Looking through the story and noticed some mistakes with missing words and spelling mistakes, didn't noticed it and thought I checked through them but guess the loading didn't save all as I thought. I will download the chapters and redo them to fix up in my spare time. Been real busy with moving into my new bedroom.

Anyway, enjoy the story!

Tezla was observing the computer screen when his company's satellites picked up anomalies that spiked a few days earlier and still trying to understand wh, he hadn't seen anything like this since the World Race. This one somehow is different and was located somewhere in New Mexico. Could there be another dimensional portal? Another portal created by Gelorum?

Or perhaps another associate working for Sammael?

He had been picking up several energy spikes in the last week. The doctor didn't had much time looking into them while focusing on stopping Gelorum winning more of the Accelecharges from each new Racing Realm to grow stronger. This worried him of what was happening around the world but the strongest concentration of the spikes was from North America.

But he still couldn't shake the worry about the thought of Drones with aura, he has not seen their full strength but the theory of machines with aura was not impossible after DexLabs constructed machines with artificial souls. They need to watch out for any more surprises Gelorum has in store for them.

The scientist needs to find out about the two Accelechargers they already earned and how they can use them against the Drones before they become too powerful to stop.

Even if he did stopped Gelorum, the fear of the knowledge and power of the Accelerons in the wrong hands could lead to chaos. He is aware of some searching for knowledge of the ancient past to use for personal gain such as the Grey Agency, Robotnik, Hector Con Carne, and perhaps ancient enemies of the alien civilization that still exist.

For whatever it takes to stop the drones and unlock some secrets of the Wheel and the Accelerons for the benefits of all races of Earth, he is hoping this is the right thing at some cost.

"Try to stay clear from the lava, kid. It's making the tires to melt faster." Jacob proclaimed through the computer.

"Easier said than done. The heat is really hard to focus here!" They hear Julie's voice.

"Just try and keep focus, don't use too much of the air conditioners or you exhaust the engines." Lani advised the drivers.

"Any signs of the Racing Drones." Dr. Tezla questioned them.

"So far they're in the clear but doubt they would miss this chance." Jacob told him. "But if I'm seeing this right is this realm is filled with lava. I just hope they be careful or end becoming fried chicken."

"As long as they maintain the speed and focus the drivers should have no problem." Gig said.

"Heads up, we found them!" They hear Vert's voice and now able to see them on the camera view.

Lava Realm

Within the Racing Realm is dominated by rocks and endless rivers of hot molten lava from active volcanoes. The heat is so unbearable for anything to thrive.

But not something for the racers to enter and drive through, if they don't let the heat affect their focus or melt the tires before they can reach the portal.

The Racing Drones were in the lead with the Teku, Burners and Metal Maniacs behind them. Trying to catch up and over take them while trying to ignore the heat of the lava.

"There's a short cut up ahead!" Vert called out from his rebuilt Power Rage after the Swamp Realm. "Maybe we can use it to get to the drones!"

Nolo didn't seem to agree with how close they are to the lava. Shakes his head and responded. "It's too close to the lava Vert, we're running hot already!" Looks at the meter that told him how hot it was and couldn't risk it.

"I'm with Nolo, Vert! We can't risk it with so much curves and this heat!" Julie added. "Besides, we gotta watch out for those other drones with the guns."

They reached the path that split into two, Vert and Taro took the track while Nolo and Julie chose the other. The blonde teen saw the lava being so active and spewing so much from the surface, he didn't want to get too near it, but getting close or burned wasn't the only problem he was having.

"Your tires are overheating." Hearing Taro's voice and looked to the mirror to see smoke from the burning rubber to confirm it, lowering the chances of accelerating.

"I'm gonna pass you." Taro easily overtook the Teku with his wheels with metal casing, protecting the tiers from the heat. It looked easy with an open path until out of nowhere a small fireball was thrown to the side of the track. A brief moment of distraction was enough to caus Taro to loose control and thrown off balance.

"Look out!" Thinking fast and fires a grappling hook to catch the Maniac car in time before falling into the lava lake.

Hanging on for his life, Taro was surprised about being saved by a Taku. Not want to admit to thank him for doing so.

"I never thought a Teku would save a Metal Maniac." Hearing his voice confirmed he was alive and responded in surprise, this caused Vert a surprise to hear it from a former World Race driver and member of a rival gang.

