Metazoans, or animals, as understood by us, are upon the simplest of all eukaryotes in terms of genetics and metabolism, originating from the primitive and simple Ophisknot Choanoflagellates, only being successful due to the accidental gift of multicellularity. On the other hand, Biknots, or specifically, the large complex supergroup known as SAR, or stramenopiles (heterokonts), alveolates, and Rhizaria were amongst the most genetically, structurally and metabolically complex of all cells.

What will happen, if instead of Ophisknots, the simplest among all cells, a member of one of the Most complex clade of cells, Ciliophora, or ciliates, were the ancestor of complex life on earth? What will happen to the galaxy when the Citadel met an entirely new category of sentient life that not even the Reapers have ever encountered? Will this new lifeform that blurs the boundary between synthetic and organic life finally be able to defeat the Reapers once and for all?

Chapter 1 Origin of life

700000000 B.C. Pre Edicaran era. Where the timeline have diverged from the Canonical Mass Effect Timeline.

On earth, in the pre-Edicaran oceans, out of pure chance, a specific type of Flagellates, known as Dinophytes or Dinoflagellates, have gained from a bacteria, the ability to excrete a toxin that were deadly toward the clade of cells that were known as Choanoflagellates, the would be ancestor of animals as we know it. This toxin were a type of natural product that binds to a specific lipid on the animal cell membrane, punching a hole on the cell membrane and cause the content to spill out and the cell to die. This product was not biodegradable by the primitive life of the pre-cambrian earth. The accumulation of this toxin triggered a mass extinction, wiping out all members of the clade Holozoa, Will-be Ancestor of animals.

450000000 B.C. Early Cambrian.

A ciliate, paramecium Bursaria, by accident, consumed an algae known as Chlorella, and retained the indigestible cell as an endosymbiont, enables photosynthesis of the micro-organism.

420000000 B.C. Near the End of Cambrian

Extensive sexual competition within the different groups of ciliates have fragmented the used-to-be simple clade into three major branches and thousands of different orders. Of one of the known branches, the branch Tetrahymena have developed a complex system of DNA editing and splicing that were turing complete-The macronucleus of this ciliate is officially a fully functional computer.

400000000 B.C. The Ordovician Explosion

After the formation of the very first fully functional turing machine within the Macronucleus of a ciliate, the newfound ability to run advanced programming and algorithms have caused the cells bearing this computation system to rapidly evolve and diversify, and, by the start of the Ordovician period, all branches of modern life have been formed, from the tiny Picozoa to the Gargantuan Stentor. Big cells eats small cells and small cells eats smaller cells. cells that chases cells developed better and better propulsion systems and better homing algorithms to catch prey faster, and the cells that have been chased by other cells developed even better propulsion systems and advanced evasion algorithms to evade their predators. Life as we know it have entered a period of intense Evolutionary Arms Race.

350000000 B.C. Late Ordovician Mass Extinction, and the origin of the First Nonvolatile storage medium

Everything seems to be thriving in the Paleozoic oceans, until the inevitable happened-the continents Laurasia and Gondwana have finally merged into a single Supercontinent Pangaea. The new supercontinent is extremely dry on the interior-rainfall can not reach into the core of a massive piece of landmass, and consequently most forms of weathering and carrying of critical nutrients into the oceans by Terrestrial water flows stopped completely. The Oceans start to run out of nutrients.

The numerous Protozoa in the oceans starts to respond to this change by undergoing Conjugation-Sexual forms of reproduction that regenerates the macronucleus from the micronucleus. Unfortunatelly, this process also completely degrades the current macronucleus-wiping the memory of the genetic computer clean. Majority of the Ordovician life went extinct-much of their genetic information are only found in the macronucleus. However, Some of the more Extremophile, fresh water species survived: in order to survive in the constantly changing environment, these protists regularly undergoes conjugative or sexual reproduction, and consequently they stores all the changes within the macronuclear genome during the asexual stages of their life cycle as updates into the micronucleus prior to conjugation. This is the first example of an external storage device, better known as a hard drive, and by being able to pass it's current machine state to it's sexual offspring, these protists have survived the Late ordovician mass extinction.

315000000 B.C. The Devonian Mass Extinction and the advent of land plants

As the SAR supergroup constantly evolves via computation and gene transfer, another Kingdom of eukaryotes-the Archaeplastida, or better known as True plants, have evolved cell differentiation-cells at the surface of each colony becomes hard and dry, protecting the interior photosynthesizing cells from drying out. The Plants have officially landed, and within two millenia, the atmospheric carbon dioxide levels plummeted, starving the oceans of critical carbon sources for photosynthesis. Many orders and species starved to extinction, but the other, more Intelligent forms of life have survived, and their offspring have all the needed evolutionary pressure to grow smarter and smarter.

