A/N: OK, that was going to be it, but at the request of a reader jmmistytamplen. Here is the aftermath. Again 100 words. :)

"You insufferable fool Severus!" Albus raged. "You couldn't stop your petty jealousy over a man who has been dead for over a decade! There is nothing I can do, it's Azkaban for you. Susan Bones was in that class! She contacted Amelia before I even knew." Snape shrugged. "It was worth it."

Madam Bones entered, furious. "You scum!" She hissed, "you're supposed to protect the students not torture them."

Manacled, Snape walked to the front entrance, where Harry stood, shaking, supported by Hermione.

"Satisfied Potter?" He sneered. Harry smiled coldly, "it was worth it. Dad would be proud of me."

A/N: So there you have it. I doubt I will write any more. :) Please review if you liked it. It's my only payment. :)