Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Pokemon.

Yo, Guys. This is my first time writing a fanfic. I hope that you guys will it. If you guys dont like then i understand. Since, I'm newbie in whole writing things. But, please review or PM me to critic me in my writing as it will help a lot to improve skills. Thank you.

P.S: English isn't my first nor my second language. So, there might be lots of mistakes.


It has been six months since the 4th Shinobi war ended and peace among the 'Great five Nations' has finally been achieved. The good relations among the Nations have never been stronger and peaceful like the present and it was all thanks to the many brave shinobi who have fought and gave up their lives in the war; fighting against the madman Madara Uchiha and his undead Zombie forces. As well as, against the deranged goddess Kaguya Otsutsuki.

However, the Shinobi Alliance despite their huge army and bravery would have ultimately, lost the war without one person. And that person was 'The Child of Prophecy' Naruto , without his persistence, strength and will to protect his comrades. The end result of the war might have been completely different from the current, 'peaceful' world.



Inside the Hokage Office, the sixth Hokage, Kakashi Hatake was sitting on his chair boredly skimming through the various piles of papers which mostly contained reports and details, regarding the numbers of buildings and settlements that were being constructed throughout the Fire country to accommodate all the civilians and refugees that had lost their homes in the recent 4th shinobi war.

The papers also contained the numbers and details of all the Konoha Shinobi contingencies that were tasked with helping and protecting the Construction workers and the refugees from bandits and missing nins.

"Sigh.." Kakashi signed the papers and placed them on the top of the signed piles of paper. He then boredly looked at the other piles of paper that he had to yet to read and sign and, let out another heavy sigh from his mouth.

Kakashi cursed himself for even taking up the Hokage mantle, even with the knowledge that the Hokage position was nothing more than a glorified 'paper worker' during peace didn't hate the Hokage position like his predecessor 'The fifth Hokage ' used to. But he would have liked to take up some mission himself, just to stretch his legs a bit. As he could feel his skills getting duller by being cramped up behind the desk for only 183 days.

Yeah, he had counted the number of days that he had spend as the Sixth Hokage. Sue him.

How he wishes to simply hand over the Hokage hat to his blonde student as he knew that there wasn't anyone more deserving of the Hokage position other than his student. He can't wait for the inevitable day for his student to succeed him.

So that he could go back on the field for long S-Rank missions, save princesses and spend his time reading the first volume of the newly released 'Icha Icha: Milf lover'

"Wait a minute.." He abruptly stopped his thought process and questioned himself.

"..If Naruto becomes the Hokage. Will he have the time to write and release the future volumes of the Icha Icha series?"

Since Naruto was the one who was continuing the glorious Icha Icha legacy of his teacher 'The Great Toad Sage' Jiraiya. Oh! How Kakashi wished that Master Jiraiya could see and read his apprentice workk. Kakashi didn't know-how his student that didn't even know anything about girls could write such wonderful literature. But damn. Naruto really knew how to wrote those wonderful scenes.

"Master Jiraiya, you have succeeded," Kakashi whispered and wiped the tears of joy that were starting to fall from his eyes.

"Umm. Hokage-sama?"

Kakashi tiredly looked up from the paper that he was currently 'reading' and saw his kohai standing in front of him with a curious expression on his face. Holding a weird mask with red and white-colored markings, in his hand.

"Yes, Tenzo. How can I help you?"

"Hokage-sama, do you know where I can find Naruto now?" Tenzo asked, placing the mask that he was holding on the Hokage's desk and continued. "As I wanted to give him this mask that I found while renovating the old Uzumaki shrine for him."

"Well, he is now probably in the Academy teaching the kids some taijutsu lessons," Kakashi answered and examined the various inscriptions that were inscribed on the mask. But sadly, he couldn't understand any of the letters.

"You can give him the mask there. And do ask him, whether he can read any of the letters inscribed on the mask."

"Okay, Hokage-sama." Tenzo replied and was about to pick up the weird mask from the desk. When suddenly, the mask started shining with bright intensity and the letters that were inscribed on the mask started floating and came to life..?


