Greetings my lovelies!

I feel like my muse has turned against me entirely. I had plans to work on my new 'epic' fic and instead she demanded I update this one first. How is it that I start writing finally and then have no control over what I write...evil magics are at work here!

Either way...hope you all enjoy this bit of fluff that it seems she needed to get out of my head. Maybe now I can focus on my new fic and be left alone with it lol.

A special shout out to my Coven sisters who are always there for me come rain or shine and always have something sweet or smart-mouthed to say to keep me going. I love you all for your different brands of love and affection.


~Tempest 'Dash'

Hermione but her lip to keep from moaning or crying out again. She knew every time she made a sound the poor warriors in the other room had to fight off two very dangerous veela males. She would have to start pushing soon and she knew that part was going to cause her to scream even if she didn't want to. No reason to make the guard's job harder than it already was going to be this early in the delivery.

Madam Pomfrey was nearby discussing the next steps with the veela mid-wife that the High Chancellor had brought with him. Today it seemed was a very important day. Not only was a new baby being born into the magical world but there was a good chance the baby would be a veela and start a new bloodline for the nation. Excitement was high among the counsel and she knew that the High Chancellor himself was hoping it was a male veela as they were rare and could potentially sire many future generations.

The excitement and anticipation was higher still due to all the traits she had acquired during her mating with Blaise and Draco. She was considered one of the most powerful non-veela mates in the past three hundred years. Not only did she gain the senses of the veela, heightened sight, smell, and taste, she had also gained their speed and their ability to rapidly heal from simple damage. Parchment cuts were a thing of the past now.

Her grin at that thought melted away as another contraction rolled over her stomach and she hissed in pain as she squeezed down on Harry's hand. Draco and Blaise had refused to allow any other veela in the room with her except the mid-wife but she had been adamant that her brother was going to be there to help her through it. Especially since neither of her mates could be…it wasn't safe for anyone else. That had not been a fun conversation to have.

A few months prior to her due date the High Chancellor had come calling. He had congratulated them on such an early conception and successful pregnancy and then had asked if they understood the dangers of a mate giving birth with the veela mates in the room. None of them really had and so he had taken the time to explain that the pain would drive the veela crazy without help and in his crazed state he could potentially hurt the baby, his mate, or the healers assisting the birth.

The fact that she had two mates and both of them were more Alpha than most other male veela made it even more dangerous for all involved. The veela nation had precautions to try to help with a birth and after talking about them all, they had agreed to allow the mid-wife and guards to come help when she went into labor. This is how she found herself alone with Madam Pomfrey, the mid-wife, and Harry while her two mates were being contained on the other side of the steel door.

She looked down at the magical bracelet around her wrist and wondered why it did not seem to be working as effectively as had been explained. Both of her mates had a similar band on and it was supposed to suppress their emotional and physical connection so that Draco and Blaise did not feel her pain or her fear and worry. Though it was obvious it worked to a degree, she could still feel their seething rage and under that their worry over her pain and their undying need to protect her.

The guards had been brought to keep Draco and Blaise exhausted and contained in their waiting area. Where normally there were only two guards to a normal veela male, she knew the council had sent eight of them to deal with Draco and Blaise and she now knew why. She had been updated that the fighting had already injured two of them and they were being seen to by another healer while the other six took turns fighting hand to hand with Draco or Blaise as they tried to reach her.

She hoped no one was fatally hurt during it all and could only hope this would all be over soon. She was ready to be back in her mates' arms and back in their sanctuary. She didn't like being in a foreign place without them beside her. Just one more reason of several that she had Harry with her now and Ron in the containment room with the boys. The hope was that seeing the two wizards they had come to trust around her would help calm them down when they needed it. She wasn't sure how well it was working but she hoped Ron was still intact and unharmed. If they hurt her best friend she was going to have many words with them!

Another wail of pain echoed from behind the door and Draco bared his teeth in a hiss as the males all gathered their strength. Threats all of them…threats to his mate and their young. He and Blaise had not found a way to incapacitate them yet but he knew they were getting closer. Every fight may have drained their own strength but it seemed to be draining the bastards in their way faster and more each time. Soon they would not be strong enough to keep them from their mate. Gathering his energy to surge forward for another offensive attack, Draco paused as a familiar scent washed over his sensitive nose.

"Mate…I know that you are freaking out about Mione but you have got to calm down. Blaise follows your lead so if you can just get a hold of your veela insanity then he will too. You guys are going to end up hurting someone you don't really want to hurt and pissing her off more."

His black eyes turned to take in the red headed male in front of him. His veela hissed a threat even as it registered that the male was family to their mate and they could not harm him. That thought pulled at Draco's consciousness and with an effort born from controlling his urges before they had found Hermione, Draco pulled back on his temper and wrapped his arms around his mate to try to help him calm as well.

"They are hurting her!"

The hissed words were guttural, his veela in full protection mode and wanting blood for the pain he was feeling and the cries that continued to assault his ears. The weakling in front of him held out his hands in a submissive gesture as he took a step closer.

"No mate they aren't. She is in labor…remember? She is having your baby. Even with magic it tends to be painful and the veela venom from the bond keeps most magical means of helping with the pain null and void. She is just going through the natural process of bringing the baby into the world. It will be over soon and she will be just fine."

He felt Blaise tense in his arms and he held tighter as the veela lashed out towards the wizard.

"You lie! You all lie! You are torturing my mate!"

His smooth Italian accent was gone to be replaced by a deep growling and once again Draco had to pull his wits together to keep his mate from hurting Hermione's family.

"Blaise…do not attack the wizard. She will be angry with us if he is harmed. He would not hurt her…he is family."

