Just some things before we start Season 2. First off: The teams that are not here. I feel that Hifumi and Twogami are too overweight and unfit to realistically make it far in the race and it would be too obvious that they'd be out early. Byakuya and Ryoma would have no desire to race and I'd feel really awkward writing them in the scenario. I also hate Kiyo, and had no desire to write him. As a result, you can see, there is a severe imbalance of men and women (8:14 ratio to be exact). Hopefully that won't be a problem, but just something I'd make clear.

If you have not read Season 1, I highly recommend you go do so. You'll get a better sense of what's happening and while I do not plan to have characters in this fic spoil the placements and destinations of teams in the first race, I might occasionally let things slip. Also, Season 1 is completed, so if you're a new reader, you can read that in your downtime between updates.

Also, because this is Non-Despair, I've written Junko as a typical fashion diva.

Bold and Italic text will signify when something is explained directly to the audience, which the racers don't hear.

Italic text will signify when a team is in a post-leg interview off the race course.

Bold text will signify when the focus is put onto a new team.

Leg 1.1

Helicopters, Lamborghinis, and yachts roamed the skies, streets, and seas over Tokyo Bay.

It's the beginning of December over Tokyo. One of the most populous cities in the world, containing famous places such as Akihabara and the Tokyo Tower. Right now, I am standing at Harumi Wharf at the edge of Tokyo Bay. It will now be the starting point for Season 2 of the Amazing Race: Hope's Peak Edition. We have recruited twenty two new individuals from Hope's Peak Classes 77-B, 78th, and 79th.

The helicopters came in close and began touching down before the cars or boats. The students opened the doors and began rushing into the starting line around Monokuma.

Let me introduce our teams. From Class 77-B:

Mahiru Koizumi, the Ultimate Photographer

Hiyoko Saionji, the Ultimate Traditional Dancer

Peko Pekoyama, the Ultimate Swordswoman

Mikan Tsumiki, the Ultimate Nurse

Gundham Tanaka, the Ultimate Breeder

Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu, the Ultimate Yakuza

And Teruteru Hanamura, the Ultimate Cook

The seven students ran onto the wharf around Monokuma and cheered. Then, the yachts began to come in and began to dock.

From Class 78th:

Kyoko Kirigiri, the Ultimate Detective

Junko Enoshima, the Ultimate Fashonista

Mukuro Ikusaba, the Ultimate Soldier

Toko Fukawa, the Ultimate Writing Prodigy

Sakura Ogami, the Ultimate Martial Artist

Kiyotaka Ishimaru, the Ultimate Moral Compass

And Mondo Owada, the Ultimate Biker Gang Leader

The teams from Class 78 ran next to class 77-B as they crowded around and cheered. The Lamborghinis began to drive into the wharf and stopped dramatically, opening their doors to reveal the racers.

And from Class 79th:

Maki Harukawa, the Ultimate Child Caregiver

Kirumi Tojo, the Ultimate Maid

Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer

Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist

Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader

Gonta Gokuhara, the Ultimate Entomologist

And Keebo Idabashi, the Ultimate Robot. Yes, he is actually a robot.

The seven students lined up next to the others.

And of course, we can't go through this race without giving the Reserve Course some representation! Introducing Reserve Course Student: Natsumi Kuzuryu!

Natsumi awkwardly came in alone on a bicycle. "Stupid production… just because I'm a Reserve Course student I didn't get a flashy way in? This is lame."

She got off the bike and took an awkward few seconds to tie it to a pole before running over to the other teams.

"Now that we've got everybody here," Monokuma said. "I will explain the rules of the race. You will be embarking on a journey to circumnavigate the globe, but it will be split into twelve segments, or legs, of the race. Eight of these legs will be elimination legs, and you will be cut from the race if you arrive last at the end of the leg, also known as the Pit Stop."

