Disclaimer: I don't own How To Train Your Dragon, and knowing my luck, I never will. All rights go to the author of the books, Cressida Cowell, and the company that made the much-loved films and series, Dreamworks.

A/N: Just to clear things up during the story, bold speech is when the dragons are talking, italics are when the humans are thinking, and bold italics are for when the dragons are thinking.

2nd A/N: This is a few bonus scenes, because I didn't think I tied up all my loose ends in the final chapter. Enjoy!

Revenge on a bully

The day had started off on a relatively peaceful note. Toothless was being fawned over by other dragons, Hookfang was watching over him to make sure a vengeful, jealous dragon didn't try to kidnap him (and also because he was Toothless' guardian until he was deemed to be capable of taking care of himself), and it was a generally good day.

Until that one green Gronckle came along.

"Nitwit dragons, fawning over some . . . dumb . . . Night . . . Fury." His voice trailed off once he realized who the Night Fury was, and he snickered. "Well, well! Fancy seeing you here!"

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Toothless asked. Hookfang's scales were on fire. "Hookfang, who is this?"

"You don't want to know, trust me," Hookfang replied, as he unsheathed his claws. Meanwhile, the green Gronckle was circling Toothless, sizing him up while smirking.

"You have grown so, so much," he taunted. "It feels like only yesterday when that nitwit Night Fury hatchling ran up to me and said that he found me! Stupid little hatchling thought I was another of his carers." Toothless glared at him. "Oh, look, he's angry! You gonna do something about this, since you're so mad? Or are you just gonna cry? Cry like you did when you were a hatchling?"

"Leave me alone, you prick," Toothless snapped. "Go pick on someone who cares."

"Ooh, fighting words!" the green Gronckle mocked. "How about you follow it up with some action, huh? Bet you can't. You definitely can't. Not with that tail, and that tiny human, and that-"


Toothless had had enough. In the middle of the Gronckle's words, he aimed a plasma blast into his open mouth. The bullying dragon simply stood still, like an ugly statue nobody had bothered to remove. Toothless went up to his aggressor and delivered a few parting words.

"I bet you don't think much of who I was as a hatchling, but if it's any consolation to you, then I might as well tell you that I haven't been a hatchling in a while. You, however, have been a bully for undoubtedly years. Think about that." Toothless turned away from the bully just as he collapsed and went back to Hookfang. "Punish me if you want. He asked for that."

"Yes," Hookfang agreed. "Yes, he did."

Guard duty

"Do we have to be on guard duty? There's no way this is my job," Hiccup whined.

"As chief, you will have to deal with people who have lots of jobs, and I want you to have respect for all of them," Stoick explained. "The prisoners have just had lunch, so you and Toothless will just watch over them for a few hours so they don't escape. Most of them are Outcasts, and the doors have been reinforced recently, so this shouldn't be too hard."

"OK," Hiccup agreed, Toothless standing by his side. The overprotective Night Fury honestly believed that Hiccup would be killed if he left him alone, so he refused to leave him alone, since the person most likely to cause Hiccup harm, in Toothless' mind, was himself.

"Good. Bucket and Mulch will be here to let you off in a few hours. Try not to die." And with that, Stoick left.

"Well, that was . . . encouraging," Hiccup quipped. "Come on, bud. We'll start patrolling . . . or whatever guards are supposed to do." They patrolled the cells, checking on the prisoners while Toothless made sure he stuck close to Hiccup and gave as many of the mean looking ones the evil eye as he could. The Outcasts, all of which had met the infant Hiccup and Toothless already, realized that they were looking at yet another brown-haired boy with a loyal Night Fury, and now they were bigger, they could do even more damage. They cowered in their cells, begging the gods to be kind enough to make their torment stop, promising every deity they could think of, even if they weren't in the Norse pantheon, that if they ever got out of this jail, they would never sin again and they would dedicate the rest of their lives to serving the gods and helping the most vulnerable people in society. However, Hiccup and Toothless had no idea what was going on.

"What's going on? Everyone seems very scared for some reason. Maybe you could tell us something about it," Hiccup suggested. The prisoner he was talking to was a very distressed and dishevelled Alvin.

"Odin Allfather, save me from this horrific vision! I never wish to see another Night Fury with a brown haired boy again!" Alvin wailed.

"Um . . . what other Night Fury?" Hiccup asked.

"'E was like 'im, but smaller and younger! 'E decimated our entire base! Dragons escaped! Weapons burned to ashes in seconds! Soldiers with skin burns and broken minds!" Alvin wailed. "We tried to have the baby boy fed to dragons, but they screamed loud enough to send a man insane, even though they were barely ten feet away from each other!" Hiccup and Toothless simultaneously knew that the dragon and baby duo that they were so terrified of was them. "I-I see them now! I see them in you! You got big and came for me, didn't you? Get away from me! GET AWAY FROM ME!"

"Oooooooookay. We are leaving now, OK? You won't see us any more," Hiccup reassured, as he and Toothless backed away to patrol the other cells.

Unfortunately, it transpired that all of the Outcast soldiers were in a similar condition to their former leader, but it was clear that Alvin had it worst of all. Wherever Hiccup and Toothless went, they heard screams of terror, fevered prayers to the gods, (some of which they didn't recognize as being Norse gods) and one grown man curled up in a corner in the fetal position, sobbing like a little girl. Bucket and Mulch couldn't come and relieve them soon enough.