"Maybe I got confused." Slowly smirks but didn't want to show it. "Must be the heat." He gasped and saw a pillar of fire erupted, pulling away from the edge and thought something happened. "Taro! Are you alright?" Not receiving a reply from the older driver, but still had a hold of his car which means either the car is still in one piece, or heat was too much for him. He needed to get out of there before the next time may not be so lucky for them.

Elsewhere in the Lava Realm, the volcanic lakes became more active than ever, spewing hot molten rock everywhere when a large hand took form and reached out to the harden surface, smoke coming from its hot lava hand and another, pulling the rest of its form belonging to a giant lava monster.

Julie gasped and saw its emergence and didn't want to stick around for to find them. "Nolo, think we're about to have some company!"

The Teku leader heard a thundering roar and looked outside, able to get a glimpse of the monster. "Crap!" He yelled, reminded him of the Swamp monster from the previous realm and not wanting to find out what this thing does.

The Lava Monster spotted the two drivers and roared, pulling back its right arm and threw it straight towards them, creating a fireball.

"Incoming!" Both drivers saw it coming and pulled the breaks in time before it hit them, they only felt the intense heat but didn't stop it.

"We gotta finish the race! Like the Swamp if we do, that thing could calm down or leave." Julie explained. "It worked in the Lightning Realm before."

Nolo found her idea possible. "I'd go with that, don't think our weapons could do anything to it."

The two steered away from another coming fireball, the monster roars and moves in to attack them from the lake. The monster didn't seem to want them to win.

However they had more trouble on the way with a squad of Cycle Drones led by Thrust were coming up behind them. The Vehicon sees the drivers having trouble with the giant monster throwing rocks and saw this as an advantage.

"Time to turn up the heat. Blast them!" Thrust and his drones took this moment to ambush them, blasting them in a shower of energy bolts.

"Crap!" Nolo cursed and didn't realise they had company, dodging the drones and the monster was going to be. Julie was beside him and decided to fire back, decided to trick them into creating copies of her car.

"Two of the Vehicons were having trouble to tell which one is real until they see a coming rock hurtling towards them, forcing Thrust to get out of the way. However he was fast enough to dodge the lava pools and used the drones to catch up, closing in on the closes copy of Julie's car when the flicker of the projection proved to be false, he drove through it and caught on to the ruse.

"Take out the copies and focus on the yellow car!" Thrust

Julie didn't like the look of things for her. "There's too many and the others are far behind!" She said but had an idea. "But maybe they can't find what they can't see."

Nolo noticed she was about to be surrounded when the yellow customised Police Cruiser vanished. He wasn't the only one who saw this when Thrust had no idea where her car was from his sensors.

"What the… I can't see her!" Not liking this at all. One of the drones suddenly got a shock and briefly malfunctioned before losing control and fell. This time he saw oil and forced to take the sides to avoid catching some of the spill, unable to see until he got an idea to catch them off guard. The remaining Vehicons transformed into their robot-mode and started firing, but not towards the cars.

"What do you think they're trying to pull now?" Julie asked with being far from them and safely deactivated the cloak, but noticed they were not firing directly at them.

Nolo wasn't sure either until he saw them firing towards the rocks, causing the surface to break up and fall on them. "Look out!" Turns the wheel to dodge them, not all big and heavy but the dust debris blinded them until the monster took its chances to throw rocks at them. Both drivers forced to pull the breaks to avoid collision with each other, but losing the chances with the Cycle Drones easily overtook them.

Thrust stops and turns to them. "Not so tough are ya, later!"

Julie didn't want to let him have the last laugh and shot one of the drones from the back before it caught up to them. But the Vehicons were already far away from them.

"It's no use, they're too far and we're least out of that monster's range." Nolo hated to admit but hoping the others can win.

Julie didn't say anything but noticed the remains of the robot nearby, its wheels weren't scorched by the heat. "Hey, Nolo, help me out with this. I think maybe we could find out more about them if we bring one of them back." She knew they still have that other Racing Drone after Vert narrowly escaped the Lightning Realm, but if they can know more about the different kinds could give some clue about them.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Porkchop exclaimed and bites down on his bone to take the same path Vert and Taro took, Monkey was with him and followed by the Racing Drones catching up to them.

