*Pulls out chair and sit on it Captain America style*
So...kept y'all waiting huh... now before anyone continues and question what happened to the original story "Deku Earthrealm Greatest Kombatant" and why it suddenly was deleted and now back under a different title, let me explain. When I first started the story it was for fun and that's how it was for the first 4 chapters, however before I posted the first chapter and revised the next 3 my girlfriend of close to 4 years would break up with me and then hooked up with a guy the day after. I used this story as a way to get me through that stage in life and then with final papers and writing a new chapter every 2 weeks at the same time, it was burning me out and during July I reached a breaking point and needed to start fresh with my life again. After some months of not writing, I decided to play mk11 along with watching my hero academia and I couldn't help but feel guilty for deleting the story and the disservice I did towards those who favorite and followed the story so I went to put it up again only to find out that I never backed up the files which means I'll have to start back to square one.-_- I'll do that and I will make it better than ever and I do keep that promise as I'll try to not burn myself out like last time and make more sense on aspects I left out such as the healing aspect, the out of character moments from a few characters and I'll try to cut down the filler wordage. Other than that I may change some of the scenarios so that those who read the first time although some point will still be similar. Other than that I am all better to continue once more I'll continue the story to the end and I'll make sure to not burn myself out and lastly I want to say thank you all who once read this story and are reading again it means quite a lot knowing that people took time to read the work I put and don't pull back on criticism, if I screwed up than I need to own up to it it's the only way to improve and can't do so without criticism and if you can leave a like and follow or leave a comment or just read and I'll write the next chapter when I can, there won't be a schedule but I'll do my best to deliver and my go and delete the story and leave for close to half a year. Anyways with that out of the way let's begin the reboot to the timeline.
The following in a fan written story. Mortal Kombat 1-11 and My Hero Academia are all own by their respective creators and distributors. Please support the official release.
CHAPTER 1: Choose Your Destiny
'Not everyone is created equal...'
A lesson that would replay in Izuku Midoriya, a green curly-haired young man with emerald-colored eyes and four freckles in both sides of his face, mind as he walked his way home from class. The memory of him as a four year old laying flat out on the ground after taking a beating from defending another kid from his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo, or Kacchan as he called him, and some bullies flashed on his mind.
As time passed on, humans reached a point in evolution where they began to develop extraordinary powers or quirks as they would be known. Early on it was a handful of individuals but now about 80% of the world population has some sort of quirk whether it be a simple one as magnified vision or powerful as creating explosions from your palms, almost everyone had a quirk. However, the other 20% are those who have not reached that level of evolution yet, which was indicated by an extra joint in their pinkie toe, had no quirk to call their own and thus are named quirkless by society and in the green-haired young man's case, useless...
It has been thirteen years since that fateful visit to the doctor, Midoriya was now seventeen and on the final year of high school was looking at the burned up and ash-covered journal that was a result of his later encounter with Bakugo.
"...idiot... you can't go telling people to kill themselves..." Midoriya muttered at a low voice with his head hung down as he was entering a tunnel. The words of his class, all with pointing fingers, laughter, and a look that can be described as 'seriously' was imprinted into his mind as he continues his path in silence and looking at the journal still in hand. Everyone laugh as if the quirkless young adult attempting or even getting the idea of trying out for U.A, the greatest hero university in Japan, was a joke and that anyone else with a quirk would be taken more seriously, even one of his classmates whose quirk allowed him to stretch out his eyeballs was taken more serious than him. Midoriya can't help but feel utterly distraught and hurt even though he should be used to this by now.
For thirteen years he has always been put down and everyone just about having given up on him, the memories of not only the discouragement but also the bullying and emotional manipulation from all of the students in his schools was finally reaching its tipping point. He should be strong, he should just tough it out, he should just ignore the pain of the hits and words and just move with his day without saying and doing anything back, not as it would matter in the end. No one listened to the quirkless boy as those abuses would be seen as misunderstandings from the other kids. He shouldn't feel sad and he shouldn't release his anger and sadness, but years of bottling then up were finally breaking that mental barrier as he could feel his fingertips shake and feel burning as he clenched both hands into fists with his right hand digging into the journal. Gritting his teeth and with his leg shaking, he tried holding back the tears as he continues walking down the tunnel before finally coming to a standstill slightly in front of a manhole.