300000000 B.C. Leviathans created the A.I. known as the Catalyst, as a mean to solve the problem of their organic servants constantly creating synthetics that wiped themselves out, leaving the Leviathans without a servant. The A.I. however, found a different solution, and proceed to systematically eradicate all organic life that is on the brink of creating synthetic life, encasing their genetic material in the form of reapers, the first to fall being the leviathans themselves. Oceanic photosynthesizers on the Earth developed structures to concentrate CO2 to RuBisCO within their chloroplasts, known as pyrenoids. Life begins to return to the vast ocean that surrounds Pangaea. Dinoflagellates and Diatoms begins to evolve their own forms of computation, and their complexity begins to skyrocket for the next 60 million years.

240000000 B.C. The Permian Mass Extinction

The Siberian traps have erupted-spewing billions of cubic kilometers of lava and ash into the atmosphere and oceans within the next 5 million years. But this type of flood basalt eruptions are fairly common in the earth's history, without causing mass extinctions before. However, deep within the oceans, something very small happened that forever changed the face of the earth. Since the dawn of life on earth, Bacteria have been fermenting sugary biomass from the land and from the top of the oceans into acetic acid for energy, which get converted into vast deposits of calcium acetate that gets piled higher and higher on the ocean floor-Reaching hundreds of meters on most of the world's seabeds.

This have been continuing unabated for 1.5 billion years, until a single archaeon Methanosarcina Acetivorans obtained the gene Acetate Kinase and Phosphoacetate Transferase from a nearby bacterium-Enabling the archaeon to utilize the abundant deposits of calcium acetate for methane production, decarboxylating the calcium acetate into calcium carbonate and methane for energy. The erupting siberian traps have injected billions of tons of nickel into the oceans, providing the Methanosarcina an abundant source of it's critical nutrient. The Methanosarcina grows exponentially, fueled by abundant acetate stocks and nickel, while The byproduct, methane, bubbles up the surface and reacted with oxygen both in the air and in the oceans. E.g. combustion. It was estimated that the entire store of calcium acetate was depleted in as short as 10 years, releasing chemical energy equivalent to the energy of all the sunlight reaching the earth in half a year. This massive energy release heats the entire earth up to 22 to 24 degrees C from a cozy 19-20 degrees C of the late permian, with the tropics reaching 36 to 45 degrees C-hotter than the average hot tub in most homes.

Nearly all marine life were either cooked or suffocated, and the majority of land plants and microbes also died out from the repeating explosions of methane that bubbled out of the oceans and were then ignited the erupting Siberian Traps volcanoes.

Some of the hardiest microbes, belonging to the Clade Alveolata, however, have survived the catastrophe, living on land in close association with moist soil and rivers, these organisms are the first organisms to reach land after Archaeplastica. The Mesozoic era have begun.

150000000 B.C. The Rhizaria wars and the Mid Triassic Mass Extinction

Deep within the oceans, something that closely resembles seashells in our timeline were thriving-these are Forams, Class Foramifera of the Kingdom Rhizaria, amoeboid lifeforms that builds themselves a hard shell made of either silica, calcium carbonate or simple sand. The sturdy shells of Foramifera enables them to sink to the bottom of the oceans, and their slow metabolism means that they do not require oxygen to survive and reproduce. These cells were polynucleate, having multiple cell nuclei within their cytoplasm, and as competing organisms were either cooked or suffocated during the Permian extinction, these Forams have reached absolutely massive scales-centimeters in length, instead of less than a milimeter that the biggest modern forams manages to get to.

As time goes by, the massive Forams eventually reached land, and have started to invade the freshwater ecosystems of the supercontinent Pangaea, which have started to break up. Rhizaria were formidable enemies of the land based Alveolata, and despite being less smart than the much smaller Alveolates(ciliates and dinoflagellates), wins by sheer size and strength, and by the tough shells they builds out of minerals that protects it's mass of nuclei and endoplasm.

