After taking on a contract to kill a British actor, the company set out with an optimistic attitude towards their venture. It does not last.

Blitzo-" I have called this meeting to discuss the events of our last job." He said as he addressed his staff in the office. " Now I understand that things didn't exactly go according to plan."

Moxie-" That's putting it mildly." Moxie interjected.

Blitzo-" Buuuut I think we need to focus not so much on what went wrong, so much as what went right. Our original target is dead, and Lady Kuvira is satisfied. With the added bonus of her wating to work with us again in the future. So overall I'd call this a win." He finished.

Moxie-" Sir with all due respect, that was without a doubt the worst job we have ever done. It was even more disastrous than when we tried to kill a group of hikers and accidently set an entire mountain on fire."

Millie-" Kind of ironic, seeing as the mountain was called Winter Hill."

Vanity-" I don't now what you all are complaining about, like Blitzo said we killed this Murphy character, no fuss." Vanity pointed out."

Moxie-" Thanks to you we nearly didn't!" Moxie angrily replied. " Because of you, an entire production building has burned to the ground and killed about a hundred innocent people. This isn't even counting the person you tied up and pushed off the boardwalk."

Vanity-" That girl was asking for it! She kept pestering me about my body. She thought it was a costume, can you believe it? As if a group of people would want to waste their time dressing up in costumes themed after animals."

Loona-" Clearly you've never heard of DeviantArt." Said Loona as she messed on her phone.

Vanity-" What's that?" She asked confusedly.

Loona-" It's an art website where nerds draw humanoid animals and then jerk off to them." She said bluntly.

Millie-" And how would you know about this?" She asked.

Loona-" Because I used to do the exact same thing back when I was alive."

Blitzo-" Look can we please get back on track for a second?" He asked, slightly stressed out. " What I am trying to do here is figure out what exactly went wrong, and where."

Moxie-" I can answer that." He stated as he stood up. " What happened was Vanity killed an entire warehouse of actors and staff, by locking them inside and setting the building on fire. Killing the target yes, but also several innocents."

Vanity-" I don't see what the problem is we achieved out endgame did we not?" She asked.

Millie-" I know we did, but these things work out better the less collateral damage we cause."

Blitzo-" Millie's right Vanity, if we draw too much attention to ourselves it could make things harder in the future."

Vanity-" Look, none of those people where innocent." She defended. " They all must have sinned at some point or another in their lives."

Millie-" That's not the point though, we have a target each time we go up there. We shouldn't just kill anyone for the sake of it. As fun as it is."

Blitzo-" Look here's the short version." Blitzo interjected. " While things may not have gone as planned, we did succeed and with Vanity's help. Which is why I am announcing that you have passed your probation. Welcome to I.M.P.!"

Vanity-" OH MY LORD THS IS SO UNEXPECTED!" She yelled out in happiness.'

Moxie-" Sir. Have you gone completely insane?!" He asked agitated.

Blitzo-" Oh pipe down Moxie." He ordered. " The target's dead and Kuvira's happy. Sure some people died but apart form that there are no negative consequences."

Immediately after he said that a car slammed through the side of the building, thrown from the street below. Everyone quickly moved back in shock.

Loona-" What the Heaven was that?!"

Moxie-" Does anyone else hear that sound?" Asked Moxie.

Soon everyone could hear it. It was the sound of glass and stone breaking and it was getting closer. Eventually a figure pulled itself up form the broken entrance in the window. It was a demon that had several characteristics of Medusa. Long, dark green hair, that could break through walls. Her body, arms, and legs where thin, her face covered by a steel welder mask, with glowing red eyes. Spike bracelets around her wrists and neck. The rest of her body covered in a black jumpsuit. She looked at the Company, then addressed them. Her voice twisted and electric, she said.

-"You…You killed me!" She said as she looked at Vanity.

Everyone drew their arms, preparing to fight. As they did Vanity had something to say the demon in front of her. She calmingly and casually said .

Vanity-" Sorry dear, I've a lot of people. Could you please be more specific?"

As she finished, the demon rushed past everyone and grabbed Vanity, pinning her up against the wall. She leaned her face to Vanity and said.

-" You drowned me!"

Vanity-" Oh yes now I remember you!" She realised. " You where that clingy bitch who I tossed into the ocean. I have to say you haven't done bad for yourself have you? Nice form, a fan of medusa where you?"

Rather than answering, she flung Vanity onto the table, breaking it. Vanity quickly got up and tossed herself towards the others, preparing to fight.

Vanity-" I hope this means I don't loose my job." She said to Blitzo.

To clarify. I have nothing against Furriers, I just wrote those things for the sake of comedy.