Chapter 13: Ultimate Showdown (III)


Primus, a hidden organic yet mechanical planet served the power source and wireless connection of Alien DNAs to Ben 10's Omnitrix, has remained hidden and service to Omnitrix Wielder for years until now...

On the planet's surface, thousands and more of Voliticus Biopsis were destroyed and obliterated into pieces. Malware, armed with his Tachyon Cannon, blasted and destroyed most of them. He approached and arrived at the volcano, where he found the circular platforms with control panel was located in the middle of it.

Using his jetpack ability, Malware flew straight to the platform. He approached to the control panel. He angrily struck down his hands on it

"Now, Azmuth, witness the one of your creation turned on you!" Malware exclaimed proudly and darkly, "The power of thousands and more Aliens' DNAs will be a perfect asset for my revenge!"

While holding the control panel, Malware gave the loud scream of anger as his black ooze with red circuit spread out across around the panel. Though he felt pain from the surge of electrical, he remained firm and still while screaming as his black ooze continued spreading from Condom Stream River and across the planet's landscape.

The ground shook out and quaked wildly and crazily, storm hailed down and blown very hard, and even the volcano itself has exploded and spilled its greenish river of Alien DNA out. The planet's landscape is now covered in black ooze with red circuits.

"Primus belongs to me. Now, I can finally begin my revenge..."


After infecting and turning Primus into his powerful asset, Malware moved the planet and headed straight to Galvan Prime, where he can finally complete his revenge on his creator and father for turning against him. He turned his attention to Galvan B.

"Galvan B..." Malware snarled dryly, "Oh... How much I hate that planet for the so-called 'perfect Mechamorphs'. Now I can blow it up for good! You may fire when ready, Primus..."

As commanded, Crimson Primus charged up its powerful cannon as it aimed and blasted a powerful crimson-yellowish laser-beams on Galvan B. The beam has hit the moon, causing some cracks and fissure across its landscape while quaking and glowing out brightly with lava spilling out like it's about to explode.

The moon and its inhabitants have exploded into rocky meteorite-like pieces. They all fell upon Galvan Prime.

Malware witnessed the event. He chuckled amusingly, "Now your home planet is next, father..." He gave loud roar, "Go forth, my sons and daughters! Take no prisoners! Destriy anyone that stands in your way!"

As ordered, the main army of Red Mechamorphs gave the loud battle cry as they charged and jumped off Primus. They dived straight to Galvan Prime.

Witnessing the destruction of Galvan B and its meteorite heading to their planet, both the civilians of Galvans and Mechamorphs screamed in fear while running and panicking frantically to the shelter.

Team Ben and their allies were in shock of what they just saw. They couldn't believe that Malware has used Primus to destroy Galvan B.

"Did he blow up the planet? Why?" John asked in confusion.

"Obviously, Malware possessed pure hatred over Mechamorphs for being whole and completed species while he is not. He does hate the planet a lot. And now, its debris heading here! We have to stop it and defend the civilians!" Azmuth explained firmly, "Man the Particle Cannons now!"

"One problem!" Ben said in concern while showing his Omnitrix, "How can I use the Omnitrix when Malware is merging with Primus now?! He could have cut off the connection now! I don't think I'm much help."

Azmuth sighed, "Not too worry, Ben. I have had anticipated this since the day Vilgax attacked that planet. If anything happens to Primus, I've prepared the secondary DNA Condom Stream Wireless Generator at my hidden fortress, thus allowing you to continue use the Omnitrix wireless connection."

Ben sighed, "That's a relief..."

"Hey, old timer, did you bring them here? Is it time?" Kevin asked hopefully.

Max smirked, "I did. Bring the rain!"

Kevin chuckled happily, "Alright. This time, I finally gonna ride the Beetle Tank! Everyone, to your Beetle Tank now! Time to blow the joint!"

"Beetle Tank?!" Myaxx asked in surprise.

"You'll see. Follow me!" Kevin ordered.

Max, Kevin, Myaxx, Team Redeemer, Team Pierce and couple of Plumber Troopers moved out and headed towards the Plumber Command Flagship. They even bring Albedo and Dr. Psychobos with them as well. Team Ben, Gwen, Azmuth, Johnny and Eunice remained behind to assist Galvans and Mechamorphs to repel and destroy the meteors.

Hitting his Omnitrix, Ben transformed into NRG, who began firing and shooting his heat-beam blasts on the meteorites. Gwen and Julie, transformed into Lucky Girl and Armorstrike, flew up and destroyed most of them on airborne. John is riding Leo, who just used Wildtrix to turn into Scorpodrake, flew up and destroyed most of the meteorites. He was assisted by Eunice, who used both Eye-Guy and Echo Echo's powers to provide covering fire for her partner. Tetrax and the team of Galvans and Mechamorphs armed with the Particle Beam Turrets in blasting and destroying the meteorites. Azmuth was leading and guiding them in shooting them down.

While Team Ben did their best to destroy meteor shower as much as they can, some of them have managed to pierce through the defense and made the impact on the ground hard. As soon as meteors have either destroyed or made the impact, it has stopped now. Ben and his team regrouped at once.

"Everyone, alright?" NRG asked firmly. Everyone nodded firmly. He turned and noticed something from the debris. He saw a blackish goo with red circuits. He yelped, "Wait! These aren't rocks!"

Lucky Girl approached and checked on the rock. She gasped, "You're right! They're not! They belong to Malware's!"

"You mean we were destroying some raining psychopath?!" NRG asked in shock and disbelief. He groaned, "Oh, how wonderful..."

Azmuth hissed in concern, "Malware didn't just destroy the Galvan B. He used and combined his DNA Codes with Primus's Laser Beam in coating and destroying the moon to send the debris here."

"But for what?" Rook asked in concern.

Azmuth hummed in concern, "I'm afraid that I do not have the answer. But it cannot be good either." He approached to the debris, "I'm gonna have to study it, and find out what exactly Malware's intention is."

John groaned, "For a guy being smartest guy in one universe, you sure are dumb for not having the answer."

"Five galaxies, not universe!" Azmuth corrected angrily and annoyingly while readying to dissect some piece from the debris, "I watch that tone of yours or else-!"

And just before Azmuth could do anything, the debris reacted wildly and angrily as it transformed into angry Red Mechamorph, scaring him off. It wasn't just him, but more of Red Mechamorphs have emerged from the debris while some of them submerged into the ground at once.