"Tenzo.," Kakashi called as he stood up and stared at the weird symbols floating in the room "..did the letters just talked?"

"Yes, they did. Hokage-sama." Tenzo replied with a confused expression plastered on his face.


Kakashi looked back towards the new figures that just entered his office and saw four of his ANBU guards kneeling in front of him with their swords unsheathed. And from their postures, he can see that they were also confused and alarmed by the weird floating symbols.

"Be on guard, " He ordered his guards and cautiously approached one of the letters to touch it.

"Hokage-sa.." One of the guards tried to warn him, but he halted them with an 'shhh' motion with his fingers and continued his cautious approach. As he was the damn Sixth Hokage! And he was not afraid of anything. Even if it was some weird floating, talking letters! He was not afraid!.

But before he could touch any of the letters. The letters floated away through the opened window, with a surprising amount of speed.

"What the..?" He blinked and then body flickered to the balcony followed by Tenzo and his four ANBU guards.

They saw the letters floating towards the sky in a spiral fashion and saw the letters entering a small 'bowl' size portal.

"Hokage-sama, was that Kamui?"

Kakashi shook his head negatively at Tenzo question.

"It wasn't Kamui. As I didn't feel any chakra in that strange portal."

'I have a bad feeling about this, ' He thought and silently cursed himself for the third time today. And continued to stare at the strange, small portal with a look of trepidation. 'I highly prefer doing those accursed paperwork then this!'


Inside the strange portal, a huge theropod like 'beast' can be seen calmly staring at the small portal that had just opened in 'its' domain.

The 'beast' has a round purple-striped plate on its shoulder area, where two pink pearls lie encrusted with a gray rim encircling them and fins in their back. Its arms have extended formations resembling gauntlets and a purple band around each wrist. It has a long neck, a pointed white crest on the top of its head that extends to its wings, two strong horn-like tusks on the sides of its jaw, and a powerful tail. It has faint cracks along its legs and tail.

"Palrth" The beast growled as it saw many strange creatures; shaped like letters, entering its domain from thee opposite end of the portal. It angrily charged towards the creatures to chase them away from its domain.

But it suddenly stopped its charge as it saw the creatures somehow forming another two small portals and escaping through them.

The beast gathered its power to close down the three portals, but stopped and angrily let out a massive roar. when two of the portals that the creatures used to escape, suddenly, expanded in size and saw two humongous beasts comparable to its own size slowly entering its domain from each of the portals. Seeing and recognizing the two intruders, it gathered its power in its massive jaw and launched a huge beam of purple-colored light, towards the intruders.






(7 minutes ago, Konoha Academy.)

"Class.. let's start our today's taijutsu lesson!" Naruto excitedly yelled, getting a chorus of cheers from his students in reply. He smiled hearing the excited cheers from his students and crossed his fingers to perform his trademark Jutsu and made 30 clones, with academy level chakra, for each of his students.


"You all know the drill!" He yelled looking at the students and explained, "Partner yourself up with each of my clones and try to pop them by utilizing the katas that I had taught you."

"Yes, Sensei!" "Yes, Boss!"

He chuckled hearing the 'Yes, Boss' reply from Konohamaru corps. He was having a blast, teaching the students for the past few months and he can clearly see that the students were also enjoying his lessons. He had never thought that he will one day end up being an Academy teacher of all things. As he remembered hating the Academy with a passion, during his younger days.

He silently regarded the sloppy taijutsu skills of his students with an amused expression and checked whether they were having any luck with their task. He knew that the chances of his students popping any of the clones at their current skills were non-existent; even with his clones being on the defensive and having only the bare minimum chakra of an Academy student.

But, he was not an ass like all of his teachers who loved to beat him up, just for the heck of it. He loved his students dearly and didn't want to demoralize any of them like his Academy teachers used to. Iruka not included. So, he had already programmed his clones to intentionally get hit and to pop after 10 minutes. Just to give his students the impression that their hard works were paying off.