"DEKU YOU ARE WORSE THAN ALL OF THESE EXTRAS HERE!" Bakugo's words rang in his mind as the words of the other class members also rang in.
"HAHAHA, as if a quirkless loser like you would go to U.A!"
"He must think it's a joke if they would allow him to try out,"
"Take these words of advice Deku and don't even bother trying ok." Bakugo's words with a fake smile shown in his mind as the next sentence would finally be the breaking point for Midoriya.
"If you truly want to gain a quirk, then do a leap of faith off the roof and hope to get one on the next life." Midoriya should be used to this kind of abuse already, but just hearing Bakugo tell him to kill himself and with his emotions finally getting the better of him it made the green-haired young adult finally break as a tear made its way down his right cheek.
He wanted to scream, to yell, to just release all the emotion he was feeling, he wanted something to just make him feel like things will be ok... but he couldn't or at the least, he shouldn't. If he releases his anger or tried to fight back, he would be ignored, if he told his mother she might worry to death about him, or Bakugo and the others would bring him hell for it. Midoriya couldn't hold back the tears anymore and was just crying with drops falling onto the ground below. He still wanted to cling to that dream, he didn't want to give up yet, but he didn't want to cause anyone else any more trouble. Maybe... just maybe...
"Maybe Kacchan was right... maybe the world would be better off without me..." Midoriya thought out loud as he tried to wipe the tears away.
"Sounds like a plan boy!" Midoriya heard a voice say as he turns around but would suddenly be engulfed in a green, rancid smelling goo as he began to feel the substance begin to push itself down his throat and nose. Midoriya would begin to struggle as he let go of the burned journal and began to claw at the goo, trying to find some sort of grip, he could feel his lungs begin to burn and his mind was going frantic at the situations.
"Now hold still boy, isn't this what you wanted, I'm just helping to speed up the process!" The slime villain said as he continues to push himself into Midoriya airway. The green-haired young man could feel his mind becoming fussy as he began to slow down on his movement and felt his vision begin to darken and the burning sensation he felt in the lung only continue to burn hotter until it just stopped.
He felt nothing...
The burning was now gone and felt as if he had a massive weight removed from him. The feeling of sludge being pushed down his throat and nose at which point Midoriya notice that he couldn't hear, see, or feel anything, not even the rancid smells of the sludge villain, all he saw was darkness, he felt nothing...
Then as if being woken up, he opened his eyes at which point he began to feel the solid ground and taking notice of the temperature around him. He felt a burning yet freezing sensation that he couldn't describe as he didn't know whether to shiver or feel hot.
"W-where am I?" Midoriya asked as he looked around the empty black void before finding a small flicker of light in the distance.
"No...no no no no..." Midoriya said as he began to panic as he began to see that he was dead, and that light was his way to his end. He died... killed by the one aspect of his dream that everyone told him would kill him if he tried. They were right and he died for it, no one will mourn his death, why should they, he was constantly pushed down and only his mom... he isn't going to see mom again, she will not see her son come home anymore. But maybe it's for the better, he won't be a burden anymore, all that is left is to follow the light.
He began to walk towards it like a moth and as he got closer he began to notice that the light source split into two lights and the light will take the form of flickering flames both of which were on stands. Another detail he caught was the red banner hanging in between the two flames as the green-haired young man looked closely at it and saw that nothing was holding it in between the two lit sources. He began to get closer to the banner and saw an emblem in it, it was a dark circle that had the image of a dragon in the center.
"What the..." Midoriya said as on the ground in front of him a vortex of flames and a column of ice was beginning to form. It startled the green-haired young man before both the flame and ice subsided and what was left in its place was two podiums each with a different object on top of it, on top of different colored clothes. To his left, he saw a yellow cloth with the image of a yellow scorpion with a silver pincer and on top of the cloth was a small black Kunai that was connected to a thin gray chain. To his right, he saw a dark blue cloth with the symbol of a triangle being bisected by a shuriken and on top of the cloth laid a medallion that was light blue with the same symbol of the cloth imbedded in it with silver outlining it. He got closer to the Kunai and saw a small plack in the column and he began to read.
