Sprig sighed as he reread the latest message, he received from Anne.

Just letting you know this weekend my friends and I will be happy to spend some time with you. I know you want to spend time with just me, but I am not giving up my friendships with them. I am sure you can understand. No worries I will make plans for just us later. Let me know ASAP.

Sprig knew that Anne would still be friends with Sasha and as much as he hates to admit, he would too, if he was in Anne's shoes. Sprig decided if he is going to have a friendship with Anne, he was going have to suck it up and deal with spending time with Sasha. Normally, Sprig didn't have any issues with anyone, but there was something about Sasha that rubs him the wrong way. The worst part was she had only been nice to him and didn't really do anything to earn his distrust, other than the argument with Anne, but was it really fair to treat her with distrust over that 1 incident, when she has been mostly kind. Sprig didn't have an answer and he hopes to figure it out. Sprig decided he might as well send a response back and get it over with.

Anne was lying on her bed, with Domino sleeping on top of her legs. She pulled out her phone when she heard a notification and smiled at the response from Sprig.

Yeah, I completely understand and have no issues with that. Can't wait to have some fun.

Anne had to admit she felt a little bad for making Sprig have to spend time with Sasha, but she just can't give up their friendship. Besides, maybe Sasha will show Sprig that she isn't as bad, as he seems to think she is. Especially, since Sasha seems to have a thing for him. Anne decided she might as well let her friends know Sprig is completely on board. God knows it will make Sasha very happy and even Marcy might find herself enjoying the idea.

Sprig nervously tapped his foot on the ground, as he stood in front of the school. He had told Hop Pop of his plans with the girls. Not only was his grandfather ok with it, he even complimented him on being a chick magnet. Sprig shook his head as he recalled the conversation.

Sprig entered Hop Pop's room and spotted his grandfather, reading an old novel. Hop Pop turned around and gave Sprig a small smile.

"Yes, boy?"

"I am just letting you know that I don't need you to pick me up after school on Friday."

"Oh?" Hop Pop asked, "Why not?"

"I made plans to spend time with a few… friends"

Hop Pop's smile widened and he chuckled, "Would they happen to be girls?"

Sprig blinked, "I don't know how you came to that, but yes they are."

"I am so proud of you."

"What for?"

"Don't play dumb boy. You are a chick magnet like your old grandfather."

Sprig groaned, "Hop Pop they are just friends."

"That's how it starts boy. That's how it starts."

Sprig shook his head. He swears the old man has gone partially senile. He usually seems sane, but he tends to get crazy ideas. He just met the girls and it's doubtful they have, or will get a crush on him. Sprig was taken out of his thoughts by the sound of the school's front doors opening.

"Hey Sprig," Anne greeted, "Have you been waiting long?"

Before Sprig could answer Sasha spoke up.

"Sorry for the wait. Marcy likes to wait for the crowd of students to lessen."

"Sorry," Marcy managed to apologize sheepishly.

Sprig chuckled awkwardly, "it`s fine girls. I haven't been waiting long. Honest."

"Well, Spriggy," Sasha said with a charming smile, "What do you say we have some fun."

Sprig blinked, "Yeah, sure."

Sasha grabbed one of Sprig's hands and led him away from the school. Marcy and Anne chuckled before following.

"So, she does have a thing for him?" Marcy shyly asked.

"Yep," Anne simply responded.

Sprig was completely stunned, as he let Sasha lead him away. Spriggy? He had never had a nickname like that before. Not even Maddie, his self-proclaimed future wife, ever gave him a pet name. There's no way Sasha likes him in that way. There is just no way.

"Where are we going?" Sprig managed to ask after a few moments of silence.

"I rather not ruin the surprise," Sasha answered, "Just know we are going to a lot of fun places today."

Sprig simply nodded. While he appreciates the girls going to this much trouble to spend time with him he can't help but wonder why. Sure, he approached Anne and offered his friendship, but why are the others? Sasha made the offer on his first day. Does she do it to every new kid? Sprig doubts it, so what makes him so special?

Sprig couldn't help but mentally face palm, when Sasha led him inside a giant mall. Figures, girls would lead him to a mall. Seriously, though he was actually curious and excited to see what the girls have planned for him. To be honest he was actually looking around the place in excitement.

"I never thought I would see a boy so excited to be here," Sasha told him with a chuckle.

"Yeah," Sprig began while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head, "I have never been in this kind of place before."

Sasha nodded, "Yes, you are more used to small businesses."

