Evangeline and the Return of Voldemort
Summary:Summer of fourth year. Seventeen year old Evangeline Catherine Lily Potter returns to Britain. Bashing of Molly, Ginny and Ron ManipulativeGreaterGoodDumbledore. Rated M for necromancy, sex, incest, violence and language.
Number Four Privet Drive Surrey
Summer heat blazed, forcing the inhabitants inside, except for one person, he lay flat on his back eyes closed against the sun listening to the mundane news report which ended. Sighing in restrained frustration, the young man rolled carefully out from underneath the window, dusting himself off, the young man dressed in an overly large t-shirt and jeans walked briskly away from Number Four, his destination was the local park and the remaining swing that hadn't been vandalized by the local gang led by Dudley Dursley, cousin of Harry James Potter, fourth year student of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and Gryffindor Quidditch Team Seeker.
Unaware that he was being watched Harry sat thinking about the last few weeks preceding summer, the recent rebirth of the Dark Lord and the murder of Cedric Diggory, the sky darkened suddenly and a sudden freezing wind picked up, shivering Harry's eyes widened in shock as he saw Dementors gliding at speed towards him. Raising his wand the young wizard prepared to defend himself, gathering his most powerful memory in which he envisioned the life he should have had and bellowing
"Expecto Patronum" Prongs erupted from the end of his wand and charged the soul sucking daemon which surprisingly let out a vaguely human cream before exploding. Harry had no time to be surprised as the second dementor bore down upon him and with reflexes borne from countless hours of quidditch training Harry directed his patronus to get rid of the other one.
"Blimey" an invisible voice said, startling the young man
"Show yourself" Harry demanded gripping his wand tightly, a pause before an invisibility cloak was removed.
"Who are you?" he asked emerald eyes suspicious.
"A friend of Snuffles" she answered "all shall be revealed soon, right now we have to go"
"Why should I go anywhere with you, for all I know you could be a Death Eater hoping to take me to Voldemort" before pausing as something she'd said broke through to him.
"How do you know that name?" He asked
He's my cousin as for who I am, Auror Rookie Dora Tonks at your service" she chirped brightly. Harry was silent as he tried to remember seeing anyone with vibrant pink hair.
"I was in my final year when you started "now let's get out of here, there's someone who has been waiting a long time to meet you"
"Who?" Harry promptly asked curiosity piqued
"Not here" Tonks repeated as the pair of magicals returned to Number Four, Harry's unease grew the closer they got, Dora being the trained officer knew that if she pushed too hard, he'd shut down.
"Umm Dora, my relatives aren't exactly welcoming of people like us"
I'll deal with them" she promised nearly growling. As they entered the house, Harry was accosted by his Uncle Vernon, the obese man ignored Tonks and that was his downfall as she pulled out a tazer firing the small but powerful dart into his back, the sound of his body hitting the ground with a muted thud alerted the other two Dursley's.
"Vernon" screeched the tall horse-faced woman, "what did you do to him you freak?" Dudley lumbered forward and after seeing his father down and mother distraught he swung at Dora who dodged each attempted punch before she retaliated and kicked him in the balls. Dudley fell moaning in agony.
"Huh, I'm surprised you actually hit something that small" Harry said as her returned with all his stuff packed away, Hedwig's cage in his left hand.
"If you leave this place freak, don't come back you're no longer welcome here" Petunia said hoping that would shock Harry who started laughing much to her surprise
"I've never considered this place home anyway, so this works out in my favour". Together he and Tonks lef t the house and walking some distance away from the building before the elder witch stuck out her wand.
Number Twelve Grimmauld Place London.
Pacing up and down in the lounge was a beautiful woman she was being kept company by two other people
"What's taking them so long?"
"Patience Evangeline, they'll be here soon" the male said adding "you may want to change you clothes as my godson is unaccustomed to seeing so much skin on display"
"Your daughter doesn't seem to mind" I pointed out addressing the other person in the room
"Don't bring me into this" the elder woman said but before anymore could be said the sound of the front door opening caused my heartbeat to accelerate , my nose twitched as his scent ignited something deep within me, the primal need to feed threatened to overcome my rational mind, Dora was the first to enter the room and seeing the state I was in she immediately turned her neck.
"Feed upon me before meeting Harry" she said gasping as my teeth sunk into her jugular, sweet blood flowed into my mouth until eventually I broke my grip and healed her bite mark muttering only she could hear "I'm sorry and thank you." Dora nodded her face pale as she sat down in the nearest chair. Footsteps moved closer and a reassuring hand was placed upon my shoulder.
"May I introduce my godson Harry James Potter" Sirius said as the named boy entered the room emerald eyes curious.
"Hello Harry" I said as my eyes took in his appearance from the baggy clothes to his hair "my name is Evangeline and there is no easy way to say this but I'm your sister and I am also a vampire."
Emotions flickered across his face anger was the one he settled on and glared angrily in my direction
"Where were you when I needed you, where were you when I spent countless nights begging someone anyone to take me away from my prison, where were you when II needed someone to talk to?" Harry collapsed against my chest as tears that were long suppressed were finally unleashed, instinctively wrapping my arms around him, holding Harry and fighting the urge to seek retribution for his distress, forgetting my own strength I held him tighter against me unaware that I was causing to lose oxygen until a sharp jab alerted me to that fact, releasing my grip, Harry shot up red faced and breathing heavily. Once he'd recovered enough I spoke again
"I, Evangeline Catherine Lily Potter do swear on my life and magic that I will never leave your side again" a bright light flashed sealing my oath.
"You idiotic woman, do you know what would happen if you fail" Dora said as she stood up then realized the irony of her smirk on my face let her know exactly what I thought.
"Besides being a vampire makes me immortal, that reminds me Harry" I said getting his attention as he looked up
"Hmm?" he answered
"As you're aware that I am a vampire my venom can heal your injuries and help you become the man you were meant to be but before that happens you need to give me permission to to feed I don't go around biting people."
"Sure" Harry replied and when I hadn't moved he added "that was surprisingly quick, I barely felt a thing"
"I haven't bitten you yet, you have to give me explicit instructions for example you could say that I, Harry James Potter hereby give you Evangeline Catherine Lily Potter permission to feed on my blood."
After repeating myself Harry gasped as my fangs sunk into his neck, his blood contained all of his memories and everything he'd experienced over the past fourteen years, from the brutal beatings at the hands of his cousin Dudley and Uncle Vernon, to the emotional abuse spouted by his Aunt Petunia to his years at Hogwarts , Dumbledore manipulating Harry into saving that school risking his own life countless times, Snape's bullying of Harry and anyone else associated with him. Harry had thankfully passed out from my feeding so he didn't see the state I was in after seeing everything he'd been through.
"What did you see?" Dora asked as she wrapped her arms around my waist
"Everything" I answered "he's been through so much and now that I've sworn my considerable power to him I swear by the Goddess his enemies will feel my wrath" shoulder shook as my mind was still processing what I'd seen "Voldemort, Snape, Dumbledore and anyone who crosses me will die this I swear."
"I'm with you and Harry" Dora said adding after a moments pause "I've become increasingly disillusioned with the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and the Order of the Phoenix recently and I'm considering handing in my badge tomorrow unless you can convince me otherwise" here her tone turned sultry, that sent a shock right through to my core and wandlessly levitating Harry upstairs to his room and putting him to bed Dora and I disappeared to ours.
A.N: This is a rewrite, I hope to have made an improvement on this. Read and Review. Flames shall be used to make s'mores. Poll of who shall be in the Harem will be displayed later today.