"Hiccup? Your shift is over now," Mulch called. Hiccup and Toothless couldn't get out of there fast enough.

"Thanksfortellingmegoodluckbye!" Hiccup babbled, as he and Toothless raced out of the room and flew home. Hiccup went to talk to his dad, and Toothless went to talk to his 'dad' AKA Hookfang.

"Dad, those Outcast prisoners worry me. They keep talking about their base being destroyed by a baby Night Fury and a human baby boy with brown hair, and that sounds like me and Toothless," Hiccup began, unloading his worries onto his father. "None of them can look at us without panicking and praying to the gods and even crying!"

"Hiccup, you and Toothless were taken by Outcasts when you were . . . little, and they gave you back using this ridiculous tale," Stoick explained. It was clear to see that he still didn't believe Alvin's version of events (not that he could be blamed for that). "He said you destroyed his base and his dragons escaped because you cried too loudly. Lying through his teeth once again. I had to raise you both times, and I can honestly say from experience that you found it hard to topple a tower of blocks, let alone an Outcast base. And even though Toothless had fire, it was uncontrolled and he couldn't have possibly set anything on fire the first time."

"Yeah, that makes se-did you just say that Toothless had fire?"

Stoick rolled his eyes. He seemed to be doing that a lot with Hiccup. "Yes, but I fail to see how that is-"

"This is so cool!" Hiccup squealed. "I've gotta go, Dad! Stuff to write this down in the Book of Dragons!" He ran off, presumably to see Fishlegs.

"Well, I guess the berries haven't completely worn off," the chief muttered. "His attention span is as short as ever."

Meanwhile, Toothless was asking Hookfang what he knew about the Outcast raid. "Hookfang, Hiccup and I went on patrol in the prisons, and they all seemed scared of us and talked about a baby Night Fury that set them all on fire and stuff," Toothless confided. "What do you know about it?" Hookfang let out a sigh.

"I'm so sorry," Hookfang sighed.


"I was there when it happened. I tried to protect you, but there were ten of them and one of me. They poured water over me so I couldn't set them on fire, tied me up so I couldn't move and went for the sweet spot on my neck. Next thing I know, everything went black," Hookfang recounted. "I should have tried harder to protect you. You were helpless."

"You did all you could, and for that, I am thankful," Toothless reassured. "Don't worry about it, Hookfang. You were outnumbered; you said it yourself. I'm here, and I. Am. Fine."

Hookfang let out a sigh, smiling down at the tiny Night Fury. "You're right. Now, what were you asking me?"

"What were they like with me? When they gave me and Hiccup back?" Toothless asked.

"They looked and acted crazy," Hookfang told the enthralled Night Fury. "They were talking about how you ran them ragged and cried too much and he said you set the place on fire. Now, I have no way of knowing if you actually set the place on fire, but I hope you did! That would have been so cool to watch!"

"I wish I remembered it so I could tell you whether or not I actually set the place on fire," Toothless sighed. "I must have been so different as a hatchling compared to my adult self."

"Watch your tone, mister. You're still covered in hatchling smell and even if that wasn't there, you still aren't quite an adult," Hookfang corrected. "And the only thing that really changed was your size and ability to speak. There's something you've always had, even if you don't know it yet."

"What are you talking about?" Toothless asked. Hookfang scooped him up and started blowing ticklish raspberries, which made Toothless scream out with laughter.

Hookfang playfully nibbled on Toothless' ribs, eliciting screams of laughter from the immobilized Night Fury. "Wow, Toothless. Who knew Night Furies were so tasty, huh?"

"BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" the ebony dragon howled. "GET OFF ME!"

"Not yet, Toothless. I said I would tell you about something you had your whole life, and that is a ticklish body for bigger dragons like me to play with for ages and ages!" Hookfang confirmed. As Hookfang took his sweet time testing sweet spots that he knew would have Toothless in stitches, dragon elders sat down to watch over them from the mountains. Hookfang had proven them all wrong, but in the best way possible.

"I see the Night Fury hatchling is taking to Hookfang," a male Gronckle elder mused. "Although I must admit to never having seen such a game where the hatchling is laughing quite so hard."

"Hush, you old boulder," a female Monstrous Nightmare elder scolded. "Hookfang must have a special touch with hatchlings. Maybe that is all there is to it."

"And what of the scent-marking? How much progress has the new parent made?" the two heads of a Zippleback elder chorused.

"Utterly extraordinary," a Nadder elder complimented. "It has only been a day since the adoption was made official, but he is covered in his new father's scent. My sources swear it."

"As there are no signs of neglect, then we shall have to leave them be," the Monstrous Nightmare elder concluded. "Personally, I wish them both the best of luck."

"As do I."

"I also wish them the very best fate has to offer."

"Us, too."

Hey, there, folks! I know this fanfic is supposed to be complete, but I felt I hadn't yet tied up all my loose ends and that there were some things I needed to explain. Some of you will have followed this story from the moment I uploaded it to this website, while others are new to this. Either way, I hope you find this satisfactory, and I hope you all stay safe during this trying and tragic time. I know I'm just someone typing story ideas for a universe and cast of characters created by someone else, but I still want you all to stay safe. This is FoxtrotTango543 signing out for now.