'Burning hellfire of the Shirai Ryu Grandmaster Specter Hanzo Hasashi'
"Scorpion" Midoriya said as he then looked at the second podium which had a similar place on it.
'Ice cold temperatures of the Lin Kuei Cryomancer Grandmaster Kuai Liang'
"Sub-Zero" Midoriya said as he looked at both of them in confusion yet interest.
"I don't understand... what does this mean... what does any of this mean... am I dead, where am I?!" Midoriya asked as he was looking around as if waiting for someone or thing to give him an answer.
"To answer your question, you in your subconscious." Midoriya heard as he jumped a little at the sudden voice.
"We have been observing you for quite some time, Midoriya. We apologize for this being the way we would introduce ourselves." A second voice said which was thicker in accent
"Who's there, what are you, and what do you mean you been seeing me for a while?!" Midoriya asked as he would look around for the source of the voices.
"Allow us to introduce ourselves." The first voice said as once more a vortex of fire and creeping ice would begin to form in front of him in the form of a man that was slightly taller than him.
The vortex subsided and the ice shattered to reveal two battle clad men wearing different attires as both would stand in front of the green-haired young man. Their attires were different with the man from the flames wearing black baggy pants with yellow cloth wrapped around just below his knees, he had a black sleeveless shirt underneath with a yellow sleeveless gi over it and a yellow flap in front just below his waist that was being held together by a brown rope belt. He had a white neckwarmer, a yellow headband, white gash around both biceps, black fingerless gloves with brown leathery gauntlets over his forearms and part of his knuckles which had three spikes on them. He carried two swords on his back and as he looked at the man's face and see the man looked quite old, he had a goatee and had their hair in a ponytail and looked to be Japanese. (It is Scorpions Human Outfit from MKX).
The man who came from the ice looked to be Chinese and was wearing black baggy pants with a dark blue stripe running down the side, had gray shin guards that were similar to the ones in his forearms, he was shirtless and was wearing a sleeveless gi that had an opening in both front and back, having various symbols in each side with the same medallion on the podium in the right side of his chest, he also had a flap hanging below the waist. A detail that caught Midoriya's attention was the big red scar running down the right side of his face that went down to his cheek and the blue glow that his eyes had. (This is Sub-Zero's Grandmaster outfit from MKX)
To say that Midoriya wasn't intimidated by the two men in front of him would be an understatement and would take a step or two back from them before the man in yellow would speak.
"Relax Midoriya, we are not here to hurt you and before you ask us a barrage of questions introductions need to be made." The man said as he crossed his arms.
"I am Hanzo Hasashi, former Grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu"
"I am Kuai Liang, former Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei." The man said as Midoriya would try to introduce himself before being stopped by Kuai Liang.
"We know who you are Izuku. After all, we are your ancestors." The man said as Midoriya looked surprised.
"What do you mean!? So I did die and you are here to lead me to the afterlifeandwhoknowswhatineedtoexpecttheressomuchineedtodoand.." Midoriya kept rambling on with Hanzo and Liang having a sweatshop form.
"Even after all these years, that habit hasn't left him." Liang said as Hanzo would nod in agreement before addressing the green-haired young man which managed to stop his rambling.
"To answer your main concern Izuku, you are not dead." Which helped get a sigh out of Midoriya.
"At least not completely" Hanzo continued which made Midoriya go into a panic before Liang continued the conversation.
"You are mostly dead. There's a difference between mostly dead and all dead. We were able to stop you from crossing into the afterlife, thank lord Raiden for allowing us to see you, we were planning on meeting you for some time." To which Midoriya would frail his arms as he began to ask questions to the two Grandmasters.
"Wait you knew I would almost die?! Who's lord Raiden, what do you mean you are my ancestors, and what do you mean you been planning to meet me for some time?!" Midoriya asked as Liang would approach the young man and put a hand on his shoulder.
"Easy Midoriya, take a breath and we have a reason for all your questions." He said as the green-haired young man looked to be calming down then Hanzo would continue.
