Disclaimer: The characters used in this story are owned by the people that truly made them, except for the OC's I put in.

Working with Crofty666, we bring a crossover of RWBY and Batman set in the RWBY-verse. It'll use the Batsuit from Batman The Dark Knight movie added with the memory cloth cape from Begins, along with some equipment and vehicles.

Dark Knight of Remnant

1: Vigilante of Vale

Remnant, a planet that has history still in the making, where humanity live along side those with animal appearances and traits known as Faunus that have difficulty to be accepted. The White Fang, an organisation that do what they can to fight for Faunus rights through harmless means such as protests and political attempts… until a change in leadership decided to take drastic measures that made mankind more difficult to accept them.

Grimm, most deadly creatures to fear that come in various forms. These are spawned through negative emotions at its peak that have created many that roam the planet. It is because of them Huntsmen and Huntresses exist, trained in academies to defend the populace of Remnant, also against other things police and military require help to handle.

However they cannot be everywhere and deal with all matters, proof made as crimes are committed inside cities, towns and villages or their outskirts. There are places capable to handle them without law enforcement, and Vale is a prime example because of what dwells in the night… make that whom.

It is a quiet night in parts of Vale, a number of people are about, and one person in particular they parted for out of fear due to his reputation. Roman Torchwick, early thirties, a criminal wanted for many things that earned him a place on the most wanted list. Skilled in combat, escape and has connections in the criminal underworld that nobody dares to mess with unless they believe to be skilled enough to capture or kill.

As he approaches a store that sells Dust, a source for ammunition used in weapons wielded by Huntsmen and Huntresses, he is accompanied by four men in black suits, red shades and hats with red ties. Unbeknownst to them they are being watched from atop of a building far behind by a 17 year old figure clad in black, a flexible bodysuit with multiple pieces of armour plates, scalloped cape blowing in the light wind, not long to conceal his boots. A graphite material cowl is worn that's separate from the neck and shoulders to allow movement with pointy ears, blue eyes revealed and exposed mouth area.

As he stood to observe, his arms were hidden within his cape that didn't conceal the bat symbol on his chest nor his utility belt. Those that heard of him believe it to be rumours, criminals that encountered him became scared or nervous to talk that some gave up crime or prefer jail than be dealt by him. He is vengeance in the form of man, a prowler of the night that hunts criminals to bring them to justice… He is the Batman.

Out of all Dust shops and deliveries in Vale it took a while to deduce where Torchwick would strike next since he didn't go by a pattern unless it involves a suitable amount of supply. Not all of them he took part in, so when it came to interrogating lackeys they didn't have much answers to give, and it was a wonder on some heists White Fang members were involved. A coincidence perhaps, but not treated as one since its possible Roman Torchwick and them are working together.

Although wanting Roman to get away tonight, he didn't want harm done to anyone inside, therefore moves in via rooftops to gain a vantage point to listen in thanks to a built in listening device within his cowl.

However by the time he got there and was about to focus the range, the window smashed outwards and a red caped figure with a hood shot out with a henchman. It made Batman's brow arch, uncertain who it is but can tell she's a Huntress by her clothes, weapon and readiness for a fight. Although, by how old she looks, it's highly probable she's in-training to be one.

He got down on a knee to observe what she's capable of as the three suited men ran out of the store with weapons out, their fourth member unconscious. Skill was shown on how she is able to use her scythe to take each person out without killing, using a built in rifle feature to avoid being shot at then accelerate towards the last one to get knocked out. Batman became impressed, but that went away once he caught sight of Roman in front of the store.

Not pleased that all four were taken out by a teenage girl wielding a scythe, he removed the cigar he had all along and used his cane to stomp it out once it hit ground. "If you want a job done right," Raising it to take aim, a targeting scope popped up from the bottom to expose a gun barrel. "Do it yourself."

Despite how she did against four henchmen, Roman is a different matter to handle that he didn't want to take a chance. Before he could fire, Batman made a move.

The trigger was about to be pulled till an object struck that got the orange haired man to misaim. Confusion sets in as Roman got a look at what got embedded into his cane, a frown at it being a metal projectile in the form of a bat with sharp tips.

A flutter sound of a cape is heard, causing two pairs of eyes to look up at a descending figure that landed in between without harm. It took the scythe wielder by surprise, though Roman looked as if he anticipated his arrival by his smirk. "Well, look who finally turned up to the party. You took your time to get here. Forgive my boy's for not being conscious, they had a run in with little red behind you… unless you already know that."

Facing the man after he landed, Batman's cape parted to reveal gloved hands with gauntlets that have angular fin blades, some pouches on his belt for equipment and a grapple gun behind.