Monokuma held up a black and yellow envelope. "This is what's known as a clue, which contains information on what to do next. If your clue says Route Info, it will tell you to either go to a new location, or to complete a task as a team. If your clue says Roadblock, it will tell you to select one team member to complete the task alone. Keep in mind that you cannot have more than 6 roadblocks completed per team member by the end of Leg 11, so make sure you're choosing strategically. If your clue says Detour, it will give you a choice between two tasks. You must complete one of them before you continue racing, but one may be faster than the other depending on your skillset."

Everyone nodded.

"And remember, the colors of the race are two yellow stripes with a red stripe in the middle. If you see that symbol, it's at the very least related to the race."

Once again, everyone nodded.

"Now, before we initiate our team selection, I have something to say." Monokuma said. "Junko, Mukuro, Fuyuhiko, and Natsumi, please step up."

The aforementioned students stepped up to Monokuma.

"I understand that you four are two sets of siblings. If you both agree, you may race together as a team before we select the teams for the others."

"Of course," Mukuro said. "I would love to be with my sister. No doubt about it."

"Yes!" Natsumi shouted. "I would've picked him anyway."

Fuyuhiko looked at Peko. "Don't worry about me," Peko mouthed. "Be with your sister."

"Sure." Fuyuhiko said.

Junko and Mukuro

Fuyuhiko and Natsumi

"Now for the rest of you," Monokuma said, pulling out a deck of cards. "Everyone please pick a card and arrange yourselves in the order of the cards that you drew."

The remaining eighteen students picked their cards. After looking at each other, they lined up in the following order: Mondo, Gonta, Mahiru, Sakura, Hiyoko, Kirumi, Toko, Peko, Angie, Kyoko, Keebo, Tsumugi, Gundham, Teruteru, Maki, Kokichi, Mikan, and Taka

"Mondo," Monokuma said. "Who will you pick to be your partner over the next thirty days?"

"The answer is obvious," Mondo said. "My bro Taka!"

"Thanks, Bro!" Taka shouted, running over to Mondo.

Mondo and Taka

"Gonta," Monokuma said. "The choice is yours."

"Gonta pick Kokichi! Because Kokichi is Gonta's best friend!"

"Huh? Oh… uhh… I mean… sure! That's true!"

Gonta and Kokichi

"Mahiru," Monokuma said.

"I'm gonna pick Hiyoko."

"The smallest one? Why?"


"Hiyoko and I are good friends," Mahiru said. "I'm also pretty certain that I'm the only one that can get along with her without fighting too much."

Hiyoko and Mahiru

"Sakura, you're up!" Monokuma said.

"Hmm…" Sakura said, looking around at everyone. "Kirumi."

Sakura and Kirumi

"I promise I will do my best," Kirumi said.

"Toko!" Monokuma shouted.

"K-K-Kyoko," she stammered.

Toko and Kyoko

Peko was up next. "I'm intrigued by the robot,"

"Fine, but I'm not that different than you," Keebo said, walking up to her.

Peko and Keebo

"Angie!" Monokuma shouted.

"Hmm… Despite her appearance, Atua says Tsumugi would do well."

"Erm… okay… not sure if that was an insult or not."

Tsumugi and Angie

Gundham looked at the remaining choices of Teruteru, Maki, and Mikan. Teruteru frantically pointed at the other girls.

"Teruteru," Gundham said. "It is possible that your cooking skills will come in handy… my Four Dark Devas agree…"

"Oh come on, man!" Teruteru shouted. "I could've been paired up with one of these hotties!"

He pointed to Maki and Mikan.

"Thank you," Mikan mouthed.

"Well, I guess the alternative isn't too bad…"

"Bow down to the overlord!" Gundham shouted.

Gundham and Teruteru

"Maki and Mikan," Monokuma said. "You know what that means. By default, you're a team."

Mikan and Maki

"Alright," Maki said. Mikan looked stoked.

"I didn't mind. I thought I was off great with having the Child Caregiver as my partner." Mikan said. "I thought she would be the most caring, sweet, and nicest person here."

"I didn't mind either. I knew whoever I got, I could teach them to know their place whether they wanted to or not."