An evolutionary arms race broke out, as these two forms of organisms are biologically too closely related to each other, there are no effective antibiotics that will kill one and spare another. Consequently, the warring sides depends upon more traditional weaponry-Dinoflagellates fires miniature harpoons out of their "mouths" to puncture the hard shells of the Forams, Ciliates develops long necks tipped with nematocysts that injects a deadly poison into the exposed parts of the Forams, killing the entire organism through a single touch, and the Rhizarian forams uses long, web like tendrils to mop up any cells that happens to be too close to itself and consumes it, even their own kind. The war escalated until one side of the battle developed a highly specific, targeted attack molecule-Immunoglobin or Antibodies. The Adaptive Immune System have been born. This new class of molecules are so effective in homing into and killing their intended target, that the species that developed this new weapon, Paradileptus, first eradicated the entire Foram Order, and turned against it's own allies-nothing could stop it. In the end, nearly 75 percent of all species perished in the ensuring Conquest, until Ciliophora have once again secured world dominance until the end of the Mesozoic.

6450000 B.C. Cretaceous Mass Extinction and the first true eyes

It was estimated, that, the Mass relay near Pluto in the solar system was built during this period-with Devastating consequence. As a new gravitational source that is the Charon relay activated, it flung small kuiper belt objects toward the inner solar system, one of which struck Earth. The small object struck a formation of Gypsum-a mineral rich in sulfates. The energy of the impact vaporized the entire formation, sending a cloud of sulfur oxides and rock vapour into the atmosphere. The earth was first heated to Oven like temperatures as the debris from the impact reenters the earth's atmosphere, incinerating much of the life on land, and then cooled to below freezing as the cloud of sulfur oxides blocks out the sun for thousands of years. Most Archaeplastida plants died out, as the leftover sunlight is insufficient to support photosynthesis for a sessile organism that can not active track the sun, taking much of the land and ocean food chain with it. Organisms that CAN track the sun, like the Euglenoids of the kingdom Excavata and certain Dinoflagellates, and Paramecium Bursaria, however, managed to continue photosynthesizing as their primitive eyes (came from a modified chloroplast) sensed the direction and intensity of the light and told the flagella/cilia of the organism to move toward the light source, a process called Phototaxis. The genes for these first eyes were, just like every gene, swiftly taken by predatory dinoflagellates and a ciliate called Dileptus, which evolved and improved the primitive design further into a structure called the Ocuelid, a structure that contains a crystalline lens and a fully formed retina with it's own high speed chemical electromechanical neural network computer to process the highly diffracted image into useful data for predation-it helps the cell to aim it's predatory appendage, a sort of tentacle-on-a-spring towards it's prey, and can also process polarized light to aid in finding transparent prey cells. The first form of high speed computing was created in these cellular eyes.

3700000 B.C. An Unknown civilization fired a mass accelerator slug towards a reaper, puncturing it and disabling it. The slug traveled across lightyears and then landed on the planet Klendagon creating the geological feature known as the Great Rift Valley.

The High Speed electromechanical Chemical computer first developed in the Ocuelid have been adopted by a type of ciliate and at least three types of dinoflagellates and Stramenophiles, as well as some members of the Kingdom Cryptophyta. The Ciliate Nassula Ornata Uses this high speed computer to help plot it's route toward different particles of food, including cyanobacteria, which causes the food vacuoles inside the microorganisms to display an array of different colors in correspondence to the stages of digestion Of the food within, while the Stramenophile Coccolithophores uses the High speed computing capability to interpret disturbances in the local water flow, helping it to evade predators.

10000000 B.C. Certain types of Stramenophiles, known as Heliozoa, develops the ability of extending multiple spike like appendages supported by microtubules, called Axopodia, to propel itself, aid in cell division and catch prey. This paved the way for "True" motile land organisms that does not require at least a thin film of water to survive and move on land.

5000000 B.C. the Gene for Axopodia have been transferred to a Ciliate and a Stramenophile. These "legged" protists are optimized to "walk" on surfaces both below and above water, greatly aiding in dispersion of the organisms.

2500000 B.C. a type of Amoeba, known as Myxozoa, have reached land. These Slime molds forms complex networks of tendrils and tubules to feed on decaying matter, connecting different food sources in a highly optimized pattern whose efficiency even the Galaxy's best railroad designers could not match by their design.

100000 B.C. The Innusannon, which built the ruins on Ilos, were wiped out by the reapers.

Certain types of land capable Ciliophora and Dinoflagellates starts to reproduce on land-these land-adapted organisms produces a thick cell wall made of wax ethers and cellulose, preventing water loss, while the internal Glycocalyx attached to the cell membrane absorbs water from the air through a process called deliquescence. Diatoms, whose silica based shells being nearly impermeable to water, starts to move or glide across land.