Ruby Rose, said girl mentioned to be behind him, changed her scythe into a rifle now aimed at the Dark Knight's back. "Is this guy a friend of yours?" she spoke cautiously

As if it were a joke, Roman laughs. "Red, you don't get out much, do you? Surely you've heard tales of a guy going round Vale to take down its criminals and professionals like myself." During his explanation, Roman removed the Batarang and gave it an inspection. "I must admit, he does equip himself with stuff you have to have yourself."

It came as a surprise for Ruby. Every time she stopped by the city she overheard people talk about criminals found tied up and/or injured for police, rumour is he's dressed like a bat. Huntsmen and Huntresses search and failed at attempts to take him down. They know he goes by some names, but what he really goes by…

"The Batman…" She spoke in disbelief. Ruby didn't make it a purpose to find him and yet here he is.

"Ding, ding! Give the girl a prize." Roman cheers. Although meant as a joke, he used this as an opportunity to use the shot meant for earlier.

Batman reacts by using his cape to shield his eyes from a bright flash that occurred instead of a harmful explosion, Ruby did the same by closing her eyes. Once the flash ceased they found Roman gone.

Eyes searched round till they spotted their target making an escape up a ladder connected to a building. Batman gave chase while Ruby switched her weapon to scythe mode while asking the shop owner, who came to the door. "You okay if I go after him?"

Having briefly seen the rumoured Batman made him shocked, not enough to block out the question since he responded with a nod.

The caped vigilante reached back to remove a grappling gun while in a run, shooting it at the structures side, using a strong built in retract to lift him up. Ruby stopped to be impressed, though quickly shook it off due to no time for it right now.

They got up there at the same time, Ruby having used the power of her rifle to lift her. Roman got to the end as they were able to get halfway till a Bullhead ascended into view. A light shone on them as the side door opens to reveal four suited men, each with their own weapon. They jumped out before Roman got on, may as well stick around to watch.

Ruby got into a stance till Batman's raised arm came into view. She was about to ask while confused, but he beat her to it by ordering. "Take care of the Bullhead."

There was no time to talk because he already charged in, seeing one of them using a pair of handguns with extended magazine clips. Batman went evasive before the first shot was fired, reaching into a side pouch as he got a little close.

The item was revealed to be a couple grey capsules that were thrown, a blue blinking light on top leading to an explosion of gas. Confused at first, a strong smell reached his nose and he suddenly became drowsy during a number of coughs till his consciousness not long went.

As the first person collapsed, a second already took his place to go on offence using a short handled axe. Batman dodged each swing, and when the next came horizontally he spun to the man's left then stomped on his leg hard that brought on a sickening sound.

A yell of pain was all he could do before his head turns to be met with a fist that knocked him out. With two left, one using a metal bo-staff and the other a pair short swords, they decided to work together to beat him as the Dark Knight led them away.

Roman watched as Batman goes on defence, using his gauntlets at times on either weapon when not evading their attacks. "What a waste of money. Not only they can't beat Batman, the earlier lot couldn't beat a teenage girl."

Speaking of, the Bullhead had to tilt to avoid its engine getting shot at. It came unexpected, catching Roman unprepared. "Hey, watch it!" he calls out to the pilot once it straightened the ship, allowing the wanted man to pay attention to Ruby.

Scythe in sniper mode, Ruby got distracted at first to see what Batman was capable of until it dawned on her what she has to do. She had a good shot at the engine while Roman observed the fight, only the pilot reacted and the bullet caught the wing instead.

The two didn't last working together against him, like their comrades they were taken out also. Batman drops the staff taken from its owner to assist in defence mostly, going into a run towards Ruby once he caught sight of what Roman had in hand.

"Red, I bet in time you would've been a great deal of annoyance like the cape crusader!" He said before a Dust crystal is thrown close to Ruby's feet. Taking aim with his cane, he fired on it just as a figure swoops in.

Batman stopped to shield himself with his cape as an explosion occurred. Once over and the smoke cleared, he surveyed the scene. There would not have been enough time to escape, and her aura couldn't have protected her from that strong of an explosion at close range.

What was seen instead of a corpse is a serious woman in front of a confused Ruby with pale blonde hair, green eyes, glasses, a cape flowing and a riding crop held up that created a purple energy shield.

Roman stares, a guess on who it is that intervened this time. She charged up aura before a wave of her riding crop was done to unleash a streak of several purple projectiles that struck the Bullhead.

Alarms went off as it was shaken about, a stumbling Roman made his way to the cockpit where a woman in a red dress tried to keep them airborne. "First the bat, now a Huntress gets involved!"

