Part two

Rorty fluff

Protective Rick

(Because again, who doesn't love protective Rick!)

Morty being bullied

Also, 3rd person is a hard pov to write I've found out, and Idk if I'm even doing it right.


3rd POV

(maybe? Seems more like a mix of ricks pov and 3rd person, Idk)

Rick takes a deep breath as his mind begins to slowly slip from sleeps grasp like warm taffy, a slight pang of a distant hangover the only disturbance, his normally sharp thoughts were calm and quiet as his eyes peeked open, tearing up when followed by a deep yawn.

Feeling the mass of warmth against him Rick peers down only to be enveloped in soft brown curls, the scent of coconut surrounding him entirely, A warmth blooms in his chest as he hears the quiet snores coming from the young Brunet, Pulling Morty closer to him a grin splits across the mans face in amusement as he realizes the tangled mess the pair's legs currently are.

Closing his eyes he breaths Morty's aroma, Feels their legs tangled together, weaved and slotted perfectly together, Feels his right arm resting against the slight dip of Morty's Waistline and Palm flattened against the small of his back while his left loops up to support Morty's upper back and hand resting against the nape of his neck, his thumb caressing small unconscious circles into Morty's cervix, Feeling Morty's own lethargic grip on his worn-out blue shirt, it had long since lost its vibrancy, the colour now a muted light blue.


Ricks pov

I'm slowly beginning to drift back to sleep as I relish in the buzz of happiness fluttering through me before quiet but shrill beeps begin to emanate from the small watch on my right wrist, thankfully said wrist was the furthest away from mine and Morty's ears, I feel Morty tense slightly and I begin grumbling as I fumble to find the small button to end the insufferable noise.

I huff in pride as the beeping comes to an end and Morty relaxes back against me with a wispy sigh and stretches slightly, snaking his arms up around my neck and nuzzling his nose against my cheek as he lets out a meek yawn coaxing me to release a roaring one of my own, him giggling in response to the thundering sound,

"Too early for life.." I grumble softly before pulling him as close as I can and burrow my face into his curls, Morty lets out another soft giggle "Very true." He murmurs airily, his warm breath fanning my neck, my heart flutters softly in response.


Our Cinnamon bun Morts Pov!

I'm about to yawn once again before I manage to stifle it as a thought comes to mind, I regretfully begin to slowly untangle myself from Ricks embrace while Rick sits up to stretch, I stand up rubbing my eyes and hold my hand out for Rick and help him up, smiling up at him I voice the question floating around my head "hey Rick, w-where'd you ta-take mom a-and dad yesterday anyway??"

"Ahh" Rick grunts in reply as he stretches his back getting a hefty PoP in reward for his effort and I cringe slightly, "Y-y-your mother gathered some vaca-vacation days s-so her and your dimwit of a father apparently wan-wanted to use it for couples therapy, meeaaning we've got Approximately...

th-three more days of peace before I-I-I have to fetch them" Rick finishes with an exasperated chuckle and a shake of his head.

I snicker in response and noticed that our hands were still clasped, deciding I wanted to prolong the contact a little longer an idea hit me and I began to walk to the kitchen with him trailing after me, our hands still connected,

"Hm, w-w-well Summer said that she's go-going to be staying o-over a f-fr-friends house, so it seems that we've got- that w-w-we ha-have full run of the house" I pull the chair at his designated spot next to mine out and coax him to sit down with a soft grin and begin pulling out most of the ingredients to make pancakes, realizing it's gotten a little chilly this morning I put fresh coffee grounds in the coffee machine and snag Ricks coat from its spot on the couch and hand it to him as the coffee machine begins to work its magic

(actually making some of that dirty bean water as I write this, gotta power up somehow)

Turning the heater on I quickly run upstairs to get some Tylenol for rick since it's rare for him not to have a hangover.

I hop off the second to last stair with a giggle and when I re-enter the kitchen I notice that the coffee was made and Rick was currently sipping at his share of the hot brew in his mug, opening the cupboard I grab a small cup and fill it halfway with cold water, I hand it and the Tylenol's to Rick with a smile.

Ricks Pov

Taking the pills I gulp them and the water down quickly, sighing in relief as the placebo effect of the fact that they are in my stomach soothes my headache slightly.

Placing down the empty cup down I exchange it for my mug of coffee And thank Morty as I watch him grab all the essentials to make pancakes and grin in excitement, quickly setting my mug down I jump up from the chair and hurriedly stalk around the table wanting to help.

Grabbing the eggs and milk from the fridge and vegetable oil from the pantry I get a small bowl and start whisking it all together.

"-making e-either Chocolate Chip or B-Bl-Blue B-Berry, which do- would y-y-you prefer Rick?" I blink and glance Ofer to Morty and realize I had zoned out, focussing back onto Morty I reply that we should do blueberry.

3rd Pov

A little while after the pair have fallen into a comfortable silence Morty squints at the bag of flour and a small smirk quirks his lip.

None the wiser rick turns around to grab an extra measuring cup, successfully retrieving said item he turns around only to get a face full of flour and a cackling Morty, he sneezes, sending flour off of him and sending Morty onto the floor in hysterics, Rick grins grabbing the bag and dumping half of what's left onto Morty with a shit-eating grin, his tongue clamped between teeth, eyes squinted in amusement.


Turning the key in the ignition and waiting for the vehicle to turn off I get out and lock the door, stalking up to the front door of the smiths house I shuffle for the right key and unlock the door, hot air, the smell of pancakes and laughter are the first things to assault my senses.

Quietly closing the door I creep towards the Laughter, as I peak into the room I'm met with the sight of a mess with Rick and Morty in the middle laughing loudly and whiffing flour at each other while both are already covered in a hefty amount of the powder already.

Taking in the scene with wonder for a few minutes, I pass the threshold into the kitchen.

"Morty? Grandpa Rick?"


OH SHI- summer caught that sweet sweet bonding time! Will she realize our boys are pining for each other before even they do? Or with she brush it off? And how will she react?!

Terribly sorry for taking so long and for the cliffhanger, have been slowly writing this in-between the large bouts of writer's block.

Well, I'll try to get the next part out quicker though that might mean it'll be shorter.

Whelp, Thanks for reading this so far! See you in Chapter three!

(1359 words!)