"Uuugh." A groan escaped the lips of a currently sleeping boy on the ground. He was young, perhaps a 5 or 6 year-old at first glance. The boy was dressed in a light grey hoodie with a blue shirt collar peeking out around his neck, beige pants and black shoes. His messy black hair also sported blonde bangs which were slightly brown due to the young man's current "bed". As the boy tried to sleep, nature had other plans.

"Tsk," the boy clicked his tongue at the sound of familiar bird calls. "Damn flying rats, GO BACK TO SLEEP!" He threw his right arm out as he slept on his side. "If that wasn't bad enough, my bed seems to be like a thousand times more firm than it was before." As he shifted over, he heard the distinct sound of earth being shuffled.

"…" He remained eerily quiet for a moment before placing his hand palm-down to the ground. Feeling the familiar texture of good ol' Terra Firma shift around his hand. "Well that explains the sudden mattress density boost." The boy dryly remarked with his eyes still closed as if he was still trying to write off his current dilemma as a mere dream. Unfortunately for him, logic soon won over and he sat up with his distinctly green eyes opening to the forest around him.

"Well," he started as he stood up, "at least it's not the Sahara." The boy gazed around for a moment and observed his surroundings. While true he was in a forest, it was certainly not a rain forest. Despite this revelation however, he still sighed. "Good job Matt, you managed to rule out about five percent of earth's landmass you could be on." Matt dryly chastised himself before sighing.

Deciding it to be best, he found a nearby stump and decided to sit down in order to think things through.

"Alright, let's go over latest memories. Last night I got home from work, ate dinner and then crashed." He started sorting through his memories in a vain attempt to figure out what was happening. "Nothing explains how the hell I woke up in the middle of Buttfuck Nowhere with nothing on me-" Before he could finish his sentence, Matt's mind shot ahead of his mouth as he realized he actually hadn't done inventory. So he began to search his pockets.

"Weird, never seen these clothes before. In fact I don't think I've ever worn a grey hoodie or beige pants before." With an eyebrow raised he searched himself and only found one thing: a weird light-brown box attached to his black belt. The box was open on the end facing the buckle and had a slight cut-out on top as if there for someone to remove something from it. "Okay, I've sure as hell never seen that before." As curious as he was, it didn't look like anything was in the box, so Matt decided to ignore it for now. "Well, first things first, gotta find water."

Matt stood up and began to walk in a random direction hoping he'd find some sign of the liquid nourishment of life. He kept walking and walking past same-looking tree after same-looking tree.

"Christ, I'm not the most physically active person, but I can normally go a decent bit further before my feet start hurting like this." Matt muttered with discomfort in his tone. However this was soon dropped upon seeing something on the ground. "That's… a big ass… I don't even know any animals this big actually." Looking down in disbelief, Matt saw massive tracks of some animal embedded into the soil.

He began to sweat a bit nervously as he started to walk the opposite way the tracks were going. However, little did Matt know, he was already being watched.

"Man you'd think I'd at least see a trail by now." The boy exasperated which scratching the back of his head and looking around. He'd been walking for a good 20 minutes by now. "And then there's that damn tightness in my gut. Certainly ain't anything I ate… unless a bug crawled into my stomach or something." Silently stopping dead in his tracks, Matt violently shuddered for a moment before continuing on, dropping that train of thought entirely.

After another 15 minutes of walking, Matt finally reached an actual trail used by people. He exhaled in relief, but before it could set in, he immediately felt his senses telling him to duck. By doing so, he narrowly dodged the tackle of a massive beast.

"The hell!?" He yelled in shock as he looked at his attacker. The beast was like a massive multi-colored Gorilla with a weird hairstyle. It looked at him with a smile that sent chills down his spine. Without uttering single word, Matt knew this monster only saw dinner in front of him. So, like any rational person, he ran.

Choosing a direction of the road, Matt ran and zigzagged in and out of the treeline to make sure the beast never had a clean shot on him. He ran for what seemed like ages, and with his feet already sore from walking, it came as no surprise when he eventually collapsed on the road due to exhaustion. Matt, in desperation, began to claw and crawl his way away from the beast. His nails broke and stained his fingers with blood as he tried to escape with his life.

