Author's Note: For this chapter. I will have three different POVs. When you see this * ~ * ~ * , the POV has changed.

Chapter 4: Decision-Making

I spotted the Lincoln parking across the street. Forman and Jackie got out, laughing about something. They walked across the street, where Fez and I were waiting.

"Where did you guys go?" I asked them, my arms crossed.

"Nowhere man," Forman replied. "Just drove to the park to see the fireworks."

Fez's eyes lit up. "You went to the fireworks show without me? You whores!"

"Sorry Fez," Jackie giggled. "You looked a little busy dancing with that girl."

"You could have waited!" he snapped, his hands firmly placed on his hips. "I love bright, colorful, and loud things." His face softened. "You know who else likes those things? Kelso. Oh, I miss Kelso!"

I put my arm around my foreign friend. "Don't worry, man. He'll be back soon," I looked up at Forman, "with Donna." I had to make sure he didn't forget the so-called love of his life.

Forman shifted his balance uncomfortably. "We should go now."

* * *

After dropping off Fez at his house, Jackie drove by the Forman's to drop us off as well. Forman got out first and thanked Jackie for the ride. He gave her a smile and went inside. I hated that smile. It was the same one he used when he first began to date Donna.

I took my time getting out of the car because I wanted to have some time to talk to her, in private. I walked over to her window and bent down to face her. "So, another date with Forman, huh?"

She looked furious. "Steven, nothing happened, okay? I had fun with Eric," she gave me a look of pure hatred. "You seemed to be having fun with your tube top slut."

I cocked and eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?" What the hell was she talking about?

She let out a dry laugh. "Don't act like you don't know." With that, she quickly pulled out of the driveway, Nearly knocking me over. I watched her drive away, still utterly confused.

* * *

The next morning, I found myself sitting on the couch, watching TV. This was certainly a routine for me now. I would sit here for a few minutes, and then Jackie would come in. She'd plop down right next to me. Together, we'd watch TV in silence. I forget who makes the first move, but in a matter of seconds, we're making out.

I knew this wouldn't be one of those mornings. Jackie is still pissed off about something. I still have no clue why. I shouldn't care, really. I should have known this purely physical relationship wouldn't last long, especially with a girl like Jackie. She's too much of a romantic to have a non- emotional relationship.

I remember this chick was hitting on me at the Hub. Jackie and I started our 'relationship' the day before. She looked jealous, though she did try to act like it didn't bother her. She shouldn't be jealous. I told her over and over again, no emotions. Unfortunately, Jackie will be…Jackie.

Really, I shouldn't talk. For some reason, I can't stand to see her with Forman. I get this sudden urge to punch him in his face.

Dammit. I'm starting to care.

* ~ * ~ *

Stupid Steven! He was acting like he didn't know what I was talking about. He's just like Michael. All through the night, I kept thinking about this… and Eric.

I covered my face with my hands. How could I let this happen? Ugh, I kissed Eric… of all people. The most disturbing part was that I enjoyed it. The kiss was soft, but had a sense of passion in it. Steven's kisses were filled with more urgency and lust. Both kisses were good, but in very different ways.

I slipped on a pink skirt and a matching top. I put my hair in a high ponytail, making sure to put on as much hair spray as needed. Damn this humidity. It made my hair curl like crazy.

I took a good look in the mirror. Although I felt like crap, I couldn't let myself look that way. I forced myself to smile and walked out the door.

* * *

I opened the basement door slowly. I was hoping that someone else would be there. To my dismay, Steven was the only one there. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his sunglasses were hanging on the collar of his shirt. I secretly loved when he didn't have them on. He had the prettiest eyes I've ever seen.

I wanted nothing more than to turn around and leave, but I knew I couldn't. I can't run away from this and let him get the best of me.

"Are you just going to stand there all day?" he asked coldly, without taking his eyes off the screen.

I quickly took a seat on the lawn chair. "Steven?" I asked softly. He didn't look. "Steven!" I said again, much louder this time. He slowly turned his head towards me.

"Jackie, I know you're pissed off, but I have no idea why," he told me. "Frankly, I don't care."

My eyes narrowed. "I can't believe you can just sit there and pretend that…"

"Jackie, I seriously have no idea what's bothering you!" he spat at me.

Frustrated, I walked over and sat right next to him. "At the party, you were talking to this slut in a tube top. She was all over you, giggling like a stupid bitch."

To my surprise, Steven began to laugh. "You mean the chick that nearly puked on my boots?"

My eyes widened. "What?"