"Now, everyone!" Monokuma shouted. "Now that you have chosen your partners, you must now run over to your bags and rip open the clue on top, which will reveal your first destination. However, the start of this race is a bit different than Season 1. Instead of the two flights like last season, there will be three flights, each of which are set to arrive twenty minutes apart. The first and second flights can hold four teams, and the third flight can hold three."

"Now, any further questions?" Monokuma asked. Everyone shook their heads. "Okay then. Everyone, the world is waiting for you."

Everyone got into a running stance. "Travel safe…."

Everyone prepared, adrenaline running high.


The teams darted towards their bags.

Sakura and Kirumi: Currently in 1st Place

Sakura and Kirumi reached the clue first and opened it.

"Fly to Manila, the Philippines," Sakura read.

[i] Fly to: Manila, the Philippines

Teams must now pick up one of these cars by the road and drive themselves to Tokyo Narita Airport. Then, they must fly on one of three flights to the Philippines, separated in twenty-minute intervals. Once teams touch down in its capital city of Manila, they must find Manila Ocean Park, where they will find their next clue.

"Alright, let's go! Let's do this!" Taka shouted.

Fuyuhiko and Natsumi

Fuyuhiko and Natsumi got inside their car with Fuyuhiko in the driver's seat. "Alright. Racing with my brother! We get to spend quality time together!" Natsumi shotued.

"Natsumi, being siblings isn't going to make us win," Fuyuhiko replied. "This isn't a 'fun fun' time, this is a race for a hundred million fuckin' yen, so don't waste time enjoying this more than you have to."

"Alright, Fuyu, I'm just saying, with you in the Main Course and me being put in the filthy Reserve building, we never really get to interact. Let me live."

Junko and Mukuro

"We're racing," Junko said. "I'm a bit out of my comfort zone already, but at least my sister has experience, am I right?"

"I'm used to the adrenaline, yes," Mukuro replied. "I know we can do this."

Mondo and Taka

Mondo and Taka climbed into their car as Mondo began to drive off.

"I think we have an advantage over the other teams!" Taka shouted.

"Mondo and I are best friends!" Taka shouted. "Sure, we might've fought in the first week after we met each other, I mean he's a gang leader, I'm supposed to be a moral compass, so we're total opposites. But I don't think we've had a serious fight since after we became friends!"

"Yeah. Of course, the teams of strangers need to get to know their partners before they can perform well. And I think the two sibling teams will fight until no tomorrow." Mondo replied.

Kyoko and Toko

"Why did you even join, Toko?" Kyoko asked. "You don't seem like the type to do this kind of thing. Especially on national television."

"W-w-well… Master said that he would go o-out with me if I won,"


Mikan and Maki

"So… you're the caregiver?"

"Technically, yes." Maki said somewhat coldly. "But that's just my title. I don't even like kids. They just come to me."

"Oh… I see…" Mikan replied. "I'm sorry!"

"For what?"

"Being paired up with me… I'll just be a deadweight. You're probably going to be better off without me..."

"We'll see about that." Maki replied.

Gundham and Teruteru

"Philippines, huh?" Teruteru asked. "I didn't quite expect to be paired with someone like you… but I'm sure we can make things work. But to be fair, I don't understand half of the words that come out of your mouth."

"You are a foul mouthed cur!" Gundham shouted. "I, the Overlord of Ice, won't let that divine obstacle get in the way of our final destination!"


"You are certainly a lowly worm with the maturity of a newborn newt, but I believe that your cooking skills will come in handy."

"Well, that's fair, but I do have… *other* skills that may come in handy."

Gonta and Kokichi

"Okay, Gonta, you're going to have to go exactly where I tell you to, kay?"

"Okay, Gonta understand!" Gonta replied.

"Gonta and Kokichi are best friends!" Gonta said. "Although… Gonta is not that smart. But Gonta can do strength challenges! And Kokichi is smart too!"

"Erm… yeah. We're totally besties," Kokichi replied. "Totally."

"Gonta, you know where the airport is, right?"

"No. Gonta not know. But Kokichi can guide, right?"

Peko and Keebo

"Tell me about you," Peko said. "What exactly can you do?"

