Sarah's shoes click down the tile hall, the small noises reverberating over and off the cold surfaces. The top floor of the triskelion was always so bland and cold, she hated working up here. Flipping through the file in her hand she bumps into someone waiting to take the elivator down.

"I'm so sorry!" She says as she looks up. Her eyes widen slightly and her mouth falls slightly agape as she looks to who she had bumped into. "That's quite alright miss." Captain America says back to her.

The elivator lets out a small ring, alerting the two occupants of its arrival. He holds the door for her, letting her know she could go first. She looks straight ahead as she turns to stand in the corner, muttering a small thanks. He steps in after her and announces to the AI where he is going, and she does the same. They make a few stops along the way, letting on a group of men, and the good captain looks either nervous or skeptical, she can't decide.

"Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?" He asks. He looks around quickly, and Sarah presses herself further into the corner. Her mind screams for her to get out, but she can't speak. One of the strike agents slams a fist into the emergency stop button, and they attack. Sarah shrieks as one of the agents slams into the glass wall mere inches from her, sending spider web cracks up the glass. Her knees buckle and she slides halfway down the wall, watching the scene unfold. A few of them pull out metal rods that sparkle with electric currents, and one of them manages to slap a magnetic cuff on his wrist. He swings his arms madly, throwing a few agents into the wall, their bodies crumpling on impact. One manages to knock his arm to the wall, holding I'm in place. They hit him on the front and back with the electric rods, his face contorting in pain as the electricity fires through his muscles. He kicks the agents out of the way and plants his feet on the wall, gaining him the much needed leverage to pull off the cuff, falling with a back flip to his feet. The final agent stands back up, holding his hands in a defensive position. Sarah recognizes him as the head of the strike division. His name was Rumford, Ruffalo? Something like that?

"I just want you to know Cap, this isn't personal!" He doesn't finish befor he is swinging the rods trying to land a hit on the Captain. With a flash of fists, the final agent is down for the count, and the captain kicks his shield back into his hand like a skateboarder would. With a sharp motion he brings it down onto his wrist, shattering the cuff. "It kind of feels personal." He turns to Sarah, before grabbing the front of her shirt and pushing her agiainst the wall. She lets out a shout, before practically screaming at him. "I have nothing to do with this! I swear!" Tears steam down her face, showing her obvious confusion and fear. The elivator moves again, and dings on the next floor, opening the door. The captain peeks around the corner as another squad of agents comes down the hall. The captains eyes widen as the agents yell for him to get on the floor. He twists and severs the cables holding the car in place. They defend rapidly, and Sarah shrieks once more, falling to the floor. The emergency brake catches, and Sarah finds herself panting. The captain slides open the doors, but immediately closes them again as another team of agents races down the hall. He turns to Sarah and holds out his gloved hand, offering to pull her up. She gladly accepts his offer as he speaks. "Hold onto me, unless you would like to stay here and be shot." Her eyes widen as she steps up to him. He wraps an arm around her waist and puts the shield in front of them, launching them through the already cracked glass wall. Sarah manages not to cry out this time, but ticks her legs up and tightly crips the broad shouldered superhero. She shuts her eyes as they freefall through the air, as the glass roof of the triskelion lobby shatters. The captains body twists, so when they land with a jolt on the concrete floor, his muscular frame takes most of her weight.

He groans and flips over, and quickly stands up, pulling her along with him. "Come on, we have to go." He calmly says to her, before grasping her hand and leading her at a run down to the parking garage. She stumbles before managing to hop and strip off her heeled shoes at a run. She tosses them aside as they make it into the cold parking structure. Why was she still following him? She could just leave, couldn't she? But why would she want to, the thrill of the adventure was all to much, also she would really appreciate not getting killed. And being with CAPTAIN FREAKING AMERICA seemed like the safest play to go with at the moment. He clambers onto the back of a blue motorcycle, before she stops. "Oh no no no, no. My dad told me never to get on a motorcycle, especially with strangers." She stops before she can climb on. He gives her a slightly pained look, knowing they are running out of time. "Do you want to get caught by those agents? No? I didn't think so. Now get on!" She climbs on as he hands her his uniform cowl. "Sorry I don't have a real helmet with me." He says turning on the bike. She gratefully accepts the helmet before the vehicle roars into motion under her. She yelps and wraps her arms around his thin middle section, noting the rough Kevlar on her bare arms.

They fly out of the garage, barely making it through the spike trap extending from the entrance. She hears him softly curse under his breath as he watches the second spike trap extent from the causeway. "Take the handle bars, and squeeze the brakes! I'll be right back!" He shouts over his shoulder. "What?!" Sarah screams back, but he has already launched himself up and over, and lands on the quinjet that has flown down. She slides forward and presses the brakes, rapidly decelerating the bike. He lands back next to her a moment later as the jet crashes into the road behind them. She looks over her shoulder at the smoldering wreck before a strong arm pulls her from the bike. "Hey!" She protests as he swings he over his shoulder, his helmet being slightly to big for her slides over her eyes, blocking her vision. He jumps over the roadblock, using his enhanced muscles to run down the road at the speed of a car. Each step jolts her stomach, making her slightly ill, and pushing herself up with one hand against his back, she uses the other to push up the cowel. The triskelion gets smaller and smaller each second, the windows glinting in the golden sunlight, setting the whole thing on imaginary fire.

