Hey y'all! Remember when I said I'd start updating regularly again and then I disappeared for months? Yeah, sorry, whoops. This semester has been kicking my ass but I'm going to use my first free week back to catch up on this fic so yay! (Future Author's Note: She said and then took many more weeks to finish writing) Enjoy my friends, all the love.

The trio sat in Danny's room that night in silence. For once, Tucker wasn't scrolling through his PDA, Danny wasn't talking and Sam wasn't thinking. They laid on the floor, staring at the ceiling while their brains continued to fry. They hadn't spoken in what felt like hours but was really only twenty minutes.

"What if it's not all true?" Tucker whispered to the ceiling. Danny and Sam tilted their heads towards the friend, curious to what the techno geek had to say. "I mean you guys have heard some of the crazy shit Danny's parents have said. There isn't any evidence that what they were saying down there is true." Tucker sat up. Sam was looking thoughtfully at the ceiling with a look he couldn't decipher and Danny glanced towards him with the droopy sad face Tucker knew well.

"I say we go. Into the realm. Danny was right from the start, we'll never know for sure until we get first hand information." Tucker said that seemed to throw Sam out of whatever thoughts she was processing but before she could say anything Danny shot up.

"No. If you think after the crap my parents said that I will either of even close to that portal-"

"It isn't your decision to make, Danny. We're going." Sam was on edge. She couldn't deny the fear that had worked its way into the pit of her stomach but that didn't mean that she wasn't willing to risk everything to find information for Danny. She tried not to think back to the conversation down in the kitchen but she couldn't help as her mind drifted back.

"It's important to note that even though werewolves look human when they are not in their wolf forms that does not mean that they are. Were's are complicated because if they enter our realm there are only certain signs that indicate their supernaturalness." The trio was seated across the kitchen table from Maddie and Jack who looked somber as they began to present their research on werewolves. Sam was seated in the middle with the boys next to her. The kitchen table was littered with paper and pens and the occasional metal part presumably for future inventions. The trio was facing towards the lab door, which was currently wide open. They were also facing a big hunk of metal that had to be some sort of new invention. It looked almost like an office printer, with a large touch screen on one side that had various options and modes. There were also slots for paper to come out of and every once in a while the machine would hum quietly. The teens had never seen the invention before but they also weren't going to go down the black hole of asking what it was. That wasn't what they were there for- they wanted to get any information the elder Fentons had on werewolves and Danny's parents' eyes were practically glazed over, content in presenting their seemingly extensive knowledge.

"Werewolves are much more… bulky than we are, and muscular." Sam and Tucker had to squeeze each other's arms under the table to contain their laughter. Danny just squinted at them while crossing his arms over his scrawny frame. Maddie didn't notice and continued on.

"They have eyes that change colors when they feel strong emotions, so the best way to tell if you are dealing with a were is to rile them up. Not you kids of course, if you even think that you are dealing with any supernatural being you should most definitely run."

"Yeah, leave the hunting to the experts!" Jack said proudly as he wrapped a beefy arm around Maddie's small frame. "We can deal with the monsters and keep the city safe!" Maddie smiled fondly at her husband before continuing.

"From the research that we collected, we know that werewolves have increased strength and agility as well as a heightening of senses. It is also important to note that with this we believe that weres have a heightened aggression, which is why it is very important to stay away from any one you believe is a werewolf. It just takes on one scratch or bite for…" Maddie trailed off, even the thought of getting turned into such a monster appalled her.

The silence didn't last long before the large machine next to the lab started beeping erratically. Paper from the small slot on the side of the hunk of metal began to pile up on the tray. There were three in total and from the distance that the trio was sitting at they couldn't make out any words. One paper was what looked to be a map while the other two were printed in a tiny, official font.

"What is that?" Sam asked, unamused. She had a bad feeling about this, none of the Fenton inventions had proved to be very useful in the past. Jack and Maddie were both examining the still beeping monitor with wide eyes. The touch screen panel was flashing and from the looks of it, this was the first time.

"Maddie it's our first reading! You know this means." Jack's words were cryptic at best and didn't help the teens at all in understanding what was going on. Danny's eyes floated between his parents, Maddie's shoulders were tense with anticipation as she closely examined the results the machine had produced. Jack was beaming, clearly more excited that the machine worked in the first place, not caring about what it actually meant.

Maddie's eyes widened and she sat down with a thump in her chair, grabbing at a red pen resting in front of her on the kitchen table. She kept her amethyst eyes on the words in front of her as she reached for her husband. The other hand was furiously marking and making notes.