The Red Mechamorphs are armed with their blasters and swords, aiming them at Team Ben and their allies. They have been surrounded.

"Okay! What the hell was that?!" John asked in concern.

"Red Mechamorphs have also followed and invaded our planet, obviously!" Eunice snapped in annoyance.

"Malware is not far from behind..." Azmuth said in concern.

As expected, something dived and landed on the ground hard. Team Ben turned to the front as they found Malware, who has grown bigger and taller than them.

"AZMUTH!" Malware roared in anger. He snarled at Azmuth, "You have now witnessed one of your greatest creation - Primus has turned on you, as well as helping me to reduce that pathetic Galvan B and the last remains of failed Mechamorphs to ashes!

"Malware, if you think that sowing chaos would either impress me or scare me, then you're mistaken. It is pointless and pathetic," Azmuth said firmly and calmly.

Malware growled darkly, "I wasn't planning to impress you. As a matter of fact, no matter what I did , you were never be pleased or proud of my accomplishment for years. You could never be pleased! Am I right, father?!"

Azmuth sighed while looked down in shame, "Malware... It doesn't have to be this way. I'd never wanted you to be like this. I'd never wanted." He approached to Malware while remained firm and calm, "But let me help you now. Let me end your suffering and make you a true whole Mechamorph Form. End this pointless destruction and vendetta of yours now. All I ask is you to trust me now. Let a father to help his son now."

Still angry with Azmuth, Malware remained still and calm as he was giving some thoughts. Team Ben armed themselves and readied for any tricks that he might up to something. And just before anyone could do anything, one of Galvan Troopers spotted the event.

"The First Thinker is in grave danger!" Galvan Trooper exclaimed in concern, "Take him down now!"

As ordered, couple of Galvan Troopers armed themselves and fired their blasters at Malware, wounding him a lot.

"Hold you fire now!" Azmuth exclaimed in concern.

Malware roared in anger as he armed and blasted his Tachyon Cannon at the Galvan Troopers, blowing and sending them off. He turned and glared at Azmuth, "Always deceive me! I will not fall for it again! Die! NOW!"

Malware roared in anger as he gathered and concentrated enough power within his mouth. He unleashed and blasted the full powered yellowish laser beam at Azmuth. Luckily for him, Ben hit his Omnitrix and turned into Shellhead. His armored shell blocked and deflected the beam back at him. And just before any Red Mechamorphs could do anything, Shellhead grunted as he hopped for the moment and then spun himself to unleash the barrage of heavy and strong stones at them. They all got knocked out.

Team Ben turned and found Malware slowly got up from the ground. Shellhead has his head slammed the Omnitrix against the shell, turning into Humungousaur.

"Take him out now!" Humungousaur commanded. He turned to both Eunice and John, "Guys, get Azmuth and everyone out of here!"

"Got it!" Eunice nodded firmly.

"Hey, you need my Leo to take down Malware!" John insisted as he gotten on Leo's back, "I've got the Technoleech to take him out. It's Mechamorph's Predator. And yes, my buddies sort of create it to fight against some rogues."

"I know. But that's the reason why I need you to help Eunice and Azmuth to get everyone out. Plus, Leo can take them out," Humungousaur said firmly and seriously. John was in shock yet understand the situation. He nodded firmly. He smirked, "Now go! My team and I will handle this monster!"

Eunice quickly grabbed and hold Azmuth on her shoulder, accompanied and protected by John, Leo and the rest of Galvan and Mechamorph Troopers moved out. They also guide and escorted the civilians to safety.

Team Ben turned and faced off Malware, who slowly got up and turned to face them. He armed himself with Tachyon Cannon, firing it at them. They quickly dodged and evaded the attacks at once, leaving Humungousaur to engage and face him off. They were about to help but blocked and engaged by the Red Mechamorph Soldiers, who are armed with blasters.

Humungousaur and Malware fought by swinging and striking couple of punches at each other by face, limbs and even body. They both held and pushed each other as hard as they can. Malware grunted as he gathered and concentrated enough of energy laser beam within his jaws to blast and knock him off. He approached and readied to finish him off.

Luckily, both Lucky Girl and Armorstrike came to Humungousaur's aid. They both unleashed Merchucus Verditis and Hyper Cannon in blasting him off. Tetrax and Rook, armed with their shards-like blades and Proto-Tool's Sword Mode, charged and engaged him. Malware dodged and evaded the attacks as fast as he can while punching and knocking them off for few times. Eventually, when Rook swung and thrust his Proto-Tool's Sword at him, he moved to his right while grabbing and holding the device, causing it to turn into ashes. His right hand turned into Proto-Tool Blaster-like in blasting Rook straight at Tetrax off.

Malware armed with the sword, preparing to finish both Rook and Tetrax off. Lucky Girl summoned the barrier on both of them from strike down by him. Humungousaur jumped over as he swung and struck his tail in knocking him off. He charged and engaged him. While the large Vaxasaurian fiercely launched his punches, kicks and even swinging his tail at the psychopathic Mechamorph, he dodged and blocked the attacks while using Proto-Tool and Tachyon Cannon to fight and blast him, injuring him more. Malware used both weapons in blasting him off straight to the ground hard. Armed with Proto-Tool's Sword Mode, he approached and prepared to finish him off.

Luckily, Armorstrike activated and unleashed her Hyper Beam Cannon and also Lucky Girl used her Twista Combititus in Serpent Form straight at Tetrax, who used his shards to collect and deflect powerful fusion attacks straight at Malware, blasting him away from Humungousaur. Recovering from the attacks, he roared out loud as he jumped and slammed his holding fists at Malware's chest, injuring him. And just before he and his team could finish him off, he activated and launched his Proto-Tool's Pod Launcher at them off. He then activated and trapped electrical net on them, trapping them to the ground.

"I've grown weary of this..." Malware snarled darkly. He armed with his giant Tachyon Cannon. He aimed it at Team Ben, "Time to end this. Once and for all!"

BOOM! Malware got blasted and thrown away from Team Ben. He grunted in pain. He looked up and found five giant black-white colored stag beetle-like walking armored tanks with a large turbo cannon, twin large missile launchers, eight Tachyon Turrets on both sides and two armored shields with claws. They all approached and continued firing pairs of twin forward blasters, turbo cannon and missiles at him and his army of Red Mechamorphs.

"Booyah!" Kevin's voice cried within the first Beetle Tank, "Say hello to Beetle Tank, Malware!"