"Oh, I'm just like the rest of you." Keebo replied. "I mean, I have average strength that can get better with practice, I'd like to say that I'm quite intelligent, I do have photographic memory, but Professor Idabashi had to disable it per the rules of this race, so now I would have the same kind of memory as a normal person… I have a system that allows me to feel pain..."

"Are you waterproof?"

"Yes, of course I am waterproof! There's nothing that will kill me that won't kill a normal human! But please, stop with the robot questions. I am just like you."

"I ended up with the robot," Peko said. "Not my first choice, but after running a leg with him, I can say for sure that he is not that different than others."

Kirumi and Sakura

"What do you do?" Sakura asked.

"I'm the Ultimate Maid," Kirumi replied. "I take requests and I complete them. I never fail."

"Ah. So you're like a servant."

"In a way. I can deny requests. I've done it before."

"I have a request," Sakura said. "As my partner in this race, you will do your best and never give up."

"I made that request to myself before we started."

Tokyo Narita Airport

Mondo and Taka

Mondo and Taka parked their car and ran into the airport.

"Marked counter… marked counter…" Taka muttered. He pointed to one marked with a red and yellow sticker. "This one!"

They ran over. "We need to get to Manila, as fast as possible."

The ticketman typed some things onto his computer.

"Alright, you're on the first flight." the agent said.

Mondo and Taka: 1st on Flight 1

"We did it!" Taka shouted. "We have secured our spot on the first flight!"

Meanwhile, Junko and Mukuro ran up to the counter behind them.

"Manila." Mukuro said.

"Alright, you're on the first flight."

Junko and Mukuro: 2nd on Flight 1

"Alright! We're probably safe… but anything can happen," Junko replied.

Gonta and Kokichi

"Over here, Gonta. Left."

"Which way is left?"

"It's the direction opposite the sign up there."

Gonta turned as they parked their car and ran inside to sign up for their flight.

Gonta and Kokichi: 3rd on Flight 1

"Flight one," Gonta said. "Gonta think that good, right?"

Peko and Keebo as well as Sakura and Kirumi ran through the airport as Peko and Keebo got there first.

Peko and Keebo: Last on Flight 1

"Here, you got the last tickets," the agent said. Kirumi and Sakura looked down in disappointment.

"I presume that we can't get onto that flight?" Sakura asked.

"Sorry, no, but you're the first people on the second flight."

Sakura and Kirumi: 1st on Flight 2

"Don't fret, Sakura," Kirumi said. "We'll be fine. At least we have a twenty minute jump on the last flight."

"I see…" Sakura replied.

The remaining teams came in one by one to book their flights.

Fuyuhiko and Natsumi: 2nd on Flight 2

Toko and Kyoko: 3rd on Flight 2

Mikan and Maki: Last on Flight 2

Then, Teruteru and Gundham sprinted up to the counter just as Mikan and Maki were leaving.

"We need to get to Manila," Teruteru said.

"Here you are, and you're on the last flight," the agent replied.

Gundham and Teruteru: 1st on Last Flight

"That is most unfortunate," Gundham said.

The last three teams came in with similar reactions.

Mahiru and Hiyoko: 2nd on Last Flight

"Oh, come on!" Hiyoko shouted. "I thought we came here quick! They're definitely cheating or something."

Angie and Tsumugi: Last on Last Flight

"Y'know, I thought we'd get here at least in the middle," Tsumugi said.

"If this is what Atua gave us, we should take it in stride," Angie replied.

Flight 1 Gate

The four teams who made Flight 1 sat around in a circle at the gate.

"So, you guys excited?" Junko asked.

"Totally!" Taka replied, thumb in the air. "We made the first flight! We have a twenty minute buffer on the next four teams!"

"That doesn't mean we'll keep that lead…" Mondo replied. "We just need to make sure we do our best."

"Nee hehehe," Kokichi said. "This race is going to be so fun!"

"Yes, Gonta agree!" Gonta replied. "This race is fun!"

"I really hope my robot body will allow me to complete these challenges," Keebo said, face aimed at his mechanical hand.