"Oooh, it fun when little people prey try to run." The beast proclaimed with evident glee. Its loud footsteps signaling his approach to the slowly moving body of the boy. He grabbed Matt by the leg and lifted him up. This allowed him to see the beast smile like a kid in a candy store as he eyed his small frame.

Matt was shaking in fear, 'Am I gonna die?' He thought to himself. 'I wake up in the middle of nowhere, no idea what continent I'm even on and five minutes later this fucking psycho beast is gonna kill me?' As these thoughts churned in his head, Matt's shaking due to fear changed. 'This.… this BASTARD! What the hell right does he have to do this?! I don't wanna die damnit! I wanna live!'

'Is that what you wish for?' A voice called out to Matt in his head. 'Do you wish to live and see another day?' The voice asked the boy as the beast began to open its mouth to begin devouring the boy.

Disregarding the origin if the voice due to the situation, Matt responded in the only way he knew how, by kicking the Ape in the jaw and causing him to bite down on his tongue with crushing force. This however caused Matt to fall from his grasp and due to the height and angle, the fall would snap his neck.

"Heh, very well, I shall take that as a yes." The voice now sounded much closer, like it was actually there. A bright glow shined from the empty box on Matt's belt. As if on instinct, Matt reached for it and drew from it a small stone-like card. It shined as bright as the sun and blinded both Matt and the beast, however the next thing Matt knew the sensation of falling was replaced by warmth.

Matt was now draped over the shoulder of a man dressed in dark blue robes with purple armor around his body and a pointed purple hat on. In his other hand was a pale green scepter that radiated power from its form.

"Now then Master, allow me to deal with this disgusting monster." The man spoke with a very plain tone, as if knowing this beast posed little-to-no threat to him.

Said beast, now with blood running out of its mouth from its nearly severed tongue, glared at the duo with unbridled rage. He pounded his chest with an incredibly loud roar and charged. However, the robed man simply twirled his staff and pointed it at the beast, then a large and powerful blast of energy shot out at the beast. Due to arrogance or blind rage, the beast persisted in its charge. When it collided with the attack, the roaring ape was vaporized in a large explosion.

He lowered his arm and set Matt back down. Finally getting back on solid ground, Matt dusted himself off and looked up at his savior, only to gasp. He recognized the face of the man. That short purple hair, fair skin and turquoise eyes were all too familiar to him.

"Y-you're the Dark Magician!" Matt yelled out in a combination of excitement, confusion and astonishment.

"Oh, so you already know of me?" Dark Magician asked with slight relief on his face, knowing he would save time answering some questions.

"How could I not?!" He exclaimed before abruptly realizing something. "Wait. You're supposed to be a trading card though… unless the show was right and you all have souls." Matt paled at the thought, not even knowing how many of the cards he'd lost or thrown away would be pissed at him.

"Well, yes and no. However I think an explanation can wait for a moment. You should probably get to a town soon before you run out of Magic Power and pass out." Dark Magician told the young boy with a tone of genuine concern.


The Magician sighed, "That can wait, for now-", he suddenly turned his head the other way and glared for a moment before relaxing. "It seems you're in luck Master, some good souls are a..pro...ch...in..g." Dark Magician suddenly faded into a golden dust as Matt spontaneously lost consciousness due to his adrenaline rush wearing off. Causing the exhaustion and physical pain to hit him all at once.

Not even a moment later, a small man huffing and puffing in a sprint approached the boy. He looked over the boy and sighed in relief.

"Looks like he isn't terribly injured." The old man looked over his body and couldn't find major injuries outside his broken nails and roughed up patches of skin.

"Oi Master! Wait up would ya!" Another man yelled as he caught up to the old man. He looked to be in his late twenties to early thirties and had slicked back orange hair with fair skin a stubby beard and black eyes.

"Gildarts, grab the boy, we're taking him to Porlyusica."

"Huh? What for-" Gildarts answered his own question when he looked at the boy and silently lifted him over his shoulder after nodding.

The duo then ran off into the forest of East Magnolia.

"Uuugh." Matt groaned as he slowly opened his eyes. Fortunately for him, this time he awoke in the comfort of a bed and not the ground. "Huh. Guess that was a dream. Hell of a wild one that's for sure."