"On the bright side, you get to experience it now," Anne added.

"We… Have a lot… to show you," Marcy managed to mumble.

Sprig nodded with a smile. As hopeful and optimist as he was on the ride here, a small part of him was worried things wouldn't work out and he was happy to see it actually is. He had already managed to make some new friends. As much as he doesn't trust Sasha, he decided to put that aside and have some fun.

"What are we going to do first?" Sprig asked.

"Let's just say that this place has practically anything, or activity you can think of," Anne answered.

Sasha pulled out a large sheet of paper and looked through it, "I think I know a fun activity for Spriggy."

"What?" Sprig asked.

"I am not ruining the surprise."

Sprig pouted, causing the girls to chuckle.

Sprig sighed as he removed his hat and put on the uniform, for laser tag. Apparently, head uniforms weren't allowed. He nervously rubbed his short blonde hair, as he waited for the girls.

"You're a blonde, huh?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah," Sprig responded nervously.

"Is something wrong?" Sasha asked concerned.

Sprig shook his head, "No, I just prefer wearing hats, but I can deal with it to play."

Sasha could tell there was something wrong, but decided not to press it, for now. She has a good read on people and knows what makes them tick. With Sprig she could see a kindhearted and fun loving individual and usually her methods with people like him is by being the same. It seems that Spriggy has some personal issues and secrets, underneath his optimist shell.

"Let's get to it!" Anne shouted excitedly.

Sasha couldn't help but smile. Leave it to her athletic friend to be excited. Marcy looked nervous, but either she or Anne will help protect her. Preferably Anne, as Sasha wants to spend some time with Spriggy alone.

The kids grabbed their guns and entered the playing field. They watched the opposing team entered and got ready for action. Sprig charged ahead towards the opposing team and managed to dodge a few shots, as he eliminated a couple people from the opposing team. After spotting cover he hid under it and carefully watched his surroundings. He gasped, as he watched Sasha outnumbered by a few boys. Sasha seemed to be trying to talk herself out of it. Sprig rushed into action and carefully sneaked up to the boys. Sasha noticed him and smiled. Sprig shushed her and she nodded.

"Why are you smiling girly?"

"Yeah, you are surrounded."

"Are you sure you won't consider my offer?" Sasha asked with a sheepish smile

"Are you crazy?"

"Yeah, what makes you think we will listen to you?"

"A shame," Sasha began before shaking her head, "You guys could have made good double agents, but now you must get eliminated."

The boys laughed uncontrollably, as Sprig prepared to unload on them.

"How so girly?"

"Spriggy would you do the honors?" Sasha asked.

The boys turned around and gasped in horror, as they saw Sprig unload and eliminated them. The boys left in complete shame.

"So you are the heroic type too Spriggy."

"That's what teammates are for."

Sasha chuckled before gasping, as out of the corner of her eye she saw somebody hiding behind the corner, aiming a shot at Sprig. She charged at him and pushed him out of the way, causing her to land on top of him. She lightly blushed at their close proximately.

"What was that?" Sprig asked.

"Uh…" Sasha was lost for words.

She couldn't help but stare at him. His short and unkempt blonde hair, his cute face, and his normally curious and wide eyes. Even now as he is staring at her, confused they are still alluring.

"Someone was…"

"Look out," Sprig interrupted before managing to move them away.

Sasha gasped as she watched the figure she spotted earlier take aim once more. Sasha managed to get up from Sprig and dodge a shot. Sprig quickly got up and grabbed Sasha's hand.

"Let's go."

Sasha nodded as Sprig led her to shelter. They both stopped to catch their breaths.

"Thanks," Sasha managed to say.


"I mean it, "Sasha began with a smile, "I am normally good at talking my way out of things, but even I knew it wouldn't have worked."

Sprig nodded, "So, how did you end up in that situation."

Sasha sighed, "I don't know. I guess they just couldn't resist aiming for a hot girl, like me."

"No offense, but I think they just saw you as an easy target."

Sasha gasped, "Spriggy are you saying I am not pretty."

Sprig shook his head, "No, not at all… I"

Sprig was interrupted by the sound of Sasha chuckling.

"Relax, I was just joking."

Sprig pouted, "Very funny."

Try as he might, Sprig just can't figure out why he can't trust Sasha. While she does seem like the type to use for charisma to take advantage of others, she has been really nice to him. Even the worst moments are just regular light teasing. Guess, he just can't get over how she treated Anne at lunch.