Taking it as her queue to deal with it, the woman left the pilots chair and Roman took over. Able to get it under control, he moves into position for their escape.

Glynda Goodwitch, an experienced Huntress that's a member of staff at Beacon Academy, narrowed her eyes, firing a purple blast above the aircraft that created a glyph. A circular storm cloud forms, lightning and thunder let loose before it hailed ice shards, a number of them made impact, one broke through the cockpits windshield, narrowly missing Roman's head as he dodges it. Despite all that the aerial vehicle did not fall.

The woman came to the doorway, face hidden in darkness, not even her fiery lit hand revealed any of the head portion. A burst of fire is launched at Glynda, but the Huntress brought up a shield to block it.

Splatters hit the floor behind her, but it didn't stop there once her hand rose. The next attack came from those splatters that formed a big circle, leading into an explosive beam. Glynda noticed, a backflip performed to get away before it happened.

Through a series of hand gestures, all broken material that came from it combined into a large arrow, not wasting time as it was fired. The fire user's choice of defence was the usage of her affinity, blast after blast launched until it broke apart.

Glynda quickly reforms it for another attack, though Roman chose to react by tipping the Bullhead to prevent its side from being hit. Since it didn't work, the Huntress separated the arrow into three portions that now circled the vehicle.

Noticing this, the woman on board creates several glowing rings around herself that released a burst of energy to disintegrate them.

Ruby saw this as a chance to take aim and fire a few shots at the mystery person. Unfortunately each one got blocked by a small aura shield emitted from her hand. About to take another shot, Batman got in front of her scope to toss a couple disks that had blades pop out and a red blinking bat symbol on top.

Believing them to be not worth it, she was about to block them like the bullets until both explode before they reached. It sent her flying into the closed door behind her. Quick to recover, she was not happy, immediately on her feet then raised her left arm that glowed.

Like last time, an explosion was about to occur by how the floor lit up, enough to encase them all. Batman spun around to tackle Ruby out of the circle before Glynda got herself out of there. As the explosion took place, the Dark Knight used one side of his cape to cover the girls head.

Roman used this opportunity to make their leave, the Bullhead shooting off once its engines got into position and the hatch closed.

Cape moved to un-shield her, Ruby is revealed with closed eyes that slowly opened. The sight of Batman over her in a protective manner made her lost for words at being this close to someone with his reputation. However it didn't last because once seen she's all right he got up, looking in the direction the aircraft shot off in. Further from them, Glynda did the same with a frown.

"You're a Huntress."

The woman's head moves right to find Ruby already next to her, an expression of excitement for what was asked out of hope. "Can I have your autograph?"

About to say something with a glare, a certain dark attired vigilante came to mind that got her to look in his direction. Only he wasn't there… or anywhere for that matter.

At first confused, Ruby became surprised once noticed Batman was gone. "Hey, where'd he go?"

It didn't change Glynda's expression, having a hunch on where he might've gone. Since there's not a way to track him yet, there's another matter she can take care of that may require the presence of a certain headmaster.

During the fight between Glynda and the mystery woman, Batman tossed a tracking device on the Bullheads rear before he moved while Ruby fired her shots. After they escaped he wanted to give a head start so they were unaware of his pursuit.

That's what he is doing now, riding through the city on a motorcycle dubbed 'Batpod', armed with dual front-mounted cannons, machine guns and grappling hooks, engines mounted inside the wheels instead of the frame. Although it lacks protection, it makes up for in speed, mobility and firepower.

"The Bullhead has stopped at an unused warehouse in the Industrial District."

An adult male voice instructed as Batman drove by a few cars. Although it will take a while, it's fortunate he knows short cuts to shorten time.

By the time he got there and parked the Batpod out of sight, the Dark Knight noticed none of Roman's men on guard when he got to the designated warehouse that's near a couple others. It looked big enough to house the aircraft, unable to go through the roof so had to use its massive twin doors.

Using a roof window as his way in, Batman sneakily went along the ceiling level support beams, observing as he went along that there was nobody. No guards, no Roman, not even the woman, just a Bullhead with a side door open.

Grapple gun used to drop down till he touched floor, he became alert in case it's a trap while advancing towards the aircraft, not much to inspect of the place. Although the escape vehicle did have an item that caught his eye, a device called a Scroll.

With a raised brow, he picks it up to find a video file setup to play. Doing so made an image of a smirking Roman come on, a cigar being lit before he spoke. "Nice try, Bats. Better luck next time, maybe."