"Lord Raiden is a thundergod and the guardian of Earthrealm and he informed us of your fate which would allow us to meet you." He said as Midoriya looked on.
"As to your second question, we said we are former Grandmasters of our respective clans and thus you are part of it as well. Your father Hisashi Midoriya comes from my bloodline and clan the Shirai Ryu who carry his power Hellfire which allows the user to control and draw their strength from the flames of Hell. Hanzo said as he lifted both palms facing upward as flames would come out of them and next to him the ground would crack open as flames would rise from the ground before subsiding.
"As for your mother Inko Midoriya, she comes from my bloodline and my clan the Lin Kuei which gave us the powers of Cryomancy, allowing us to manipulate the element of ice however we see fit." Kuai Liang said as like Hanzo he would lift both palms at which point a blue/white mist and particles would begin to emanate before compacting it and the form of a round ball would take form getting bigger by the second before slamming it on the ground and some spikes of ice ejected from the ground around it. Midoriya was mesmerized by the display of quirks as despite the simple display, he could tell the amount of control both men were showing and something told him that there was more power behind them than what they were showing. He would be brought out of his thoughts by Liang as he continued with his explanation.
"Our powers were passed down from generation to generation, however as generations passed and quirks started becoming the norm regulations would begin to close in on our clans and to ensure that our members did not get discovered, our descendants dissolved the clans with the emblem being carried by clan members being what is left of it. Not only that it would seem that evolution might have dampened your inherent power as now your parents can only do minimal forms of our powers.
"This is all just insane. I mean a thundergod, realms, my bloodline, clans, and you two meeting me, it's all too much to take."
"It may seem so but know that we are speaking the truth." Hanzo said as Midoriya began to ask the question that's been dodge a lot.
"W-wait why would you want to meet, especially now that I'm 'mostly' dead?" Midoriya asked.
"So that you may inherit our powers." Hanzo said which made Midoriya do a double-take as he looked both confused and intrigued.
"...what?" He asked making sure he heard right.
"Like you heard him Midoriya. So that you may inherit our powers but for the transfer to work your body would need to transform to ensure that no complications such as burning to a crisp or freezing don't happen. This is why you needed to be on the brink of death as once finish your body would gain our powers but you'll be looking the same almost as if you were never close to death." Liang said as Midoriya was still in a state of disbelief at what he was being told. After thirteen long years he now had a chance to live his dream, that he would be able to be a hero but before going deeper into though he would look at the two men who were his ancestors.
"But... why me? Why wait until now?" To which he got an answer from Hanzo.
"Earthrealm has been peaceful for the past three centuries. However, Lord Raiden would warm of a danger to come to the realm once more. There needs to be a new generation of warriors to defend the realm Izuku. We are giving you these powers because we've seen your passion for wanting to help others despite not having powers or a quirk as you would call it. You showed that character, helping others when they can't even at the cost of your own so believe me and Kuai Liang when we tell you that we are certain of our choice and that you will be the hero the realm needs." Hanzo finish as Midoriya would begin to feel his chest tighten at the end of his ancestors' words. Those words he has always wanted to hear, words that showed faith that he could do it, that despite odds he could have a chance of making it happen and now, after years of being put down and even his mother saying how she wished things would of turn out different for him, he now had people who believed in him. After finally release all of the emotions inside him, Midoriya would pick himself up.
"Hanzo and Liang, thank you." Midoriya said which seemed to bring a prideful smile to the two men as Liang would continue.
"Now Midoriya, your time with us is almost up. It would appear that you are needed in your world." Liang said as Midoriya looked at the man.
"W-wait there's still so much I need to ask like your quirks I'll inherit and about our family?!" Midoriya asked as Liang would answer his descendants' question.
"We'll explain more of it soon. Take care Izuku." Liang said as he put a fist that would be enclosed on his palm as he bowed slightly.
"Until we meet again Izuku. May you make us proud" Hanzo said as he put his fist across his chest and gave a small bow as well before Midoriya suddenly felt as if he was electrocuted and felt the sensation of burning course through him. He felt pain and wanted to scream but couldn't and before he knew it he saw darkness once more.