As he continued on with his inspection, his gaze lingered to the three comical trio's of the 'Konohamaru corps' who were fighting for their lives with each of their partnered clones. Since the three of them were already genins and his 'underlings' he had tasked his clones to go a bit harder on them.

Despite, already being genin's; the trio again started to attend the Academy, when they learned that he was going to be the taijutsu instructor for the year.

But, he abruptly stopped his inspection as he sensed three massive unknown, energy sources suddenly appearing above the village. He looked up at the sky to exactly locate the sources of energy when he saw a strange Kamui like portal appearing and expanding in size, at a rapid pace.

"Class!" He cried out when he felt the air slowly getting sucked into the portal.

"Get inside the classroom, fast!"

"Why? Boss."

"Just, get inside the classroom. Kon!"

He ordered with a sense of urgency and looked at his students who were staring at him with a confused expression, plastered on their faces.

"All of you, now!"

Without asking further questions, the students scrambled towards their classroom detecting the urgent tone in his voice.

As he saw the students scrambling their way to the classroom, he made two shadow clones and tasked them with looking after the students.

'Kurama. Any idea about that portal?' He questioned his life-long partner, gazing at the portal with narrowed eyes. Aware that his partner also felt the massive surge of energy from the portal.

"Grr...No idea," Kurama replied, looking at the portal through the link that he had with his partner.

'It seems, I might be needing your help way sooner than I thought I would...'

Naruto chuckled getting a snort in return from his partner and used the body flicker technique to make his way towards the Hokage tower.


(Hokage tower)

Kakashi averted his gaze from the portal when he felt Naruto's presence beside him. Kakashi looked at his student and saw that his student was a bit troubled by the look in his eyes. Who wouldn't be?

"Kaka-sensei, is that a Kamui portal?" Naruto asked.

"Sadly, it isn't."

Kakashi shook his head and replied.

"This portal was created by some floating letters."

"Floating letters..?" Naruto deadpanned.


"Sigh.." Kakashi rubbed his head as he felt a massive headache coming his way.

"Tenzo. Could you please explain what had transpired inside the office to Naruto?"

"Uh, okay. Hokage-sama." Tenzo blinked at being suddenly pushed into the limelight. And started explaining Naruto the incident that had taken place in the Hokage Office, fifteen minutes ago.

After hearing the explanation Naruto blankly stared at Tenzo and Kakashi, as the whole incident sounded really far-fetched even for his standard.

He looked at the four ANBU guards for confirmation, getting a nod confirming that the incident actually happened. And let out a tired sigh.

"Does any of you feel the massive energy being emitted from the portal?" Naruto asked deciding to just accept the weirdness of the Shinobi world. As it was not the portal which was troubling him, but the energy sources, being emitted from it.

Kakashi's eyes hardened at the question.

As he hadn't felt anything from the portal, other than the slight suction force that was sucking in the air around it. But he guessed Naruto could feel the energy emitted by the portal due to his godlike sensory skills provided by his sage chakra and Kurama.

"No, I haven't felt anything, Naruto." Tenzo replied. Followed by a 'No' from the four ANBU.

"And judging from your expression. You also haven't felt it. Did you? Kaka-sensei." Naruto inquired getting a nod from Kakashi.

"How strong is the energy source in the portal?" Kakashi asked.

"Strong enough to suck the whole village inside the ..."

Naruto stopped when he felt the portal growing in size and saw the clouds around the portal getting sucked into it at an alarming rate. Seeing his gaze on the portal, all of the man present looked at the large portal. He felt himself, slightly getting pulled towards the portal.

"We are in big trouble."

One of the ANBU whispered and Naruto couldn't help but agree with him.

After a tense moment, simply, gazing at the portal trying to come up with ways to stop and close it. Naruto finally let out a brief smile on his face, when he felt the arrival of his friend through one of his own portal.

"Teme. You are late for the party."

"From what I can see, it hasn't even started yet. Dope," Sasuke smirked at his friend jab and slowly walked towards the group.

"It's good to see you back, Sasuke." Kakashi greeted his other student with a lazy wave.