Malware snarled in pain, "You bring another set of walking arsenals?! Are you brave or fools?! Either way, they belong to me! Take their tanks! Make them as our own!"

As commanded, the army of Red Mechamorphs charged and jumped on five Beetle Tanks. They tried to force merging with the giant arsenals, but instead, they all got shocked and exploded into ashes by strange electrical shocks around the arsenals.

"Impossible!" Malware exclaimed in disbelief.

"Oh! Forgot to mention this one," Max's voice shouted proudly within the first Beetle Tank. He chuckled slyly, "These walking tanks especially its weapons and metals are not made in this universe! The metals are pure magic metals!"

"Courtesy to Shorty Thinking!" Kevin's voice shouted happily from the first Beetle Tank, "So, say hello to my big beetle friend, asshole!"

Beetle Tanks continued unleashing the barrage of cannons, laser beams and missiles at Malware and his army. Most of the Red Mechamorphs were blasted into smithereens. Malware roared in anger as he quickly transformed into liquid form. He made his escape as he headed towards capital city's tower.

"This is far from over!" Malware's voice shouted, "This world will be mine!"

The Beetle Tanks halted their advance. Team Ben grunted and moaned in pain, slowly recovering from the attacks while getting up. The first Beetle Tank lowered its body to the ground before. Its cockpit's entrance opened and allowed Team Ben, Azmuth, Eunic, John and Leo enter the walking tank at once.

Team Ben and their allies managed to get inside the Beetle Tank. They met up with Max, Kevin and Myaxx on the cockpit. They found both Kevin and Myaxx were piloting the Beetle Tank while Max was sitting on his command seat, along with Driba and Blukic. Both Albedo and Dr. Psychobos were trapped inside the prison pods. Zed trotted and gave Gwen a warm lickings on her face.

"So this is Beetle Tank?" Azmuth asked in surprise, "Impressive. I would like to meet Shorty Thinking. Sounds like he's an intelligent creature."

"A Unicorn with no magic," Kevin corrected calmly. Azmuth looked at him in confusion. He cleared his throat, "Talk later. We managed to take down that monster army."

"Still, what does he mean 'the world will be mine'?" Gwen asked in concern.

Ben shrugged, "Could be a bluff?"

"No. I do not think so. Malware is incapable to bluff." Azmuth disagreed in concern while giving some thoughts. Recalling seeing some of Red Mechamorph oozes submerged below the ground, he gasped in shock and concern, "Oh no! He's sending both his ooze and his hidden army to the core! He's trying to fuse with"

"Core?" Julie asked in concern.

"So, why would he go there for? I mean this planet's core is organic, right?" John asked in confusion.

Azmuth sighed, "No. Ever since Highbreed Invasion on Galvan Prime, the planet has suffered more casualties and damages to both landscape and even the core. With the assistance of Cerebrocrustaceans, Mechamorphs and GAMUNDs; we have managed to repair the planet by combining with mechanical and cybernetic parts, turning Galvan Prime into cybernetic yet organic planet."

Everyone was in shock and disbelief. Rook spoke, "That means... Malware will have the advantage to turn this planet in his image..."

"Damn it. This isn't good. Is there anyway to stop them from reaching the core?" Max asked in concern.

"Fortunately, there is. I have design and prepare the Firewall Mechanism around the Core. They should insulate the section of the planet from virus or bomb," Azmuth answered calmly. He sighed as he turned and glared at both Albedo and Dr. Psychobos, "But you both have damaged the defense mechanism after your hostile takeover, didn't you?"

"Guilty as charge," Dr. Psychobos commented amusingly, "And I used the term loosely..."

Albedo smirked, "Indeed. You don't stand a chance."

"You do realize that once Malware conquered this planet, he's gonna get rid of you two, right?" Myaxx asked suspiciously.

Dr. Psychobos scoffed, "To exterminate the Galvans, I wouldn't mind."

"And so as our enemies," Albedo added in pleasingly, "And it's worth everything we have done for. Our revenge is complete!"

"Damn it. We need to act now!" Max exclaimed in concern.

"Agreed. Max, you should take the best technicians with you to the Central Relay Station to repair the defense mechanism now," Azmuth said firmly, surprising the group. He sighed, "I won't be joining because I'll be heading to Galvan B."

"Hate to remind you but Galvan B is gone?" Kevin reminded.

Azmuth groaned, "I am well aware of that, Osmosian Kevin. However, if I can repair the Helix, it should able to regenerate and restore the Mechamorphs and even the moon itself. They could help me save Primus when we have the chance."

"Need help, boss?" Myaxx asked firmly.

Azmuth nodded, "Indeed, I do. You, Gwen, Rook, Eunice and John will assist me. I have no doubts that Malware has set up the defense around both Galvan B and Primus, preventing us to save them."

Gwen nodded firmly, "Got it, Azmuth."

"Looks like we're together again," John said flirty at Eunice, who looked unimpressed and annoyed. He whistled as his hand slipped and rubbed left breast, making her yelped and blushed in embarrassment. He smiled, "Just in case if we're gonna reach the end of stars, I want to make sure I remember this one."

Eunice groaned angrily as she quickly gave a lots of big painful slap on John's face, making him knocked out. Everyone looked nervous and uneasy of what John did to her. That was awkward and embarrassing.

Eunice screamed angrily at John, "Keep your filthy hands away from my body! Just because I'm a Unitrix, doesn't mean I'm your play thing, asshole!"

"You sure it's a good idea?" Rook asked in concern.

Azmuth groaned in frustration, "Believe it or not, he's the only one, who has the Mechamorph's Predator to defeat the Red Mechamorphs..."

Gwen groaned, "He'd better not touch me or else..."

"I'm guessing that the rest of us keep distracting Malware, right?" Ben asked firmly and seriously.

"Yes, Ben. We can't afford to let Malware knows about this," Azmuth said seriously.

"Then, we'd better make the move now." Max said firmly. He turned on the computer screen, revealing Cooper and Elena from Beetle Tank #2. He spoke, "Cooper, Elena, gonna need your help with repairing the Core's defense mechanism."

"Got it," Cooper said firmly.

Elena nodded, "We'll be there soon!"

Ben took a deep breath before released it, "Alright, let's move out."

Team Ben nodded firmly in agreement. Zed howled out wildly and happily. While Kevin and his co-pilots continued piloting the Beetle Tank #1, Team Ben and their allies moved out at once to complete their mission.

