A/N: heeeeyyyy guys me here! Guess who's back...back again! Ok sorry anyway lol. So a few things I want to say before we begin. First off, this is the sequel to A Libero's Mishap so if you haven't read the first story, please go do and so you know what exactly is going on. Second off there's something unfortunate that happened. So I was working on the second chapter of this story, when something happened with my ipad. All my notes in my note app somehow got deleted...this story and another one shot I was working on included. I tried everything I could to try to recover them (without having to pay for a recovery app) with no luck, so I had to write the whole story over again. I tried making chapter 1 the closest it was to the original one, but I did make a few minor changes. This also means I'm behind on the story due to me having to rewrite the entire story that I wrote so far. Don't worry though, I'm now writing it on google docs, so there won't really be a chance of it suddenly being deleted again. But I apologize for this inconvenience and not being able to update every few days. I was hoping to get 3 maybe 4 chapters in before my semester's end, but that may not happen now. I'll try updating after my Thanksgiving break and before my winter break, but I can't promise anything. Once winter break comes, I should be updating more...or at least I'll try to. Again, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience.

Anyway, enough of my rambling! You guys are here to read the sequel you might have been waiting several months for! Let's get to it then!

I own nothing of Haikyuu!

It was just another day at Karasuno...more specifically, the boys' volleyball practice. About half the team was in the club room getting dressed for practice. Nationals was less than a month away and the team was getting antsy. After months and months of practice, they were soon going to face harder teams. That was exciting for the team!

As everyone was getting dressed, they heard the screams of Hinata and Kageyama. Their bet was, they were racing...again...for like the millionth time. Honestly no one was surprised by this anymore.

"Are they planning on using up all of their energy before practice?" Ennoshitia sighed.

"Why are you surprised at this point, Ennoshitia?" Daichi shrugged.

"Yea and besides, I'm still convinced they aren't entirely human," Tanaka adds.

"They're a bunch of imbeciles," Tsukishimia rolled his eyes. "It's really annoying if you ask me."

Tanaka was about to say something, when a sudden third scream and a loud thud came from right outside the room.

"What was that?" Suga asked, slightly concerned.

He, along with Tanaka and Daichi, opened the door to investigate. They looked down to see Hinata and Kageyama on the ground...Hinata on top of Kageyama. They only guessed that Kageyama was winning.

"Are you guys alright?" Suga asked.

"We're good," Kageyama groaned and then glared at Hinata. "Now can you get off me?!"

Hinata was about to, when Kageyama felt a punch in the back.


"While you're at it, can you get off of me?!"

Everyone's attention went to the third voice...which everyone soon realized it was none other than Nishinoya. He was glaring at the two first years as everyone noted that Kageyama was basically sitting on his chest.

Hinata didn't waste another moment to sit there as he scattered off of Kageyama so Kageyama could get off of Nishinoya. Nishinoya groaned as he sat up and rubbed his head.

"You alright Noya?" Tanaka asked.

"Yea I'm fine," he says as Tanaka lends his hand out to help him to his feet, and Nishinoya accepted the offer.

"Geez guys. Nishinoya just got back to practice, and you're already planning on taking him out of commission again?" Suga scowled the first years.

"It was Hinata's fault," Kageyama says so casually, it seems like blaming Hinata was a daily routine.

"What?! How was it my fault?!"

"You were the one who ran into me, which made me run into him!"

"But you saw him first and stopped so suddenly! If anything, it was your fault!"

"I stopped in plenty of time! It was your-!"

"You both weren't even paying attention!" Nishinoya interrupts, causing everyone to look at him. "You were making eye contact with each other right before you ran into me. Geez. You guys can keep arguing over who did what. I'm gonna go change."

As Nishinoya turned to head inside the club room, he could hear Tanaka laughing at the now embarrassed first years. As he walked inside, he got the attention of everyone who was in the club. Nishinoya could tell they were wondering what happened.

"Hinata and Kageyama basically tackled me," Nishinoya answered everyone's unspoken question.

"Idiots," Tsukishima rolled his eyes.

As Nishinoya went to go change, the rest of the team, who wasn't already in the club room, showed up to the club room. Of course, no one can have a normal changing time without Hinata and Kageyama arguing either on who won the race or who's fault it was for basically wiping out Nishinoya.