"It's good to be back, " Sasuke replied as he gave a nod of acknowledgment towards Tenzo and the ANBU guards. "Though, I would have preferred if it was on different circumstances."

"Sasuke, you have more experience with such things. Do you know how we can close the portal" Naruto would have loved to banter with his best friend like they usually used to do. But he knew that now wasn't the time and simply decided to ask, whether his friend had any idea to stop the portal before it sucked the whole village inside it.

Sasuke looked at the portal that was gradually expanding, with his six-tomoe Rinnegan and sensed three massive energy sources that, if he were to guess, were fighting with each other. Sasuke knew that Naruto has already sensed the energies as he was the only one in the village; other than him, that could sense non-chakra energies.

"From what I can sense from the portal.."Sasuke started as he continued to observe the portal "There is only one way that we can stop the portal from expanding."

"How?" Kakashi asked knowing that Sasuke knowledge with portals and dimension travel, provided by the Rinnegan was vast compared to anyone in the entire shinobi world.

"We can only stop it by going inside the portal itself. " Sasuke stated as he looked at his fellow Konoha shinobi's. Seeing their questioning expression, especially from Naruto, he decided to explain his statement.

"There are three 'things' with massive energies fighting against each other inside that portal. And we have to stop there fight as their fight is, somehow, causing the portal to collapse in itself."

"So, someone has to go inside the portal?" Kakashi asked with a worried tone and questioned."How can we stop them though?"

"We have to kick their ass, of course!" Naruto exclaimed and grinned. All of the ninjas chuckled hearing his simple, yet, correct statement.

"Yes, like Naruto said we have to Kick their asses," Sasuke smirked at his friend getting a thumbs-up.


All of them snapped their eyes as they heard a loud sound from the sky and all of them gained a worried expression on their faces. When they saw trees and rooftops from the houses getting uprooted and flying towards the portal.

"Shit!" Naruto cursed and made numerous shadow clones when they saw some civilians flying at breakneck speed towards the portal, due to the suction force of said portal.

"Grab the civilians!"

Naruto ordered his clones getting a salute from the clones. His clones leaped towards the civilians that were being dragged by the portal and brought them back to the ground.

All the shinobi present in the tower could hear the scream from the civilians that were scrambling on the streets trying to get inside their houses and buildings, trying to protect themselves from the force exerted on them by the portal. But the Shinobi's knew that the buildings won't be able to protect the civilians for long. As they could see even some buildings slowly getting up rotted from the vantage point due to the portal.

They realized that the civilians won't be able to stick to the ground using chakra, like the shinobi's and would ultimately get dragged inside the portal if said 'portal' wasn't closed.

The shinobi's felt many chakra signatures making their way towards the tower and also saw some chunin and jonin helping the clones made by Naruto in bringing the civilians back to the ground.

"I'm going inside the portal!" Naruto seriously declared and covered himself with the six-path chakra mode, in order to utilize the flight ability granted by it. The ANBU guards and Tenzo flinched a little at the enormous chakra pressure emitted by the chakra cloak.

"Don't be hasty, Naruto, " Kakashi said. Trying to calm his student down from taking any reckless action.

"We don't know what is exactly inside the portal that is causing this. So it will be a suicide going inside the portal without any information."

"What option do we have then Kaka-sensei? " Naruto retorted as he glared at the portal. He then looked at his teacher and saw the distress and concern in his eyes.

"If we don't stop that portal now then it would suck the whole village inside it."

Kakashi sighed as he knew that Naruto wasn't wrong. But how could he let his own student from going inside an unknown portal, to fight the unknown entities that were fighting inside it? He didn't know how strong the energy sources were as he hadn't felt the energy like his students did.

"Don't worry Kakashi, I will go with that idiot," Sasuke consoled his sensei as he also agreed friend his friend's decision to go inside the portal. He ignored the stink eye directed at him by Naruto for his 'idiot' comment.

"I will ensure that Naruto doesn't do anything stupid inside the portal."