Beetle Tanks continued marching to search and hunt down Malware and the remaining army of Red Mechamorphs. Proto-Truk and Skipper emerged out from the Beetle Tank #1's hangar bay entrance. Another small Plumber Fighter emerged out from Beetle Tank #2's. Skipper has Max piloting the ship, accompanied by Dribe and Blukic. Proto-Truk has Rook, Gwen, Azmuth, Myaxx, Eunice and John. Plumber Fighter has both Cooper and Elena.

Skipper and Cooper's Plumber Fighter flew straight to Central Relay Station. Proto-Truk launched straight to the space.

Beetle Tanks continued marching and hunting down Malware and his army. Ben, Julie as Armorstrike and Tetrax are standing on top of the Beetle Tank #1 as they're keeping their eyes out for their enemies. The final showdown between them and Malware has begun!

Joined by Beetle Tanks have located and blasted most of Red Mechamorphs, who tried to attack and conquer the village, trying to drill down and submerge to reach the Core or even escape. But no sign of Malware. Using her visor's to scan and search in the area, Armorstrike noticed something ahead of them.

"Guys, I think I've found him," Armorstrike said in concern while pointed at the front.

Everyone looked up and found some blackish ooze with red circuits slowly enlarging and growing into enormous and monstrous dinosaur-like size with large scythes-like spikes on his back from head to tail, and has three star-shaped marks on his massive torso. He roared out loud wildly and angrily.

Everyone, within the Beetle Tanks, was in shock and disbelief of what they just saw. They couldn't believe that Malware would able to enlarged himself into a giant monster, even taller and larger than towers and even city itself.

"I think we're gonna need a bigger walking tank," Tetrax said in concern. Using the com-link, he contacted Kevin, "Don't suppose our pony friends have some kind of super weapon?"

"Sorry, none of them are close enough to take him down," Kevin's voice responded in concern.

"Well, we've got a bigger alien than some walking tank!" Ben exclaimed proudly. He charged straight to the front, where he slammed his Omnitrix. He transformed into Way Big. He slammed on the ground before Ultimate Malware. He smirked, "Way Big is the guy! I'll take care of him. Go and stop the Red Mechamorphs!"

Disliked to let him handle Malware, Armorstrike reluctantly sighed, "Be careful, Ben..."

As ordered by Ben; the army of Plumbers, Galvans and Mechamorphs moved aside as they continued their hunt. Way Big approached to Ultimate Malware, who is snarling and growling at him.

Ultimate Malware snarled, "You return to face me again?! After I nearly destroy you, you're a fool, Ben Tennyson!"

Way Big smirked cockily, "Well, takes one to know one!"

Way Big and Ultimate Malware gave the loud battle cry as they both charged and slammed some powerful punches at each other's fists. They then began their fierce monstrous duel now!

Skipper and Cooper's Plumber Fighter were flying straight to Central Relay Station, which was located on the northern of Capital City. They arrived at the flying platform with a mushroom station-like with couple of greenish rounded windows around it, has the long metallic advanced tower-like with dishes, and has some small mini control towers. They landed on the hangar platforms.

Max and his team of technicians came out from their ships. They headed straight to the Central Relay Station's entrance. Upon arriving at the control center, they find the most of control panels and even the reactor core were badly damaged. Cooper, Elena, Driba and Blukic approached and checked on them, checking if there's enough power or functional for the machine to be used.

"Well?" Max asked in concern.

"Good news and Bad news," Driba reported in concern while checking on the reactor, with the help of his power scanner, "The good news is that the station still got some powers to activate the firewalls."

Blukic sighed while looking at the damaged parts, "Bad news is that we're need tons and thousands spare parts to replace them."

"Well, we're not gonna have time to shop," Elena said seriously and firmly as she transformed into Nanite-V. She sighed, "Alright, Cooper, I'm gonna make tons of parts while you figure and fix them."

"You've got it, hon!" Cooper agreed.

"Since when did you two become couple?" Max asked teasingly.

"We're not couples! Partners!" Cooper and Elena corrected firmly.

As Driba and Blukic explained what kind of technology and parts they need, Elena used her Nanites to create them. Cooper studied and tried to fix and repair the damage parts, with newly spare parts. Max, armed with his blasters, keeping his eyes out for any sign of enemies.

Beetle Tanks continued unleashing the barrage of intensive forward cannons and missiles at the Red Mechamorphs and their merged-with-weaponized turrets and tanks. They were assisted by Galvans-Mechamorph Resistance. Tetrax and Armorstrike were providing the covering fire for the Beetle Tanks from the flying Red Mechamorphs.

"Damn it! How many of them?!" Tetrax complained while firing his blasters at them.

"No idea! About thousands?" Armorstrike asked in concern.

One of Red Mechamorphs gave a loud screeches as he flew down and swung his large claws, giving a large cut and scar on her left hand. She yelped in pain before fell on her back hard. Red Mechamorph was prepared to kill her. Spotter his friend's in danger, Tetrax took out his boomerang-like shard, throwing it straight at his eye, causing it to fall from the Beetle Tank #1.

Tetrax approached and helped Armorstrike to get up. He asked, "You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just a scratch," Armorstike grunted in pain while holding tightly on her injured left hand. Her battle suit quickly covered her whole hand. She sighed, "Thanks, Ship. Come on, we've got stop them!"

Tetrax nodded, "Right behind you, kid!"

Tetrax and Armorstrike continued firing and blasting their guns at the flying Red Mechamorphs.

Inside the Beetle Tank #1, Kevin and his co-pilots did their best to shoot down many enemy troops as they can. Dr. Psychobos and Albedo laughed amusingly and sinisterly.

"Give it up! You have lost!" Albedo exclaimed happily.

Dr. Psychobos nodded, "Indeed! Resistance is futile! Ultimate Malware is the greatest and perfect masterpiece of our works! You don't stand a chance. And I used the term loosely!"

Getting fed up with two scientists' insults and laughter, Zed growled as she pushed some buttons, bringing out Dr. Psychobos and Albedo, still in cuffs, out. She barked angrily at them. They both yelped and screamed in fear. She chased them straight to the back, where she began tearing and biting them a lot.

"Thanks, Zed!" Kevin thanked his Anubian Baskarr. He turned and faced to the front, "Now, I can concentrate and shoot those mecha freaks!"