"Oh I assure you young man, that was anything but a dream." An older feminine voice called out to him.

He looked over and saw an older woman with pink hair and fair skin gazing at him with an expression that bordered on simultaneous relief and annoyance.

"I suppose you'll ask the regular questions in this scenario so I'll answer them now. I'm Porlyusica, a doctor, and you're in my home in East Magnolia's woods currently. You were brought here by that dolt Makarov and his boy-toy of a Wizard Gildarts after you had a scuffle with what we assume to be a Vulcan." As she spoke, she took a seat next to Matt who nodded in acknowledgment to her words.

"How long have I been out?"

"About three days. A bit shorter than I would expect of a young man such as yourself experiencing an extreme lack of Magic Power." She said as she gestured for him to sit up. "Now is there any residual pain anywhere?"

"I'm a little sore, but that's it." Matt said as he wiggled and moved various parts of his body.

"Good, then you can scram when Makarov comes by later today." Porlyusica got up and walked out of the room.

'I mean she's really nice for taking care of me and all, but christ does she act like she doesn't enjoy what seems to be her job.' Matt thought to himself as he gazed in the direction she left in before sighing.

He laid back down and rested his hand behind his head. 'Magic Power. Vulcan. Makarov. Gildarts. Porlyusica. Outside of Makarov being a Russian name, and Magic Power being a combo of English words, everything else is unlike anything I've heard of in any language before. Especially ones that seem to use a Latin origin. Just where the hell am I?'

While lost in thought, Matt didn't notice the small man enter the home and take a seat next to him. It was only after he cleared his throat in an attempt to get his attention did he notice.

"Well, it's good to see you're doing well young man." He spoke with evident relief.

"Oh, uh, thank you Mr...?"

"Makarov. Makarov Dreyar. I'm the Master of Fairy Tail, a guild in the nearby town." The old man said that last part with evident pride.

"I see. I'm Matthew, but everyone just calls me Matt."

Makarov nodded, "Well then Matt, why were you in the middle of the East Forest? Especially in an area densely populated by some of the more... unsightly Vulcans."

Matt thought for a moment before answering. "I... don't know. I sorta just woke up there. Don't know how I got there to begin with." Makarov listened closely at Matt's words.

"I see. Do you know where your home is?"

That question caused Matt to hesitate a moment. 'The fact that he mentioned Magic and Guilds with pride on top of that Vulcan tells me this isn't my world. Do I tell him that or should I not?' Matt's prolonged silence caused Makarov to raise an eyebrow. But he remained silent as he could tell the boy was having an internal debate.

"Can you... keep a secret?" Matt spoke in a barely audible tone. Makarov simply nodded in response. He swallowed his spit before speaking. "I'm not from around here."

"I see. Then what country do you hail from?"

"No." He shook his head, "I mean I'm not from this world."

Now that caused Makarov to widen his eyes in surprise a bit.

"How do you know?" Makarov used a lighter tone in order to carefully tread.

"I've never heard of or seen Vulcan's before, and the fact you unironically talked about a Magic Guild tells me you're either delusional, or telling the truth." The old man's eyebrow twitched a bit upon the "delusional" part, but he could tell the boy was being honest.

"Yes, roughly a tenth of Earthland's population can use Magic." Makarov's words caused Matt to sigh.

"So it's true then, I'm nowhere close to home. If I'll ever even see it again." His tone was blatantly defeated and caused Makarov's heart to ache. While the old man never knew what it was like to not have some kind of family thanks to Master Precht and the Guild, he'd met individuals that did, and after hearing their stories he was even more thankful to Fairy Tail for being there for him.

So Makarov did the one thing he knew would help the boy.

"My boy, it's clear you have no place to return to, so how about I give you one?" Matt turned his gaze to meet Makarov's. "Would you like to join Fairy Tail?"

Matt's gaze widened if just for a split second, but dropped. "I can't use magic though."

Makarov tilted his head. "Then how do you explain the pile of ashes that was the Vulcan trying to kill you?"

Those words caused Matt to blatantly remember that detail he'd forgotten. His gaze wandered frantically until he saw that familiar box on the table next to him.