"So?" Sasha asked, "Why do you prefer to wear a hat?"

Sprig blinked, "Huh?"

"I asked, why do you like to wear a hat?"

Sprig nervously rubbed the back of his head, "I rather not say."

"Please, I can keep secrets," Sasha pleaded, "Besides, it will help us become closer."

"We have only known each other for days," Sprig pointed out.

"And look at how close we have become already."

Sprig sighed, "Promise you won't laugh."

"Spriggy you have my word."

"Well, I… am not…"


"I'm not really a blonde."

"What?" Sasha asked with her eyes completely wide.

"I dye my hair blonde."

"I don't understand," Sasha told him, "Why do you cover it up with a hat, if you dye your hair."

"Naturally, I have orange hair and before I lived in Wartwood, I used to get made fun of," Sprig explained, causing the blonde girl to gasp, "As I am sure you pieced together, I dyed it blonde to avoid getting made fun of but…"

"Yes?" Sasha asked placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Maddie, a good friend of mine, figured it out, just by looking at me. She told me that most people wouldn't be able to, but I became so paranoid that I started wearing a hat, just in case."

"I see."

"Promise you won't tell anyone."

"Spriggy, your secret is safe with me," Sasha assured him.

Sprig managed to smile and was about to continue the conversation, when the two were ambushed, by a large boy.

"Look a couple of easy targets."

Sprig raised his gun, "I have no problem losing as long as I take you with me."


The boy was interrupted by Sprig eliminating him. The boy glared at him before leaving. Sprig shook his head at the stupidity of the boy for speaking first and shooting later.

"I guess we better get back to it," Sasha suggested.

"Yeah, Might as well get our money's worth."

"I wonder how Anne and Marcy are doing." Sasha mumbled.

Marcy nervously stood behind cover, as she watched Anne dodged shots and eliminated members of the opposing team.

"Come on Marcy," Anne called out, "Might as well eliminate the hotheads who don't bother playing it smart and hide behind cover."

"No, I think you can handle it," The shy girl mumbled back.

Anne shook her head as she pondered where Sasha is. Most likely with Sprig. Anne sighed as she remembered watching Sprig rush out and wanted to join him, but she had to look out for Marcy. Hopefully, the next activities will give her opportunities to spend time with Sprig.

Sasha and Sprig looked at 3 boys, who were scouting the area.

"Any ideas?" Sprig asked.

"I could put on the charm and you go in for the kill."

"What if they open fire?"

"My cheer-leading skills will come in handy and it will go from there."

Sprig nervously watched as Sasha approached the boys, who held their guns up at her. He got ready to help her out, as she talked to them. She gave them a flirty wink, as he got in close.

"We can hang out after this."

Sasha chuckled, "Sorry boys, but I already have plans."


Sprig opened fire and eliminated them. The boys gave Sasha and him a glare before leaving in shame. Sprig sighed as he felt things have been too easy and hope for a challenge. His wish was granted as he and Sasha were surrounded moments later. Sprig kept dodging shots, as he found cover and to his amazement, Sasha did too.

"Ready to get busy Spriggy?"

"Of course I am."

Sprig and Sasha left the area and removed their gear. They then waited patiently for Anne and Marcy to appear.

"Did you 2 have fun?" Anne asked as she appeared, "Marcy and I sure did."

"Speak for yourself," Marcy mumbled when she appeared behind Anne.

Sprig and Sasha couldn't help but chuckle. The gang went on their way and started walking to their next destination. Anne moved closer to Sasha and whispered in her ear.

"So, did you two do anything?"

Sasha lightly blushed and shook her head.

"Come on you can tell me," Anne mumbled.

"No, and even if we did it's a secret."

Anne pouted, "You are no fun."

"Perhaps, you can have your turn on the next activity."

"So, you are sharing?" Anne asked.

"Well, if I don't he will think something is up."

Hop Pop was sitting in the car in only his boxers. Not having to pick up Sprig and it being a day off, made him decide not to wear anything. When it was time to pick up Polly, he couldn't bother to put on clothes. He groaned as he attracted a crowd of kids watching and laughing at him.

"Dang kids," He mumbled, "So, they can tell and they have the nerve to laugh at their elders."

Hop Pop heard the passenger door open and smiled when Polly entered the car. The smile faded when he noticed the look of anger and shame on Polly's face.

"Hop Pop, why are you in your boxers?" Polly asked before covering her face, "Don't you know how embarrassing this is?"