Way Big and Ultimate Malware are still at their fierce duel. They both continued launching punches and kicks at each other, as well as blocking and deflecting the attacks for couple of times. They clashed for the moment before moved back. Ultimate Malware quickly armed and launched his flamethrower, twin laser beams from his optic and even hydro pump. Way Big dodged and evaded the attacks but got slammed by the Red Mechamorph's four arms.

"What the hell?!" Way Big asked in shock and disbelief, "How the hell did you have the Omnitrix's powers?! They're organic, not machines!"

Ultimate Malware chuckled amusingly, "You've forgotten, Tennyson. I possessed the control over Primus, therefore I have access the Condom Stream and used all of thousands and more alien powers to fight. You cannot stand and defeat me!"

Way Big scoffed proudly, "Don't bet on it!"

Way Big charged and slammed his punch at Ultimate Malware, who activated his intangible ability to phase through while breathed some freezing breath on him. His body was covered in frozen ice. His jaws became Ripjaws-like jaws, he took a large bit on the To'kustar's shoulder, making the latter yelled in pain. Manage to break out from icy prison, he quickly slammed a powerful punch at him off. He was about to attack his nemesis, who elastically dodge and evade the attacks while punching back at him for few times.

Launching a powerful punch on his face, Way Big quickly grabbed and caught his hand before thrown Ultimate Malware off to the ground. As the Red Mechamorph slowly getting up, he multiplied himself into ten more to unleash Sonic Boom at him, wounding him to the ground. Luckily, Way Big slammed his hands on the ground, causing the quake to shake Ultimate Malware off. He then launched couple of punches at him for few times. As he punched his nemesis off, the latter, turned into armored rolling ball, bounced back and forth while ramming and knocking at him for couple of few times.

Ultimate Malware was about to ram him again. Way Big armed and unleashed his crossed hands' Cosmic Power Blast in knocking and damaging him straight to the lake.

"One thing I loved being Way Big. He got some awesome super powered blast!" Way Big commented happily.

In Galvan Prime's space area, Proto-Truk arrived at the ruins of Galvan B, searching and locating for Helix. But so far, they found the decayed yet stasis-locked bodies of Mechamorphs. They were disturbed and disgusted to see them almost died. They then came across two damaged Helix.

"Are those the ones?" Rook asked while piloting the ship.

"Definitely," Azmuth said firmly, "Bring it in."

Proto-Truk turned around to two Helix. Gwen used her magical barrier to prevent themselves thrown out and also get some air to breathe. It opened its trunk as the flying spacecraft reverse slowly and bringing two Helix in. With them inside, the Proto-Truk closed its trunk.

Azmuth, Gwen, Myaxx, Eunice and John approached and checked on the Helix. Azmuth checked on two pyramid-like devices.

Azmuth hummed, "Hmm... Even after many years have passed, they're still in good condition and workable as well. Do any of you have pocket change?"

"A coin, mate?" John asked in surprise, "For what?"

"The coins are made of metals and also serve the electrical conductor," Myaxx explained, "Therefore, they might be our only chance to reactivate them."

"You think it'll restore the Mechamorphs?" Gwen asked.

"Hopefully, so, we will need them to help and retake Primus," Azmuth said seriously, "They're the only ones, who can repel Malware's viral from the planet. With Primus's under our control, I might finally found a way to restore Malware and the rest of Red Mechamorphs."

"Not after what he has done?" John asked in surprise.

Azmuth sighed, "I wouldn't expect you to understand what a creator, no, a father feels responsible and shame for not able to help his creation. This time, I'm going to restore him into a true Mechamorph, not corrupted."

"Well, you'd better hurry. We've got company!" Rook exclaimed in concern.

Azmuth and his allies turned and looked at the window screen, where they found more of Red Mechamorphs Command Ships and fighters flying towards them. John quickly grabbed and worn a battle spacesuit for battles.

"Reginald, get your Panuncian out and engage them," Azmuth said seriously.

"Got it. But first..." John nodded firmly. He grabbed and held Eunice close to him. He gave her a long passionate kiss while rubbing and holding her butt, making her blush and yelped in reddish of embarrassment. He sighed while grabbing and holding her against his chest. He smiled charmingly, "I need to recharge. Prince Charming deserve a good kiss from his princess."

Eunice groaned angrily as her mouth turned into Echo-Echo, aiming at John. Everyone yelped as they quickly covered their ears.

"YOU IDIOT!" Eunice screamed angrily as her sonic wave blown John and his Leo out.

John yelped as he grabbed and hitched a ride on Leo as the Panuncian just transformed into Dreadscreech. Echo-Echo's Predator screeched out loud as it fiercely engaged and attacked Red Mechamorph's Armada now.

"That was inappropriate of him," Rook commented dryly.

"Myaxx, Eunice, I need assistance. Rook and Gwen, do your best to help Reginald and his pet. And try not to get blown up," Azmuth remarked dryly.

Both Rook and Gwen nodded. She transformed into Lucky Girl as she summoned and used Twista Combititus to form a powerful serpentine shield over the Proto-Truk. It flew and joined John and Leo to engage the enemies. Azmuth, Myaxx and Eunice checked and tried to find a way to reactivate two Helix.

Due to Way Big unleashed his Cosmic Power Beam, Ultimate Malware was badly injured and wounded on the lake. He approached to his defeated opponent, preparing to finish him off for good. Suddenly, the ground was shaking wildly and crazily, more of tentacles-like emerged out to grab, trap and hold him down by limbs. They even gave him powerful electrical shocks. And at the same time, Malware's body was reformed into whole body.

"Stupid monkey! When will you ever learn that the resistance is futile?!" Ultimate Malware asked angrily, "My army are reaching to the Core! This planet will be mine! And soon, this universe will be perfected in my image!"

Way Big grunted in pain, "D-Don't bet on it!"

Back at the Central Relay Station, Max blasted and shot down most of Red Mechamorphs while the technicians are still repairing the control panel and the reactor as best as they can. He heard some alarm blaring. He turned and looked at the computer screen, where he found black ooze and army of Red Mechamorphs are sliding down the tubes, almost recahing to the core.

"Guys, are you done?!" Max asked in concern.

"Almost there!" Elena shouted as she almost connected the wires together.

Cooper placed the Kormite Crystal into the reactor, "Done! Driba! Blukic! Activate them now!"

As commanded, Driba and Blukic panicked and hit various buttons on control panel, activating and turning on the reactor. The Central Relay Station is on now, causing the Core's firewalls activated to block, repel and destroy half forces of Red Mechamorphs. Everyone sighed in relief as they have succeeded their mission.