He slows and veers down into an ally, and she relinquishes his helmet to him. "Are you alright?" He asks, looking down at her. It takes her a second to realize that he is talking to her. "Oh yes! It's just kinda... Well, not kinda. But it's hard to believe that that just happened. It's envigorating!" She pants out, looking into his eyes. She stops, noting the color of them. They sparkle like the ocean after a storm, with a slight sliver of green circling his cornea. They mask a much deeper sadness though, one that wishes to hide a pain that can't ever be truly explained. She finds her mouth hanging open, and quickly snaps it shut. "Good, sorry this is happening to you. Looks like you might be my new partner in crime though. Can't risk you going home and getting caught, and you certainly can't go back to work anytime soon." His words snap her out of her trance. "Wait, what? I'm going with you?" She asks, taken aback. He nods and tosses the helmet to the ground, with a slight pained look on his face. One of those looks that brings out the lines in someone's face. "Yes. First things first, we need to find new cloths now that they know what we look like. Then we have to go get something." She stares at him, before asking her questions. "Get what? And where are we going to get new cloths? And is this real, or is it a dream. Or is Fury playing some sort of cruel joke on us. No wait, stupid question, Fury's gone." She stutters our the last part, trying to hold in tears for her recently deceased boss. The blonde captain turns back to her once more. "We will quickly find cloths somewhere, then we have to get to the hospital to pick up some sort of flash drive that's hidden there. And I'm sorry to have to tell you but this is very real, and very dangerous." He gives her a small reassuring smile, before asking a question of his own. "What's your name doll?" She startled at his 40s slang, "Sarah White. And you? Ugh, sorry stupid question! Your Captain America, everyone knows that!" She apologizes to him when he laughs lightly. "You can call me Steve, please." He says, offering his hand for her to shake. She grasps it and gives it a firm business shake, giving him a smile back.

An hour later she finds herself trotting after Steve and his long legs. Her hood pulled down as they make their way down the hall of the hospital. He stops and looks into a vending machine, a look of concern crosses his face. "They out of your favorite snack?" she jokes quietly. A pop from behind them makes them both turn to see a hooded redhead woman behind them. Steve's face turns sour as he pushes her by the shoulder into the room be hind them. Sarah slips in behind them and shuts the door. "Where is it?" He growls at her as he shoves her against the wall, pulling off his hood. "Fury gave it to you, why?" She asks, her voice is somewhat raspy, but still elegant nonetheless. "What's on the drive?" He tries again. "I don't know." She states defiantly, before he speaks once again, with more urgency. "Stop lying!" He says as her face falls. "I only act like I know everything Rogers." She pauses, "I know who killed Fury." She states, noting the look of confusion on his face before continuing. "They call him the Winter Soldier. He's a ghost. I met him on assignment once. I was tasked with protecting a scientist, but the soldier was there, he shot out our tires on our way to Odessa. Whe went straight over the cliff, I pulled out my scientist, and he shot him through me. Soviet made, no rifling. Bye bye bikinis." She says as she lifts up her shirt to show a scar on her abdomen. "Yeah, I bet you look terrible in them now." Steve says coolly. The redhead looks to Sarah. "Who's she?" She asks, not taking her eyes off of Sarah. "Sarah White. Who are you?" She says, crossing her arms and pulling up a confident face. The redhead smiles. "I know you. Your Fury's assistant. Natasha Romanoff." She says as Sarah's face descends into shock once again. She was not only in the presence of Captain America, but THE Black Widow. Not one, but two of the Avengers. Natasha laughs as she looks to Sarah's face. "Well then," Steve says bringing both women back to focus. "Let's go find out what this ghost wants."

They make their way to the mall, the three stories looming over the street. The once again new outfits that Natasha had picked out looking slightly ridiculous on all of them. Sarah reaches up and tugged a tag of the collar of Steve's jacket, throwing it in the trash can as me mutters a soft thank you. "Stay out here when we go in, we will be out in ten minuets tops. Text one of us if there is trouble." Natasha says to the confused Sarah. "I don't have your numbers?" She says as she hands her phone to them, letting them punch in their numbers. She wishes them luck as they dissapear into the crowd, leaving Sarah to sit in wait, watching for any signs of trouble that might arise. She glances at her watch, three minutes have passed. She bites her bottom lip in her nervousness, looking down the street again. She lets another few minutes pass before checking the time again, they have two minuets left. She looks down the street again as a line of black SUVs drive up, and let out a group of agents. Her eyes widen as she shoots a text to Steve. It's simple and quick, "they're here." Is all it says. The read message pops up, letting her know he has seen it, and she pulls her hood down as the agents pass, drawing a few odd looks to them. Three minuets pass before the pair slip out and Sarah falls in step behind them. They quickly find a vehicle, and slip into it, Natasha in the passanger seat, Sarah in the compressed back, and Steve behind the wheel. He quickly hot wires the truck and pulls out onto the street.