Hop Pop shook his head, "It's my day off and I didn't have to pick up Sprig, so I didn't bother getting dress."

"Wait?" Polly asked stunned, "You didn't have to pick up Sprig? Lucky him."

Hop Pop sighed before smiling, "Yeah, he is spending time with girls his age. He is a chick magnet like his grandfather."

"I am sorry for all those puppies, I must have kicked in a past life to deserve this kind of torture."

"Calm down Polly," Hop Pop told her, "We will be home soon."

Polly groaned as she watched her fellow peers laugh at them, "Hopefully I will be dead by then."

Anne moved closer to Sprig, causing the boy to smile. Honestly, she was the whole reason he was here and he hopes they will get some alone time.

"Hey Sprig," Anne greeted, "You are going to be with me for the next activity."

"So the next activity will be done in pairs?"

Anne nodded, "So, you and Sasha."

"What about her?"

"How do you feel about her?"

"When I figure it out myself, I will let you know."

Anne didn't quite know what to make of that. In a way it gives her hope, Sprig will lighten up and start liking her, but at the same time it's strange that he doesn't seem to know himself.

"What do you mean?"

Sprig opened his mouth but before he could answer they arrived at their destination. Sprig was intrigued to find himself watching people climbing a fake climbing wall.

"Tell me country boy, have you ever climb?" Anne asked, "I mean I am in the bouldering club at school, so I am good at this, but I am curious if you are too."

"Have you ever climb an actual mountain without any support, where one false move or loose rock will send you falling down below?"

Anne shook her head, "No, should I?"

"I won't downplay your club. I am sure it's teaching you the proper skill, but until you actually experience like I have you won't fully understand it."

"Why did you climb mountains?" Anne asked.

"One of my friends Ivy is a wild girl at heart and I do enjoy spending time out there myself."

"To be honest I don't really like being out in the wild. I prefer the comforts of civilization."

"That's funny,"

"What?" Anne asked.

"Just that from what I have seen from you, you seem just as excited and fun-loving as her."

Before Anne could respond, Sasha approached them.

"I trust you two aren't getting too close when it's supposed to be us 4," Sasha told them.

Sprig raised an eyebrow as he tried to figure out why she is acting like this. It's like she is jealous of him and Anne, but how could she? He already had alone time with her and they are together as a group. So what if he's talking to Anne, right now."

"No, of course not." Anne assured her nervously.

"Then let's continue doing things together as a group."

Hop Pop smiled as he noticed, the officer that pulled him over, was an attractive woman around his age.

"Hop Pop," Polly complained, "Now you are going to get in trouble."

"Relax Polly," Hop Pop responded with a smile, "Not like I am naked. Besides, once I put on the charms, I will get off scot-free."

Polly scoffed and prayed, that they won't get into much trouble. After a few moments the officer approached the window and Hop Pop opened it, with a confident smile.

"How can I help you officer?"

"Sir, I couldn't help, but notice you are only wearing boxers."

"Yeah, does it turn you on?"

"Hop Pop," Polly groaned.

To Polly's surprise the officer didn't seem mad. In fact she was actually turned on.

"Oh god," Polly mumbled, "I am even more envious that Sprig doesn't have to put up with this."

Polly noticed the officer hand Hop Pop a slip of paper and feared it was a ticket.

"Feel free to call me anytime," The officer said before leaving.

"Anytime," Hop Pop responded with a smile, "Well, Polly looks like your grandfather still has it."

Polly spent the rest of the car ride home bashing her head against the car seat.

Sprig and Anne put on the harness and got ready to climb.

"Hey," Anne began awkwardly, "About Sasha earlier."

"Don't worry about it let's just have some fun."

Anne simply nodded. She and Sprig started climbing and he found the experience to be a little water downed compared to the real thing. It wasn't boring per say, but doing it without safety gear made for a much more exciting time.

"You are a natural at this," Anne complimented.

"No, I'm barely paying attention," Sprig answered, effortlessly climbing up even higher, "Out there I could have easily slipped off and fell into the water below."

"Oh. That sounds…"

"To be honest after I got used to it, I found falling into the water to be a fun experience as well, but that could be just me."

"That's weird."

"I guess I try to find joy in everything, or at least that is what I'm told."

Anne smiled, "That sounds like a good thing to me. I mean…"

Anne gasped as she slipped and closed her eyes, but to her shock she wasn't falling. She opened her eyes and saw Sprig holding on to her hand. She lightly blushed as he looked at her, concerned.

"Are you ok?"

