A/N: Hey guys. Let me start by saying that I in no way own the Naruto Universe or Characters. The credit for that goes to Masashi Kishimoto, that fantastic genius. I would like to follow that by saying that this is my first fanfiction, so please help me by leaving reviews so I can increase my storytelling skills. I of course do own my OC and his story so please don't use it without my permission. Without further delay let's get this show on the road, I hope you enjoy it and like I said please leave me reviews with your thoughts.

Chapter 1: Even a Blind Squirrel finds a Nut.

"Come on kid you going to...hic... put your money where your mouth is?" a blonde very curvy blonde said with a hiccup and rosy cheeks. She was currently sitting across a sake bottle strewn table looking at a young man who looked just as rosy cheeked as her.

Across the table the Blondes drinking companion gave an indignant huff a picked up his saucer of sake, spilling a good deal of it on himself, and downed the remnants. He appeared to be in his early twenties with brown hair that fell down to his jaw on the sides with the back pulled into a bun. He had a fair complexion, a very squared jaw and striking Emerald green eyes. Though right now those eyes were a little unfocused and his cheeks had a rosy blush from the sake he had been drinking with the Blonde. His face took on a smirk as he wiped his mouth and got shakily to his feet.

"Of course, I'm going to do it. Let's go then, eh?" and he turned and picked up bow and quiver that stood leaning on the booth bench next to him. He began staggering out of the tavern with the Blonde and a worried looking black haired woman holding a pig. The trio wandered out of the tavern and rounded a corner until they stood at the end of an alleyway. The blonde gave the brunette a mocking smile.

"Alright kid so like we said if you can really pull this off it's a million for you. But if you miss that's a million for me." as the words came out of her mouth the young man gave a cocky smile and the Dark-haired woman gave a worried look at the Blonde.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm aware of the bet, let's just get this over with. I can't wait to count that million." With that he then pulled his bow that actually stood taller than its owner and got into a firing stance. While he did sway a bit, his overall stance looked good facing the blonde so that the alley was on his left side. He spaced his feet out into a solid stance so that his back was straight and his pelvis was perfectly aligned with his shoulders. He gripped the bow in his left hand as he extended the arm so that the bow towered over its master. He then pulled an arrow from the quiver attached to his belt at the small of his back and placed it so that it sat on his left thumb. After taking a few steadying breathes his right arm began to pull back on the bow string with the arrow resting between his thumb and index finger, as his right arm pulled back, employing the muscles in his back, his left arm began lowering the bow so that the arrow shaft was now located bellow his right eye. His right eye closed as he held the form, finding the target he sought, a wooden fence at the back of the alley. After finding his target he finally let the arrow explode from the bow and imbedding itself in the fence.

"Alright kid there's your target now time to see if you really are a good as you claim. Three arrows, that was the deal." The archer didn't even acknowledge the blonde as he reset his for and prepared to fire the first real arrow of the bet. His form was perfect almost a carbon copy of the first arrows form and just like before when he loosed the arrow from the bow it soared through the air and landed exactly were the first arrow had, splitting the arrow into three separate pieces. The look on the Blonde's face now resembled that of her dark-haired companion from a moment ago, and the dark-haired woman's face now took on a wide-eyed look of panic with sweat dripping down her face. The archer took his form for the third time and let loose a third arrow that once again struck true by splitting its predecessor down the middle. By now the Blonde was looking rather worried and her companion looked absolutely petrified. The Archer then took up his stance for the fourth and final time continuing to display his mastery over the bow. But just as he was preparing to let the final arrow fly a small hiccup shook his body and knocked the arrow of course. It soared through the dark alley and found its home just to the right of its intended target. The Blonde let out a triumphant shout while her companion looked both shocked and relieved. The Archer on the other hand looked astonished that he had missed his final shot, his mouth hanging open and his eyes the size of saucers.

"Well kid I will say this, you are good. But not good enough so it seems. Now a bet is a bet so hand over that million and we'll be on our way." With that the blonde held out her hand with a beyond satisfied.

The Archer's face became sheepish a he scratched the back of his head, a single sweat drop forming. "Well ah... you see... the thing is...I... uh...don't have it."

Suddenly the Blonde's eyes blazed as she grabbed the Archer's shirt and delivered a punch that knocked him all the way down the alley. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T HAVE IT!"

The Archer looked up at the Blonde who was bearing down on him, the right side of his face swollen so he couldn't see out of the eye. "Well you see I don't have the money; I have some of it but not even close to all of it!"

The Blonde looked enraged at the answer and resumed her hold on the front of his shirt. "IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY THEN WHAY DID YOU MAKE THE BET FOOL!"

The archer's face looked even more sheepish than before as he started sweating bullets. "Well you see... I was kinda banking on wining... ya know because you're the legend..." He didn't get to finish before the Blonde still heard him as a tick mark formed and she bashed him on the head.

"WHY I OUGHT TO KILL YOU FOR THAT!" She then began to wind up for a punch that was sure to be the end him. However, before she could clobber him her companion rushed forward her eyes going wide as she stepped between the two.

"Please Milady we don't need to do that do we? I mean I'm sure we can work something out after all?"

The blonde seemed temporarily placated and a wave of relief washed over the archer and the dark-haired woman. Even the tiny pig in her arms looked relieved at the outcome.

"Fine I won't kill you but. We. Are. Going. To. Settle. This." Each word the blonde spoke inching closer and closer to the Archer until she was towering over his trembling form.

After about an hour of discussion they had finally come to a reasonable understanding. "Alright kid you give me the twenty thousand you have now and meet me back here in six months for the next instalment. Got it?" The archer nodded looking downcast that he had managed to get himself into such a predicament. Though he was at least happy that a solution had been found that didn't involve him getting pummeled into the ground.

"Well then it's all settled. By the way what's your name anyway?" The Blonde asked looking at the Archer with mild interest now that the problem of his death had been settled.

"Hanta. Hanta Yumi is my name." The Archer looked into the Blonde piercing brown eyes as he answered her question.

"Well Hanta Yumi I'm Tsunade Senju, that's Shizune and Tonton. Well I believe you have a job to do so you'd best get to it then." Tsunade stated as she reached for the sake bottle and poured herself a drink after introductions. "But before you go have a drink to toast our new arrangement." She then poured a drink for Hanta and Shizune.

Each took their saucer and toasted to the arrangement. After the drink Hanta bid the three fare well before taking his leave. Life had gotten very complicated in the last couple hours and was likely to remain so for years to come.

"I swear I am never drinking that much ever again so long as I live." Hanta said to no one in particular as he walked out of town to begin paying his debt. It's funny, he had made the bet because of Tsunade's reputation as a sucker yet here he was being made a sucker in his own right.

(((((Page Break))))

Years Later.

It had been years since Hanta Yumi had lost that bet with the Legendary Sucker Tsunade and had become indebted to her. The debt that had been made that night was still nowhere near paid off, not by a long shot. Hanta was currently on his way to meet with Lady Tsunade and Shizune to give them the newest installment of his debt. Hanta was actually kind of looking forward to this meeting as it took place at a hot spring, and after the last couple of months he could really use a relaxing soak. As he entered the town proper Hanta reflected on the last few years. While he couldn't say that he was happy about his indentured servitude he really couldn't see the difference if he hadn't lost that bet. The years had been somewhere in the middle, not terrible but not great either, and he had been doing what he would have been doing anyway, even if he had won the bet.

Hanta hadn't really grown all that much he was still the 5'10 he had been that night and he was just as skinny, weighing maybe 150lbs. The only things to have changed about him where the new scars he had picked up working which consisted of a long jagged cut on his left forearm that extended from his elbow to his wrist and the most noticeable one another cut that stretched from the middle of his eyebrow to his right temple. His clothes had also changed over the years and had adapted to suit his needs. He wore simple blue pants with the Kunai holster strapped to his right thigh and black shinobi sandals with leg guards. He also wore a long-sleeved mesh armor shirt with a dark short sleeved red shirt over the top of it. He also wore black arm guards and mismatched gloves, his left hand being a simple fingerless glove while the right was a special archer's glove on his right that covered the index and middle fingers. The only thing that had yet to change was his hairstyle; his dark brown hair was done up into a topknot in the back with his jaw length hair tucked behind his hair. He also still carried his six-foot-long Yumi bow with his quiver hanging off his belt facing so the arrows protruded from his right side. His shuriken and scroll pouch situated just to the left of the quiver.

As he made his way into the town proper the smell of sulfur became more and more potent. It was later in the day, maybe an hour or two until sundown, so Hanta assumed he would find Lady Tsunade and Shizune already checked into an inn and began going from place to place asking if they were there. He finally managed to track them down and was directed to their room. After arriving he knocked on the door. It took only a few moments before he heard activity on the other side and it opened to reveal a short blonde-haired kid.

"Hey buddy can I help you with something?" The blonde-haired kid asked looking confused at the intrusion.

"Uh yeah, I was looking for someone. Guess I must've got the wrong room my apologies." But before he could turn to find the correct room he heard a familiar voice from inside the room.

"Hey kid who's at the door?" ...

"Hey calm down Grandma Tsunade! A guy just got the wrong room." The blonde shouted over his shoulder looking slightly annoyed at being yelled at.

"Wait 'Grandma' Tsunade? I didn't know you had grandkids. Even though you are old enough." Hanta said, muttering the last part before pushing past the blonde, who fell over, and into the room where he found Tsunade and Shizune sitting around a table eating supper.

"Hey! What are you thinking just bursting into someone's room like that you pervert!" The blonde kid screamed as he scrambled to his feet and followed him into the room. A looked of indignation on his face at his treatment.

Hanta looked back at the kid annoyed at being called a pervert. "Hey watch you you're calling a pervert Pumpkin boy!?"

"Hey who are you calling Pumpkin boy pervert! What does that even mean? Why I ought to beat you into next week!" screamed the blonde kid as he shook his fists at Hanta with a outrage look on his face.

Hanta now turned to the and bent down so they were more or less eye level. "I'm calling you Pumpkin boy, Pumpkin boy. Though I guess I should be calling you 'Little pumpkin boy'. As for you beating me into the next week, I'd love to see you try!"

The two stared at each other with narrowed eyes and evident dislike before a annoyed cough caught their attention. They broke the intense staring contest and looked over to see a annoyed Tsunade with a large tick mark staring at them.

"If you two are done acting like children. It's good to see you again Hanta, I had forgotten about our meeting. Good thing you found us; we were probably going to be gone by morning." Lady Tsunade said as she visibly calmed down and looked towards Hanta.

Before Hanta could respond the blonde kid stared shell-shocked at Tsunade all the while pointing towards Hanta. "WAIT! You know this pervert Grandma Tsunade!"

The tick mark immediately reformed on Tsunade's forehead as she gave the kid a withering gaze. "Yes, I do know Hanta Naruto and for the last time stop calling me Grandma!" She then turned back to Hanta. "Sorry about the kid Hanta, I've discovered he doesn't have a filter and a broken volume control."

Hanta gave a chuckle as Naruto's face went cherry red and formed his own tick mark. But before he could go on what Hanta assumed would be a long tirade Hanta spoke up again. "It's really no problem Lady Tsunade. Anyway, I came to deliver the most recent instalment. But if you don't mind my asking why is the pumpkin boy here in the first place? He doesn't exactly give off that loveable stray vibe."

Naruto then turned on Hanta again ready to make him the tirade's target but was once again interrupted, this time by Shizune who entered the conversation? "Naruto is from the Leaf Village. He came here with Master Jiraya to give Lady Tsunade the most wonderful news!"

Hanta looked to Tsunade for confirmation. She nodded her head and Hanta looked by to Shizune. "What's this 'wonderful news'? Are they finally turning the village into a gambling resort?"

Naruto gave a high-pitched laugh, actually falling over, while Tsunade gave the pair an annoyed look. Finally, Naruto was able to catch his breath. "Hahahaha... he's totally right Grandma Tsunade that would be something you'd get excited about! It makes a lot more sense then you being Hokage."

"Wait?! That is what you're talking about? Hahahaha!...You're...you're going to be...Ho...Hokage? Ha-ha! That is the funniest thing I've heard in a long time!" This time it was Hanta who was bent over laughing; in fact, he was laughing so much it was getting hard to breath.

