal, mainly because of the war that she didn't want to risk Voldemort knowing who her family was. Now that he was gone, it was safe to come back.

"Is Bella home?" Ava asked, pulling back to see the warm look her dad was giving her. She wasn't used to this, he was normally put together and masked his emotions well. Charlie wasn't an emotional man, but he had a good heart. Ava hated being away from him for so long.

Charlie blinked a few times before shaking his head. "No, I actually kicked her out of the house for a few nights..." He stated sheepishly, moving out of the way so that she could pull her luggage and owl inside the house.

That made Ava blink in surprise. "You kicked her out for a few days?" She echoed, giving her dad a confused glance.

Her dad coughed, "she, uh, left for three days without telling me where she was going..." He stated bitterly, "I told her it would be a good idea to leave so that I wouldn't loose my temper, but she'll be back tomorrow." He promised, shuffling awkwardly beside her at that explanation.

"Oh," was all Ava could say to that. She has been gone for a long time, she realized. "Where is she?" She didn't realize Bella actually had friends. She was more of the loner type - not really sticking to one person, and to know that she actually had a place to go if something like this happened was surprising.

Surprisingly dad scowled at that. "With her boyfriend," he grumbled and Ava's eyes widened comically. Bella had a boyfriend? "Actually, it's a good thing you're back. You might bring her back to the light somehow." Back to the light? Ava tilted her head at that. "You don't, uh.. have your wand with you, do you?" He asked awkwardly, the word sounding foreign coming from his mouth.

"It's tucked away in my suitcase," Ava answered, "but I won't be needing it for a while." She wanted to leave all that behind her for now. She knew that bottling up her magic would be a bad idea, but after all that happened she wanted to be away from magic, at least for a little while until she was in a better place. Although Hermione and the gang forced her to bring one of those Magic Mirrors that allowed you to talk like a phone, just so they would have something to communicate with her. "I hope you don't mind Artemis though, she's my owl and I couldn't just leave her behind." She admitted, giving the owl a loving glance who hooted at her in response. Artemis has been with her sense the start of her crazy adventure and she would hate to have to give her up.

His eyes softened at that. "No, she's your owl to keep," he promised with a small smile before clearing his throat. "Your room is still upstairs. It hasn't been touched."

Ava grinned at that. "Thanks dad, you're the best!" She hugged him one last time and he awkwardly hugged back before she pulled away.

She was happy to be home and hopefully away from anything unnatural. Or so she thought.

AN: Hello folks! Harry Potter cross-over, but because it's more Twilight I kept it within the Twilight side of things. And for fanfiction sake, lets say the Wizarding War happened in 2006 or 7. I cannot wait to write this and I have a lot of ideas in store.

This is a Jared/OC story, Paul/Kim. Just because Jared is my favorite wolf and deserves some love c: