Power Disc Field

After everyone had left, leaving Wing's body behind, a large, Venus fly trap came up from the ground. It opened revealing a white, humanoid figure with short green hair and a single yellow eye. He wore a black cloak with red clouds, blue pants with sandals, and a green ring.

This figure looked at the body and spoke with a high-pitched voice. "Hm, he wasn't ready to face a Shinobi, but his body portrays someone well trained. Yes, I believe he will do nicely as one of Nagato's 5 bodies."

The figure laid a hand on the body before both the figure and Wing's body sunk into the ground.


Asuma landed on the ground and now stood across from Kusuna who'd recovered after being sent out the window. "It's over. Your comrades have all fallen in battle Shinobi."

"My comrades?" Kusuna asked. "What are you talking about?"

"You didn't pick up on it?" Asuma questioned. "Multiple sets of footsteps, three sets in total, rushed up those stairs to the study before I kicked you out, and I don't hear anyone coming to your aid."

Kusuna was shocked. "Gitai, Setsuna, Shizuka, and even Yomi…" He thought back to when he used the seal to have his allies bring up any dead bodies, and it only now shocked him as he realized why they hadn't. "No… impossible."

"Now, I will only give you one chance." Asuma sent his wind nature into his trench knives. "Surrender or your life is forfeit."

Kusuna looked up at Asuma with disdain and cockiness. "Do you honestly expect me to believe you? The Gang of Four, and our leader Yomi, are to strong for the likes of you common Shinobi or mere benders.

The reason they let them go was because they are now focused on the location of the Four Tails. Soon, Lord Moryo will be released. With him, we will finally have the 1000-year kingdom we were denied by that Shinobi from your village." He charged Asuma. "Now die!"

Asuma moved to meet him. "I tried to do things peacefully, but you've made your choice."

As they closed the gap, Kusuna jumped over Asuma who hadn't expected that, nor did he expect an arm of earth to come stretching out towards him. Being a Jonin, Asuma reacted well enough to the point that his wind infused trench knives were able to cut through the earth Chakra.

Kusuna infused his other arm with earth nature and sent that down as well. Asuma jumped back and quickly freed his hands to weave hand signs. Kusuna came down and looked at Asuma as he placed his hands over his mouth.

"Wind Style: Dust Cloud Jutsu!" Asuma declared.

A large, thick stream of dust washed over Kusuna blinding him for a few moments.

That was what Asuma needed as he put a piece of flint in his teeth and wove another set of hand signs. "Fire Style: Ash Pile Burning!"

Chakra infused gun power washed over Kusuna who could now see but couldn't view anything beyond the ash. The Gang of Four member grit his teeth, but he wasn't done. Kusuna had the chakra snake come out and ate it. Purple Chakra rose as a pillar around him.

Asuma wasn't in the mood to see where this went, so he ignited the gun powder cloud with the flint. The resulting explosion washed over Kusuna. Asuma watched for any signs of his opponent careful not to call this his victory. Then, it happened.

Kusuna rushed out of the lingering ash looking completely different and monstrous. His hair had turned white, skin gray, he gained two more heads fused to the first, and a total of six arms. The Shinobi slammed his fist into the ground.

Multiple projectiles moved quickly through the ground to surround Asuma while Kusuna started moving again intent on ending this. Rather than move, Asuma took a deep breath and moved his hands.

"Well old friend, looks like I finally get to show one of the big things I worked once I began training in this world." Asuma thought.

His right hand was placed over the center of his chest and pointed up while his left hung horizontally above his legs. As a result, a huge, golden statue with multiple arms appeared behind the Jonin.

Kusuna, even though he continued to charge, was puzzled by what he saw. "What is that?"

"Welcoming Approach: Thousand-Armed Murder!" Asuma declared.

The statue turned red and fist made of Chakra moved in all directions hitting each projectile prematurely setting them off. Once every projectile was dealt with, they started bombarding Kusuna with blow after blow.

The Shinobi was knocked onto his back with his eyes closed for the moment. As he was down, Asuma drew his trench knives, imbued them with wind chakra, and threw them off to the sides. At this point, Kusuna opened his eyes and jumped to his feet.

He stared at Asuma cockily. "Did you really think that would be enough to stop me?"

"That alone?" Asuma questioned. "With enough time and effort, definitely; however, I want this fight finished now." Kusuna charged at him only for a trench knife to go through the Gang of Four member's head and heart. "That's why I employed my trusty weapons to finish you."

The Jonin caught the blades as Kusuna fell to the ground dead. Purple Chakra poured out from the Gang of Four member's wounds causing his body to crack before exploding to the point that only a spray of blood was left which covered the grounds.

Asuma put his weapons away. "He shouldn't have been so overconfident." The Jonin turned and walked back to the estate. "Over confidence gets a Shinobi killed in the field."

Beifong Study, Same Time…

Su, Baatar, Kuvira, Wei, Kuvira, Taruho, Korra, Mako, Iroh, Soren, and Kanan stood in the room. After Iroh assured them Asuma could look after himself, or get away in the worst-case scenario, their group had joined with the Beifongs and guards.

Taruho was tending to the more extreme wounds while everyone else wisely let him have the space to do so. Wei looked at his mother as his anger at those Shinobi only rose, Kuvira was feeling guilty for not being here, and Baatar was a mixture of anger and sadness over the day.

Wei clenched his fist. "These people are monsters."

"I know I can't be in two places at once, but I'm supposed to protect the Beifongs." Kuvira thought. "If I'd been here, I could have prevented this, and my opponent likely wouldn't have come here, then Su and I could have fought them together."

"This is all over our grandfather who isn't even dead, and according to father, he was integral in sealing something they weren't confident sending Aang in to deal with." Baatar shook his head. "Damn it, how do I tell mother about father and Wing?"

Su looked over at her children. "I'm glad you three are okay, but where are the others?"

"Huan and Opal were being escorted to a nearby bunker by Hong Li…" Baatar stated before stopping abruptly.

Su was worried. "What about Baatar and Wing?" Wei and Baatar both looked away from her unable to say it which only worried her more. "Sons, what happened to Baatar and Wing?"

Baatar took a deep breath. "Dad had drawn some odd design on his body and somehow used it to take out two of the enemy with a little help from Hong Li and our younger cousin over there. His body, as well as theirs, are just gone."

Wei looked at his mother. "Wing sacrificed himself to save me. I checked his body after that guy with the scarf took out our opponent. There was no pulse."

Kuvira, Korra, and Iroh were utterly shocked at hearing this. Mako, after hearing that last line from Wei, just stared at the arm still covered in blood. Kanan and Soren stood beck silently. Su was utterly devastated.

"No…" She looked at Baatar as her eyes watered. "Tell me it isn't true."

Baatar shook his head sadly. "I'm sorry mother, but I was there when father died. As we ran inside, many of us say Wing's body. They're gone."

Su looked at the ground just in shock as she said nothing more. Then one of Obito's clones appeared shocking everyone. Before anyone could ask questions, it made both Toph and Roshi appear in the room before dispelling.

"Mom?" Su stated before looking at Roshi in shock. "Dad? No, you were freed?"

"Roshi, are you okay?" A voice from within Roshi asked.

Roshi shook his head as he heard both his daughter and the voice within. "Son Goku… What happened? Did Aang and the others find a way to stop Moryo?"

"I'm afraid not." Son Goku stated. "Also, your wife, daughter, and 1st grandson are older than you remember them."

Roshi looked up at Su as he remembered the man that freed him. "Su, I don't understand what's going on." He stood up. "I was freed by two people." He shook his head and walked towards the broken window. "Damn it, I need to go now."

Many people, save for Toph and Su, were now shocked by what had just happened.

Korra spoke up. "Uh, excuse me, but I think a lot of us are confused by what's going on. I mean, we know who Moryo is, but what is all of this?"

Roshi looked at the girl, a water bender he figured by the clothing, and addressed her. "I am Roshi, Jinchuriki of the Four Tailed Beast, Son Goku, and the guy who has been keeping Moryo sealed away all these years. Now that I've been freed, he's free. I need to get to Moryo and either take him out or reseal him. Should he be left alone for to long, you can kiss your nations goodbye."

Roshi was about to jump out when he suddenly stumbled and was forced to one knee.

Toph walked over to him sighing. "You're just as stubborn as ever. The seal you made seems to have weakened you. At this point, your confrontation would go worse than it did all those years ago."

Roshi started panting. "I don't have a choice Toph. If I work together with Son Goku, then we have a shot at taking him down."

Iroh spoke up. "Sir, there are other options than haphazardly charging in. You could bring this cities guards to Moryo and have them help you or give me time to get in touch with the United Forces."

Roshi looked back at him. "If all of this is Moryo's handiwork, then it's likely whatever guard this city has is either wiped out or to exhausted to put up a fight. I also don't think these United Forces are close enough to arrive in time."

"Then we'll help you." Korra stated. "Out of our group…" She motioned to Soren, Mako, Kanan, and Iroh. "…Mako and Iroh are currently the strongest we have, but the rest of us can put up a fight."

Soren nodded. "The fighting hasn't exhausted us as much as your family or the guards, so we're in the best position to help you."

Roshi shook his head. "No, I will not put anyone else in danger because of something from my world." He looked at Toph. "I already…"

Toph bent a nice sized rock and hit Roshi's head with it. "Listen to the young you old monkey. They may often say stupid things, but every so often there is wisdom in what they say. One of them is the next Twinkle Toes and the other is my granddaughter from that previous marriage."

Roshi looked at Korra and Soren before trying to stand. He managed it; however, his footing wasn't firm, nor did he feel well. If he had to wager, he'd say he was only up to about 30% strength. He then looked at Su taking stock of her injuries. This had to end now.

Asuma jumped back into the room, through the window, as Roshi spoke. "Alright." He looked at everyone in the room. "I'm going to end Moryo once and for all. If you're coming along, follow me."

Iroh spoke up. "Since we're going, we can take our airship."

"You have an airship?" Roshi nodded. "Alright, then let's go."

Iroh looked back at Asuma. "I'm sorry lieutenant, but we need you to stay here. Shisui hasn't turned up, so I'm tasking you with looking for him. I'm also tasking you with the protection of Zaofu. Round up any available guard and man left to protect this place."

Asuma nodded. "I got it sir."

Asuma jumped back out the wing while Roshi left out the door with Iroh, Mako, and Korra following.

Soren started to, but Kanan put a hand on her shoulder. "Maybe you should stay back with Aunt Su and her family."

Soren shrugged him off. "I won't big brother" She turned to him. "I told you already, those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum. If I can help, I will never abandon them."

She ran after the others causing Kanan to sigh as he followed.

Wei looked at his family. "I'm going to." He shook his head. "I may not completely understand what's going on, but if that's my grandpa, I'm going to help him finish this."

Su stood up causing Taruho to panic. "Lady Su, please sit down. I'm not done dressing your wounds."

Su ignored him. "Wei, you most certainly will not."

"Sorry mom, but I'm not going to sit this out." Wei stated before running from the room.

"Wei!" Su yelled before collapsing back onto the chair. "Be careful."

Toph sighed. "Alright, I guess I'll go to." She walked out the door but stopped to address her daughter. "I'll do what I can to ensure he comes back home Su." She walked out. "Even if my bones are aching."

Mountain: Deep Within, Same Time…

The second Obito clone appeared, dropped Shisui off via Kamui, and dispelled causing the confused Shinobi to look back before his attention was drawn to Moryo himself who was free due to Roshi being freed.

Moryo laughed manically and spoke with a deep voice. "I'm free once again, and this time there is no priestess to get in my way." His four heads focused on Shisui. "There is yet another Shinobi who stands before me. Are you going to oppose me as well boy?"

Shisui stood before Moryo unafraid of him. "I know who you are Moryo, but another Shinobi… what do you mean?"

"Naruto Uzumaki, with the help of the priestess in your world, stopped me." Moryo stated. "With no priestess, Roshi of the Four Tailed Jinchuriki sealed me at the cost of being frozen in time. You contain no Jinchuriki and no priestess exist. You cannot defeat or seal me."

"Tell me, you plan to eradicate this world and create your own 1000-year kingdom, correct?" Shisui asked.

"That is correct." Moryo stated. "If you surrender now, I will allow you to live with what remains of those benders. You will see the kingdom I wish to create."

Shisui drew his tanto. "You're a fool if you think I'm going to stand by and let you have your way Moryo. I may be confused by a lot of things, but one thing is certain. Like Naruto Uzumaki before me, I will defeat you."

"Standing against me is impossible human." Moryo's four heads charged at Shisui. "You cannot harm me, but I can kill you." They hit Shisui only for him to fade. "What!?"

"Sharingan!" Shisui called from behind him on a ledge causing Moryo to turn to him. "My name is Shisui Uchiha, and I'm not as easy to kill as you think." Multiple Shisuis appeared around the room. "Afterimage Clone Jutsu."

Moryo's heads gazed around the room. "I see. You are a true master of the Body Flicker." He began moving around the room tearing through the various clones as they tried to attack him. "Like I said, you have no way to even harm me."

The real Shisui jumped into the air and wove hand signs. "Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Jutsu!"

A huge fire ball rained down on Moryo who simply pushed right through it heading straight for Shisui. The Shinobi faded once more as the real one appeared on the ground with a Shadow Clone appearing behind the demon.

"Fire Style: Blast Wave Wild Dance." The real Shisui declared.

The clone said, "Wind Style: Great Break Through."

The two Jutsu's converged around Moryo and combined creating an intense, blue flame that would kill any normal opponent, but Moryo wasn't normal. The heads shot through the fire with two of them piercing the shadow clone and the other two heading for Shisui.

"Mangekyo Sharingan." Shisui declared as his eyes changed. "Susanoo!"

Shisui was surrounded by a green, fiendish looking Susanoo with a red tomoe on the chest. This wasn't his usual variety, but a perfect Susanoo that stood tall with wings on its back. Moryo hit the Susanno and knocked Shisui into the wall of the cave. At least he wasn't impaled.

"Tsukumo!" Shisui declared.

Various, green needles shot out of Shisu's Susanoo, but they had no effect. Moryo opened all four of its mouths and shot out darkness that hit Shisui. He screamed as it ate through and dissolved his Susanoo before overtaking him.

Shisui was now surrounded by darkness that was pressing down on him to the point that he could only be on one knee or fall face first into the ground. With every passing second, despite his will, he felt like giving up. Letting the darkness overtake him.

Moryo laughed. "You are strong boy, but all that strength means nothing when you can't harm me. In the face of me, you are nothing. You mean nothing. Just give in, and your death will be quick. Fight, and you will experience great pain before it ends."

Shisui's vision began to blur. "Is this really the end of my life once more?"

Suddenly, Shisui heard his voice in his head; however, this came from the past. "Danzo Shimura took my eye… What if he is right… I can't stop the Uchiha… Kotoamatsukami wouldn't have solved anything… It's better if I die and leave it to Itachi."

Shisui fell to the ground. "Yeah, it's better I left this to Sasuke. He can defeat Moryo where I couldn't." His body began to fade starting with his legs. "I should just give in and embrace this death."

Moryo laughed again. "Yes, you are truly nothing. Just submit to the darkness. Let it take you and rest."

"It almost feels warm to give up." Shisui thought as his torso started to fade. "Yes, just fall into the darkness. Let it embrace me."

Suddenly, a lighter darkness appeared in front of Shisui before forming into a transparent, young man. He had fair skin, short, black, tousled hair which framed his face, and the common dark eyes of the Uchiha.

His attire was that of a typical Uchiha clan member consisting of a high-collared, dark-colored shirt, grey pants, bandages around his arms and legs, and black shinobi sandals. A forehead protector was on his forehead.

"So, is this what my descendant has amounted to." The voice stated.

Shisui lifted his head and looked at the man. "Great Grandfather Kagami?"