"I was talking to her, then all of a sudden, she was blowing chunks everywhere, man." He shuddered. "It was kind of gross."

I sighed. "Thank god. I thought something happened between you two."

"Jackie, it shouldn't matter," he said in an annoyed tone. "We're not a couple. I keep telling you this, but you won't listen."

I nearly growled at him. "I know we're not a couple, but we're still a couple, you know?"

"Jackie, we're not any type of couple," he said firmly. His blue eyes pierced into mine.

"Then what are we?" I asked, my voice cracking. Great, I'm starting to cry.

Steven quickly looked away. "Don't cry, Jackie, all right? It's no big deal." He sighed heavily. "I knew we shouldn't have done this."

I wiped away a tear while forcing my eyes to keep the others inside. Ugh, men always made me cry, especially Steven. Some of his remarks were really hurtful.

I sat at the farthest end of the couch, cowering like a child. Surprisingly, Steven moved closer and put his arm around me. "C'mon, Jackie," he soothed me, fixing my hair. It reminded me of the time I took him out to eat after I broke up with Michael. That was one of the best times I have ever spent with him.

"Do you even care at all?" I whispered.

"Don't get that little cheerleading mind of yours rolling," he warned me. "I can never be that guy for you. I know you're looking for someone to replace Kelso and…"

I cut him off. "You're wrong. I don't want someone like Michael. I don't know what I want, but I know it's not him."

Before he could respond, Eric burst into the basement. "Hey, Jackie," he greeted. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"

I glanced at Steven, who had a 'Zen' expression on his face. I knew he was angry. "I'll be back," I told him, giving him a reassuring grip on his hand before following Eric out the door.

* ~ * ~ *

We decided it'd be more comfortable to talk inside. So, we made our way into the empty kitchen. She took a seat at the table while I stood behind the counter.

Jackie broke the ice. "So, what'd you want to talk about?"

I let out a nervous laugh. "It's about what happened on the Fourth of July. You know the… you know…"

"When we kissed," she said simply.

"Yeah, that," I replied, drumming my hands against the counter.

She got up from her chair and walked over to the counter. "Look, Eric. We decided to keep this between us, remember?"

"I know," I sighed. The fact was that I couldn't get her off my mind. Over and over again, I replayed that night in my head.

"What do you want to do about this?" she asked, shrugging her shoulders.

I ran my hand through my hair. "I don't know." I really didn't know. I thought about just forgetting the whole thing and move on. I couldn't do that. I also couldn't just spring up a relationship between us, which would tear the group apart.

"Did you like the kiss?" she asked all of a sudden.

My eyes popped out. "What?"

"You heard me," she crossed her arms over her chest. "Did you enjoy it? Did you feel anything?"

I shifted uneasily. I, too, crossed my arms. "Did you feel something?"

"I asked you first."

"Yes. How about you?" I cocked an eyebrow.


"All right, we cleared that up," I said, wiping my hands together. Then I paused for a moment. "This doesn't help our situation, does it?"

Jackie laughed. "No, not really." She walled over to my side of the counter. "Eric, I like you, okay? My feelings for Michael aren't as strong as they used to be. They're pretty much gone."

I was confused. "What, you want to give this a try?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know." She looked up at the ceiling. "I wouldn't mind."

"What about Hyde? There's nothing going on between you two?"

Jackie rolled her eyes. "I don't know what we are. He's so confusing."

As much as I hated to admit it, I knew Hyde felt something when he's with Jackie. This was all too familiar. Hyde once liked Donna and so did I. Unfortunately for Hyde, I won her over. Now, I was doing the same thing.

I looked past Jackie and saw Fez and Hyde shooting some hoops. Could I do this again to him, steal somebody he cares about? I mean, I've done it before. I looked at Jackie, her eyes pleading for an answer. I spoke up.

"Jackie, I don't think we should be together," I paused. "We can't do that to Donna, you know?"

Jackie nodded in agreement. She wiped away a tear. "We shouldn't do that to her." She then chuckled. "What were we thinking?"

"I don't know," I laughed, raising my hands in the air. Jackie smiled and went out into the driveway.

It took all of my will power to not got out there and tell her that everything I've just said was pure crap. I wanted to tell her that we should give it a shot. But, what I saw stopped me. Hyde had his arm around her and he actually looked happy, just being there with her.

I decided to let her go. As I walked out into the driveway, I forced myself to smile. Hyde reluctantly backed off for me, so I decided to repay him the favor.

I'll let Hyde get the girl… for now.

The End

* * * * * * * * * *

Well, that's it. I hope you've enjoyed the ending. Please tell me what you thought of it.