He reached over with his bandaged hands and grabbed it. It used to be empty, but now a slim grey object was inserted into it. He pulled it out like drawing a card and was met with the familiar image of the Dark Magician. Beneath the image were seven stars and that was it. No text, no Attack or Defense values, just the stars. Almost like how the American version of the show changed the front of the cards.

"So that's how you did it eh? Seems like a kind of Holder Magic then." The Master of Fairy Tail said as he looked at the stone card.

"Holder Magic?"

"Magic in this world can be divided into two main categories: Caster Magic and Holder Magic. The former would be using Magic Power to create magic and manipulate the result. Holder Magic utilizes tools filled by the user's Magic Power to function, or it has it's own supply of Ethernano to work. It seems as though you simply channel Magic Power into this card and you're in business. Almost looks like you use Celestial Spirit Magic."

"What's that?"

"A Holder Magic that involves someone channeling their Magic Power into a key. This key then summons the spirit bound to it. However this is obviously not a key, so it's something similar, but not directly it."

"I see." Matt said as his gaze lingered on the card that saved his life. "Honestly, I don't know how I did it. All I know is that I wanted to live, and this guy responded to that desire and saved me."

Makarov nodded, "Magic is heavily influenced by the emotions of the user. So it's no surprise that happened. Though your word choice there tells me you've never used Magic before have you?"

Matt shook his head, "No, we didn't have Magic where I'm from. Well, not this kind of Magic anyways. Magic where I'm from was more cult-like and involved weird stuff like goat blood and sacrificing virgins. It was pretty laughed at by the general population." He chuckled a bit, thinking back to his old mockery of it. "Humanity got by where I'm from by technological improvements and ingenuity. So I honestly have no idea what I'm even doing in regards to Magic here."

"I see, well that's no problem then. I'm sure some of the guild members would be more than happy to teach you, myself included."

Now that caused Matt to look over in surprise. "You'd actually go that far for me? For someone you just met?"

Makarov sighed and got off the chair, he walked over to a window and looked out. "My boy, over the many years I've been in this world, I've seen my fair share of heartbreaking tales and tragic individuals who all met a premature end. They all started out not too dissimilar to you: confused, alone, desperate for answers and without guidance. In their haste to get what they needed, they all inadvertently hurt themselves and those who wished to help them. So many lost lives that could've easily been prevented from happening. So what kind of adult or human would I be if I allowed another young man fall into that trap, knowing I could have helped him? I'd be no better than the people responsible for the grief of those poor souls in the first place."

Matt listened to Makarov's words closely, but still felt doubt. "But, what if they all reject me or don't care about me. I'm a… kid after all." He said that last part with a hint of venom towards whoever thought de-aging him a good 15 years was a great idea.

"Fairy Tail is many things: loud, destructive, ignorant towards property damage costs, apathetic to the old man that gets complaints from the council." Makarov realized he was going into a rant and stopped himself. "However, it's also a home for those without one. A family for those who need one. And a group of friends for those who wish to forego the struggles of life temporarily. You may be young, but you'd be no less a member of the family than anyone else, I guarantee you that."

Those words truly struck a chord with Matt. Honestly he was scared, he did feel alone and lost. He had no idea what his plan was once he found civilization again. Truthfully he truly hoped he was dreaming back then. But now, the dreamer has awoken, and this is reality. This offer of guidance, no, this offer of hope, was honestly what he needed.

"Alright then, if you'll have me, I accept."

Makarov smiled, "Well then my boy, allow me to be the first to welcome you to Fairy Tail."

For the first time since arriving, Matt genuinely smiled. "Thank you, Master."

"So this is the guild?" The boy asked as he stood beside the old man.

"Indeed. This building has been around even longer than me." Makarov reminisced over the many years he'd spent in this simple wooden structure.

The Master began to walk ahead, prompting Matt to follow him in. Though he flinched a bit as the old man slammed the door open.

"I'm back you brats!" He roared to the guild that looked about thirty members strong.

A chorus of greetings came from everyone as some raised their filled mugs of alcohol towards the small man.

