Charlie didn't want Christine to leave. He had quite enjoyed her company over the past few months and he couldn't imagine her leaving. But he couldn't ask her to stay in Romania just for him. They were only friends, after all, and she would do what was best for her daughter no matter what.
If Charlie was being honest, he had never stopped loving Christine. They had been close when they were at Hogwarts together. But, somehow, time never seemed right for them. He had met her husband briefly after Hogwarts and thought that nothing would ever come from his feelings for Christine.
But, he felt like he had been given a second chance with her and he was determined to use it. So, he asked her to stay. He told her that he had always cared for her and that he had always wanted the best for her. It seemed like a miracle had happened when she said she would stay.
They were married a year and a half later, much to the joy of Mrs. Weasley.
Remus Lupin mourned the death of his wife for the rest of his life. He gave his son all the love in his heart and told him regaling stories of the bravery that was Nymphadora Tonks. It wasn't until after legislation in the Ministry for equal opportunities for werewolves went through that Remus was able to return to teaching at Hogwarts. He was known as one of the greatest Defense Against the Dark Arts professors to ever grace the school. And the curse of the ever changing Defense Against the Dark Arts professors having been broken, he was able to remain at the school for many years.
Remus had lost much because of the wars. He had lost his friends and his beloved wife. But he kept them all alive in his memories. As he walked down the corridors of Hogwarts, he would recall running around the castle with Sirius and James. As he sat at home with his son, he would remember the love he had for Nymphadora and the truly remarkable person she was. His friends were never certain that Remus was completely happy after the wars, his loss chipping away at his joy.
Teddy Lupin grew up believing that his parents were war heroes. He was never once ashamed to have Remus, the werewolf, as his father. In fact, when he was young, he was sure that all people had werewolves for fathers. Teddy never thought his life was any different from anyone else. And that was all Remus Lupin could ask for.
Draco Malfoy didn't fight in the war, which everyone was rather pleased about. No one was sure what he would have done. In the heat of the moment, which side would he choose? What would Voldemort do if he had been found?
During the battle, Malfoy spent his time with his Aunt Andromeda, a woman he had never met before. He had heard of her, of course. She had turned her back on her family by marrying a Muggle-born. He supposed he was going to be blasted off of the family tree like she was, having also turned his back on his family. And he'd done something worse. He had helped Harry Potter.
But his mother forgave him after the battle. She had been greatly worried for him after he had disappeared from the manor. Potter had told him how it was his mother who saved his life. When Potter was lying unconscious on the ground, she knew he was alive, but lied to the Dark Lord when Potter told her Draco was alright.
His father turned into a bitter old man. No one trusted Lucius after the war, he had lost everything. He was sent to Azkaban while Draco and his mother remained in Malfoy Manor. He hated it, though. He despised everything about his childhood home now. It would always reek of Voldemort to him.
Malfoy married Astoria Greengrass a few years after he started working in Gringotts. Together, they destroyed Malfoy Manor and rebuilt into something better. He invited Granger, Weasley, and Potter every year for the annual Christmas party. He always groaned when he saw them though. "Potter," he would drawl. He would not define their relationship as friendship, but mutual acknowledgement that the other existed.
Harry and Hermione just thought of Malfoy as their friend.
When Scorpius Malfoy was born, it was the happiest day of Draco's life. And he swore that he was going to do better than his father. He was going to give his son what he never had. The unconditional love of his father.
Five minutes after the Battle of Hogwarts, George Weasley proposed to Angelina Johnson. He had told Fred that he was worried about her. He wasn't sure he could endure that kind of agony again. So, he married her. It was necessary.
George and Fred rebuilt Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, this time opening the store in Hogsmeade. For three years after their wedding, George and Angelina lived in the flat above Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in Hogsmeade. While George worked in the shop, Angelina worked in the Department of Magical Games and Sports. She worked closely with Lee Jordan, who became a professional Quidditch Commentator.
George and Angelina had four children, one of whom they named after Fred. And when the children turned eleven and went off to Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall seriously considered retiring. She wasn't sure she would be able to survive work with Fred, George, and Harry's children. Especially, when they started replicating both the Marauders and Fred and George's work.