50000 B.C. The Protheans, thought to have built the mass relays and the citadel, disappeared mysteriously without a trace. On the land, in many different habitats, certain type of Axopodia-bearing Ciliates have begins to show signs of sentience. Their Macronuclei performs much of the thought process, while a complex network of microfibrils and microtubules forms a mechanochemical computer that handles all the immediate reaction to different stimuli. These cells are about 2.5 millimeters in height, and each of their macronuclei can store up to 1.22 Terabytes of data. Axopodia forms miniature manipulative "fingers", and bundles thereof forms "limbs". even though they were just a single cell, they displays a bipedal body plan without a head, with an oculeid situated in the cell body-the "torso" part of the organism. Although generally adopting a Bipedal body plan, They can extend axopodia and Pseudopodia from anywhere on their cell membrane-They can undergo a limited form of shapeshifting. there were no lungs-an organism this small get all their oxygen supply through diffusion alone. Feeding is through Phagocytosis, with Axopodia capturing food particles and prey and pulling it toward the cell body to be consumed. These organisms starts to call themselves "humans".

25000 B.C. the Asari culture have entered the Feudal era. The nascent asari civilization, influenced by Prothean culture, built temples that enshrines prothean artifacts, hiding them behind religious objects and imagery.

The First forms of technology have been developed by the humans-a programmable macromolecule/natural product synthesizer situated in their cytoplasm that produces molecules of the desired shapes and functions from 3 dimensional designs stored in the form of RNA. This organelle, dubbed "Omnisome", forms the basis of Nanotechnology, a technology that is extensively used only by the humans in the galaxy.


Human sensory systems

In their most primitive forms, the Humans have two different sensory system that is not specific to chemistry: Visual and Tactile. The Human Visual system is limited by Diffraction-because the microscopic size of the Ocuelid (being about 250 times the wavelength of most types of visible light), the human visual system requires heavy neural interpretation and interferometry across multiple positions in order to form an image, and even through this complex process, an average human could only see the outside world in a meager resolution of about 180x180 pixels, 300x300 in the best case. Impressive for a single cell, but practically useless for anything other than the simplest forms of CV applications like finding prey or guiding path.

In order to make up for the limits of Cellular vision, The Basal Human cell have an Impressive tactile system-Microscopic mechanical sensors tips every Axopodium functions as a natural form of Atomic Force Microscopy, relaying the force applied to them to the Cell's High speed Computation unit through millions of microscopic fibrils known as Microfilaments. Combined with an intricate Digital to Analog converter built into the basal bodies of every Axopodium(a mechanical action at a long distance away produces less effect than one that is closer), the Human tactile system can feel, in the most controlled case, individual atoms on a surface, and could tell most different substances apart through Touch alone.

7000 B.C. The Asari have discovered in the serpent nebula, a Large ancient space station they called "Citadel", and a counsel have been set up on Citadel for dealing with other spacefaring cultures in the milky way galaxy.

The last Pleistocene Ice age have officially ended, Marking the beginning of the Holocene. As the Temperature of the earth warms up, dormant colonies of Humans thawed from the receding glaciers, and the temporarily paused development of the Human civilization have resumed. GranZymes and Perforins were developed before the last glacial period, primarily as a mean to hunt down Land and Ice dwelling Diatoms. However, as the output of the Sun have resumed normal levels, Land dwelling Dinoflagellates have started to dominate the ecosystem, primarily due to it's ability to photosynthesize using only atmospheric moisture and carbon dioxide as a feed stock while being exposed to high levels of light. As Perforins were proved Ineffective against Dinoflagellates because they have a thick Cellulose based cell wall, Cellulases, which the gene that codes for it were taken from bacteria, were adopted into the growing arsenal of nanotechnology of the growing human population.

5100 B.C. The Krogans learned to split atoms, and proceeds to Nuke their homeworld Tuchenka into a Nuclear winter.

First Human nations were established near seas, creeks and lakes on the continents.

5000 B.C. Salarians Joined the Citadel council. Their Scientific expertise proved incredibly useful during the early expansion into the terminus systems.

4600 B.C. The Citadel council accidentally opened a relay to a system controlled by a ravenous Insect race, the Rachni, the ensuing war lasted 300 years as the Citadel council lost system by system to the rachni.

Humans that lives near modern Mesopotamia learns to consume plant cells by cutting the cell walls using individual Axopodia tipped with the Cellulase and Hemicellulase acquired through a horizontal gene transfer from Streptomyces spp. ,a type of bacteria.