"Jack, look at these readings!" It seemed to the trio that the couple was having a private conversation as they deciphered the machine's output. The font was tiny and too small for Tucker and Sam to read from across the table. Danny realized he could read sentence fragments, a new ability given his wolfy status. He could read them but that didn't mean he could understand them. He skimmed over phrases like "proceed with caution", and "supernatural presence in the dominant realm." Obviously he could understand there must be some sort of something to be afraid but he had no idea what the dominant realm was.

Maddie was amazed that the machine had worked so quickly but it quickly sunk in how dangerous the results truly were. She glanced up at the kids, all staring back at her with curious eyes. There were parallels in the results and what the teens were interested in. She could play this cool, and she had to, to get to the bottom of this.

"So why did you three want to learn about Werewolves again?" She looked at Tucker's face first, he has always been the one to spit out secrets with zero pressure. The dark-skinned teen glanced nervously at Danny sitting on the other side of the table from him. Maddie looked at Danny who was simply looking anywhere but at her. Her eyes then moved to Sam who noticed the behavior of her friends and rolled her eyes.

"We were just curious that's all." Sam started, she had to carefully think of an excuse that would be easy for the boys, especially Tucker, to follow along with. "Danny found a book in my room," The old book Sam kept on her shelf that Danny had looked through, "and we just got to talking." Now Sam would need to play the ass kissing card in order to flatter the adults. "We decided to come to you guys because you're the most intelligent people we know, especially when it comes to the supernatural." Sam could feel herself practically batting her eyelashes. The suspicion eased off of Maddie's face at the flattery and Sam was disappointed that she couldn't completely distract the woman with her compliment. Jack on the other hand, was oblivious to the elephant in the room, always loved a good compliment.

"Well aren't you sweet, Sam! And very correct." Jack puffed his chest out with pride. Mrs. Fenton still wasn't completely convinced.

"It's just interesting considering the Fenton Supe Radar picked up its first readings today. Would like to guess what the FSR detected?"

"Hmm maybe a chicken noodle or I dare say a lobster bisque?" If there is anything Tucker is good at, it's deterring a conversation from the main topic. Maddie was practically fuming.

"Supe is short for supernatural, Tucker." She said, giving the boy a pointed look. "The machine examines the areas in and around Amity park for unusual, potentially supernatural activity. We picked up our first results, just now. I guess the machine doesn't work quite the way we would like it to, it's just now giving us information for a potential threat that appeared hours ago. There was a werewolf here in Amity Park right next to your school. You would tell us if you kids saw anything even mildly supernatural, right?" Maddie wasn't a believer in coincidences and it made her nervous to even think about her baby boy making contact with the supernatural world.

Danny immediately looked down at his hands to avoid his mother's gaze. He felt guilt pool in his chest. He hated having to keep this secret from the people that brought him into the world, but he had no choice. There is no way of telling what they would do to him or how they would react if they knew their son turned into a wolf at any heightened emotion. Danny tried not to imagine what his parents would do to him if they ever found out. How could he convince them that he was good? How could he convince anyone that he was good.

He had to do something. He was terrified of the idea of changing into a big wolf but he couldn't deny the rush he felt, the adrenaline and the excitement of being in another form. It was contradictory, and it hardly made any sense to him. He thought of what the other citizens of Amity would think if they saw a large wolf roaming the streets. He thought back to the clearing with Sam and Tucker, Sam in her calm amazement and Tucker being queasy Tuck. They weren't scared of what he could turn into but he sure as hell knew other people would be. There had to be some way he could earn the trust of others without revealing who he was. He couldn't change in the shadows forever. He had to find some way to prove that he was good so when he - eventually, hopefully - revealed himself to his parents they would see that he had worth being their son.

"Don't worry Mrs. F, we would tell you if we saw anything fishy." Tucker was looking everywhere but the Fentons. Danny was deep inside of his head and Tucker wanted to redeem himself from his smart assery. He glanced at the machine and then at Sam, letting her know what their next plan of action was. Tucker, being the tech wiz that he is, wanted to examine the seemingly functional invention. Tucker figured the Fenton Supe Radar detected Danny when he changed and he wanted to know how. Danny must give off some kind of chemical or something when he wolfs out. He'd have to ask Danny or Sam, the more sciency minded people in the trio. Danny wouldn't look too suspicious asking his parents how the invention worked and they would probably like to drag Danny into their research.

