"Hadrian! Can you come down here?" Lily Potter called up the grand staircase of Potter Manor. "I'm here, Mother." came a velvety voice from behind her. The scarlet haired witch spun around reaching for her wand, long-ingrained war instincts surfacing in the blink of an eye. When her mind caught up with her body she lowered her wand sighing exasperatedly at her eldest son, "Don't do that Hadrian, I could have cursed you." she scolded the boy-no man now. She took a moment to examine her son, for what seems like the first time all summer. The shadows clinging to him like a second skin as he emerged from them, calming once he seemingly brushed an errant hand along them. His inky black hair blending with the dark shadows and illuminating his Avada Kedavra eyes, his mouth curved into the smallest smirk as if amused. Lily was snapped out of her observations when her son stepped forward slightly, his features morphing into an expression of slight concern, hidden from all except family. "We are leaving, can you bring Rose up?" Lily asked remembering what she had needed Hadrian for, Hadrian nodded realizing his mother would not elaborate even if he asked.