"Thank goodness," Max said in relief.

Sensing his army and black ooze have been halted, Ultimate Malware was in shock and disbelief of the sensation. He roared and screamed in anger as his revenge has been thwarted again. Way Big smirked playfully as he knew his friends have succeeded their mission.

Ultimate Malware snarled, "Come to me, my children! Make me grow!"

As commanded, thousands and more of Red Mechamorphs flew and slithered all the way back to Ultimate Malware. Everyone turned their attention to him. They witnessed him slowly growing and becoming much more enormous monster, even bigger and taller than Way Big.

"Okay, we definitely need a really bigger walking tank!" Armorstrike exclaimed in concern.

"Fools! This is far from over, Tennyson! Your allies merely delayed their fates," Ultimate Malware snarled as he grabbed and held on Way Big, "As for you, I will finish what I should have done five years ago!"

Ultimate Malware placed Way Big close to his torso, beginning to absorb him. Everyone gasped in shock and concern of what they just saw.

"Ben!" Armorstrike shouted in concern as she activated her jet pack.

"Julie, wait!" Tetrax called out. Armorstrike flew out at once, heading straight to Way Big. Contacting his com-link, he shouted, "All units, fire at Malware now! Give everything you've got!"

As commanded by Tetrax; Plumbers, Galvans and Mechamorphs unleashed the barrage of laser beams and missiles at Ultimate Malware, but no avail due to his large size. Way Big struggled to get out from Ultimate Malware's absorption. Armorstrike flew close to him, reaching and touching his Omnitrix Symbol, before dragged inside together with him.

FLASHED! There was a brief green light flashed within Ultimate Malware's torso, shocking and concerning everyone.

"What was that?" Kevin's voice asked in concern.

Tetrax hissed, "Hopefully, they escape there..."

Ben grunted in pain, struggled and slowly to get up from the ground. He looked around of his surroundings, finding himself in a familiar places of advanced metallic and mechanical conductor-like buildings with various doorways to another realms.

"No way. I'm inside the Omnitrix. Must be one of fail-safe system..." Ben said in disbelief. He turned and found Armorstrike was lying down on the ground. He approached and helped waking her up, "Julie, wake up! Please!"

Armorstrike groaned a bit, slowly waking up. She turned and looked at Ben. She gasped and hugged him in relief, "Ben, you alright!" She then departed from hugging while slowly getting up. Looking around of her surroundings, she asked, "Where are we?"

"We're inside the Omnitrix," Ben explained, "I'm guessing it saved both of our lives."

"Okay, so, how the heck we get out of here?" Armorstrike asked.

"No idea." Ben admitted in concern. He then noticed some greenish glow from the distance on left side. He hummed, "I bet that'd be our answer."

Ben and Armorstrike headed towards the glowing green light on the distant left side of hallway. As they make the turn, they then found the large canister with locks and chains, and even has the control panel. It revealed itself to be Feedback within.

"It can't be..." Ben said in concern.

"Is that Feedback?" Armorstrike asked in surprise. Ben screamed in anger before slammed his fist at the canister. She gasped, "Ben, what are you doing?!"

"What the hell is that monster doing here?! I thought I told Azmuth that I don't want him in the Omnitrix!" Ben demanded angrily. Realizing of what's going on, he hissed in fury, "Of course... Azmuth! He lied to me! He lied to me that he removed the monster, but kept it inside from the beginning! Damn him!"

"Ben, calm down! Don't get angry!"

"Angry?! Angry?! How can you say that?! That was the same monster got everyone killed and almost destroyed everything! He almost got you killed!"

"It was the same monster that you liked to use when you were 12 too! He saved my life too!" Armorstrike reminded Ben.

Ben grunted, "I wish I'd never find out about him or even used him from the start."

"Ben Tennyson..." The calm and humble voice called.

The call has alerted Ben and Julie to turn and looked at the canister, worried that Feedback is alive. Instead, another shadowy figure emerged from the corner. He revealed himself to be Technorg.

"Technorg?! How?!" Ben asked in disbelief as he tried to touch him but found phasing out and make static noise. He gasped, "What the?!"

"I'm not really Technorg, but merely conscience and spirit of his small piece of DNA within the Omnitrix," Technorg explained firmly and humbly. He continued, "Ben, you have forgotten..."

"What?! No! I couldn't have..."

"You have forgotten of my advice, thus you've forgotten of what is important. You are still lamenting and holding your guilt and shame over your first failure. You even still holding hatred and anger for Feedback."

Ben looked down in shame, "Isn't it obvious? I almost kill innocents and destroy Bellwood for my revenge. How can I forgive myself and Feedback for that? I can't go back to fix it..."

"Remember who you are, Ben..." Technorg said firmly and calmly, "You are a hero. You have done so much for me, for the world, for the people and everyone you have loved. It is time to let go of your anger and guilt. Let go and forgive yourself..."

As Technorg was slowly fade away while speaking 'remember' and 'let go', Ben cried, "Wait! Technorg! Don't! Wait!"

Technorg faded away. Ben looked lost and scared in his life. Armorstrike approached and held on his left shoulder while looking at him.

"He's right, Ben," Armorstrike said firmly, surprise Ben. She continued, "He forgave you. Most of us forgave you. It is time for you to forgive yourself. And in fact, you should forgive and use Feedback's power now."

"I... I'm not sure," Ben said in concern.

Armorstrike patted Ben's shoulder, "Ben, let go of your failures. Learn from it."

"Learn?" Ben asked in surprise. He then recalled what Azmuth has told him from 5 years ago

"One failure does not define you as unworthy hero, but rather it define you to learn, understand and let it guide you become a worthy hero..."

Ben gasped in realization of what Azmuth was talking about. He slowly stood up as he turned and looked at the canister.

"Feedback... I don't know if you understand me or listen to me, but I want to say one thing - I'm so sorry..." Ben said calmly to Feedback's Canister. He continued sadly and firmly, "I am so sorry for abusing you like a toy. I am so sorry for blaming you for everything when it was me from the start of that mess. None of them are your fault that turn me angry and upset brat. I did it to myself. It's time I let go of my failure and guilt. It's time I let you free. I need you now. The world needs you. Help me, Feedback..."

And to him and Armorstrike surprise, they both saw Feedback's eye glowed in greenish. The Conductoid nodded firmly and gently with a gentle smile, surprising them. Ben turned and looked at Armorstrike, who nodded firmly and calmly. Ben turned and faced to Feedback. He took a deep breathe as he prepared to do it.