Though Hanta was so busy laughing he failed to notice the increasingly angry Tsunade and the worried looks on Shizune, Naruto, and Tonton's faces. Even if he had noticed, it was still far too late to prevent was about to occur as Tsunade got to her feet and slowly walked over the now wheezing Hanta. He finally felt the tenseness of the situation and slowly looked up only to see Tsunade surrounded by a murderous aura.

"Uh...you know I was kidding? Right?" Hanta stammered as he looked into Tsunade's glare.

The malice in her eyes seemed to dissipate as her face took on a kindly sweet look. Hanta thought that he might actually be out of immediate danger of death and began to visibly relax. But before anyone could blink Tsunade delivered a swift and solid axe kick that left Hanta dazed. Tsunade then picked him up with her left hand as she prepared to clobber him into oblivion. Luckily for Hanta Shizune took this moment to quickly intervene before her mistress could continue the well-deserved beat down.

"Milady please we don't need to beat him down too hard right? I mean he was very out of line but I'm sure he didn't mean anything by it. Did you Hanta!?" She directed the last part towards the slightly dazed man who gave a weak nod of acknowledgment. "See Lady Tsunade."

The irritation on Tsunade's face faded a bit but not entirely and her grip on the archer didn't slacken in the slightest. After a few more deep breaths it looked like she was about ready to let him go, but his dazed mind picked that moment to start speaking.

"Such an angry old lady, why the hate old lady?" The look of defeat on Shizune's face could only be matched by the fear on Naruto's and the senseless rage on Tsunade's. She then pulled back her right fist a delivered a blow that sent Hanta through the wall and landing in a smoking heap outside.

"Well I think I'm going to go to bed. Night you two." With that Tsunade dusted herself off and departed for bed.

Naruto gave a worried look between the freshly made hole in the wall and the doorway that the new Hokage had just exited. "Shizune? Who was that guy?"

Shizune got up and looked out of the hole in the wall to see the sprawled form of Hanta on the ground bellow. "Oh, he works for Lady Tsunade. I think I will turn in tonight as well. Night Naruto."

As Shizune exited the room as well Naruto's gazed kept switching from hole to doorway. 'These people are really weird.' After one more look between the hole and door Naruto just shrugged and decided he would go to bed too.

Next Morning

Tsunade and her party checked out of the hotel the next morning, except for Jiraya who nobody had seen since they arrived to the resort, and prepared to make the final day of travel back to the Leaf Village. As the began walking down the main street that led out of town the saw a familiar figure still passed out on the street. Apparently Tsunade had belted Hanta a good one as he was still unconscious; even as Naruto poked him with a stick.

"Wow Grandma Tsunade you didn't kill him, did you?" Asked a slightly worried Naruto as Lady Tsunade and Shizune stood next to him and looked down on the man.

"Oh, please I barely touched him." Tsunade said with a scoff.

"Yeah right you sent him through a wall." Muttered Naruto as he looked up to see the hole in the side of the hotel.

"What was that?" Tsunade asked in an accusing tone.

"Nothing, nothing, nothing at all!" Screamed a terrified Naruto as he jumped away from her and began shaking his hands in a calming fashion.

"Good. Well pick him up and let's get going." With that Tsunade began walking back down the road with Shizune and Tonton.

"Why!" shouted a very confused Naruto.

Tsunade didn't even look back as she answered in a bored voice. "Because we need to get to the Village today."

"I MEAN WHY ARE WE BRINGING HIM!" Shouted an irate Naruto as he pointed at Hanta.

"I know what you meant kid. I want you to bring him because misery loves company. If I'm going to be tied down to one place then so is he!" Tsunade called back her tone growing almost giddy as she finished.

Naruto looked between the retreating back of Tsunade and Shizune then back to the man in the street. Finally, he picked up the unconscious man and started after the group. "Like I said these people are completely insane!"

A/N: Well there you guys have it the first Chapter! Please leave comments and let me know what you think and if there is anything I can do to improve the Story. This is my first story on and the layout is kind of throwing me off but I'm sure I will get used to it. Till Next Time!