"You'll be fine," Peko replied. "I mean, you made it through airport security without being pulled over, right?"

"I guess…" Keebo replied.

Flight 2 Gate

"We could make up twenty minutes," Maki said. "I know we can. Maybe something will go wrong with their plane."

"It's not a problem, Maki," Kirumi replied. "We have a twenty minute buffer between us and the three last teams. If we can hang onto that lead, we should be fine."

"If we get eliminated… I'm sorry!" Mikan shouted.

"Why are you apologizing now?" Maki asked. "You haven't even done anything yet."

"EEK! I'm sorry for being useless!"

"Is she always like this?" Maki asked

"Pretty much…" Fuyuhiko replied. "You get used to it. Just be glad Hiyoko isn't here, instigating her."

Fuyuhiko moved aside with his sister. "Do you know what flight Peko's on?"

"No," she replied. "Don't worry about her. We'll leave her in the dust anyways."

"But if we get eliminat-"

"We're not going to get eliminated. In fact, we're going to dominate."

"Fine… I guess you're right."

Flight 3 Gate

Teruteru and Gundham approached the terminal where Angie and Tsumugi as well as Hiyoko and Mahiru were waiting.

"What is that?" Hiyoko asked, pointing to a platter of gourmet meat.

"Oh, I just managed to convince one of those shitty, grimy fast food places to let me use their kitchen!" Teruteru replied. "Would you like a piece?"

"I guess I'd like some. I haven't eaten since this morning," Tsumugi said.

"Atua also agrees!" Angie shouted, picking up a piece of the meat and chomping down on it.

"I can't believe a pervert like you can be persuasive like that." Hiyoko replied. "I'm staying away from it. It probably has aphrodisiacs in it like last time."

"If I recall… wasn't Hiyoko the one to put the substance in last time?" Gundham asked.

"Shut up, creepy vampire warlock!" Hiyoko shouted.

Teams are now en route on three different flights to Manila, the Philippines. The first plane carries Junko and Mukuro, Mondo and Taka, Peko and Keebo, and Gonta and Kokichi, and is set to arrive at 8:00 AM direct. The second plane holds Fuyuhiko and Natsumi, Kyoko and Toko, Sakura and Kirumi, and Mikan and Maki, and is set to arrive at 8:20 through Hiroshima. The last flight holds Gundham and Teruteru, Hiyoko and Mahiru, and Angie and Tsumugi, and is set to arrive at 8:40 through Seoul.

The sun set, then rose over the city of Manila as the locals got up early for their daily activities.

Manila Ninoy Aquino International Airport

Flight 1: 8:00 AM

The doors to the plane opened as the four teams onboard sprinted outside.

"GO GO GO!" Kokichi shouted.

Peko and Keebo

"Taxis! Out here!" Keebo pointed.

Gonta and Kokichi

"Gonta not understand. Where are taxis?"

Junko and Mukuro

Junko and Mukuro arrived at the taxi line outside. "Hi, we need to get to Manila Ocean Park," Junko said. The driver nodded as they got inside and pulled away.

"That was stressful," Mukuro said. "And I've literally been a mercenary."

"We have to get used to it if we want to make it to the end," Junko replied. "But we will."

Mondo and Taka

"TAXI!" Taka shouted, getting into one. "Sir! We need to get to the Manila Ocean Park!"

"Got it," the driver replied, driving off.

"Well, we did it!" Mondo said. "Our first taxi dash!"

"It feels... amazing! I'm getting such a rush!"

Peko and Keebo

Peko and Keebo sat side by side in the taxi.

"I guess we'll have to see what the race wants of us," Peko said. "See what we have to do before we make any judgement of how well we'll do."

Gonta and Kokichi

Gonta and Kokichi got into their cab as it pulled away.

"As fast as possible." Gonta said.

"I'm going the speed limit," The driver replied.

"Pfft. Speed limit? What's that? GO FASTER." Kokichi shouted. "I think we're passing teams now."

Peko and Keebo

"Was that the buff guy and the scrawny kid?" Peko asked.