The argument finally ended with Daichi giving his famous glare that has the power to shut people up. Their argument stopped so abruptly, the others were shocked that Daichi's glare actually worked the second he started using it.

Nishinoya couldn't help but chuckle as he took his uniform shirt off. He turned and looked down to grab his volleyball shirt, when he suddenly caught sight of the scar that was along his side.

The same scar he got when he was stabbed by a knife wielding maniac. He frowned slightly at it as he remembered that day...and then the phone call he received a few days ago involving his court date against said assailant.

*5 days earlier*

Noya couldn't help but smile at the message as he replied back. As the libero kept walking the scenic route home, he felt his phone start to vibrate again...this time, he noticed someone was calling him. He frowned as he didn't recognize the number, but being the curious type, he answered it.


"Hi...is this Nishinoya Yuu?"

Something told Noya this was a scam call.

"May I ask who's calling?"

"This is Officer Reku from the police department."

Noya stopped dead in his tracks. Why would the police call him...unless...suddenly Noya felt his heart drop to his stomach.

"What's...this about?"

There was brief talking in the background before Reku spoke up again.

"We've called to inform you about the court date for your case against Katsu Jiro."

Nishinoya suddenly felt numb as the words left the officer's mouth. Did he hear that correctly? The...court date? But...wasn't Jiro…?

"Nishinoya-Kun? Are you still there?"

"I uh…" Nishinoya didn't know what to say.

"I know this is a lot to take in, but this is a procedure we must go through. But trust me, you'll be in good hands."

As Nishinoya came back to his senses, he took a deep breath and spoke up.

"When's...the court date?"

"December 28th."

December 28th...that was basically a week before they leave for National's. Did they plan for this to happen or was it just a coincidence.

"We tried contacting your parents, but we got no answer. We figured we'd call you to pet you know. We'll try contacting them later tonight."

"Is this all you wanted to tell me?" Nishinoya asked.

"Yes it is. If you have any questions regarding the case, don't hesitate to contact us."

"Alright...thank you."

"You're welcome Nishinoya-Kun. I'll let you go now. Bye."

"Bye," Nishinoya said before hanging up.

Nishinoya took a deep but shaky breath at the news he had just received as he numbingly continued walking home.


It's been five days since that call and today was...December 13th. About 2 weeks before the trial.

Nishinoya was suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as he felt a hand on his shoulder and he jumped slightly. He turned around to see the concerned look of Karasuno's ace.

"Hey...you with me now?"

Nishinoya blinked in confusion. "What?"

"I've called your name like 3 times and you didn't answer."

Nishinoya laughed. "Oops! Sorry dude! I guess I spaced out! Anyway, what's up?"

Asahi frowned. "I uh...was wondering if you were ready."

Nishinoya looked down to see he hasn't entirely taken his uniform shirt off yet. How long has he spaced out?

"Just give me 2 minutes!"

Nishinoya finished throwing his uniform shirt off and started putting on his volleyball shirt. As Nishinoya finished getting ready, Asahi couldn't help but worry about the libero. As Noya stated, he was ready within 2 minutes. He joined up to the ace.

"Alright, let's head out!"

Asahi nods as he followed Nishinoya out with everyone who was still in the club room oblivious to anything suspicious.

"Rolling...THHHHUNNNNDDDDDDEEEER!" Nishinoya shouted as he perfectly received the ball from hitting the ground.

He did a tuck and roll as he finished his world famous rolling thunder...ok not world famous...ok fine not famous at all. As expected, Tanaka started laughing as Nishinoya's attempt to be cool.

"Man how many times are you gonna try to make that look cool? It's never gonna happen!"

"Say that to me again, Tanaka! It is cool and it will catch on!"

As if on cue, Hinata runs up to Nishinoya in amusement.

"Please teach me the Rolling Thunder!"

"See?! Hinata wants to learn it! Obviously it's catching on!"

"He gets amused over everything," Kageyama slips in.

"What?! I do not!" Hinata snaps.

"You actually do," Tanaka adds in

"Who asked you?!" Hinata turns to Tanaka.

"Ok, that's enough," Daichi wanted to so badly to roll his eyes.

Everyone turned to attention, but before Daichi could say anything else, the gym door opened to reveal Takeda.

"Sorry I'm late, but I just had an important phone call. Can I have everyone's attention for a few minutes?"

Daichi turned to the team. "You heard him. Let's gather around!"