As soon as the screen went black, a beeping sound is heard. Looking within at the end he can see two wide, storage boxes, and atop is a cylinder device with red blinking sides. At first it was steady, but it slowly sped up and not taken as a good sign. Batman made a run for it, Scroll still in hand.

With time left, he used his grapple gun on the window he came in, able to make an exit. As he attempted to jump to the next warehouse, a strong explosion happened, sending him through a rooftop window, crash landing into a bunch of wooden crates.

The explosion stretched to a portion of both warehouses, an indication that a great amount of Dust was used to cause such damage.

"…aster Arc, can you… me?!"

The barely able to hear voice helped slowly make him conscious. A moan of pain let out as the Dark Knights rose from what's left of the crates. The cowl remains in tact, though burn marks and some scratches are on his suit, armour and cape.

He got off them with a stumble, some dizziness remaining that he shook off as the voice came in clearer. Thankfully his aura became unlocked during his time away, thus injuries sustained will be healed.

"Sir, can you hear me? Are you okay?"

Rubbing the back of his concealed neck, he finally responds. "I'm alive, Alfred, that's what I can say so far…"

A sigh of relief was heard before the voice spoke again. "Thank goodness. I became sick with worry after hearing the explosion, you are lucky to be alive."

Thanks to said explosion, it made a massive hole for Batman to see the warehouse he was in engulfed in flames. "Torchwick found the tracer. Ditched the Bullhead and rigged a bomb, using Dust from the looks of it to make a powerful explosion." saying that, he looks at the Scroll surprisingly still in hand, though gained some damage.

"Sir, police and emergency crews are en-route to your location. Fortunately you weren't out for long."

No need to stick around, Batman said. "I'm on my way out."

Arc Manor: Batcave

An old mansion located on the outskirts of Vale where no Grimm roam, owned by the Arc family that are known to be one of the richest and well known families in history. It is thanks to experience, good deeds and inventive means that built their fame and wealth, rising to what has become Arc Industries.

Arc Industries is a company that invent and build ways to assist in eradicating Grimm as well as help rebuild the world to be liveable for its populace. Although expanded to parts of the world, Vale is where it all started for them, and it is here the family home resides. The mansion is located on a very high cliff, built with passageways suitable for Batman's vehicle usage, including behind the mansion where a couple hidden entryways were constructed for aerial and sea.

Right now Batman drove the Batpod within a forest towards a lookout, his aim is a waterfall that contains one of his hidden entrances/exits across a river gorge. It took a while to get there, and no one dared to follow, so when came the right moment he sped up.

Inside the Batcave it is a short length drive to a vacant, rotatable platform right next to another that holds the Tumbler. A four wheeled armoured tank, equipped with an array of weapons and gadgets that wasn't easy to obtain from his company secretly when the former board of directors were in charge.

The cave itself was constructed with three levels thanks to its depth, each for a specific use. Right now both vehicles are on the low level where a suit and gadget vault is kept on the left, using a 5 spoke safe handled door instead of electronic, also a decontamination shower, and on the right is an area that holds what's needed to work on equipment and fix the vehicles. The middle level has an infirmary with a gurney instead of a fixed bed on the left, where as the right is a training area with some weight lifting equipment, couple tread mills, a wide display case containing various hand weapons and five humanoid training robots. The top level houses a sophisticated and lengthily computer on the left his butler jokingly dubs 'Batcomputer', and on the right is made like a crime lab to conduct all types of investigations. Each level can be accessed via rectangular, elevated platform, and the top has an elevator to reach the mansion.

A man stood near a short walkway to the vacant platform, Alfred Pennyworth is in his late thirties, attired in a black butler uniform with a black bow tie, white shirt and gloves, having blue eyes, short black hair and a moustache. Being the Arc family's faithful butler, Alfred chose to remain with Jaune since suffered greatly for being there on the night of Thomas and Martha's deaths. His sisters had left home to take charge of other Arc Industry branches, though some had their own dreams to gain. None are aware of Jaune's alter ego, and there are times Alfred worries despite the harsh training Jaune had gone through to become what he is.

The sound of a motorcycle became heard, breaking Alfred from his thoughts to be ready for a certain caped crusaders arrival. The Batpod drove onto the platform, its rider getting off. As he approached, Alfred tried to ignore the suits condition even though it was minor. "I'm sorry tonight did not turn out as expected, master Arc."

Removing the cowl, a sweaty Jaune Arc is revealed with short blonde hair and is slightly spiky, examining its condition. "It's fine, Alfred. Neither of us expected that girl to be there with a weapon like that. It looked custom made, obviously she went through training to handle its power and manoeuvre the way she did."