Matt followed the man as they walked straight through the crowd in the middle of the guild. The inside of the building was pretty simple. A large central area of tables and chairs with two wings that housed two doors each and more tables and chairs. On the opposite end of the entrance was a bar with stairs leading up on each side of it. By the stairs to the left was another door. Matt could see a few doors upstairs, but it was hard to tell anything else besides a few tables and chairs being up there from his position.

Makarov and Matt arrived at the unmanned bar as the small man hopped on top of it.

"Now where is that blasted thing." He shuffled his arm around the underside of the counter and eventually found what he was looking for.

"A stamper?" The boy raised a brow at the object.

"Indeed, this is a brand new one the Council just sent us. So you'll be the first to get your Guild Stamp with it."

"Is that a way to tell which Mage is in what guild?"

"Correct." He nodded. "Now tell me where you want it and what color it should be."

Matt thought for a second where he'd want something that would be used to easily identify himself. He decided on his right forearm with a purple color. Gazing at the mark, Matt felt like he finally had a semblance of belonging in this strange world.

"Ah, Master." A man approached the duo. Matt couldn't tell what he was really wearing beneath that purple cloak, but his face gave him bad vibes.

"Rare to see you here Brat." Makarov seemed genuinely surprised over the man's presence.

"That doesn't matter, I need to talk to you about something." He looked the small man dead in the eye.

Makarov nodded with a sigh as he and the man went upstairs and entered a door. Matt could only assume was Master's office.

It was only after the door closed that the boy realized something. He was currently stranded. In a building filled with strangers.

A massive fight broke out amongst the guild and a chair flew over Matt's head.

'Very violent strangers.'

Nervous sweat began to trickle from the boys pores. Thankfully a lifeline was thrown to him.

"Oh wow! You're the first person here that's almost my age!"

Matt turned to see a blonde boy roughly his height smiling at him. The boy suddenly realized something and extended his hand.

"I'm Laxus Dreyar!" He smiled widely at the other boy, "What's your name?"

"Matthew, but everyone calls me Matt." He shook Laxus' hand. "So are you in the guild too?"

Laxus' expression turned slightly downcast. "No, not yet." However it pulled an immediate 180. "But my dad says he can help me get strong enough to join soon!"

"Your dad?"

"Yup! Ivan Dreyar!" He nodded with excitement.

"Oh... who's that? I'm new here."

"He's the guy that you just saw."

Matt remembered the man's sketchy look, but kept that opinion to himself. It would be rude to insult a kids thug-like father in front of him… at least Matt assumed that was the general social rule in this world. Oh boy he was gonna have to learn a lot more than he initially thought. Laxus pulled him out of this thought by continuing their talk.

"He went out on a job and came back today, telling me that he found something that can help me get stronger! He's probably talking with Grandpa about it right now." The boy seemed genuinely excited over the prospect of joining the guild. But something in particular caught Matt's ear.

Matt blinked a few times after hearing that.

"Did you say "Grandpa" just now?"

The blonde nodded.

"So you're the Master's grandson."

Another nod.

"Alright then." Matt slowly nodded as that information clicked in his brain. Guess thug-like genes ran in the family. Though this made the dimensional traveler very curious as to what Master looked like in his youth.

Not long after this, the duo would reemerge from upstairs. Laxus ran over to his father with a large smile. Upon getting a nod from Ivan, he jumped in joy.

The sight made Matt's heart ache a bit. How was his family doing? His father was a pretty busy man, but clearly loved his family. The boy's mother was stay-at-home after an accident took a leg from her. Though she became an author and was fairly successful. Matt truly missed his little siblings though. His sister was a brat, but he still loved her despite hormones. While his little brother was the exact opposite, he was practically a saint. They were sometimes dysfunctional, but they loved each other, and that was all that mattered. That was what Matt missed above all else…

Matt had steeled himself to get home, but he just didn't know where to even start.

While he was lost in these thoughts, Makarov approached him.

"Matt, do you happen to have a place to go?"

"No." He blunty replied.

"Ah, yes I suppose that was a pretty pointless question." The old man laughed awkwardly. "Regardless, I think I can help you out on that front."

The boy raised a brow to signify that he was listening.

