This is a midquel/perspective flip of 'A Death in the Family'. Please read that one first, but if you have then enjoy.

Da Vinci put a paw on the empty canvas, the blank white being stained by a vibrant pink color as she let her imagination flow. The painter saw a picture in her mind and was determined to bring it to life.

She carefully swiped on a light blue, as the picture became more clear. She had learned to watch herself, many a canvas had been destroyed by an accidental claw. She also wasn't alone today, the painter had a guest in the form of a black pup with white spots.

Dante watched the painter as she worked, she had wanted to paint him a picture as he seemed more anxious than usual today. He noticed a canvas near him, the painting wasn't as good as Da Vinci's were, but had a charm all its own.

"Who painted that?" Dante asked, breaking the silence that had filled the room. The painter looked over, to see what he was talking about. The goth pointed to the painting near him, to which Da Vinci nodded.

"After that t-shirt fiasco, Dimitri 2 asked if he could try to paint a picture. I told him to go for it, he's got a lot of talent when he isn't causing trouble. He'll grow out of it eventually, I'm sure," the painter told her brother, who looked rather impressed.

"Maybe, he and his brothers can be annoying brats at times. Still, I saw something earlier and I should really tell Dolly," Dante told the painter, who was almost done with her painting. "You should go tell her if you feel the need to," Da Vinci encouraged the goth.

Dante nodded and left the room, leaving the painter alone. Her brother was always a little paranoid and claiming it was the end of the world. A few recent incidents involved a robot, a squeaky toy and a leaf falling on his head. The painter got back to work, needing a moment to remember her idea.

She could hear her siblings talking outside, Dante's voice carried into the room. "Dolly, there's a car outside," Dante started to tell Dolly as she talked with the Dimitris. "So? You've seen cars before," Dolly's response seemed confused by her brother.

"But, I think we're being watched," the goth told his sister, who Da Vinci saw Dolly shrug as she snooped outside her door. "We aren't being watched, you probably just had a bad dream again," Dolly told her brother and added, "I'll be outside, the Dimitris wanted to play with their new toy out front."

"But, the driver wa-," Dante started only to be cut off by his sister. "Dante, listen it wasn't anything to worry about. Go talk to Dylan if it's bothering you, I promised to let the Dimitris go out front today," Dolly told her brother who let out a pitiful whine, the goth then went to search for Dylan.

Da Vinci had moved out of her room to listen to the conversation. She was growing more curious at Dante's words. The goth ran into Dawkins who wasn't paying attention, Dante went to stop the inventor.

"Dawkins, can you talk to Dolly for me? She won't listen to me," Dante asked his brother who groaned in annoyance. "Dante, I have better things to do than deal with your antics. Just go away," Dawkins said to which Dante glared at the inventor.

Da Vinci noticed the goth had a look of rejection as well, she watched them walk away and Dante mumbled something under his breath. She couldn't make it out, but she felt it wasn't something young ears should hear.

"Dylan, please listen to me. I think someone is watching us," Dante begged as his brother vacuumed. "It can wait, Dante. Nobody will hurt us, it was probably a bad dream," Dylan said shrugging off his brother.

Da Vinci watched the goth give up and walk away, the painter began going back into her room when she heard a commotion outside. Something about it bothered her, it was uncanny and it came out of nowhere.

"Dylan! Dylan! Come quick! Our brother's hurt!" Da Vinci heard the voices of the Dimitris, just two of them and they sounded like they were crying. She exited her room again, seeing the Dimitris and Dylan.

Dylan seemed to take a moment to process the information before running outside. The painter's heart sank, while most of the pups continued playing. Something was very wrong, and she knew it.

It would be a minute before anything new happened, Dylan called Dawkins who the Dimitris had ran to as well. Da Vinci was now worried, but she told herself it could be just a bad broken leg.

Deep down the painter knew it was worse, something was wrong. The painter heard Dawkins call all the pups to the backyard. She went as well, her canvas could wait and she was too worried to paint.

She made her way outside and looked at the confused expressions on her many siblings' faces. Da Vinci went over to her wall, the one Dylan and Dolly gifted her to apologize for an incident that felt like forever ago.

The painter wanted to do her art, but couldn't seem to focus. She had noticed from where she was that Dawkins went inside. Da Vinci went back to trying to paint, though she was worried.

She felt something terrible had happened, she couldn't make it out for sure. The Dimitris seemed quite distressed, unusual for them. Da Vinci noted she only saw two of the Dimitris, and that worried her.