Anne nodded before grabbing on to the foot holds.

"Why?" Anne asked.

"Why did I save you?"

"Yeah, I appreciate it, but I don't understand why you would save me when I would be safely lowered to the ground."

"Instincts I guess," Sprig answered, "I just hate seeing a friend in trouble, so I helped out."

"Thank you."

"No problem that is what friends are for." Sprig responded before climbing higher.

Anne sighed as she watched Sprig move on. She blushed as she recalled his cute concerned face. Not only that, but she found herself liking his optimistic view of things. She didn't know anyone else that could find enjoyment in things that seem horrible.

"Not only do I see that you are cute, but I think I get why Sasha is interested in you," Anne mumbled before following Sprig.

Sprig and the girls were sitting at a table at the food court, enjoying a quick meal.

"So, Spriggy," Sasha began, "Are you enjoying things?"

"Yeah, things have been great."

Sprig felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out. He lightly groaned when he saw it was his home phone number.

"Excuse me I have to take this," Sprig said before answering, "Hello Polly."

"Sprig, I have a bone to pick with you."

"What Polly?"

"Because you decided to spend time with girls, which I doubt is true, Hop Pop decided to pick me up in his boxers."

"He did?"

"Don't laugh. Not only that but he flirted with a female officer around his age and somehow managed to get her number."

"Really? Way to go Hop Pop."

"Sprig! I am angry you did this to me."

"Calm down Polly. How was I supposed to know Hop Pop would do that? Why don't you calm down and find something to watch?"


Sprig hung up on his sister and put his phone away.

"What was that about?" Anne asked.

"Just know my little sister was embarrassed."

"You have a little sister?" Anne asked.

"Yeah, her name is Polly and she is a bit of a brat, but we managed to have fun together." Sprig answered with a small smile.

Anne lightly blushed and smiled back. God, his optimism is contagious. Even when dealing with an annoying younger sibling, he managed to find some enjoyment in it. Sasha noticed this and felt a little annoyed, but decided not to say anything.

"I think we have time for one last activity," Sasha announced.

"What are we doing?" Sprig asked.

"How do you feel… about arts and crafts?" Marcy asked.

Sprig was a little stunned the shy Asian asked him, but managed to hide it.

"They're fun."

Marcy didn't respond and Sprig mentally sighed. He was little nervous around Marcy, as he could tell she didn't really talk much and only seem comfortable around the other girls. He hopes she is ok with his presence.

Sprig was at a table with Marcy, where they both were quietly painting a plaque. Sprig wasn't used to spending time with people that are usually this quiet. As much as he wanted conversation, he didn't want to make Marcy uncomfortable even more.

"That… looks nice," Marcy complimented.

"Oh. Thanks," Sprig responded awkwardly.

"I'm sorry."

"For what?" Sprig asked.

Marcy sighed and put down her plague, "You are used to people that talk more… and I am making you uncomfortable, aren't I?"

Sprig put down his plague and shook his head, "No need to apologize. I rather have you stay comfortable than making you do something you aren't used to."

Marcy smiled at the boy, making him smile back.

"You aren't comfortable around me, right?" Sprig asked nervously.

"No, I am," Marcy assured him nervously, "I just need time… before I am as comfortable around you, as I am around Anne and Sasha."

Sasha and Anne were watching the two, from their table.

"Looks like I was right," Anne said with a smile.

"Yeah, it's nice to see Marcy make friends with other people," Sasha agreed.

Sprig left the mall with the girls.

"Well, Spriggy, "Sasha began with a smile, "I hope you had fun."

"Yeah, it was a blast," Sprig answered with a smile.

Sasha lightly blushed, "It was our pleasure."

"There will be more to come too," Anne added with a smile of her own.

"There… are a lot of things we can do," Marcy managed to finish.

Before Sprig could respond, he saw Hop Pop approaching him and he could tell he was in just his boxers. Sprig mentally groaned, as he realized Polly likely put him up to it, so he will have to share the humiliation. Well, there is no stopping it. Might as well face the music. Joy.

"Sprig!" Hop Pop shouted from the car, "Your grandfather still has it and from what I see you are a chick magnet like me!"

That's family for you. They are always there to annoy or embarrass you at the worst possible moment.

Sorry this took a while, but I had huge writers block. Also Sprig being a blonde in this fic is due to me making the mistake of remembering it being blonde months after watching the show once and I learned it's orange the second time over between this and the second chapter. This is my attempt at having an explanation for it.