4300 B.C. The Salarians found the Krogans in the middle of a nuclear winter, and Uplifted them to interstellar flight. The krogans prove extremely important in fighting the Rachni, as they can easily adapt to the underground caverns of the Rachni worlds and hunt down their queens with ease. By 4000 B.C. the rachni were completely eradicated. Due to the bloodshed of the rachni war, the Citadel council enacted a law that forbade the opening of dormant mass relays without knowledge of the other side of the relay.

3800 B.C. Genetic drift have separated the Human race into three distinct species, primarily distinguished by their skin color, but also by the subtle differences of the Surface glycoprotein antigens on their outer membrane. Conjugation between the different species are no longer possible. These three species will eventually be called Whitelight, Redlight and Blacklight.

3000 B.C. Krogans were one of the most adaptive species in the galaxy, Only limited by the harsh environment of their homeworld. As the Salarians lifted them out of their homeworld, Other planets in the galaxy proved to be extremely hospitable to the Krogans, Effectively making the Krogans an invasive species. By 3000 B.C., The Krogans have constantly demanding for new worlds to colonize. The citadel council could no longer tolerate this, and as a result, the Krogans Forcibly attacks many worlds Controlled by the citadel council using redirected asteroids. The Krogan war have begun.

The Minoan warm period have Officially begun on earth, the Increase in rainfall coupled by the melting of High altitude glaciers caused Flash floods across the entire earth. Many of the terrestrial Human colonies were flushed off the land, But the individual Human organisms were not killed, as their physiology can easily tolerate and even adapt to Aquatic environments in the oceans. Some of the humans that have re-entered the Oceanic habitats have acquired Plastids that were derived from Diatoms, Cryptophytes and Dinoflagellates, Enabling them to make many of the natural products that were derived from plants, Including Chlorophyll and Luciferin from the Dinoflagellate Noctiluca Scintillans. These aquatic cultures brands themselves as Atlantis, the Inhabitant Atlanteans. First signs of bioluminescence were discovered and utilized by some of the Atlanteans.

2400 B.C. The Turians Discovered the Citadel council and were swiftly integrated into the Council, functioning as the Military forces of the Council. They are able to resist the Krogan rush through the use of their highly advanced military doctrines and their Mighty fleets, cutting Krogans back system by system. However, as the Krogans can lay up to 1000 eggs per year, this fight were never-ending, and even the Turians could not hold against them Indefinitely.

Bioluminescence were adopted through horizontal gene transfer, to much of the Human population. Being naturally suited to their Binary, Algorithmatic system of thought, Bioluminescence quickly replaced the long range quorum Sensing system as the De Facto mean of communication between Distantly spaced Human colonies both on land and in the Oceans.

As the Microscopic Ocuelid of the equally Microscopic Humans are Limited by diffraction (they can not see the world very clearly in the visible wavelengths), Evolutionary pressure Strongly Drives the directional emission of light as a mean to minimize Crosstalk and Improve range of the Bioluminescent Communications. The Atlanteans, Being pioneers of Bioluminescent communications, were the First to develop the process of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emmision of Radiation as a mean to produce directional light. In another word, the Atlanteans have invented the first biological lasers.

The organelle for emitting lasers were derived from the Scintillons of Dinoflagellates, Consisting of a self assembled core of chlorophylls and carotenoids surrounded by a layer of H+-sensitive Luciferases, flanked by multiple membranes that functions as a Distributed Bragg Reflector. The Luciferases inject a torrent of Excitons into the carotenoids surrounding the core in response to an influx of Hydrogen ions, which then transfers the Excitons into a nanoscopic tube of Chlorophylls within the Core as a long-lived Triplet state. This triplet state is what ultimately undergoes stimulated emission, producing laser light in the range of red to orange wavelengths.

2100 B.C. The Salarians have created and deployed the Genophage-a Genetic weapon that reduced the fertility rate of Krogans to 1 1000th of their previous rate. The Krogan rebellion have been successfully contained.

2000 B.C. The Krogan rebellion have officially ended as the Krogan Homeworld Tuchenka have been occupied by Citadel forces and designated a DMZ(Demilitarized Zone).

0 A.D. Multiple networking protocols have been invented and used by the various Human cultures on earth, which includes WCDMA, TCP/IP, 802.11f/g, Bluetooth and Zigbee. These protocols Differs in the way the information is encoded during transmission, the first asymmetric Encryption protocol, RSA have been developed to secure communications.