As they made their way to the lift, a button was pushed on a small console for the Bat-Pod's platform to rotate. Alfred said as they now ascend to the top level. "I took the liberty to search information about her. Coming up successfully I like to add."

"Good job." The blonde responds, handing the man his mask. "It's a good thing we chose graphite for the cowl's material, huh?"

"Indeed, sir. It's also fortunate your aura was able to handle the impact." Alfred said, giving it a look as they come to a stop. "Oh, the Batcomputer has detected an anomaly in Miss Rose's file." It intrigued Jaune to have a look.

Both walked towards a computer that has an active big screen with 3 regular sized ones on both sides. On it is a file with a picture of a smiling Ruby Rose that Jaune began to read after sitting in a rotatable chair, putting the damaged Scroll down that was kept in a compartment at the back of his utility belt, planning to give it a thorough inspection tomorrow.

"Ruby Rose: Lives in Patch, father Taiyang Xiao Long, mother Summer Rose and is deceased, currently a student at Signal Academy. Fifteen years old, one listed sister named Yang Xiao Long, other relatives is an uncle by the name of Qrow Branwen."

'Branwen…?' He thought, knowing one other person that possess' it. "Could be a coincidence, but I'm not going to ignore it."

Going back to studying, Jaune brought up Yang Xiao Long's file. Her image came up with a grin along with details. "Yang Xiao Long: Same father, mother not listed. No surprise if it's who I think it is. Seventeen years old, resides in Patch and is a former student at Signal Academy about to attend Beacon." Jaune brought up both files side by side, a hand rubbing his chin.

"There is something about Miss Rose I think you may find of interest, master Arc." Alfred said, eyes focused on said girl. The butler got looked at with a raised eyebrow before he explained. "It is her silver eyes. I recall telling your father about it during a talk of legends. To this day they're rare to encounter, but years ago there were many, and those born with silver eyes would one day wield power that can be deadly against Grimm."

Intrigued, Jaune asks. "You believe Ruby Rose is one of them?"

"It is a high possibility. However, due to lack of education on the subject, it is doubtful she knows how to use it." Alfred states.

"Remnant is a big planet. Perhaps she does from someone that knows." Jaune responds. Now inspecting a screen on the left where another file of Ruby and Yang is on, he noticed a slight change. "It says there the official records have Mr Branwen down as not listed."

Thanks to experience in his past, Alfred said. "There are a few reasons why he would be put down as that: Witness protection, a special operative that doesn't wish to release background, even high ranks in the military get that privilege to protect loved ones."

To ease their minds, Jaune brought him up on the main. "Qrow Branwen: A licensed Huntsman, former Signal Academy teacher. Listed relatives are Ruby and Yang as nieces, Taiyang as a brother in law and his sister Raven Branwen."

"Raven Branwen? As in leader to the Branwen Tribe?" Alfred asks in surprise, aware of said tribe and their deeds.

Jaune nods. "Going by this, Raven and Taiyang were married, making Yang their daughter." Qrow's 'official' record came on the same screen as Ruby and Yang, though not much is put down. "Qrow's official record doesn't have any family listed except for his sister. I guess it's either because of her reputation with the tribe or she can handle herself."

"Even so, allowing his sister to remain listed is not proper for a brother to do when danger can lurk around every corner."

"Someone went through a lot of trouble to develop these… shadow files to keep people in the dark about the Branwen's, that's for sure. Raven I understand, but this is a first I'm hearing about Qrow." Jaune said, about to close all files till a notice box popped up about an update to Ruby's.

With a raised brow, the vigilante pressed a button to have new information emerge on her education portion. "Looks like Ruby got accepted into Beacon Academy. Only Professor Ozpin can pull those kinds of strings to make it happen."

Alfred informed him on what was left out. "Miss Rose was taken into Vale's police station not long after you departed their location. It is no surprise considering she's an un-licensed Huntress."

"Given Glynda Goodwitch's experience, bet it wasn't hard to drag Ruby in." Jaune said, rising from his seat. "That headmaster works quick, getting paperwork done fast to have it put on file as if he prepared it beforehand."

Both headed towards the lift whilst Alfred asks. "Do you think he's aware of Miss Rose's supposed power?"

Taking it down to the bottom level, Jaune nods. "It's possible. Is there a chance her silver eyes being just a rare colour?"

An unfortunate head shake came from the butler. "My knowledge on the subject is not of an expert, but as long as her power is not revealed she should be okay. I shall search the manors library tomorrow to see if there's a book to assist us. I'm certain your father found one after I told him of their existence."

