It was unusual that Viper would call the others into a meeting after the Vindice showed up. Particularly since the battles were almost at their end.

"What do you have planned?" asked Reborn bluntly. This entire farce was draining on him, in more than one way. It didn't help that he had to keep his student alive...after all, what sane person expected an eleven year old with barely a year of training and only half the required guardians (all of whom were just as untrained as he was) to survive this fiasco?

It made him glad he asked Dino to be his representative, instead of Tsunayoshi. Putting him in the direct line of fire with so many big names, including Xanxus who had appeared out of nowhere, was just asking for him to be killed!

(About the only mercy was that his twin sister Tsurara was firmly civilian and that Nono agreed to keep it that way. Mostly to shut Iemitsu up about his son joining the mafia.)

"When that man shows up, try to gather in one collective spot," said Viper.

"What?" said Skull confused.

"A third party that's allied with my Sky are planning something that will throw a wrench into that man's plans for us. However the best way to insure he can't stop them is for us to be close enough to the same general area that they can reach all of us before he can stop it."

"This plan of yours... what do they get out of it?" asked Lal suspiciously.

Viper looked directly at Lal and Reborn.

"The missing heiress of the Vongola is going to make a big appearance," they replied cryptically. "I can't say more on the matter because I don't want him to find out what they're going to do."

Reborn inhaled sharply.

"Are you telling me Setsuna Sawada is alive?"

"Her name is Sora now, and she brought her husband and a few others with her," said Viper.

"...How old would that girl be again?" asked Colonello faintly.

Viper smirked and held out a hand. With a sigh, several of the others, particularly Reborn and Lal, sent a wire transfer to their preferred account.

"She's eighteen and her husband is a few months older than her. He's also her Cloud guardian, and his territory happens to be his Sky," said Viper smugly. "They're childhood friends from what the Boss told me."

Fon winced at the implications. A Cloud who's territory was threatened was terrifying, but to have it centered around their Sky made them far more dangerous. If she hadn't married him, he likely would have made the lives of anyone who attempted to date her an absolute hell.

His grandson was bad enough, and his territory was Namimori!

" have a plan to deal with him?" said Reborn.

"The Vindice were a surprise, but the main target is Checkerface," said Viper.

"...Is there any way you could convince Setsuna to try for Decimo?" asked Reborn seriously.

Viper shook their head.

"Leading the Vongola wouldn't interest her. I have it on good authority that even if the Ninth or Iemitsu tried to go that route, they would likely fail and suffer grievous injuries. She's not too happy that it was their incompetence that caused her to be taken in the first place."

The Arcobaleno could only patiently wait for the final battle between their respective partners. As agreed, they all discreetly remained within range of each other, while making it look accidental.

So when Checkerface appeared, Tsunayoshi (Reborn's student) nearly had a heart attack because he was terrified what would happen once that man killed his tutor. Bermuda had made it clear that once the curse ran it's course, the only thing that awaited the Arcobaleno was death...or to become part of the Vindice.

So you could imagine the shock everyone except Viper's group had when a young woman roughly eighteen or so in an outfit that reminded Tsuna strongly of the one worn by Tifa in Advent Children (just with slightly different coloring) appeared.

"You!" hissed Checkerface. "You should not interfere!"

The young woman stared him down indifferently.

"Did you really think the seal you placed on this world would go unchallenged forever? Especially by someone who became a victim of the side effects?" she said in slightly accented Japanese.

Tsuna blinked. What did she mean by that?

Checkerface looked pissed.

"I put that seal on this world to keep it safe! A mere Keyblade Master has no right to interfere! It goes against the mandate!"

She snorted at that.

"You created a flawed system that has ruined countless lives because you're too lazy to actually fix it," she said flatly. "Never mind it was your flawed system that sent me away because of a pair of idiots with delusions of grandeur!"

Xanxus hoped no one heard his snort of derision, considering that same system threw him out. Not that he was complaining overly much...he got an amusing little sister out of the deal and she let him out of that ice with no strings attached.