1000 A.D. The Concept of the Atom have been proposed by one of the Redlight scientists, Junes De Ravaeich. This concept unified the various previously unrelated ideas of Nanotechnology together, Beginning the historical event known as the Industrial Revolution.

1500 A.D. X-ray Crystallography have been invented by members of the Atlantean Species, This newly discovered tool enables the precise determination of various enzymes and biochemical reaction mechanisms that were previous locked away from Touch and experimentation inside the Shielded active centers of the enzymes themselves. A Major overhaul of the Omnisome have been started, incorporating the newfound discoveries regarding enzymatic reaction mechanisms.

1611 A.D. Major metabolic pathways of much of the Earth's biosphere have been completely recreated using Nanotechnology, replacing the fragile Proteins that were previously used by Most of the different species of Humans (Homo spp.). self assembled Constructs are extensively used by the various Human cultures, which includes the First forms of Cities (macrostructures about 10 meters across)

1664 A.D. the Haber Bosch process have been invented by the Whitelight ( ), using iron Oxides as a catalyst, a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen gases are pumped into the interior of electrically heated multi-walled carbon nanotubes(MWCNTs) filled with microscopic grains of Magnetite using ATP powered pumps specifically designed for this purpose. In the interior of the nanotubes, The hydrogen and Nitrogen reacts on the surface of partially reduced Iron Oxides, forming Ammonia. The Haber Bosch process produces a nearly unlimited supply of fixed nitrogen for the Humans to use for growth and construction, which caused their population to explode. These Haber-Bosch reactors are nearly 350 microns in length, covered in multiple layers of refractive polymers that functions to keep the heat inside, and are about the size of a Human arm(microscopic). photosynthesis have been used as a major food and energy source in many major cities.

1880 A.D. The Morning war have broke out after a Geth unit asked a Quarian "Does this unit have a soul?" the Quarian panicked and tried to shut down the Geth, which chased the Quarians off their Homeworld, Rannoch, in self defense.

The Combined Photosynthetic System have been invented by a Blacklight( ) individual, Thomas Edison, Using a combination of both Plant and Microbial Enzymes, This new photosynthetic Cycle bypasses RuBisCO and The associated inefficiency of Photorespiration. Using a Combination of the 3-Hydroxypropionate Bicycle and the Glyoxalate Cycle, providing Unmatched efficiency of 61.5 percent by Light energy, Highest of all known forms of photovoltaic/photosynthetic systems.

The Atlanteans grew worrisome as the Land based Human populations have started to expand into the Oceans on massive floating platforms constructed from Polyethylene, Blocking off the necessary Sunlight needed for the Atlanteans to Photosynthesize.

1908 A.D. The Atlantean war have begun in the earth's Oceans.

As the competition between and became more intense, total War broke out between the surface Dwelling Humans and the Aquatic Atlanteans. The Atlanteans developed the first weapons-grade laser systems. Combining trillions of Light Organs and Tons of Biomass, these powerful lasers cut holes clean through the Polyethylene cell walls of the Constructs, causing them to sink, and the contents of the Constructs Consumed. While the Blacklight Wins simply by sheer number-The Much more Advanced Photosynthetic Systems of provided the Land dwelling Human populations a nearly Unending source of biomass and therefore Military Forces. Toxins that rips holes on Eukaryote Cell membranes were Synthesized by the Gigaton and dumped into the Oceans, causing the Atlanteans's Cell membranes to rupture and their contents to spill out, While the Floating Constructs of protects them from making contact with their own Toxins.

1915 A.D. End of the Atlantean war and the Holocene Mass Extinction

At the end of the Atlantean war, The Aquatic Atlanteans finally succumbed to the unending attacks thrown out and Toxins dumped by the Land/Surface Humans, and demanded a Truce with the Terrestrial world. However, the Damage of the war was already incredibly significant-nearly 85 percent of all aquatic Eukaryotes were lysed by the Powerful toxins meant to damage the Atlanteans, with only species that Possesses a Thick cell wall or are Multicellular in nature surviving Lysis. Most of the seawater have became Unusable for non-Human lifeforms, and will stay this way for the next 150 years. This is the Humanity's Extinction event.

However, the Terrestrial Ecosystem, which were the home to the Land based Civilization that won the war, were largely unaffected, untouched and unaware of the Holocaust in the Oceans, and will eventually give birth to a Unified Human civilization that will Take to the stars.