Paradoxical Parallels

Moving them over here because I need to procrastinate actual writing. You can find all of my ficlets on tumblr (paradoxalpen as usual) in full under 'the cutting board' tag, but these ones are the ones that I think don't suck completely lol

First chapter is an index of em all, and chapter names are titled appropriately if they take place in the same universes as my other fics. Definitely not posted in written order.


1. Chapter Index

2. Round TwoPunk Quinn. A horny Rachel. Fabathroom. Do the math. (600 words)

3. I Sing For Ice CreamFababy fluff, with some making out at the end. [Tweeting Birdies| unreleased] (1.1k)

4. InfiltrationOverwatch AU. Faberry fights baddies and kicks ass. (2.8k)

5. Struck DownAngsty outtake from Starstruck, Percy Jackson AU. [Starstruck] (700 words)

6. Strung on a Crime (of loving you)Quinn gets hurt and Short is there to (lecture) take care of her. [Just Swinging By] (3.3k)

7. through the eyes of a trouty mouth (that's tired of all the bullshit like the rest of us)Sam knows what's up and plays matchmaker. (3.3k)

8. Red - After the car crash, Quinn dreams. (900 words)

9. In These Arms - Rachel has a bad day. Pretty sure we all know what happens next. (900 words)

10. To be Wise and Love - Quinn and Rachel have a study session. Quinn takes it upon herself to be a poet. (1.2k)

11. Of Onesies and Christmas - Christmas in the Fabray household. Fababy fluff. (1.6k) [Tweeting Birdies]

12. Valentine - Quinn's always hated Valentine's Day. Maybe this year's won't be so bad though, if Rachel has anything to say about it. (1.8k)

13. I burn, I ache (i will fade away)Rachel nods, and that's that. (600 words)

14. Behind the Lensdomestic cooking fluff. (1k)

15. Drunk on Love (maybe that's just you though) - Quinn picks up a call from a very drunken Rachel. Faberry fluff ensues. (1.1k) [Tweeting Birdies| unreleased]