"Oh, Gonta and Kokichi," Keebo replied. "Looks like it. Trust me, they might not look so mean, but Gonta is extremely strong and Kokichi is really sneaky. We'll probably want them out as fast as possible, and they're definitely going to lie to other teams."

Junko and Mukuro

"Look. Everything's so rural," Mukuro said. "Totally different from Tokyo."

"Totally," Junko replied. "I don't like it. It's too hot and sweaty for December."

Mondo and Taka

"Sir, you need to speed up," Taka said. "Someone's catching up!"

"No. I don't want ticket."

Gonta and Kokichi passed them. "Drat!"

"Wow, asshole!" the driver shouted, anger directed at the cab. "You should be arrested you little bi-!"

Junko and Mukuro

The cab looked at the speeding cab in front of them.

"You need to pass that cab," Mukuro said. "Do it."

"I can't. He's speeding. If I go faster, I'll be speeding too and I'll get fined…"


Gonta and Kokichi

The driver stopped in front of the park as Gonta and Kokichi stepped out and ran through the museum.

"Alright, where is it?" Gonta asked.

Junko and Mukuro

"Thank you," Mukuro said, stepping out of the cab. "Now, come on. Let's catch up to them."

Gonta and Kokichi

"Gonta! Here! In front of the dolphins!"

Gonta ran over and opened the clue box.

Gonta and Kokichi: Currently in 1st Place

"Detour. 200 Feet or 1 Mile?" Kokichi read.

It is now time for the first Detour of the race. In this Detour, teams will have the chance to experience agricultural life of the Philippines, or work with a traditional form of transportation. It will be their choice: 200 Feet or 1 Mile.

[D] 200 Feet

The majority of the Philippines is used for agriculture. And one of the Philippines's most profitable products is duck. In 200 Feet, teams must make their way to this duck field and work together to move 500 ducks from one pen, through these muddy and swampy rice fields, to another pen 200 feet away. If teams have all their ducks in a row, they will receive their next clue.

[D] 1 Mile

Jeepneys are the most popular form of transportation in the Philippines. In 2 Miles, teams must travel to this jeepney workshop where they must use the provided materials to perfectly match a model. After it has been checked, they must transport it one mile on this marked course to a second garage, who will give teams their next clue.

And to make things interesting, no more than six teams can do the same side of the Detour.

"Which one?" Gonta asked.

"Ducks." Kokichi said. "I don't want to have to paint or anything. And if we have to wait for it to dry…"

They ran out of the aquarium to encounter the other three teams.

"Where is it?" Mondo asked.

"It's by the stingray exhibit!" Kokichi shouted, getting into their cab.

"Thanks," Mukuro replied.

Keebo leant over to Peko. "He's lying. The stingray exhibit is the place we should definitely stay away from."

"Got it," Peko replied.

While Junko and Mukuro as well as Mondo and Taka strafed left, Peko and Keebo instead went to the right as they arrived at the clue box at the dolphin exhibit.

Peko and Keebo: Currently in 2nd Place

"Let's do the ducks," Peko said. "I'm not good at art."

"Alright, I see," Keebo replied.

Junko and Mukuro

"The stingrays are over here," Junko said. "But no clue box?"

"Yeah, I don't see anything," Mondo replied.

"I'm sure it's here somewhere! Just keep searching!" Taka shouted.

"Do you think they could've lied?" Mukuro asked. "I mean, Keebo is in their class and they didn't follow their directions."

"It's possible… they wouldn't hide it or put it on a person would they?" Junko asked. "You know what? Let's leave and search somewhere else."

Mondo and Taka

"Let's get outta here, bro." Mondo said. "Those assholes fuckin' lied to us."

"Oh… I see…" Taka said.

Flight 2: 8:30 AM: 10 Minutes Delayed

Kirumi and Sakura

"Come on!" Kirumi shouted, darting ahead of the other teams with Sakura.

Mikan and Maki

Maki ran ahead of Mikan as she tripped and slid down the airport floor.

"WAAAAIT!" She screamed. Maki sighed and rolled her eyes as Mikan got back up and began running again.