Those three were almost always together, she thought to herself. "Hey, Da Vinci what do you think happened?" Delgado asked breaking Da Vinci out of her thoughts. "Could be a surprise party, for one of the pups," the painter answered with Delgado giving her a quizzical look.

"No, that can't be it. Besides, I saw the Dimitris crying and Dawkins seems panicked. Something bad might have happened," Delgado told his sister, he sounded as worried as her.

"Don't worry, guys. Everything will be fine, though I am a little worried as well," Deepak told them to encourage his siblings. Though, he sounded unconvinced by his own words.

It seemed worry was the feeling across the backyard as of now. Many pups waited nervously. It seemed the whole family was concerned, Da Vinci noticed the Dimitris and Dolly's absence.

It seemed strange, Da Vinci was the oldest in the yard. Slightly older than Delgado, but normally Dolly would be outside as well. The painter thought about the situation, Dolly had been with the Dimitris who seemed distressed.

Da Vinci wondered what could cause Dolly to need Dylan's help. Dolly could easily handle the Dimitris on her own, but only two of them ran in. "Sis, you alright?" Delgado asked her, he looked at her with concern.

"Yes, it's nothing. Just lost in thought," Da Vinci told her brother, who just nodded went on his way. The painter turned to see Dylan walk outside, and started talking to the pups. The next moments were a blur for the painter.

There was confusion at first, Dylan talked in a way that seemed off. Questions were asked and tension was in the air. Then Dylan said a phrase Da Vinci only remembered hearing once in relation to a loved one.

She couldn't believe her ears, one of her brothers was gone. The painter couldn't seem to register it in her mind. Her worst fear was realized, the young painter had lost a brother in a violent incident.

"Da Vinci, how are you feeling?" Dylan asked her as he walked up, Da Vinci began crying and hugged her brother. "I don't believe it, how could he die? He was so young," Da Vinci cried out as her brother comforted her.

"I know, this was a tragedy none of us could have anticipated," Dylan told the painter, they continued their embrace. "I want this to be just a bad dream," Da Vinci told her brother, she wished she had dreamed this and any moment she'd awaken to the sound of pups playing.

"I do too, I really do," Dylan told his sister, she had tears in her eyes and realized her brother was crying as well. The painter just continued her hug, she didn't want to let go of her older brother.

After a moment Dylan had to break the hug, many more pups needed him. Da Vinci stayed where she was, and remembered the last time she had lost someone. It felt like a long time ago, and yet it still stung her heart.

"Nice Bandanna," She remembered Dolly told her when they first met and then asked, "Where'd you get it?" Da Vinci remembered hesitating to answer the question. The memory was too much for the young painter.

She hugged her bandanna and continued to mourn for her brother. Before she knew it dinner time came and went. She'd never heard the house so silent, she went to her room and looked to her unfinished picture.

She'd forgotten what it was supposed to be, and strangely couldn't care about trying to remember. She lay on her bed as the moonlight shone through her bedroom window. Her eyes looked at another painting, one that wasn't even hers.

"He had so much potential, I can't believe this. Who could have done this?" Da Vinci wondered aloud, she was crying and knew she wasn't the only one. She wanted to hold someone close to her as she tried to sleep, she wanted to be comforted or bring comfort.

She couldn't rest, her mind wouldn't let her as she continued to cry. The painter was surprised by an appearance at the door. Dizzy and Dee Dee had appeared, Da Vinci wondered why they came to her.

"Dylan told us not to disturb Dolly, and we can't sleep. Can we sleep in here?" They both asked and Da Vinci nodded. The young pups curled up next to Da Vinci who smiled at her younger sisters.

"Is he gonna come back?" Dizzy asked, Da Vinci realized what she was being asked. "No, you see… What happened to him, he… He can't come back," Da Vinci explained as the two looked confused at her words.

Da Vinci knew they weren't understanding her words. She wondered how best to explain, as they cuddled up to her. The painter wasn't certain how to explain, but she figured it best to let them sleep for now.

She nuzzled them and tried to relax herself. The three pups drifted to sleep, and Da Vinci began to dream something that she'd long forgotten. It was almost surreal, and yet it was a memory she always cherished.

"You like painting, honey?" A male voice spoke, a large Dalmatian the voice was a sweet sound to the young Dalmatian. Da Vinci nodded as her stained paws showed him a picture, it was not as good as anything she could paint now and still the older Dalmatian loved it.