"Good," Maddie's suspicions were slowly ebbing away but she still wanted the teens before her to grasp the situation. "There are a couple more things about Were's that we could tell you. Firstly, as we said before they are very sensitive to their emotions. According to our research they can be in their full form in under a minute and they also have what we call a half-form."

"What is a half-form?" The teens asked in sync.

"We believe that werewolves can transform into their full wolf form as well as a hybrid form- half way between wolf and human. In this form they retain their strength and speed while also becoming more agile and bipedal."

"Wait, so Werewolves can stand on two legs while in their half-form?" Sam's brain was swimming with questions. Maddie nodded. "Are they recognizable? Do they look like their human selves?" Sam hoped that her friends caught onto where she was going with the question.

"No, not exactly. As a form of camouflage they tend to actually look the opposite how they look as humans. From what we've seen anyways."

"From what you've seen? How do you know about any of this?"

"What do you mean by they look opposite?" Danny and Sam almost spoke over each other. Maddie looked between the two calmly. She was ecstatic to have young minds be so curious about her research, which clouded any suspicion she was still harboring.

"Well, your father and I," Maddie leaned over to stroke Jack's arm, who was analyzing the FSR's output. "We've seen a werewolf."

"We've slain a werewolf, honey! Don't forget about that, that's how we know so much about them Danny boy!" Jack was absolutely beaming. The thought of a werewolf being slaughtered made the teens blanch, which neither the hunter nor huntress noticed.

"Yes, darling. We saw a human woman shift into her half form. She had blond hair and blue eyes but when she shifted her hair turned black and her eyes turned yellow. This could be some sort of camouflage or just her particular half form. As much as we would love to know everything, much of our research is theory."

"I thought weres were in the supernatural realm? Where did you find the girl?"

"We found the monster in the woods. Our theory is that there are somehow Weres are both in the realm and in our world, maybe they escaped from a natural portal some time ago."

"A natural portal?" Danny felt going upstairs to take a long, well-deserved nap.

"Yes, this is a theory we have yet to explore much of but what if a portal can open without scientific prompting for maybe a few seconds or minutes at a time? This could be why we have sightings like BigFoot, the Loch Ness Monster, and even witches and vampires."

Sam wished she had a notepad to take notes of all of the things the Fentons were talking about. She thought of all of the people she'd seen in her life, any one of them could be something more than human.

"Anyways, we were following a lead when we saw the girl change. We never planned on hurting her but she spotted us and well, she had other ideas. The monster tried to kill us," Danny had to look away. He hated the sincerity behind his mother's amethyst eyes. "We had to slay her before she could hurt us. She wasn't human, we don't even know if she saw us as anything but prey in the first place." She really believed that what they did that day was right. If someone had heard the words coming out of Maddie's mouth at that moment they would have thought they were shooting a wild animal, not an innocent girl.

Danny just couldn't believe that the girl would have attacked his parents. Danny remembered a couple of hours before, the pain, the terror of the change. He could imagine what that poor girl would have been going through in a way that no one else could. That is not the way Danny wanted to go. He didn't want to be shot down by his parents in the woods in his vulnerable state of the change.

Danny felt Sam's hand slip into his underneath the table. The subtle sparks jolted him out of his reverie. He looked to his side to find her wide amethyst orbs staring at him with worry. He faked a smile and she frowned, seeing right through it.

Danny considered getting up and going upstairs to stare at the plastic glow-in-dark stars he glued to his ceiling when he was a kid. He was pushing his chair back wordlessly when his sister burst into the kitchen.

"Mom, what the heck is this doing in my room?" Danny looked back to see Jazz holding a pamphlet that read 'Ten Signs your Daughter is a Supernatural Being'.

"Well, darling, we've noticed you've been acting a bit strange recently." Maddie began.

The trio took this as their time to exit the conversation and they quickly slipped out of the room and up the stairs.

Sam looked down at her hands, still trying to swallow all of the information the Fenton's had thrown at them downstairs.

"We go tomorrow. Obviously living here without knowing anything about what you are is dangerous. We're here for you, Danny. Don't forget that." Sam had to refrain herself from comforting her friend, and selfishly she wanted to know what was happening between her and Danny before things got too weird.

Tucker and Danny nodded, both agreeing that there was still much to learn about the supernatural. They both just hoped that they would come out unscathed, well, more unscathed than they already were from the last time someone stepped through a portal.

Well, what do you know I finally finished the chapter! It only took a couple of months and a ton of brainstorming but I did it! I have two jobs and school this summer so I can't guarantee updates every single week buuuuut hopefully I will be a lot more frequent. Thanks for reading and feel free to review and all that jazz :)