"What mandate is he talking about?" asked Tsuna to Reborn. His tutor had zero clue what the 'god' was talking about.

"He means the mandate of the Keyblade wielders. There's a somewhat strict rule of noninterference on other worlds, since it can cause problems," said an unfamiliar voice.

Tsuna turned and saw a silver-haired man with calm green eyes that reminded him strongly of a less violent Hibari-sempai, just with Hayato-kun's coloring.

"Will she get in trouble?" said Tsuna worriedly.

"Not really. As far as we know this 'Checkerface' isn't even from Earth, which means technically he would be in bigger trouble. Especially since the seal he placed on this world is directly interfering with the people living on it in a negative way," said the man. "Whereas Sora was born on this world, but cast out due to circumstances that were never in her control because the seal mistook her for something else."

Reborn narrowed in on the young woman. Now that he was looking for it, he could see the strong resemblance to his youngest student.

"So that's Setsuna," he said to himself.

Tsuna looked at his tutor in shock.

That was his older sister? The one who went missing?

"You can't stop me. You don't have the qualifications to break the seal," said Checkerface.

"Watch me," said Sora.

Sora took out her weapon, which was shaped like a key for some strange reason, and raised it up high. Pure Sky flames licked the edges of the blade, before going up in a pillar of light and scattering into at least eight different smaller beams.

Tsuna watched in disbelief as one of those beams hit Reborn, who was right next to him. With an audible click, the pacifier that had been around his neck for as long as he had known the hitman fell off with a clunk.

Reborn stared, before he almost doubled over. It wasn't pain, but something was clearly happening to him.

He looked towards Fon-san, who was close by next to Hibari-sempai. He was doubled over as well, and his pacifier was gone.

That's when Tsuna noticed something.

Reborn was getting taller. Tsuna blinked. Actually it looked like Reborn was getting older, not just taller. The baby fat on his face started to thin out and become more defined, his features becoming sharper and far more masculine. The small hands and feet began to fill out and his limbs grew several times the size they had been.

Before he knew it, the tiny toddler he was used to became the face of a man who had practically beaten the crap out of Iemitsu less than a day ago.

"Reborn? Are you okay?"

Reborn stared at his adult hands in a mixture of shock and disbelief. He wasn't the only one.

"Reborn?" said Dino in disbelief.

"What have you done?" hissed Checkerface. He went to attack Sora for breaking the 'seal'...only to find her blade against his neck.

"Your status as Keyblade Master has been revoked. It's bad enough Xehanort has been going around destroying lives out of some big scheme to revive the X-Blade in order to reach Kingdom Hearts, the last thing we need is a former Master playing god," snapped Sora.

He stared at her.

"Xehanort is still alive?" he asked.

He had sensed the way Xehanort had somehow managed to split his body and soul into other that man hadn't lost his heart and was still able to use his keyblade was anyone's guess. He had just hoped that thing had died at this point.

"And is likely trying to spark the Keyblade Wars all over again with the way he's been going," said Sora flatly.

"The seal is necessary," he insisted.

"No, the seal is flawed and you should have fixed it long before it got to this point," she shot back. "If you had done your job right, then it wouldn't have required regular sacrifices of people who weren't even asked to sustain itself. Why did you create such a ridiculous seal anyway?"

"It was necessary to keep the darkness from completely taking over all the worlds."

Sora pinched the bridge of her nose in exasperation.

" a paranoid idiot thinks that in order to keep the darkness from winning, he needs to trick people into becoming sacrifices for a flawed seal that doesn't even work properly and pisses off an untold number of victims," she said irritably. "By the way, it looks like some of your 'friends' would like to have a word with you."

Checkerface turned...only to find a very pissed off Bermuda and the rest of the Vindice ready with chains.

Sora had a headache, but fortunately Xanxus was willing to share his booze. With the ease of long practice, she mixed everyone's drinks.

"You're rather experienced at this," said Reborn.

"I live and work at a bar," said Sora shrugging.

"So. Our curse is finally broken," said Verde.