No one argued as the team, along with Ukai, gathered around to hear what Takeda had to say.

"Ok so, Daichi, Tsukishimia, Tadashi, Ennoshitia, Yachi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Ukai, Nishinoya's parents found a lawyer for the court case. He wants to meet with all of you tomorrow after school ends."

Everyone except for Tsukishimia, Kiyoko, and Nishinoya flinched at Takeda's news.

"Tomorrow?" Ukai frowns. "Isn't that a bit too last minute, Specs?"

"W-well...I think he wanted to speak to everyone as soon as possible so he can get started on the case. After all, it's coming up soon, right?"

Ukai could only stare at Takeda before sighing and looking back up towards the team.

"If this is the case, then practice tomorrow will be cancelled since half the team and myself will be gone."

It grew silent for a moment before Ukai looked at Takeda.

"So where are we meeting this guy anyway?"

"The building next to that ramen shop on 7th."

Ukai nods, before looking back towards his team. Everyone was silent, and the tension was so thick you could cut it easily with a knife.

"Why is everyone so tense?" Nishinoya finally spoke up. "Come on, you know he's going to be found guilty! We have all the evidence we need to show he attacked me...as well as Tanaka!"

Tanaka's eyes widen...completely forgetting he was also a victim of Jiro as well. He and Ennoshitia locked eyes with each other as they seemed to remember that incident.

"Well, he isn't wrong," Kageyama says. "Based on what I heard happen, there's a lot of evidence against him."

"Exactly!" Nishinoya said with a proud laugh. "Now let's get back to practice!"

Everyone stared at him before Yamaguchi spoke up.

"Uh Nishinoya...can you help with my jump floats? I want to see where I'm at in terms of these."

"Of course! Let's go!"

Nishinoya lead Yamaguchi away from the team. As soon as they did, Ukai looked at everyone else.

"You heard him. Let's get back to practice!"

"Sir!" they all say.

They started to go back, when Daichi and Suga looked to see Asahi staring at the libero in concern. The two looked at each other before walking up to the ace.

"Hey, you ok?" Suga asked, putting a hand on Asahi's shoulder.

Asahi looked over at his teammates before sighing.

"Yea I'm fine. I'm just...a little worried about Noya."

Daichi frowned. "About the trial?"

"Well...yea but...I don't know. He seems to be taking it pretty well."

"Well, you know him, " Suga laughed weakly. "Always looking towards the bright side."

"I would agree but...back in the club room, I caught him looking at his scar, and he didn't even hear me call his name. I don't know…"

Daichi flinched at the mention of Noya's scar, and the two other third years didn't miss it.

"You alright, Daichi?"

"Yea I'm fine...just thought of how I would have to talk about that night again. Seeing Nishinoya in that condition…"

Suga and Asahi looked at each other. Asahi remembered after he rushed to the hospital that night, the look on Daichi's face when he mentioned it was best he wasn't there when the incident happened. If Daichi was that shaken up, Asahi can't even imagine how his reaction would've been like if he was there.

"Well...Nishinoya is right about one thing," Suga stated. "He'll be found guilty, no doubt about it."

"Yea...you're right!" Daichi says before looking back towards the team. "Now come on, let's head to the court. Coach will yell at us if we don't head out."

Suga laughs as Asahi faintly smiled as they headed to the court. Asahi looked over towards Nishinoya and Yamaguchi to see Nishinoya just barely able to hit Yamaguchi's ball.

"Wow, Tadashi! I was barely able to get that one! Your serves are getting better!"

Yamaguchi smiled. "Thanks!"

Asahi saw the huge smile on the libero's face and couldn't help but smile slightly. However, the ace couldn't help but worry for the libero.

Is there something Nishinoya is hiding from them?

A/N: annnnd that's the end of the first chapter! What do you guys think of it? Also yes I was obsessed with Rolling Thunder so obviously I put that in lol. One thing I like to mention. If I put in italics in a flashback, it means it's a flashback from the first story. Any flashback from this story (if I decide to have any) will be written in normal text. One more thing before I go. I made an error during the last few chapters of the first story. I made it first name last name, when in Japan, they do last name first name. Since there was a flashback from story 1, I had to keep it the same, but know from next chapter on, the same situation will be last name first name. Anyway, tell me what you guys thought of the first chapter! Leave comments and any constructive criticism you may have! I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Bye!:) Also happy Thanksgiving!