Kagami knelt in front of Shisui. "You are giving up your life twice." He shook his head. "I could excuse the first since it's led to peace, but this time there is no excuse. We may not have fallen to the Curse of Hatred, but that is not all an Uchiha is. We take pride in our combat abilities.

We continue to fight with everything we have. We do not roll over and submit in combat. You let your fear control you once before, and now you are letting it control you again. All Uchiha, Curse of Hatred or no, contain darkness within; however, our darkness by itself is useless.

It's how we use it that matters. Since we are Uchiha, our darkness can rival that of anyone who thinks they are powerful. Even Moryo." He stood. "Now, what will you do? Will you roll over and let those you've come to care about perish or will you show Moryo what a true Uchiha is?"

Kagami held out a bell which stayed suspended before Shisui before he faded,

Moryo laughed. "What a foolish individual he is. Latching onto my darkness to deliver some pathetic speech. You've already made your choice, and it's to late to change it. Not even the dead can alter it."

Shisui's body began to reform. "You know, you seem to make a great deal of assumptions in the short time I've known you."

Moryo was shocked. "What are you doing?"

Shisui came back to one knee and looked at the bell before him. "The Curse of Hatred always sends an Uchiha into darkness. They are consumed by it and end up giving into what most people think darkness represents.

Darkness and light are neither good nor bad. It's how one uses it that matters. To an Uchiha who has circumnavigated that darkness, he can use it more positively than one who has not." Shisui grabbed the bell and crushed it in his hand causing pitch black Chakra to swirl around him.

"My name is Shisui Uchiha, and I am done giving up." He stood and used the body flicker to move through Moryo and pack outside. "This is the end for you Moryo." Shisui's Susanoo appeared around him once more only now it gained pitch black armor. "I'll ensure it."

"Fool, you cannot defeat…" Moryo began.

"Why don't you just can it already Moryo." Shisui declared.

The Uchiha rushed forward, past the four heads, and shoved his drill-like lance into Moryo's body. The demon cried out in pain. Then, green needles with a black glow spread out into Moryo's body.

"Now, let's finish this!" Shisui shouted.

The Uchiha removed his lance and overflowed it with his Chakra causing the green lance to glow black. He then plunged it back into the Moryo's body and a pillar of darkness spread around Moryo shooting up into the mountain and opening a hole to the light above.

Moryo screamed out in agony as he died.


Iroh, Korra, Roshi, Wei, Mako, Soren, and Kanan were all in the bridge of the ship looking ahead at the mountain where Moryo was sealed. Suddenly, the pillar of black Chakra shot up into the sky shocking them.

"Is that Moryo?" Wei asked.

"Roshi, that isn't the demon." Son Goku declared.

"I'm aware." Roshi looked at Iroh. "Get us over there and set us down fast."

Iroh nodded. "Right."

Roshi looked back at everyone. "Be read for anything because something about this doesn't seem right."

Everyone nodded.

Top of the Mountain

Shisui used his Chakra control to walk out the hole he made before collapsing on the ground exhausted. "I did it."

He passed out.

In a Tree, Later…

Obito stood in a tree nearby with his arms crossed as he watched Mako and Iroh carrying the unconscious Shisui into the ship. "Very impressive Shisui. You performed better than I could have hoped. Even with Moryo's defeat, there is a lot of trouble still out there."

The Uchiha Kamuied away.

Power Disc Court

Kuvira and Baatar had come to retrieve Wing's body only to find that it was gone.

"S-Someone took his body." Baatar stated shocked.

Kuvira would have posed the question of if he were truly dead; however, there wasn't any sign of a blood trail which would have surely followed Wei if he got up and walked away. That said, it was strange that there wasn't a trail of any kind that she could see.

Kuvira put a hand on his shoulder. "I'll have my men make certain his body isn't in Zaofu before we take things any further."

Baatar sighed. "Thank you, Kuvira."

With this, the first Naruto Shippuden movie's characters have been covered. Next time, I plan on going back to Republic City, shortly after Korra and them left, to catch up with Sasuke's side of things. I don't know when that will be as I plan on going back to one of my other stories first. So, see ya then.