"This is awesome!" said Skull happily. He immediately hugged Sora.

That was when Sora noticed the shy and somewhat skittish brunette staring at her.

"Who is that?" asked Sora, sipping her whiskey.

Reborn saw his young student and promptly dragged the boy closer.

"This is Tsunayoshi Sawada. Your younger brother, if you really are the same child that went missing almost thirteen years ago after that visit."

Riku was glad his phone had a camera. It gave him an excellent video of Sora's spit-take.


Tsuna winced at the volume.

"Shark, explain," said Xanxus.

"Iemitsu tried one last time to reconcile with his wife, before she filed for legal separation. During that time frame, Nana Sawada gave birth to twins roughly nine months after his initial stay at the home, and Nono decided that since the son had Inactive Sky flames he was the best choice for heir despite the fact he had been raised civilian with no knowledge of the inner workings of the Cosa Nostra," said Mammon.

Sora pinched the bridge of her nose. However when she saw how skittish the poor kid was, she pulled him into a hug.

"Relax kid, I won't bite."

Tsuna hugged his older sister tightly, just reveling in the warmth and security she provided.

Sora looked at Reborn seriously.

"Exactly what sort of person is our mother like?"

"Mama doesn't pay attention to me. Not really," said Tsuna quietly. "She openly ignores the fact I was struggling in school until Reborn showed up and the fact I was being bullied, never mind the amount of times Reborn's shot at me in front of her. I mean she gave me a roof over my head, clothes and food, but that was about it. She spends more time with Tsurara than me."

Sora hugged her little brother tighter, wrapping her flames around him protectively.

"It's okay," she said gently.

"Mama never really cared...she used to tell me that it was okay that I couldn't do anything right so long as I was happy," said Tsuna.

Sora shared a look with Riku. She didn't have to say a thing.

"So what are you doing to do now?" asked Reborn.

"Well now we're going to see what other messes that idiot created, before we head back home," said Sora.

Tsuna stiffened.

"You do realize that Iemitsu and Nono are going to want a word with you," said Lal.

"They put a seal on me that was once used for criminals that had nasty effects on my health and development. I was barely five, and that seal nearly destroyed my life. As far as I'm concerned, anything they want from me can go hang," said Sora flatly. "I could care less about the Vongola and it's not like they have anything that would interest me in the first place."

"What do you mean, nearly destroyed your life?" said Lal.

Sora looked at her in the eye and told her exactly what she meant.

"That seal kept the hormones that would have jump-started puberty from being released. Not to mention the sheer amount of power that was being forcibly contained in my body almost roasted some of my internal organs, in particular the ones that would allow me to have children. And don't get me started on the problems I had with coordination and information recall," said Sora flatly. "When Yen Sid and Merlin found exactly what sort of seal was on me, they said it was a barbaric spell that had been outlawed by any civilized world centuries ago because of the damage it causes. The fact it was put on a child would have been enough to sentence the culprits to a life sentence without any chance of freedom."

"How did you get the seal off?" asked Dino with interest.

"I asked Genie for help restoring what had been taken from me. I knew something was wrong, but I had no idea what. He was the one who used magic to examine if I had anything on me and found the seal," said Sora.

"Genie?" said Reborn incredulous.

"That Disney shit is real. Most of the worlds I've visited with Sora and Riku have been heavy on the Disney theme."

"So by 'Genie' you mean the one from the Aladdin series?" asked Skull with interest.

"Pretty much," said Xanxus. He silently held out his glass, and Sora dutifully refilled it.

"Does that mean the Lion King is real too?" asked Tsuna.

"They call it the Pride Lands," said Riku.

"Personally I prefer Halloweentown. That place was fun!" said Sora cackling.

Sora loved Halloweentown, because every time they went she turned into something Jack called a Dark Fairy. That particular 'monster' was extremely rare as they had their own world and only rarely visited. Riku, when Sora took him to that world, turned into a massive silver-furred werewolf to her amusement.

Riku would adamantly deny the fact that Sora had his tail and hind legs going nuts.