Disclaimer: Like I've stated a thousand times, I don't own Digimon.

A/N: It's me again! I would like to thank the people who reviewed the last chapter. I hope this chapter will be good. Hopefully this story will be done soon. It's a lot longer than I expected it to be.

Well I do not know if Devimon has another digivolution. If he does, then I don't know what it is so I'll make up my own. If he does not, then you'll just have to use your imagination and pretend he does. Well read on and review!

The Clone Wars

Chapter Ten

"Master, what are you gonna do?" DemiDevimon asked Devimon. "Well DemiDevimon, it's obvious that I'm surrounded by foolish digimon that can't even keep and stupid human in a jail cell! Now I've decided to take matters into my own hands. It's time for me to pay those digipunks a little visit."

With that Devimon and DemiDevimon left the fortress and went in search of the digidestined. However, in the shadows of the fortress, a figure stood and listened to Devimon's conversation with DemiDevimon. "Good Devimon, go fight them. Now you've just made yourself a pawn in my plan." The figure said to himself.


Kari was getting tired. She seemed to be walking forever. It was hard for her to get around with running into any clones. She had seen many since she left Devimon's fortress, but luckily she was able to get passed them with out any of them seeing her. It was a difficult, though.

Kari finally decided that she had walked enough and sat down to take a break. I wish Gatomon were here. At least if she was here then I wouldn't be so scared of running into the clones. She thought.

Then Kari started to feel very lonely. She suddenly started to wish that she were with her friends and, most of all, TK. He was always the one who was able to help her. Whenever she was scared, he was the one who was to protect her. Gatomon was also always there for her. She was more than just Kari's Digimon partner, she was her friend. Now however, Kari was all alone.

When she figured that she was strong enough to continue, Kari got up and began walking. She really needed to find her friends. As she walking, she heard a noise from above her. When Kari look up, she saw Devimon flying above her with DemiDevimon following close behind.

Kari quickly ducked behind some bushes so they wouldn't be able to see her. Oh no. They must be going after the others. Kari thought. After Devimon had passed her, she got up ran in the same direction, hoping that she would find her friends.


"How far could Devimon's hideout be." Davis complained. "Obviously very far." Cody muttered. "We're probably very close." Yolie said, trying to put confidence in her teammates. "For some reason, I doubt that." Ken said. "Well we have to keep searching. We have to find Kari!" Tai stated. He was determined to find his little sister.

"If only there was something I could do to help." TK said. "I just don't know what's wrong with me!" Right now he was angrier with himself than he was with Devimon. Kari, the love of his life, was taken by an evil digimon and he couldn't even save her. If only there was some way that he could get Patamon to digivolve.

"Don't worry TK, we'll find Kari and she'll be alright." Patamon reassured his partner. "I'm just hoping that we don't run into any clones on our way to Devimon's fortress. We need to save our strength for the fight against Devimon." Gatomon added.

"Let's not focus on fight Devimon right now." Matt said. "Are main focus right now is finding his hide out and then finding Kari." "I agree with you there." Joe added. "It doesn't matter if we fight Devimon now, anyway. We totally have this under control." Davis said. "Is it just me or does Davis always seem to be too overconfident." Ken commented.

"He's too overconfident." The whole group said at the same time. "I don't know what you guys are talking about." Davis said.


Andromon was running down the halls of Devimon's fortress heading towards the way out. He had just seen what Devimon's partner in crime was up to. "Oh no. Oh no. He's going to attack the digidestined's world." Andromon said out loud. "I have to find them and warn them.

Just as he was near to the exit, the evil digimon appeared in front of him. "I knew someone here wasn't a clone. I guess it is you." The digimon said. With one swipe of his sword, Andromon was turned into bits and pieces of digital data.

"I'm not going to let anyone stop me. I will control both worlds!" The evil digimon said. "Now I am going to put my plan into action." Then he left.


The digidestined were getting tired and hungry from their little journey. "Okay someone really needs to start bringing cars into the digital world." Mimi said. "Forget cars, planes would so much better." Davis added. "Wait a minute, we don't need planes. A lot of our digimon fly." Izzy pointed out. "Well then it's settled, we'll have all the flying digimon digivolve." Joe said. "Uh don't you think we should save our energy to fight Devimon." Biyomon suggested. "Yeah we agree!" said all the flying digimon. Actually the reason they didn't want to digivolve was because they didn't want to carry all those digidestined and the digimon that couldn't fly.