His words only helped Blaise calm slightly and the very next wail of pain had them both leaping past the red head and meeting the line of guards with growls and sharp nails and veela speed. The air charged with magic as the eight of them clashed together, grunts of exertion and howls of pain the only noises that escaped from the blurs moving in the center of the room.

Then the pain faded into relief with one last scream and the cry of an infant had the entire room pausing to listen. Draco felt his veela recede to allow him to think clearly and he watched as Blaise's eyes bled back to normal. The sounds of the baby wailing at the top of its lungs had his lover looking at him with tears in his eyes…tears he felt forming in his as well.

The door opened slowly, the veela mid-wife cautiously peeking out before seeing the calm and stepping fully into the room. Looking around until she found them, she met their eyes one at a time before giving them a smile.

"Your mate is doing perfectly. Madam Pomfrey will have her healed in just a moment and you will be allowed in to see her. Congratulations gentlemen, you are the proud fathers of one brand new baby boy."

The cheer that went up from the warriors and council caused Draco to flinch as he had forgotten all about everyone else in the room. His knew his grin matched Blaise's and with a cry of his own he pulled his other mate in to his arms and held him close. Blaise's lips found his even as the tears spilled over and he let the sweet taste of the Italian's lips soothe his jumbled mind.

He was going to be a father. No…they were going to be fathers and it was all because of one bushy haired little Gryffindor know-it-all who had not only come to help when they called but had then agreed to bond with them and be their mated female. There were no words strong enough to convey his happiness and gratitude and as the door opened again and they were waved that way, he knew there never would be.

Hermione fell back against the pillow as the final push freed her baby from her body and her body from the pain. She had no idea how long she had been in labor now but she was utterly exhausted. She heard the door open and close but didn't have the strength or care to look. Turning her head to the side she saw a beaming Harry and she couldn't help but smile up at his shining face.

"You did it Hermione. That was terrifying and breath taking and now I have a new godchild to spoil rotten. What is it Madam Pomfrey?"

The healer looked up from checking over the now slightly cleaner baby and gave Harry and Hermione a soft smile.

"Congratulations Lady Zabini-Malfoy….Hermione…you have a beautiful baby boy."

Walking over she helped situate Hermione until she was sitting up a little more and then pulling the front of her gown open she laid the baby skin to skin on his mother's chest.

"That will help him settle and feel safe. It will also help with the bonding of mommy and baby. I read it is even more essential in veela females or female mates as the bond and attachment will travel down the emotional link to your mates. It should help keep their jealousy at bay when they want your attention and the baby needs it more."

Her smile turned rueful at that and with a chuckle she set to work cleaning and healing Hermione as mother and baby snuggled. Looking down at her son, Hermione couldn't help the small giggle that fell from her lips. His eyes were solid black at the moment and the High Chancellor had told her if the baby inherited the veela blood fully that that would happen for the first few weeks. Most people she knew would find it creepy…she could only melt at the sight.

He was so tiny against her body but he had all ten fingers and toes and a cute button nose and a small dusting of platinum white hair just like his father. They were all pretty sure it was going to be Draco's baby. As Alpha of their pairing it was his right to have an heir first and they done what was needed during their mating to ensure that would happen. She had a little Malfoy to love and spoil along with his father.

Now she just had to heal and wait the appropriate amount of days before they could start trying for an heir to the Zabini line as well. She was not going to wait any longer than necessary to give him the same joy and security that she had provided to Draco.

The last of the pain subsided and with it the last of her strength. Hermione felt her eyes drift closed just as the door opened again and the bond to her mates grew strong and solid. Blinking her eyes open sleepily as the bracelet was removed from her wrist she met first the shining eyes of Blaise before she locked on to her dragon. His eyes were jumping back and forth between the baby and her face and she gave him a small smile to reassure him that she was okay.

"He is beautiful cara. You do us proud my love."

Blaise sat on the edge of the bed before flicking his hand to widen it and lay fully along her side. Wrapping his arm gently around her, he buried his nose in her hair and went still. She knew this was going to be trying for them but she could feel his anxiety and fearful relief and her heart melted a little more. It must truly have been hell for their veelas.

"It is customary for the mother to choose the name of the first heir to be born. Have you picked a name my love?"

Harry stood and slowly moved away as their Alpha approached the bed and knelt down so he was eye level with her and the baby. His black eyes matched his sons perfectly but his stare was focused entirely on her. She shivered as her body tried to react to a look she knew well but her exhaustion wouldn't allow for more than a small spark of desire.

"I know that you are still angry at your parents. I also know that you hold tradition very sacred. So in honor of their two houses and the traditions of both, I picked his name in hopes it would make you happy."

His smile was slow in coming but still had the ability to make her quiver even in her tired state.

"I am honored that you would love me enough to follow such archaic traditions as the purebloods tended to have. What is to be our sons name then my beautiful mate?"

Looking down at the baby, her hand running gently over his head and down his back as he slept on, Hermione felt her love grow to overflowing as she gazed on her tiny boy.

"Scorpius Draco Malfoy…a constellation for the Black's tradition and his father's name for the Malfoy's."

Turning her eyes back to Draco, she watched his eyes soften as first his hand and then Blaise's covered hers on their baby boy's back.

"Welcome to the family Scorpius. You will be loved and protected and you will never live a day of your life without knowing that we love you and want you and will die to protect you."

Both of her mates leaned over and gently kissed his head before claiming her lips one at a time in a sweet, gentle kiss. Draco crawled onto the bed and carefully wrapped himself around her just as Blaise had and in between their arms she started to drift off to let the healing of sleep have her knowing her and her son would never have a place that was so filled with love and so protected.