Author's Note: Thank you all for sticking with me! I hope you enjoyed. :)


The Magical Accidents and Catastrophes personnel had never seen anything like it.

The call had been received five minutes after midnight, but the fire looked as though it had been burning for hours. Strange, bluebell-shaped flames fluttered over the razed structure, resisting every water-dousing or oxygen-depriving charm they threw at it. Some compared it to Fiendfyre, erroneously, as the conflagration did not spread. The shops on either side had been evacuated as a precaution nonetheless, but there was nothing that could be done. The remediation crew simply watched as the fire consumed itself.

By daybreak, the smoldering had ceased. Recovery crews in protective garments swarmed the wreckage like insects, picking over the charred detritus and shoveling the ash.

A shout went up when the first long bone was uncovered, and the scene was cleared for the Remains Recovery specialist that had arrived with the MAC team. Her work was slow, methodical, but by sunset, she had made her pronouncement.

Two sets of remains: one man, one woman, both in their early sixties. The fire had burned hot and long enough to destroy any identifying characteristics such as skin, hair, or eye color, and their skulls had been pulverized from the building's collapse, making identification through dental records impossible. However, the building's registration was current.

The Daily Prophet's on-scene reporter relayed the information by Patronus to his editor in downtown London.

That evening, the wizarding world mourned the loss of the once-great Hermione Granger and the anonymous man who had died by her side.

The End