Monkey could smell burning rubber from the tires caused by the intense heat. "This heat's killing our tires. Can't you smell them?"

The large man sniffs it and grins. "Smells good."

The Maniacs caught sight of the Teku who seems to not move for some reason, Porkchop pulled the heavy breaks when he noticed a cable attached to the car, meaning something must have happened. The metal teeth scraped against the tracks, leaving a trail of sparks. Monkey realises he was slowing down and forced to pull the breaks as well, using the curve of the road to avoid falling over.

"WHOA!" Turns halfway around until he made a soft bump against the Jack Hammer. Thinking they were in the clear, until he spotted the Racing Drones coming towards them and don't seem to be slowing down.

Porkchop spotted them and grins. "Oh yeah." Twisting the gears to reverse, pushing Monkey's Rollin' Thunder aside to ram into the Drones.

Forced to make a turn, one of them lost control and made a collision course with Vert, not damaging his car much but had enough force to hoist the Rivited in the air and landed on the rooftop. The Metal Maniac didn't stop and rammed into two more, throwing both over the sides, one crashed and exploded into the rocks and the other fell into the lava.

Monkey thought he be done for was relieved. "Man, that was close." One of the remains of the Drone vehicles landed over his car and surprised him, he noticed something that caught his curiosity about the wheel.

Porckhop sniffs for something and smiles after his small victory. "Yeah, smells good. Just like Mama use to burn."

"Guys, its Julie. Me and Nolo ran into them drones." Julie spoke through the radio. "We had some trouble but okay. But seems they won this race."

Thrust manage to join up with the Racing Drones, seeing the portal and drove through, earning them a win of another Accelecharger.

Taro was now regaining consciousness after the incident, rubbing his head and groaned. "Uhhh, what happened?" He found himself upside down, sees the blonde teen walked over to him.

"What didn't." Vert replied and noticed Monkey observing the Drones' wheel.

"The Drones' tires are holding up way better than ours." He said and saw how not a single scratch or burn was on the surface. "I gotta take one back with us."

All the drivers managed to return safely despite their loss. Jacob along with Gig came over to the drivers. "Guessing by the faces you didn't win then."

"Yeah, they outsmarted us." Julie said. "But, we brought something back which might be of some interest to everyone." Walks over to the trunk and shows them the remains of the Cycle-drone.

"Hey, wow! Is that one of them new drones, Tezla was talking about?" Chuck was surprised and took a look of it. "Looks like some parts for a… bike or something."

"They turned into some bikes so this one must have been used to gain speed." Julie said.

Monkey came over to take a look of it when Mike and Texas helped lift it up. "Hey, you got some parts of them drones. I managed to snag one of them wheels, check it out." Carries the tire to show everyone. "Not a scratch, cut, or scorch anywhere. Them Drones have some serious tech way ahead of our own!"

Chuck looks at it and noticed it as well. "Amazing. Maybe we could find out more about them in the lab."

"If we can learn about them, we could discover possible breakthroughs for the drivers. I will inform Dr. Tezla."

"You do that. Okay, let's take them to the lab, kids." Jacob helps out to take them away for research and if they were right, it could give the drivers better chances in the next Racing Realm.

"We hope you enjoyed the story and apologies if it were short, just following the canon while also point out things are calm here and the brave volunteers will stop this carnage for good." Mr. White proclaimed.



"Uh, we're about to bring a brave hero who we believe will end it and no doubt be the work of that lunatic X while we are also searching for helpers for our growing wiki-"

"Hey, don't tell them that, that would make them think we're not doing our jobs!" Mr. Black scolded him.

"Oh, like you know how when that robot was stolen!" Mr. White replied.

"No it was you!"



*Fights and dush clouds*

ok, meanwhile, we- *Phone rings* Scuse me. Hello.


X! You thief! You're in big trouble when-


Wha? waddya mean... you saying you were... but... if you-I'll... call you back. Think better warn Maximus. *sees a screen of the boss leading a group into battle* Um, not sure what's goin on but I will find out and have a hero from some classic cartoon to help. And someone get that robot! And whoever is driving the damn thing before it causes more damage while I work out a cameo for-

End transmission

Next Time: Speed of Silence