Hermione heard a voice in the back of her head repeatedly calling out to her. Except it wasn't calling her persay. It was calling for someone called Mistress. Slowly and painfully Hermione opened her eyes only for the light shining through the windows striking her with a rather nasty migraine. Groggily she scanned the room now with half closed eyes to see Kreacher standing at her bedside. 'Wait, why am I in a bed?' Confusion was starting to overwhelm her.

"Oh good Mistress is awake now. Gringotts has requested your immediate presence. They sent a portkey that will be activated upon your touch." Kreacher informed a now thoroughly confused Hermione who finally recognized where she was. It was the room Harry stayed in when they were living in Grimmauld Place.

"Wha… What? Gringotts is requesting my presence? Any idea why? And why are you calling me Mistress? Also, how did I get to Grimmauld Place?" The questions flew from Hermione the second Kreacher had stopped talking.

"I'm unaware why Gringotts is asking for you. The letter arrived several minutes ago. Kreacher did not wish to wake his Mistress, but the message seemed quite urgent. Kreacher apologizes quite profusely and will punish himself for disrupting his Mistresses rest."

"Kreacher you will do no such thing! I forbid you from punishing yourself!" Hermione squeaked out rather abruptly interrupting the house elf. "Now please continue and answer the rest of my questions."

Kreacher glanced at Hermione with a split look of relief and disbelief over her instructions. "Kreacher is calling you Mistress because you is Kreacher's Mistress now that Master Harry has passed away." A look of dismay filled in Hermione's features at Kreacher's statement. "Kreacher brought Mistress back to Grimmauld place after Mistress called for Kreacher three days ago. But Mistress was asleep by the time Kreacher arrived so Kreacher took it upon himself to bring Mistress home to rest. Kreacher apologizes for not asking before hand." Kreacher was now bowing low enough for his ears to be dragging against the floor.

"Kreacher there is no need to apologize. Thank you for taking care of me. And are you saying that I've been asleep for the last three days?" The elf nodded his head. "So it's May 6th?" Once again Kreacher nodded his head. "Why did you respond to my call though? I have yet to claim you."

"Kreacher is always ready to serve Mistress. Mistress finished Master Regulus mission that Kreacher failed. While Kreacher did not need you to claim our bond it would be beneficial to the pair of us

"Thank you Kreacher." Hermione responded with an air of gratitude. "Kreacher I hereby claim you as my house elf." A flash appeared throughout the room. "Um, is there anyway you can prepare a set of robes for me?"

"Kreacher already has a set robes prepared for Mistress with the Black Crest. They are beside your nightstand and the bathroom has a clean set of towels prepared for Mistress. Does Mistress require anything else while she prepares for her meeting?"

"Yes, I would appreciate it if you would call me Hermione and stop with this Mistress nonsense." Hermione replied her head swimming from constantly being called Mistress.

Kreacher gasped "Kreacher can not do that! Kreacher can not insult his Mistress. Kreacher must acknowledge his master with the proper title."

"Okay. Okay. Okay. I guess that's all for now." Hermione replied irritatingly.

Kreacher left the room room with a small *pop*. Hermione grabbed her wand which was beside the robes on the nightstand Kreacher had prepared for her. "Tempus" It was 9:23 in the morning. Gringotts had only been open for around 20 minutes so why had they sent an urgent letter. She stood up and headed towards the connected bathroom muttering about freeing Kreacher if he kept calling her Mistress even if it would kill him to be free of serving the Black family. Several minutes later she left the bathroom feeling rather refreshed in a set of black robes that fit Hermione rather perfectly with the Black Crest on the outer robe as well as the black dress shirt she now wore with some of the most comfortable dress pants she had ever worn that even had pockets. By Merlin did she love these pants.

"Kreacher." A soft *pop* a mere second later Kreacher stood in front of her.

"How may Kreacher serve his Mistress?"

"Can you bring me the portkey now please?" Hermione asked as kindly as she could. A snap of Kreacher's fingers and the portkey was on a silver platter floating in front of Hermione. "Thank you Kreacher that is all. I should be back in a few hours."

"Kreacher will have lunch waiting and may Kreacher say that the Black Crest looks perfect on his new Mistress." With another soft *pop* Kreacher was gone before he could see the flash annoyance that crossed Hermione's face after being called Mistress once again.