Ron Weasley never returned to Hogwarts. He decided that he and Harry knew enough for Auror training. He wasn't sure he could go back to school after everything that had happened. Both Ron and Harry started their training the fall after the Battle of Hogwarts.
He didn't see Pansy Parkinson again for five years. She appeared at Malfoy's Christmas party, her arm slung around some prat. Ron decided to take action after that. He and Pansy dated for two years before she told him he had to ask her to marry him. Which he did.
Pansy worked for a while at the Daily Prophet. She thought she made the perfect reporter. She could intimidate anyone into telling her anything.
Harry and Hermione accepted Ron's relationship quickly, knowing how happy Ron was. Pansy had told Ron numerous times that she didn't want children. But, in the end, the happy couple had two children. Both of whom ended up in Gryffindor, much to Pansy's chagrin.
Harry Potter apologized profusely to Ginny for dumping her. She readily forgave him, knowing there was no one else in the world she wanted to be with. She worked with the Holyhead Harpies for some time before she was pregnant with their first child. She would never be able to explain why he got to choose the names for their children. But she knew those names held great meaning to her husband and that was enough for her.
Ginny never really changed. She had nightmares, along with the rest of her family, about the war. But she held true to her character. She even helped Fred and George steal Harry's things so that they could sell them at their shop.
Sometimes, Ginny would look back on her life and marvel at it. She had always liked Harry, and after a lot of waiting, he was hers. And he had given her the best life.
For one Valentine's Day, Harry sent her a dwarf that sang:
His eyes as green as picked toad,
His hair is as dark as a blackboard.
I wish he was mine, he's really divine,
The hero who conquered the Dark Lord.
Ginny turned extremely red, remembering the poem she had written for Harry her first year. When the dwarf had gone, Harry kissed Ginny affectionately. Yes, this was a better life than she could have ever hoped for.
Fred set off fireworks at Percy's funeral. He felt it was fitting for his brother. Percy would have berated Fred and George for even bringing fireworks to a funeral, and somehow it seemed right. On some level, Fred was hoping Percy would jump out of his grave to yell at Fred and George. But the casket was lowered into the ground, taking Percy away from his family forever.
He never forgot Percy. It was only because of his brother's selflessness that Fred was alive and he wasn't sure he could ever live up to that gift. He could only hope that he used his life to honor his brother.
Fred had wanted to marry Hermione after the war, like George and Angelina had done. But he refrained from asking her. A week after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione was already writing McGonagall about returning to Hogwarts to make up what she had missed. He knew how much she wanted to finish her education. So, he waited until she finished Hogwarts to consider asking her again.
But following her year at Hogwarts, she wanted to complete her training as a Mediwitch before marrying Fred. That was another two years. He lived in what he felt was agony before finally asking her to marry him, six years after they had started dating. He wasn't sure anything could make him happier.
They lived together above the shop following the wedding. Hermione would help Fred and George sometimes with their product ideas. She rarely criticized their products anymore. Because she had seen what they had done. They were a light in the darkness, bringing joy to children when it felt like there wasn't any. She didn't agree with their products all the time, but she knew they were needed in their own way.
Fred had insisted on having a big family, like the one he had come from. Hermione, originally only wanted two children, knowing how lonely it could be as an only child. But Fred was persistent. Their first child, they named Percy, who turned out to be more like Fred than his namesake.
Their second child they named George, which was actually all Hermione's fault. She was so certain that George was going to be a girl that Fred had talked her into a wager. If the child was a girl, Hermione could pick the name. But if Fred was right, that the baby was going to be a boy, he could choose the name. And, of course, he chose the name George when he won.
Their third and fourth children were both boys as well and a year almost to the day apart from one another. The first they named after Fred's father, Arthur. The other boy they named after Hermione's father, John.
Their fifth and final child they named after Molly. Fred was certain there wasn't anyone in the world as brave and strong as his mother. He wanted that for his daughter. Molly burst into tears when she learned her granddaughter was named after her. After which, Fred considered changing his daughter's name.
And they were happy. Every once in a while, Hermione would find the two-way mirrors that Fred had made for her. And she held them close to her when the dark memories turned into nightmares. She knew the war would never completely leave them. But they had each other, and that was more than enough for them.