Coming to a halt, they made their way to the Batpod's platform, not going to change into a spare uniform as long as the one he has on is still usable. "I'll leave that to you then. Doesn't my schedule have a meeting with Ozpin about Arc Industries new training robots?"

"Indeed, sir, including a couple prototypes for demonstration. However it's set for next week." Alfred clarifies, handing the cowl to its wearer, a hunch on there being a change in schedule.

It turned out to be true due to what was said from the blonde while putting it on. "I think a cancellation is in order. I wasn't looking forward to a game of golf anyway."

Being honest and apologetic, Alfred said after a clear of his throat. "Yes, your Batarang skills are superb, yet your golf swing can use some work."

Jaune chuckles at the honesty, glad to have a trusted man as Alfred Pennyworth being there whenever needed. He was by his side since the death of his parents when his sisters weren't around, and although against the dangers Vale throws at him as Batman he shows support as best he can. "Please send a few bottles of Mr Val's favourite wine as an apology."

"Very good, sir. There's nothing like good wine to get on a business clients good side to settle a cancellation."

Jaune smiles as he got on the motorcycle, starting it up as Alfred departs to take care of the task then took off. After all, night is still young and Batman has his own task to fulfil.

It's a new day in Vale, and an airship carrying new students to Beacon Academy is on route to its destination. One of them on board is Ruby Rose, and she is deep in thought while seated on one side of the ship's cabin.

That night will be one to remember, because she never thought it would come that she'd work along side a living rumour. True she would've been fine on her own, but Batman either didn't know or wanted to be involved in the criminal's capture.

Flashback: Interrogation Room

After Ozpin said what he wanted and received a satisfied response, he and Glynda were on their way out when Ruby stopped them by asking. "This might sound stupid… but was that really Batman that helped out earlier?"

Stupid or not, neither mentioned it. Ozpin gave a reply needed to be heard. "From what Miss Goodwitch has told me, it was indeed him." He reached into a pocket to take out a Batarang. "This is the very one used on Roman Torchwick's cane, if I recall right from your report. It is hand-made, excellent craftsmanship and can be lethal despite size. You shouldn't collaborate with vigilante's such as him should you aim to become a great Huntress."

Although Ruby ought to take in words of wisdom such as that, something inside wanted to defend the masked crusader. "But he's doing Vale a favour in ridding it of crime since police can't be everywhere, and Huntsmen and Huntresses have their own responsibilities."

"Indeed, Miss Rose. However the Batman, though hasn't killed anyone, does leave bodily harm to a point they're lucky to still be alive for police to make an arrest." Ozpin said, up to make it a debate should this continue despite being a busy man.

Glynda did not. "I'm afraid your discussion will have to end there. We have to prepare for the new students at Beacon."

In agreement now that it was brought up, Ozpin faced the blonde to give a nod, Batarang still in hand. "You're right, Glynda. We wouldn't want to set a bad example for our future Huntsmen and Huntresses in anyway. Have a pleasant night, Miss Rose, and we shall meet again at Beacon."

After a polite bow, both adults were about to leave till Ruby stopped them to say. "Umm, what's going to happen to that?" A finger aimed at the bat shaped item in the man's hand.

Glynda became the person to answer. "It will be given to the police. Any Batman sightings sometimes have those left behind, thus taken in as evidence."

Ozpin noticed a sound of disappointment from the teenager, able to tell what the reason is for. With a smile, he placed it on the table to slide over to Ruby's surprise as she caught it. "I'm sure they receive similar results from others retrieved, so I don't think they'll miss it. Honestly, I'm not sure if the police knew about it being there."

Able to get what he means, Ruby gives a toothy smile while Glynda raised a brow at his kind gesture that she may have a word about later.

End of Flashback!

About to go for the item in her pocket, a jolt of surprise emerged after a long haired blonde girl dropped on the seat next to her. Wrapping an arm round her shoulder, Yang Xiao Lang happily speaks. "I can't believe my little sister is going to Beacon Academy and isn't ecstatic about it right now."

Being a little crushed at the affection, Ruby said while trying to get free. "Believe me, Yang, I am… I was just thinking about something."

"It's not about what happened with dad, is it? He was cool about it… eventually." Yang guessed at what it could be after lightening her hold.

The scythe wielder's head shook, though it's now partly on her mind on how their father reacted, that meant talking about meeting Ozpin, and her fight against Torchwick and his hired help. Although what was left out was a certain vigilante.

"The crime was committed by nefarious Roman Torchwick, who remains at large." The voice caught Ruby's and Yang's attention, heads moving to a big display screen that showed a Vale police photo of the man. "Police are urging anyone with information to please step forward. Back to you, Lisa."