"Now's not a time to be lazy, Biyomon." Sora said, catching on to the digimon's plot. They were about to digivolve when Joe suddenly yelled, "Wait! What's that?" while pointing to the sky.

In the distance, the digidestined saw a black spot in the sky. When the figure came closer, their faces turned into looks of fear when they noticed that it was Devimon. "I guess we'll be having that fight now." Cody said. "Get ready every!" Tai yelled. "Alright, it's time for you digimon to digivolve!" "Right!" everyone yelled in unison.

"Agumon warp digivolve to…WarGreymon!"

"Gabumon warp digivolve to…MetalGarurumon!"

"Palmon digivolve to…Togemon!"

"Togemon digivolve to…Lilymon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to…Birdramon!"

"Birdramon digivolve to…Garudamon!"

"Tentomon digivolve to…Kabuterimon!"

"Kabuterimon digivolve to MegaKabuterimon!"

"Gomamon digivolve to…Ikkakumon!"

"Ikkakumon digivolve to…Zudomon!"

"Veemon digivolve to…ExVeemon!"

"Hawkmon digivolve to…Aquilamon!"

Wormmon digivolve to…Stingmon!"

Armadillomon digivolve to…Ankylomon!"

By the time all the digimon were digivolved, Devimon had reached them. "Well it's good to see that you are all ready to fight me." "We're gonna take you down!" Davis yelled at him. "You really don't expect to beat of us, do you?" Matt said. Devimon laughed and said, "Yes I will beat all of you and I'll show you how."

Before any of the digimon could react, Devimon shot black orbs at them. They didn't get hurt, but all of the digimon were turned back into their rookie forms. "What happened?" Sora asked. "I feel weak, Sora." Biyomon said. "He took all of our power." Agumon explained. "Great, now what are we supposed to do? We're screwed!" Tai exclaimed.

Then the black orbs were taken back to Devimon and went inside of him. A black aura started to form around Devimon. Then he was encompassed in a black cocoon. The digidestined just watched in horror as all of this was happening.

Suddenly, the cocoon burst open and there was Devimon. He looked different, though. He had more muscles and wore metal armor over his body. Huge eagle-like wings came from his back.

Devimon couldn't help but laugh at them. "Now do you see how I'm going to win? By the way, you can call me HellDevimon." he told them. The digidestined were all full of fear. Every one of them were silently saying their good bye's to life.

TK was holding Patamon tightly. He was more than terrified right now. He still remembered the day that he lost Patamon because of Devimon. Now he was afraid he'll lose Patamon again, afraid that he already lost Kari, and afraid that he and all his friends were going to die.

HellDevimon glared at all of them. He knew that there was no way they could beat him now. "Who should I start with first?" he asked them. "I know. I'll start with the one who destroyed me last time. Say good bye, Hope!" HellDevimon started powering up an attack to fire at TK and Patamon.

"Leave him alone!" Everyone heard a voice say. They looked in the direction of the voice and saw Kari standing there. "Don't hurt him!" she yelled to HellDevimon. "Kari! You're alright!" TK said. A small smile managed to creep on his face.

"So the rotten child of Light wants to protect her love. How touching." HellDevimon said sarcastically. Then HellDevimon pointed his attack towards Kari. "I'll just kill you first and then kill the child of Hope." "Kari run!" Tai yelled.

TK started running toward her, hoping that he could stop HellDevimon's attack from hitting her. "Bye bye!" HellDevimon yelled as he firing his attack.

Then there was a bright, almost blinding, light. Kari closed her eyes shut, waiting for the pain that was about to come. "Kari!" TK yelled. The light was so bright that he couldn't see where he was going and he tripped and fell.

Finally the light faded. Everyone opened their eyes and saw that Kari was still there, unharmed. They also noticed that HellDevimon was nowhere in sight. "Where is HellDevimon?" Mimi asked. "Uh, guys, look at that." Cody said while pointing at the ground.

The digidestined gasped what they. They saw HellDevimon as…a key chain.


Well chapter 10 is done! Was that a cliffhanger? Oh well, guess you'll just have to read the next chapter to find out what's gonna happen. For all you Takari fans, don't worry cuz the next chapter will have more Takari in it. Anyway, please review! I love reviews! Oh and I encourage you to read and review my new fic called "A Meeting Like No Other" It's a Takari!