"Okay, " Kakashi let out a tired sigh as he realized that both of his students weren't budging with their decisionn. "You two can go inside the portal, but get out of there if anything goes wrong. Okay?"

"Don't worry kaka-sensei, we will be alright," Naruto said and gave his teacher a huge grin; his six-path chakra mode still activated.

Sasuke simply nodded at his teacher's advice and activated his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. He then gathered his chakra and produced the wings of his Susanoo armor for flight.

"Let's kick their asses Sasuke." Naruto grinned at his friend getting a smirk in return.

"Good luck. Both of you, " Kakashi said along with Tenzo.

Both, Naruto and Sasuke nodded at their teacher and Tenzo. And flew towards the portal with a focused look etched on their faces; using their flying abilities granted by their unique powers.

The shinobi in the tower stared at the flying forms of the two strongest shinobi of their time, with varied emotions in their eyes.

'I wished that I still had your eyes, Obito' Kakashi thought as he saw both of his students form vanished inside the portal.


Kakashi looked back and saw about fifty jonin and ANBU standing behind him awaiting his orders to protect the village. He composed himself and was about to order them to protect the civilians from getting dragged inside the portal, when.


Kakashi and all the Shinobi blocked their eyes when the portal suddenly exploded, brightly. All of them were thrown backward, even when they were using their chakra to stuck on the ground. Due to the massive shockwave released by the explosion.

As the explosion subsided, all of them slowly got back on their feet. Some of them groaning pitifully.

"Are you okay, Hokage-sama?" Kakashi nodded at one of his guard's concerned question. As he stood up, his eyes widened when he saw the destruction caused by the explosion. He heard the shocked gasp let out by some of the shinobi present and clenched his fist angrily.

The village was in rumbles, most of the tall buildings had collapsed, trees and posts were uprooted from the ground. Kakashi looked back at the shinobi's with a hardened expression and ordered, "Go and help the civilians that were injured by the explosion and see if there were any casualties!"

"Yes, Sir!" The shinobi's chorused and left the vicinity to help the civilians.

As the shinobi left, Kakashi closed his eyes and took a team breath to calm himself. But he snapped his head towards the sky when he felt a familiar chakra signature falling towards them.

He saw Sasuke plummeting towards the ground at a break-neck speed.

Kakashi let out a curse when he sensed Sasuke was not conscious and would die if he hit the ground.

Kakashi quickly leaped in the air to catch and stop Sasuke descent. He let out a sigh of relief when he managed to catch his student and flickered to the ground with the unconscious Sasuke.

He checked Sasuke's pulse and let out another sigh of relief when he realized that his student was only unconscious due to chakra exhaustion.

"Nar.." Kakashi worriedly looked at Sasuke when he saw him slowly opening his eyes became. Kakashi became horrified when he realized that there was no sign of Naruto, and wondered what could have happened inside the portal.

"Sasuke, please tell me what happened to Naruto?"

He asked worriedly when he saw a pained expression took over face student face.

"I'll find you...Naruto" Sasuke mumbled and completely lost consciousness.

Kakashi slowly picked Sasuke's unconscious body in a bridal style to take him to the hospital. He then looked up at the sky with remorse, hoping to see any sign of his blonde student.

'Don't you dare die Naruto, you still have to take the hat from me.'


(Somewhere, unknown)

In a beautiful flower field, a small hedgehog-like animal could be seen sleeping, peacefully. She was purring blissfully, enjoying the warm rays of the morning sun.


However, her peaceful slumber was quickly shattered by a loud crashing sound. She quickly opened up her eyes and stood up on her four legs.

She blinked and tilted her head in confusion when she saw a strange human lying in a crater, just a few meters from her. She cautiously walked towards the figure with her stubby legs and became concerned; when she saw that the human was very injured.

She slowly crept towards the human, and sniff at the human to check whether he was alive or not.

She let out a happy 'yip' when she realized that the human was alive. She decided to help the human, even though his crashing had destroyed some of the flowers in her flower field. So with a determined look, she concentrated to gather her healing powers to help the human.