"I have something for you, it was a little expensive but I knew you'd like it," The older Dalmatian told the painter. He grabbed a bag full of art supplies and books, The young painter jumped up in excitement and hugged the older Dalmatian.

"Also, you should avoid getting paint in your mouth again. Though, the blue tongue does suit you," The older Dalmatian told her and laughed, he then handed her a small box. Da Vinci opened it excitedly and wondered what it was, she pulled out a pink bandanna.

She looked confused, but wrapped it around her neck. "It's you don't breathe in toxic fumes or get any in your mouth. Paint can be very poisonous," the Dalmatian told the painter. Da Vinci hugged the Dalmatian and smiled.

"Thank you, father. I love you," Da Vinci told the Dalmatian who kissed the top of her head. "I love you too, sweetie. I'm sorry I've been so busy lately, but sometimes you have to do things you don't like," The Dalmatian said as the painter hugged him wagging her tail.

"Like doing chores around the house?" Da Vinci asked which made her father chuckle. "Yes, like that and listening to your mother," the older Dalmatian joked and winked, before noticing Delilah at the door.

"You two having fun?" Delilah giggled and smiled at the two before adding, "Time for dinner you two." The three Dalmatians made their way downstairs and Da Vinci sat down next to her two brothers. Who were busy discussing a new comic they found, which Da Vinci scoffed at.

"Wake up, Da Vinci. Mom and Dad want everyone downstairs," The voice of Dylan pulled her out of her dream. She stretched herself before looking at Dylan's solemn face, it still felt surreal and she wished this reality was a dream instead.

She went and brushed her teeth before going downstairs as Triple D came through the front door. "Everyone we're back! Hello, anyone home?! It's really quiet, is everyone asleep?" The triplets asked as they looked around.

Da Vinci walked down to them, as they tried to figure out what was going on. "Oh, Da Vinci what's got you down?" Deja Vu asked as her two sisters also gave Da Vinci their attention. "Wait, you didn't hear? I figured Dylan would have told you by now," the painter's reply caused the triplets to cock their heads to the side in confusion.

"Da Vinci, what weren't we told? You're scaring us," Dallas said as the triplets now showed concern. "Yesterday, while you three were gone, something horrible happened," Da Vinci began and Triple D shot each other looks of worry.

"Da Vinci, you're messing with us right?" Destiny was the one to speak this time, her voice having some hope Da Vinci was messing with her. The three pups knew the painter well enough, and she was only this somber when something bad had happened.

"Dimitri 2, he… He passed away, yesterday he was hit by a car and he didn't make it," Da Vinci told the trio, in minutes their faces had gone from joyous to shock. They took a minute to process the information.

"We should go to the others, follow me," Da Vinci lead them to the kitchen, the four looked around. Everyone was accounted for, but between the Dimitris was an empty chair. The Dimitris ate slowly and glanced at the empty spot.

Dolly stared at her kibble trying to force down what she could. There was no chatting and their parents ate while they thought of what to say. Da Vinci and Triple D took their seats, and ate not sure if they should break the silence or not.

There was a slight tension in the atmosphere, no one wanted to address the elephant in the room. But, it was all anyone could think about. Delilah was the one to break the silence, as her pups just listened.

"Kids, this will be hard on all of us. But, we can make it through this. All I'm going to ask that you be there for each other in this tough time and now we love each and everyone of you," Delilah told her pups to encourage them.

"Dolly, do you want to talk about it?" Doug asked his daughter who gave no response. Da Vinci noted how odd it was, Dolly always had something to say. Dawkins, Dylan and even Dante seemed out of it.

Da Vinci was at a loss, her oldest siblings acted so closed off. They made no effort to have a conversation. Dante and Dawkins refused to make eye contact with each other. Dylan and Dolly, who were responsible for the pups when their parents were working, just seemed distant.

"Dolly, say something please," Dylan encouraged his sister who growled at him. "What's there to say? You weren't the one who had to look him in the eyes as he asked you to save him!" Dolly angrily responded and left the kitchen.

Delilah sighed as she watched Dolly leave, and got up to talk to her. Doug thought about following, but figured it'd be better to stick with the pups. Silence fell over the room as everyone finished eating.

Da Vinci already saw it was going to be a long day. There was still a funeral to be arranged, and it seemed a sense of dread had taken hold. The painter felt she was going to have to start helping around the house as well, after all this was a new adjustment for everyone.