Hermione reached out for the portkey, which was a galleon. Instantly she was pulled through space. Surprisingly, she didn't feel the usual tug and squeeze that she had felt previously with portkeys. Instead it felt… natural. She didn't have long to ponder on this thought as an office appeared in front of her. Landing ever so softly on her feet she gazed at her surroundings. It was a fairly basic and baren office except the walls looked to be made from silver. No decorations could be seen in the office though. It was as if they wanted you to focus on the fact that they had no problem showing their wealth, but did not feel the need in having unnecessary luxuries. There were merely two chairs in front of a grand yet simple desk made from mahogany with a marble top that had a goblin sitting fairly comfortably on the other side of it.

"Miss Granger thank you for coming so quickly. We have a rather unfortunate cause of fraud being committed at the moment and desired your presence." The goblin shared rather curtly.

"Are you saying that the letter I received of Harry Potter's Will is fraudulent?" Hermione asked incredulously. Upon gazing at the goblin she notice the nametag. "Mr. Bryrdklaw I was unaware of that fact and have yet to attempt to claim the inheritance, but I do apologize quite profusely." She felt a pain of disbelief that she had blatantly believed a letter she thought had come from Harry without attempting to confirm it first.

"No, you did receive the real Will of Mr. Potter. We have another individual here that is trying to claim all of Mr. Potter's possessions that is not recognized by Mr. Potter's Will. They provided a fake Will that had no blood seal attached to present verification. As such we request your input on how to deal with the individual after a brief questioning." Mr. Bryrdklaw had a rather malicious toothy grin on his face. Instead of it unsettling her though it comforted her. Finally someone was willing to help her even if it wasn't for her benefit for she didn't desire her inheritance in the least.

"And who is this individual?" Hermione asked curious as to who would be stupid enough to do something so risky.

"She is currently in a conference room with my secretary and unbeknownst to her there is a group of curse breakers ready to… 'HANDLE' her should she attempt to leave. I do not take kindly to those who wish to steal from my clients." Mr. Bryrdklaw grin was downright sinister now. "If you would follow me." The goblin stood up and moved towards the door with Hermione following.

After navigating through a half dozen halls and doors Hermione was unable to tell where they had moved to. The goblin stopped abruptly at a rather plain door where four Curse Breakers were stationed. One of which was Bill Weasley who gave Hermione a rather curious glance. "Miss Granger due to certain rumours I will have to remove you from your wand to prevent any type of violent confrontation while you attend this 'questioning'." Hermione looked at the goblin who was holding out his hand, but relented to his demand because 'technically' she didn't need her wand. After all if I need to defend myself I merely need to free my magic once more and guide it, thought Hermione. After handing over her wand the goblin opened the door waving her to follow him in. Upon entering she heard an exasperated, but familiar voice berating Mr. Bryrdklaw.

"It's about damn time you returned. I don't have all day to deal with your unpleasantries." Ginny scoldingly informed Mr. Bryrdklaw who merely ignored her and waved his secretary off who stood and left the room. Upon noticing Hermione, Ginny shrieked "WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE!"

Before Hermione could respond the goblin answered for her as he settled into a chair opposite her. "She is the primary beneficiary in Mr. Potter's real Will. You didn't truly believe we wouldn't recognize the farce you presented to us did you? She will assist in choosing a fitting punishment for you after some questioning."

"You let this harlot fool the lot of you!? You pathetic simple minded fools!" Ginny's face was bright red as she was yelling at them.

"I would appreciate you not insulting my client in my presence. After all she is one of the wealthiest witches in the world now." Mr. Bryrdklaw commented quite serenely even if his facial features betrayed his tone by the glee that had sprung into place from infuriating the redhead further.

"She's not even in his Will! I was his bloody fiancee!"

"And when did that happen Ginny?" Hermione laughingly inquired. "Because I know he never asked before he died. So when EXACTLY did he manage to ask you?"

Ginny looked quite similar to that of tomato as she turned an even brighter shade of red. "HARRY ASKED ME TO MARRY HIM AGES AGO! OF COURSE YOU WOULDN'T KNOW BECAUSE HE NEVER CARED ABOUT YOU!"

"Miss Weasley you will refrain from raising your voice or we will throw into one of our holding cells." Mr. Bryrdklaw stated quite evenly.

Ginny paled rather quickly upon the goblins statement.

"Ginny would you mind telling me who Harry's beneficiaries are? I'd like to see who you left all his belongings too." Hermione asked smugly.

"HE left 10,000 galleons to each of my brothers and my parents and everything else to me." Ginny answered.

"What about Teddy." Hermione asked jokingly not caring Ginny left her out.

"And who exactly is 'Teddy'?" Ginny demanded.

"That would be Mr. Potter's godson Miss Weasley. Also known as Edward Remus Lupin." The goblin responded nonchalantly. He was now staring at her quite predatorily causing Ginny to pale further.