Ben pushed some buttons and even placed his right hand on palm scanner, deactivating the chains and locks. The canister opened itself, thus freeing Feedback to emerge out from it. He smiled proudly and cockily in front of him. The Conductoid raised his right hand in front of Ben, surprising him yet he knew about what it means. He grabbed and held his electrical alien hero's hand.

Ben smiled, "It's Hero Time!"

Unexpectedly, the Omnitrix glowed brightly in green, causing his current Omnitrix to transform and upgraded into more advanced modern-like Omnitrix, that looks like the original with some icons and greenish rounded button. The light engulfed Ben, Armorstrike, Feedback and the surroundings into bright white light...

Plumbers, Galvans and Mechamorphs screamed wildly and frantically as they gave out the best of shooting and blasting at the Ultimate Malware, who continued marching towards the Capital City. Max and his technicians regrouped to fight them back. Beetle Tanks and Plumber Command Ships gave their best to repel the enemy back as hard as they can. Unfortunately, he has proven too strong and powerful for them to stop him now.

As Ultimate Malware concentrated and gathered enough powers within his jaws, he was prepared to obliterate them once and for all. To his unexpectedness, he felt something pain within his torso, causing him to yell in pain.

BOOM! A blue energize yet electrical light blasted off from Ultimate Malware's torso, shocking everyone to witness the event. Something jumped off and landed on the ground, standing before Max and his team. It revealed himself to be Feedback, a muscular has a greenish colored on his chest, his antennae are noticeably longer, and the plugs on his fingers are now square and has gold battery bolts on his shoulders, arms and hips; was holding Armorstrike on his hands.

"Ben? Julie?" Max asked in surprise.

"Yup," Armrostrike confirmed.

"Hey, guys! Did you miss us?" Feedback asked cockily as he put Armorstrike down.

"A Conductoid?!" Ultimate Malware asked in disbelief. He scoffed, "Pathetic! You failed to defeat him when you used that form! Did you honestly think that you actually can defeat me?!"

Feedback smirked, "I don't think! I know I can!"

His allies quickly moved aside at once. Ultimate Malware roared in anger as he slammed his right claw on Feedback, who jumped on high and climbed towards him. He then unleashed electrical shocks from his fingers-like plugs at his face, making him grunted in pain and annoyed. Ultimate Malware tried to swing and struck his claws at him but missed and evaded by Feedback by jumping and running while firing back at him for few times. As soon as he reached to his head, Feedback jumped and slammed his fist at Ultimate Malware's eye, blinding him for the moment. Unfortunately, the ultimate form of Red Mechamorph slapped the Conductoid down hard.

As Feedback slowly recovered from the attack, Ultimate Malware unleashed full powered crimson laser beam at him. Thanks to his antennas, they quickly absorbed most of laser power within, though it gave him some tingling.

"Okay. That might be tickles on me." Feedback admitted, feeling electrical surged in his system. He grunted as he armed and aimed his hands at Malware, "But enough power to blow you off!"

Feedback unleashed electrical shock power beam at Ultimate Malware, who quickly raised his left claw to block the attacks. He wasn't alone as more of his friends and allies joined in and unleashed the barrage of laser beams, blasts and missiles at him.

"Fool! You don't stand a chance against me!" Ultimate Malware snarled, "I am the inevitable!"

BOOM! Ultimate Malware screamed in pain, feeling large and powerful greenish electrical beam blasted from two sides. Everyone was in shocked and surprised by it. They all looked up and found both fully restored Primus and Galvan B were unleashing laser beams on him.

"WHAT?! Impossible!" Ultimate Malware screamed in agony and disbelief. To his shock and fear, he found himself slowly shrinking down and most of Red Mechamorphs turned into greenish and normal Mechamorphs. He screamed, "No! No! No! No! Noooooooooooooo!"

"Wow! Did you see that?" Kevin asked in shock as he and Zed emerged out from the Beetle Tank #1.

"I see. It's amazing!" Max commented in shock and surprise, "He must have use some kind of device to reverse the damages and destruction that Malware has caused to both Primus and Galvan B."

"Way to go, Azmuth!" Feedback cheered.

"Thank you!" Azmuth's voice said happily and calmly. Feedback and his allies turned back and found him, Gwen, Rook, Myaxx, John and Eunice climbed out from the Proto-Truk. He smiled, "I see you finally decide to use Conductoid DNA now after you have overcome your guilt and failures."

"Yeah. But you and I are gonna have serious talk about your little white lie," Feedback snarled dryly. Everyone turned and looked at Azmuth, who whistled and shrugged innocently. He turned and faced to the front, where Ultimate Malware has shrunk down and turned into normal size. He hissed, "Need to take care of Malware!"

Malware snarled angrily, "Curse you all! You will pay for this! I am still powerful!"

"I wouldn't be bet on it," Feedback said confidently. He smirked, "In fact, I've got a little surprise too!"

Twisting his Omnitrix, he slammed on it. Feedback went undergo some transformation. He transformed into bluish electrical being with three antennas worn blackish-whitish battle suit with dark greenish armor, golden gauntlets, leg pads and has gold battery bolts on his shoulders, arms and hips.

"Say hello to Ultimate Feedback!" Ultimate Feedback declared proudly.

Malware snarled angrily as he charged and attacked Ultimate Feedback, who firmly and swiftly blocked and deflected couple of attacks. He then swung and struck golden electrical punches back at him by face, limbs and even legs for few times. He swung his tail in knocking him off. He then unleashed golden thunderstorm at him for the moment. Malware grunted before falling to the ground.

Malware groaned, "No! I will not be defeated!"

Ultimate Feedback hissed, "What does it take to take this guy down?!"

"Ben, used two Helix! They will charge and power you up to stop him for good!" Azmuth said firmly while pointed at two Helix, "They're your only chance!"

Ultimate Feedback nodded firmly as he jumped over to two Helix. He has two antennas attached and plugged into two of Helix Devices. He turned and glared at Malware.

"Alright, Malware, let's end this!" Ultimate Feedback exclaimed before he made a twist and turn on his Omnitrix, which Max, Gwen and Tetrax noticed. He narrowed his angry eyes, "It's over!"

Malware roared as he charged up his Tachyon Cannon, "NEVER!"

As Malware blasted full power of Tachyon Cannon at Ultimate Feedback and his allies, the ultimate form of Conductoid, charged up with two powerful Helix's Energy and also Omnitrix giving him some strange energy power, unleashed full power of greenish electrical blast, heading straight at Malware's Blast.