Not like the first darkness, he saw as now he could actually feel the cool breeze of the wind and then the endless void would be broken by a light which would begin to get brighter. He began to hear the world around him and began to hear a muffled voice that would become clearer as he began coming to his senses.
"Hey kid, are you ok? If so may you please wake up?" Midoriya heard as he also felt something hitting his left cheek lightly but at a rapid pace, he would begin to open his eyes and take notice of the man in front of him. They were massive in stature and muscle, were wearing a white shirt and olive green pants, had golden blonde hair that had two bangs that went to form a V shape and a bring smile on their face.
"Ah good, you are awake. I know we lost you from the land of the living but fear not everything ok now why? Because I Am Here!" and it was after finally rubbing the last bit of drought from his mind that he realized who he was looking at.
"A-all M-might?!" Midoriya said in disbelief at seeing the number one hero and after a small apology from All Might and Midoriya getting his autograph which made the green-haired young man giddy at All Might would tell Midoriya to have a safe travel as he would be taking the slime villain into custody but before he could Midoriya wanted to ask him a question but before he could he was gone.
"Being the number one hero must keep him busy. Guess all of that in my head was just a dream...Too bad I couldn't ask him..." Midoriya said downcasted as he looked down as his gaze fell on the burnt journal and a small smile was brought to his face.
"On the bright side, I got his autograph so the day wasn't all bad." Midoriya said as he would begin to take steps towards his home.
"We can see why you would admire the man Izuku." Midoriya heard which made him haunt in his path as he heard Liang's voice.
"W-wait so that wasn't a dream?! It did happen?! Did I die again from meeting my idol?! Also, how are you able to communicate with me if you are dead?!" Midoriya went on asking questions that were halted by Hanzo.
"Midoriya breath or you'll run out of air." Hanzo said which didn't help but did manage to stop is questions.
"Yes it all happened, the transfer of powers was successful and as to how we can communicate, we are calling from the astral plane. We are still dead but Lord Raiden has allowed me and Liang to guide you through your training." To which it got an understanding look from Midoriya.
"Ok that's...understandable but what can I do with these powers I know you showed me a small demonstration in my mind but what exactly can I do, do I have strength, can I make a big and small fire and ice..." Midoriya went on and on as Hanzo and Liang could only watch their descendant continue his muttering before Hanzo would give a fake cough to bring him out of his muttering.
"While we like the enthusiasm you are displaying Izuku, we will explain everything once we start your training tomorrow."
"Awesome!" Midoriya said as Liang would add.
"Yes, however, we will need to find a controlled area for you to train in the meantime to ensure you don't accidentally hurt yourself in the process."
"Any places that we may use?" Midoriya asked
"We can use the beach where the accumulated garbage to train you at." Hanzo said
"You mean Dagoran beach? Not that I mind but why there exactly, no one goes there and wouldn't a forest or something like that be better?" The green-haired young man asked.
"Normally it would, however, you still need to learn control and we don't want you to accidentally cause a forest fire or freeze one. No one goes there so you can practice with free-range and the garbage can work as training." Hanzo said Midoriya only listen.
"Ok that makes sense, so we begin tomorrow correct?"
"Yes so head home and rest up, you'll be trained the best possible way you can, understand?" Liang asked as Midoriya gave a nod which brought a smile to the two ancestors.
From that point on Midoriya would begin his training to not only how to use his 'quirk' but would also begin the steps towards a new path in his life. Oh, almost forgot, this is the story of how Deku would come to be the realms greatest kombatant.
Well here is the beginning of the reboot story, there were changes like the age and how they first met. That's it for next and until then thank you all for taking to read this and I'll see you all on the next chapter this has been FightingGamePlayer11, signing out.
Also before I forget this is a Harem story with the parings being locked in for the most part.
Izuku x Ochako
Izuku x Kyoka
Izuku x Tooru
Izuku x Momo
Izuku x Tsuyu
Izuku x Mina
Izuku x ? (Still deciding on this one, will decided later)
Aside from the first six I won't be adding any more unless the last one I decide to put or not but anyways until next time.