"I.. I think I was given a fake will. I'll just be on my way…." Ginny made to leave, but Mr. Bryrdklaw stopped her in her tracks.

"Unfortunately that will not be possible currently. After all the Will was forged by your hand was it not? And the lack of a blood seal for verification… well that is quite illegal even in the wizarding society. After all Line Theft is a capital punishment in your society with a minimum punishment of 10 years in Azkaban and maximum punishment of the Veil." The goblin was now rolling a knife around his fingers.

"I'm sorry. Please, I didn't know it was that serious. Please, just let me leave and I'll never come back to Gringotts. Please." Ginny pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"You will not be returning to any Gringotts Banks ever again so that is not something you can attempt to bargain with. But unfortunately for you the punishment is for Miss Granger to decide." Mr. Bryrdklaw informed the trembling redhead with malice in his eyes. Ginny turned to Hermione terrified of the punishment that would be placed upon her.

"Hmm. Maybe I should inform the aurors. Hell, I might even demand they throw you through the Veil." Ginny backed up into the wall trembling from the threat. "No that would be too easy a punishment. Mr Bryrdklaw am I correct in assuming that since this a crime against Goblin's that instead of having her arrested and punished I can distribute a punishment of my own choosing without any type of repercussion from the Ministry?" The goblin nodded his head. "Good. Then Ginerva Molly Weasley I shall invoke the right to choose your punishment. Should you ever approach me, any of Harry's properties, or attempt to place yourself in Harry's funeral in way, then by Circe I shall have the right to not only kill you, but torture you until you are but a husk of your former self OR just hand you over to the Goblin Society and allow them to dish out whatever punishment they deem fit. Something tells me they are much more creative than I am." The venom that dripped from her words caused Ginny to shrink into the corner of the room opposite the other two.

"Not quite as immediate a punishment as I would like to see, but so shall it be Miss Granger." The Goblin moved towards the exit and called the curse breakers in. Bill entered first and appeared quite surprised to see Ginny huddled in the corner of the room. "Mr. Weasley I require that you and your team remove Miss Weasley who is henceforth banned from all Gringotts properties. Should she refuse or attempt to retaliate in any way you are ordered to remove her with extreme prejiduce." Mr. Bryrdklaw stared directly at Bill as he spoke forcing him to flinch from the gaze.

"Giny get up! You need to leave now." Bill walked over to her and pulled her up. He then half lead, half pushed her out of the conference room. Hermione could hear Bill yelling at her asking what she did as the door started to close.

After several minutes of silence Mr. Bryrdklaw turned to Hermione motioning for her to finally take a seat and in an ominous tone started talking to her. "Now Miss Granger there are a few things that must be settled before you are allowed to leave."

"And what might that be." Hermione was allowing her magic to flow freely in case she needed to make a rather sudden departure and apparate from the room should the need arise.

"The first is compensation for the damages your group incurred upon your previous visit. Fortunately, the Director sees no need for punishment due to the fact it was in an attempt to destroy one of the Dark Lord's horcruxes, but monetary compensation is still required to pay for the damages. Should you agree, we will be able to move forward to the next state of business."

"Hopefully Harry doesn't get too upset about this, but I agree to pay for the damages."

"Good. Just sign here." An official document agreeing to pay for the damages that had amounted to just under eleven million galleons and a blood quill appeared for verification. With a flourish of her wrist and a wince at the amount she signed. "Good and you should know that is an insignificant amount that will be removed from your rather large vault you will claim momentarily. Now we just need you to sign the papers accepting your inheritance." More documents appeared. Another flourish of her signature followed by a nod from the Goblin they disappeared once more. "Now we will send out letters informing Mr. Weasley and Mrs. Tonks of their inheritances as well."

"One second please. You said that eleven million galleons was an insignificant amount from my vaults correct?" Mr. Bryrdklaw nodded. "Then if possible I'd like to change Teddy's inheritance from 100,000 galleons to 10,000,000 galleons."

"Done. Now we need to discuss whether you desire to change your last name. You are now eligible to be called Miss Black or Miss Potter should you so desire. And you have the right to claim all titles associated with both lines."

"I shall choose to decline for the time being Mr. Bryrdklaw. Are there any other matters that need attending?" Hermione inquired.

"At this point I only need to know if you desire to see your new vaults." The goblin stated.

"Vaults? As in more than one?" Hermione asked incredulously.

"Yes. You have two. Your main vault, which Mr. Potter's family vault, and a trust vault, that is used for children who are not of our age. Mr. Potter never had access to his main vault. He would have only been able to access his family vault after his coming of age. Due to unfortunate circumstances he was never able to enter after his coming of age. Would you like to visit either?"