As the image changed to Lisa Lavender to give news about a Faunus civil rights protest being interrupted by the White Fang, Ruby had something to get off her chest since it wasn't said while their father was present. "Hey Yang, can I tell you something?"

Although she's always there for her little sister and available when need be, there are limits to what they can talk about. "Of course, as long it isn't to do with a guy you have your eye on that I might require a private chat with."

Thankfully it isn't that. Ruby thinks it's sweet to have a sister watching out for her, despite being able to fend for herself. "What if I told you help came before Miss Goodwitch showed up?"

Not told this during their fathers presence made Yang intrigued. "Who was it?"

Making sure nobody looked in their direction, Ruby took out the bat shaped item to show. Yang raised a brow due to one reason on what this could mean. "Nice metal work, sis, though it doesn't answer the question."

It got the cape wearers eyes to roll. "No Yang, I'm trying to tell you I met Batman. This is his." She made sure not to raise her voice. Ozpin didn't give a choice whether or not to tell anyone, so Ruby made the decision herself.

However Yang didn't seem to believe her. "Batman? As in the rumoured vigilante that goes around Vale beating up bad guys while dressed as a bat? Are you sure you didn't hit your head in that fight?"

Rather reply about a condition that doesn't exist, Ruby blinks at what was noticed. "For a rumour you sure know a bit about him."

Not worth to brag about, the blonde female shrugs. "I hear a lot of things, especially at clubs that has lots of gossip when not on the dance floor. Word is the Batman is human dressed like a bat, another is that he's actually a Faunus fighting crime for both sides. Most ridiculous one is that he's a Grimm building fear into people to create more."

Ruby had to agree on the last one, a brow rose whilst said. "Yeah, that last one doesn't sound right at all. If he's Grimm then I'm sure he'd kill people to build fear, not leave them hurt for police to arrest. Plus he used those gadgets." The next came out without thinking as she remembers being shielded. "Then there are his eyes…"

Thinking she heard wrong due to how it sounded, Yang asked in a firm voice. "What was that?"

This made her sister feel nervous, though that may have to do with where her mind mostly wandered. "H-His eyes looked human than Grimm! You know, normal, blue, a strong gaze."

Not sure if there's more to it, but it was allowed. "Okay, but that doesn't help. No offense, Rubes, but I find it hard to believe unless I see it with my own eyes."

Batarang held up, she asks. "This doesn't count as proof?"

"For all I know you could've made it. You did build Crescent Rose, doing that ought to be easy after enough practice."

Able to see her point, Ruby pockets the bat shaped item, though not going to give up. "I'll find a way for you to believe me, just wait."

Yang smirks, interested to see how this will turn out. "That'll be a challenge, but good luck, little sister."

True to that, that encounter was by accident, and there's no way of telling when it'll happen again. Fingers crossed luck will be on her side should she decide to travel to Vale one night with her sister.

Meanwhile a Bullhead is on its way to Beacon. By the family symbol on both sides it's owned by Arc Industry, behind is a second.

"I wish you had dressed appropriately for this, Master Arc."

The voice of Alfred came from the communication system to Jaune, who sat in the seat next to the pilot. Instead of a business suit that all men in his job should wear for the coming appointment, said person wore a black hoodie, blue jeans, and black and white trainers.

"Don't worry, Alfred, I have a suit packed away in the back. You know I don't like to attract attention when going to Beacon." He assures him.

However the butler had a response to that. "Your picture is on magazines, newspapers and ads displayed in parts of Vale, not to forget students that have already seen your face. It won't be easy to avoid regardless of a change of clothes."

Jaune shrugs with a smile. "It's worth a shot anyway."

A sigh was heard, not going to debate it anymore it would seem. "Very well, just don't blame me if you get mobbed by fans or requests."

Communication ended before Jaune chuckles. The pilot couldn't help but smirk and say. "Man does care a lot, doesn't he?"

The blonde nods, eyes at front and arms folded. "He looked after me for years since…" despite years of training to prepare, it's still a painful subject to talk about, which the pilot got the hint.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up…"

"It's fine. I'm getting over it to talk about, just getting used to it is another thing... how long till we get to Beacon?" He asks to change subject.

"It'll be less than five minutes. We could go faster, but safety precautions have to be accountable for the cargo."

"No rush. Only asked so I can go over what to say to Professor Ozpin." Not all a lie since stuff will have to be explained even though he has the technicians in the second Bullhead.

