Chapter 1: These Secrets That We Keep

At precisely nine o'clock in the morning, Devin Schiff, Chairman of the Galactic Intelligence Committee, banged his gavel and called the court to order.

"Will the witnesses please rise?"

General Poe Dameron and Commander Finn stood, shoulder-to-shoulder and raised their right hands.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you Maker?" A moment's pause. "Let the record show that the witnesses have answered in the affirmative. Please have a seat."

So began 45 minutes of questioning. "Now, then, Mister..."

"Finn," Finn supplied.

"Finn, all right then," Schiff agreed. "Can you please tell me the last time you saw Kylo Ren?"

"I was onboard the Star Destroyer flagship. We were in a corridor and he was cutting down Stormtroopers. They had him surrounded and still he was fighting them. At one point, there was a blast from the Force, strong enough to knock me down from several yards away. I glanced up to see him running down the hall. Then, another explosion and... he was gone."

"And the Jedi girl? The one they call Rey of Jakku?" Schiff prodded.

"Went down with the ship," Poe testified flatly.

"Thank you, gentleman. I yield my time to ranking member Nunes."

Ranking Member Adam Nunes was less formal in his line of questioning. "Enough of this madness! General Dameron, it is well documented that you were in league, an alliance, with Allegiant General William Pryde during the final battle. He reported directly to Kylo Ren. Now, for the last time, sir, where is the former Supreme Leader?"

"How many times do I have to say it? He's dead - and the Jedi as well!"

After 11 hours of testimony, Poe and Finn went back to the latter's apartment. Jannah Calrissian was waiting up for them, reading a book on the couch. At the click of the lock, she rose and rushed into Finn's arms.

"Hey." She pecked his lips. "How was...?"

But Finn had already broken the kiss abruptly, to make a beeline for the restroom. Next moment, the sound of retching could be heard. Jannah looked to Poe, who helplessly shrugged. Sighing, Jannah rapped on the door lightly.

"Finn? Honey? Are you OK? What happened?"

"Nothing," he got out, strangled. "We just committed perjury in front of the Galactic Intelligence Committee. And if Schiff ever finds out, he's gonna run our asses straight into the Unknown Regions! How are you, dear?"

Jannah turned back to Poe. "This is about Rey, isn't it?"

Poe regarded her sadly. "Jannah, you know I can't answer that."

She just shook her head. "So dark, so dark indeed - these secrets that you keep. Is it worth it?"

Finn emerged from the washroom, wiping his face. "Yes."

It was late when the two friends left Finn and Jannah's place. Poe insisted that they go out for a fly, to clear their heads - and he knew just the place he wanted to go.

Climbing into a two-piloted freighter that Poe had adopted after the war, to replace his X-wing, the buddies took off into open space.

"Nunes is on to us," Finn fretted, picking at the lining of his jacket, the one Poe had gifted him. It felt like forever ago.

Poe gave a tender turn of the wheel, staring out the viewfinder. "As far as anyone is concerned, Nunes is trafficking in conspiracy theories. Besides, everyone knows he's as dumb as a battle droid, and don't try to tell me different. Plus, Schiff has all the power, and he seemed to believe us."

"I know, but..." Finn's voice trailed off as he happened to glance back. Catching the image in the rearview mirror, his face went white. "We got a follower."

"Not for long," Poe remainded as cool as a cucumber. "Better hang onto your lunch!"

"I tossed what was left of my lunch into Jannah's toilet!"

"Fantastic. You're all flushed out. Now grab onto something!"

Poe took the freighter through several fancy maneuvers, careening with bare control into an asteroid field. He feinted, and the pursuer matched him.

"Damn, this guy's good. I can't shake him," Poe commented. He sounded almost impressed, and not at all concerned, like they were merely participating in an ill-advised street race while on holiday. "Looks like a Bothan behind the wheel."

Next to him, Finn was hyper-ventilating. "Bothan? They fly now?"

Poe nodded. "They fly now. All right, Bothan, watch this - let's see if you can a cork barrell in light speed!"

The tactic worked. The Bothan quickly crashed into an asteroid and flamed out. Poe quickly jumped to hyperspace, looking smug.

"Think that was a spy?" Finn asked.

"Whoever he was, he's toast now. Remember: we're taking this secret to our graves."