"If you don't mind a bit of manual labor, you can stay here in the spare room we keep."

That certainly caught the boy off-guard. Though this was short lived as Ivan came over.

"You can't be serious Master." He scowled at the old man.

"Of course I am Son. Matt is a member of the Fairy Tail family now. It's my duty as Master to assist him however I can in these kinds of matters."

This only caused the taller man's scowl to deepen. "Not only do you allow a child to join the guild, but now this too? He's not even strong enough like you insist on Laxus being!"

Makarov stroked his mustache for a moment before responding.

"Laxus is my grandson, of course I wish for him to be strong enough to handle jobs."

"And this brat is?"

Matt took slight offense to being referred as a "brat", but he'll let it slide.

"This "Brat", single-handedly killed an Apex Forest Vulcan. I'd say he's more than capable."

Ivan seemed genuinely stunned for a moment. He looked back-and-forth between his father and Matt.

The boy simply shrugged and dusted his shoulder off to screw with the man.

'This damn brat!' Ivan swore, but stopped as he made eye contact with the boy. 'Those eyes.' It was brief, but he made solid contact and immediately knew something was off. 'Those eyes speak of more age and experience than the brat lets on… but if he can find that thing by staying here.' A plan began to form in his mind.

"Very well." He scoffed and turned to Laxus. The duo leaving quickly afterwards. Laxus waved goodbye to Matt who returned the gesture.

"Your son is… somethin'."

Makarov sighed and hopped up to the bar. He hopped over again and grabbed a bottle of alcohol before hopping back and sitting on the counter.

"Tell me about it." A large swig followed those words. "Your room is the second on the left side. It's right next to the infirmary."

Matt nodded as he saw the door in question.

"By the way Matt."

He turned to look at the old man.

The Master sat silently as he debated his next words before shaking his head.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything."

Matt tilted his head in confusion, but shrugged as he figured it wasn't important.

'No need to freak the boy out by telling him to watch out for Ivan. Guess that part is up to me...' Master Makarov scowled at the ground as another swig followed. He was really getting too old for this crap, 73 is a tender age after all. At least that's what everyone told him as white hairs on his head overtook the former blonde locks.

"Uh, Master? Is everything okay?" Matt asked with a concerned tone.

"Huh? Oh, everything is fine." As he went to take another swig, a chair smashed into his face and broke the bottle. He fell back to the ground behind the counter.

"M-master!" Matt scrambled up the counter and saw the man on his back with broken glass, wood and the orange-colored liquid of alcohol all over him.

"Matt." The old man spoke in an ominous tone.

"Y-yes Master?"

"Please move over to the right."

He wordlessly and quickly complied as the old man turned into a giant. Matt looked on with shock.

"You damn brats broke my favorite alcohol bottle!" He roared and stomped on the rowdy members of the guild. Immediately quelling the fight without objection from anyone.

'Note to self: don't piss him off.' Matt nervously gulped at the sight.

Fairy Tail was certainly gonna be an experience. What the question was, is if it'd be a good one or a bad one.

To Matt's unfortunate plight, he had no idea. And that was scarier than any idea of not even knowing what damn world he was in.

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to this story that came from the recesses of my mind. Now I've had this story brewing for a while now and have written a fair bit ahead just to be sure I know where I wanna go with this. So rest assured, I have plenty of material in case something happens.

As for the primary magic Matt uses, I'm confident most of you already know where its from. Just to answer it, yes he will use the Extra Summoning styles. I just have absolutely no idea how to incorporate Pendulum and Link summoning into the Magic. So any suggestions would be appreciated for whenever I get to those way down the line.

In regards towards specifics of the magic, you will hear some of these details in the story down the road, but I'll say one detail right now. This Magic will not scale with Matt's growth as a Wizard in the same way CSM does with Lucy. All Duel Monsters have a set power level based on the number of stars they have. This also means that some monsters will get a star reduction, primarily the 10 and up star ones. So it will gain stronger options down the road, but you won't see Celtic Guardian swapping hands with Natsu by the time of the manga starting.

In terms of changes to canon, just wait and see. Don't wanna ruin any surprises now do I?

That's honestly all I got to say for now, so I will see you all next time!