He's aware of Beacon Academy's procedure when it comes to a new semester of students. They would all gather to hear Ozpin's introductory speech, tomorrow will be an initiation within Emerald Forest where they must collect a relic piece located at a ruined temple, taking on Grimm along the way. Depending how it goes, a team is formed and would remain that way throughout their time at Beacon, perhaps further on if chose to.

Jaune learnt of this and more from gathered information, being sure it was a pay off to avoid an encounter with Ozpin and/or Miss Goodwitch on his interest in Beacon Academy since he doesn't plan to enrol. Once it was a dream to become a Huntsman like past Arc generations, plus one of his sisters that chose that life instead of being cooped up behind a desk.

Indeed it took that amount of time to reach Beacon's docking bay for Bullhead's. Heads turned at the sight of two Arc Industry crafts descending, some decided to pay no interest and walk onward.

Professor Peter Port and Dr Bartholomew 'Bart' Oobleck stood in front of one platform out of several, it being designated for Jaune's ship to land, being a welcoming committee in place of Ozpin.

"Do you think it's wise to allow robots to train our students in combat when they get better experience against an actual person?" Port asks, a little doubtful.

Oobleck's response was aimed to put his mind at ease. "Ozpin made it clear they can be useful despite not able to use aura, and that it's optional as long as they're given a chance."

Acceptable, the Bullhead they're waiting for was in view, its follower parted to take a vacant platform next to it. Once landing was complete, both teachers walked as the sides opened, a bit confused at Jaune's choice of attire after he disembarked with a duffel bag. It doesn't really matter as long as he arrived safely.

"Mr Arc, it's good to see you." Oobleck's greets him, both hands behind his back.

Port decided to add. "Indeed. We didn't expect you to change the demonstration date."

"No time like the present when it comes to helping our future protectors of Remnant. Also it's good to see you both as well. I take it Professor Ozpin is busy welcoming your new students?" He says, not seeing said man around.

Oobleck nods. "He is, and has instructed us to escort your staff to the training room where the demonstration will take place. Ours will be along shortly to help move equipment."

An acceptable nod given, Jaune asks. "If you don't mind I'd like to use a changing room to put on my suit. I didn't want to draw attention with it after I got here."

Port chuckles, despite not being a bad idea. "I believe arriving on your personal Bullhead's may have ruined your plan, Mr Arc. Nonetheless, of course you may use our changing facilities. Allow one of us to take you there."

Although nice of them, Jaune wanted to have a wander in hope to run into Ruby, so he dismissed the offer with a wave. "Thank you, but I remember my way around Beacon and don't want to trouble you." Before going, he turns to the pilot unstrapping crates, two are human sized. "After the cargo is off loaded and both Bullhead's are refuelled, tell Dominic to have a break with you before returning."

"Got it, and thanks." His response came for his boss' kindness.

With a nod to him, Jaune does so again to both teachers. "Gentleman." a bid of farewell before he walks past, a hand on the bag's strap, finally able to seek out Ruby despite a limit of time given.

Once he got to Main Avenue, he saw students left and right, able to make out students by their uniforms and newcomers by their combat outfits. It was early to send the former lot on missions until they get settled in, that's how he can tell them apart.

'I wonder what my odds are to run into her.' Jaune thought, politely waving to a couple girls that past and noticed him. They reciprocated, now going into conversation while quick glances were made in his direction.

Suddenly an explosion was heard straight ahead. It wasn't big by how loud it sounded, but it was enough to make Jaune confused and curious to investigate, going into a run. Once arrived at the source, he became surprised at a couple things.

Up ahead is a familiar girl with a red cape and silver eyes, getting scolded by an angry girl with white hair tied in an off centred ponytail. From what he can gather by reactions and lip read, Ruby did something to earn it, possibly to do with the explosion not long ago.

'Weiss Schnee? I didn't expect her to be here.' Jaune thought, familiar with the girl. In fact, the Schnee Dust Company is very well known for its business in Dust, also for its controversial labour force and possible, shady business partners. Repeatedly targeted by the White Fang for its treatment on Faunus, the company has faced a number of matters in stolen cargo, facility attacks, casualties, kidnaps and deaths.

About to intervene, Jaune stopped due to a third girl that caught his eye that made a brow arch as she steps in to help Ruby. "I didn't expect to see three familiar faces in one place today."

Ruby he met through his Batman persona, Weiss from what he knows about her families company. The two also met as kids some time before his parents were killed, although Jacques Schnee was not happy due to being business rivals after an attempt at a partnership failed. However the new girl, Blake Belladonna, had a combination of both.

End of Chapter 1!

Thanks goes out to Yusei-Pal473 for helping with the Batcave design. Out of all things that wasn't easy to construct, but it turned out good.