As both crimson and greenish blasts clashed, Ultimate Feedback's powerful electrical beam blasted through and hit straight at Malware. He screamed in pain and agony, feeling the powerful beam surging through him, slowly breaking and cracking him up. He got exploded and engulfed in pure white light, blinding everyone's eyes.

As soon as the light dispersed, everyone slowly opened their eyes to find out of what's going on. Ultimate Feedback grunted as he dropped to the ground. He transformed back into Ben. And to their shocks and surprise, they found a normal yet skinny form Mechamorph stood before the crumbles and ashes.

"Wait a minute. Is that Malware?" Kevin asked in surprise.

"M-Malware? Who's Malware?" 'Malware' asked in confusion, shocking everyone else. He, confused, asked, "W-Who am I? What am I? What is going on? Please tell me! I need to know!"

Azmuth turned and looked at Ben, "Ben, did you-?"

Ben nodded, "Yup. I cure him. I mean you did cure most of Red Mechamorphs, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did." Azmuth admitted firmly, "I was hoping that I can cure him, but I wasn't sure if you're willing to."

Ben smiled, "A friend of mine once told me to let go of my failures and anger, and also forgive myself. So, I decide to help Malware. I mean, he did say that he wanted to be complete. He got it. He deserve to be normal."

"Indeed, he does," Azmuth agreed. He approached to 'Malware', "Greetings, young one. I am Azmuth. And welcome to your new life."

Malware looked scared and worried to ask, "A-Are you my faher?"

Azmuth smiled warmly and calmly, "Yes. Yes, I am. And don't worry, we're here to help you. You have nothing to be feared and worried, Thorn."

"Not..." John whispered dryly to Eunice, who nodded in concern.

"Well done, Ben," Max said warmly to Ben, who smiled back to him. He sighed, "It's over now."

"Way to go, Tennyson!" Kevin cheered.

Plumbers, Galvans and Mechamorphs gave the loud cheers and applause to Ben for saving Galvan Prime and the world from Malware. The monstrous Red Mechamorph is gone for good, and was replaced by newly reborn Thorn.

Armorstrike transformed back to Julie and Ship. She approached and gave Ben a warm hug, as well as giving him a warm passionate kiss. He kissed her back. They both departed from kissing while looking at each other.

"You did it, Ben! I knew you can do it!" Julie exclaimed happily.

"We did it." Ben corrected. He then noticed something on her left hand. He gasped, "Julie, your hand-?!"

Departed from Ben, Julie smiled in reassurance, "Relax, Ben. It's just scratch. Nothing t worry about."

"You sure?" Ben asked in concern. Julie was confused and uncertain. He gulped, "Look at your hand now."

Julie turned and looked at her left hand. She gasped in shock and disbelief, looking and finding out her left hand was scarring and bleeding. The scratches that Julie received from the fight with Red Mechamorphs revealed some strange metallic hand with bluish circuit and electrical shocks within.

Shocked and disbelief, Julie quivered and shivered in fear as she wrapped her hands close to herself. She still couldn't believe of what she saw on her injured hand. She cried tearfully and fearfully. Everyone gasped in shock and disbelief of what they just saw. Ben approached and gave her a comfort and warm hug.

"Cybertronian..." Azmuth said in disbelief. Max turned and looked at him. He continued, "I can't believe that she's one of them..."

"Cybertronian? What is Cybertronian?" Max asked suspiciously.

Azmuth sighed, "Truthfully, an ancient mechanical civilization I thought was extinct. I was wrong. They were very alive, hiding in disguise. They could be anywhere..."

At Los Soledad on Earth, inside the abandoned main camp, Quintessa was standing still while meditating and chanting warmly and calmly. Lockdown and Clone Sentinel Prime have arrived and entered her chamber.

Lockdown spoke, "Quintessa, Overlord has returned."

Quintessa awakened from her meditation. She looked up and found a large blue-white colored sinister yet cocky armored muscular Cyebrtronian with rough and gruff looks has purple colored spikes on shoulders, a strong armored jet on his left arm, his legs has large caterpillar wheels and has a dark bluish battle helmet.

"You summoned me, your evilness?" Overlord asked amusingly.

Quintessa narrowed her angry eyes, "It is time. Bring back Pretender Class J579. We shall have our revenge on Autobots, Decepticons and their human allies. They will pay for ruining my master plans."

Overlord chuckled sinisterly, "I can hardly wait. Megatron will be mine to fight and kill. No one is allowed to have that."

"Do as you wish. Fulfill my request, my powerful arsenal." Quintessa said calmly.

Overlord smirked, "It'll be done. Time for our little girl to come home. Her true home..."


Review and Suggest...

Main Casts:

Johnny Yong Bosh: Ben Tennyson

Kelly Hu: Julie Yamamoto/Armorstrike, Ship,

Bumper Robinson: Rook Blonko

Dave Fennoy: Tetrax Shard

Paul Eiding: Max Tennyson, Blukic, Zed

Ashley Johnson: Gwen Tennyson/Lucky Girl

Greg Cipes: Kevin Levin

Kirk Thornton: Malware/Ultimate Malware/Thorn

Minor Casts:

Rene Auberjonois: Azmuth

Eric Bauza: Driba

Nolan North: Cooper Daniels

Tia Texada: Elena Validus

Lex Lang: Albedo

Vanessa Marshall: Myaxx

Molly C. Quinn: Eunice

Vic Mignogna: John Reginald

Travis Willingham: Technorg

Dee Bradley Baker: NRG

Jim Ward: Shellhead

Fred Tatesciore: Humungousaur, Way Big

Michael Rosenbaum: Feedback


Gemma Chan: Quintessa

Mark Ryan: Lockdown

Patrick Seitz: Overlord

Author's Notes:

1) Behold Ben 10 True Omniverse Season 3 Finale with some surprising plot twist you'd never expect of! This episode is inspired by Shadow-DJ's Ben 10 Guardians Season 2 Finale, along with Ben and Technorg conversation is inspired by The Lion King (1994)'s Mufasa Ghost Scene.

2) Now with this season ended, the Ben 10 True Omniverse Season 4 will be next, serving the crossover between Ben 10 True Omniverse & Transformers Prime! Before that, it is best that you all read all four of Transformers Prime Prequel Stories before Season 4 to understand how it begins and ended before the Transformers Prime TV Series began.