"Watch your feet." Maki replied.

"I-I'm sorry!"

Toko and Kyoko

"Come on, Toko!" Kyoko shouted, pulling her in a cab. "Manila Ocean Park."

Fuyuhiko and Natsumi

"We got delayed a few minutes," Fuyuhiko said, sitting in the cab with his sister. "Hopefully the other flight gets delayed too, but we can't count on that."

"Don't worry about it. Even if we're on the last flight, we're the best team here! We can beat them!"

Junko and Mukuro

"Up here!" Junko pointed. "Bastard lied to us."

Junko and Mukuro: Currently in 3rd Place

"Detour," Mukuro read. "I say we do the ducks."

"That sounds faster than painting and miniscule differences." Junko replied.

Mondo and Taka: Currently in 4th Place

"Ducks," Mondo said. "I don't have an eye for detail."

"I agree!" Taka shouted.

Gonta and Kokichi

Gonta and Kokichi's cab pulled up to a rice field.

"Alright, follow the marked route," Kokichi repeated, running down a path with yellow and red banners.

Peko and Keebo

"Gonta and Kokichi are right up there," Peko said. "We can catch up."

"Can we ask you to stay?" Keebo asked. The driver nodded as they got out and ran to the fields.

Gonta and Kokichi

Gonta and Kokichi arrived at one of the pens and went down into the swampy rice fields.

"Alright, let's do this Kokichi!"

They trotted over to the duck pen and peered over. "Oh, god, that's a lotta ducks,"

"That was way more ducks than I anticipated." Kokichi said. "It was around five hundred."

"Let's do it."

They opened the gate as the ducks began running out, going in every single direction.

"Get em!" Kokichi shouted, walking very slowly.

"Floor was very muddy," Gonta said. "Floor was not easy to walk or run fastly in."

Kokichi tried to run but ended up face planting in the field and getting muddy water all over his body.

Peko and Keebo

Peko and Keebo descended into the mudpit and walked over to the ducks.

"Oh my god," Keebo said. "That's a lotta ducks."

"We can do this," Peko replied. "Just be cautious."

They opened the gate as the ducks began pouring out and running all over the place within the pen.

"Get behind them and push them forwards!" Peko commanded.

"We had to get the five hundred ducks from one pen to another that was 200 feet away. That might not seem like a big deal, but it was a LOT of ducks and a LOT of distance to cover." Keebo explained.

After all the ducks had left the pen, they went behind and began trying to corral them forwards.

"The issue was that the pens were really wide." Peko explained. "I'd say maybe around fifty to a hundred feet in width. The ducks would instinctively move away from us, but because of how wide the pen was, some of them would just run towards and behind us in one of the gaps we left behind."

"This is insanity." Keebo said.

That's chapter 1 for you. Sorry, all of y'all were probably hoping for FuyuPeko, but that's not happening this season as long as Natsumi's here. But Season 3 (Planning for it to be one previous team member of each team we've had so far racing without their partner, not sure yet it's too early) will likely have them together as a team. And of course, they'll have their own inter-team relations.

I can tell that this cast will be harder to work with than the cast of Season 1. For Season 1, I've brought in the characters I felt like had the most personality. For this one, I feel like we're left with a lot of stoic characters (Maki, Kyoko, Sakura, Kirumi, Peko). Sakura and Kirumi will probably be the team I struggle writing the most because I simply don't know much about their characters and how they would react in a situation like this. (Doesn't mean they will or won't be eliminated early though.)

Anyways, what do you think of the exposition? Stronger than Season 1's? (Probably. In hindsight, Season 1 Leg 1 was the weakest leg in my opinion) Anyways, please leave a comment for which team you are rooting for, who you think gets eliminated first, who's going to be the frontrunners, and general thoughts and theories. (Once again, I have the boot order all locked and loaded. Any feedback will not change the order.)

One last thing: I have the route planned out already. If you want to know, just be sure to PM me. One thing I will say is that this is a westwards route, so we're starting off in Asia, then moving to Africa and Europe, then the Americas.

Leave a review please!