"Not today. If that is all I'll be on my way Mr. Bryrdklaw."

"Of course Lady Granger. I'll have my secretary guide you to the lobby. And if I might be so bold to ask? Please allow us the pleasure to deal with Miss Weasley should she violate the rather generous restraints you placed upon her." The goblin was grinning toothily again.

"To be honest I probably will. I have no taste for violence. I just wanted to scare her. Oh, and Lady Granger?" She asked curiously.

"We shall gladly distribute her punishment should the occasion arise. And due to your rather extreme wealth and titles you are now considered Lady Granger rather than Miss Granger now. I shall bid you farewell and I do apologize for relieving you of your wand. Clearly you wouldn't have needed it in the first place." Hermione was shocked, wondering if the goblin could see her magic flowing around her. The doorway opened up as a second goblin entered and whispered something into Mr. Bryrdklaw's ear who placed Hermione's wand on the table after the second goblin finished talking. "Mr. Ragnoth I need you to escort Lady Granger to the lobby and then bring Mr. Weasley to my office."

"Lady Granger if you would follow me." The goblin called Ragnoth left the room with Hermione grabbing her wand off the table as she followed the goblin out of the room. After once again walking through a maze of hallways she was in the lobby behind Mr. Ragnoth. As they entered the lobby Ragnoth left her side and made way to a teller. Hermione was making her way towards the exit when someone brushed her shoulder. Looking back at who did it she was meant with the face of someone she had no desire to see.

"Hermione where have you been? We've been worried that something happened to you. Are you okay?" Asked a rather annoying voice.

Without looking back at who called out to her she responded. "I am fine Ronald. I told everyone a couple days ago that I was leaving. Now I must be on my way I'm late for engagement." An engagement with Krechers cooking Hermione thought smugly.

"Oh okay. Sorry for you holding you up." Ron replied sadly. "One last question though. Did you get a letter asking you to come for the reading of Harry's will too?"

"I just left from that actually."

"Mr. Weasley my manager does not like to be kept waiting. If you would please follow me." Mr. Ragnoth demanded of Ron.

"Sorry,just give me a second. Was Ginny there too? When I got here I saw Bill yelling at her as a group of Curse Breakers escorted her out of Gringotts. You know what that was about?"

"You'll have to ask them what that was about." Hermione responded solemnly walking towards the exit and leaving a thoroughly confused Ron behind.

The guards opened the doors for her to the sight of half a dozen Death Eaters waiting outside of Gringotts. The guards attempted to shut the doors immediately after seeing the Death Eaters, but Hermione pushed past them. "I'm going to give you one chance to remove yourselves from my presence." Hermione stated as she started walking towards them.

One moved forward and called out to her. "Well lookey lookey. How about we have a little fun with this one boys. We can kill the blood traitor afterwards." Hermione was within arms reach of the lead Death Eater now. She pointed her wand at him. "And what do you think you're about to do you filthy mudbloo…" Before he could finish his sentence Hermione cut him in two. The top half of his body slid off the bottom half falling on the ground. His bottom half followed shortly after. The group was now staring in disbelief at her.

"You fucking cunt I'll kill you for that!" One of the Death Eaters screamed. Instantly a dozen spells were thrown at her. Yet Hermione merely threw up a shield charm. A few killing curses flew at her. Without a second thought she apparated a few feet ahead of the spells. She kept moving forward with a slash of her wand she sent a black curse that melted another Death Eater. The Death Eater screamed in agony as he slowly melted away. She followed it up with a dark red curse of torment flames that set another two on fire. It was now two on one. One of the Death Eaters turned and ran. Hermione sent a severing curse at the Death Eaters neck dislodging their head from their body.

There was now a group of twenty or so aurors that were coming for Diagon Alley's apparition point. They were yelling at her. Asking if she was okay. She merely ignored them making her way towards the final Death Eater. A few horrors stopped a few meters from the pair in horror at what had transpired in mere seconds.

The last one threw down her wand begging for Hermione to let her live. Hermione merely walked past her apparating back to Grimmauld Place. Leaving all who remained in disbelief.

"Kreacher I'm back."

"Perfect timing Mistress lunch shall be ready momentarily. If Mistress would be so kind as to prepare herself the meal shall be ready upon your completion. Your clothes appear to be stained. I'll have a new set of robes waiting."

As she headed towards the washroom she cast the tempus charm. 11:53 a.m. Well today was eventful, she thought. Hermione left the washroom after cleaning herself up to Luna jumping her with a backbreaking hug.

"Mistress, lunch is now ready and there is enough food prepared for Mistresses guests." Kreacher informed the pair