'Maybe I could sneak vampire blood into the natural water sources and then slowly go about blowing up the main habitual cities, leaving all of the newly turned vampires to join me or burn in the sun-' my ponderings on how to go about world-domination were interrupted by the sound of a light gasp, which I had been not-so-patiently waiting to hear for several hours!

"Hello, Elijah.", the original snapped his head up, vampire face subconsciously emerging at the startle before fading as he took in my scent. "Hello, young Miss. I do believe that although you know my name, I regret to inform you that I cannot give you the same courtesy," he spoke, polite and outdated mannerisms coming to the surface, though the small upturn of his lips betrayed his contentment in the prospect of spending time with me now that pesky annoyances were out of the way.

I waved them aside with an errant hand, "We are practically family already, there is no need for those courtly greetings. And to answer your question, my name is Jupiter, Jupiter Vanessa Gilbert.", his eyebrow raised incredulously at my middle name before he snorted a laugh as he spoke "Let me guess, you were named after the famous seer Vanessa, who just happens to be your ancestor, coincidentally?".

I rolled my eyes feigning annoyance though I secretly agreed with him on the hilarity of such a coincidence. I was brought from my thought with the remembrance of something that I had meant to ask him immediately after he woke up "How did you know?" I asked curiously before elaborating at his confused frown, "When you first arrived you mentioned that I was 'his' mate. How did you know that you weren't my mate?".

At the question his whole being seemed to sag with a heavy burden of sadness and guilt, he took a moment before responding, presumably to gather his thoughts ``I knew that it was not possible for you to be my own mate a couple decades after our original meeting with Vanessa. We were in a small town on the edge of Spain, feigning to be royals from another land when I met a young woman. She had been severely beaten and for a reason that I knew not at the time I immediately raced to feed her my blood. Though the blood was unable to heal her it did bring her back mere hours after, and so for the next several years I, along with Rebekah, for Niklaus and Kol wished for no part in the care of a baby vamp, taught her all that was needed to know in the world of the supernatural, everything was peaceful and we had slowly been acting upon our mutual attraction and I had planned to marry her. That was when everything fell apart, Michael had found us once again, and in a moment of foolish arrogance I... I launched myself at him, fighting with all I had, never once had I considered the possibility that Michael was distracting us for something far worse. While we had been fighting my siblings had taken to killing off our father's followers, leaving my mate unprotected, and with such little fighting experience, having been sheltered from violence, she stood no chance against the witch that had warmed Michael's bed for the few years before. She was quickly subdued with a blood curse, one that would slowly desiccate her until her bones ground to dust and slowly, painstakingly, disintegrate her from the inside out." his voice conveyed the utter torment that the thought still brought him.

Jupiter's sympathy for the original was abruptly hindered by the sudden frost in the atmosphere, a foreboding feeling filled her, instincts screaming out, warning her of the danger that she had found herself in. Jupiter cautiously eyed the downhearted original as his shoulders began to shake with an unknown emotion before her weak hearing caught the faint sound of chuckles quickly gaining volume and echoing throughout the rickety shack.

As the self deprecating chuckles died off Elijah straightened to peer down at the human curiously"But let us forget my pathetic past, and ask how it is that you knew of my brother and I's relation to you, without so much of a whisper reaching our ears?" Jupiter knew that his words were born not only of a desire to change the subject but of true curiosity.

"Well…" she started to fidget and avert her eyes before consciously straightening at his questioning glance, so taking in a deep breath she continued "I have somewhat of a twist on a seer's visions. I have an ability to consciously search and see 'visions' of the past and present, and as far as I can tell I do not have a limit." she rushed through it but something about the way that she said the last part stuck to him. "What do you mean 'no limits'? There has to be a drawback." Elijah stated suspiciously, it sounded too good to be true to him. Jupiter shrugged lightly as she responded, sounding far too nonchalant for Elijah's tastes, it was as though she had become two entirely different people in a span of minutes "Welll, I guess if you wanted to you could say that the drawback would be that I lose control of my emotions, giving me a slight variation of bipolar disorder along with making me a bit of a sociopath.".

Elijah couldn't control his shock and horror at the revelation, 'No, there is no way that th-this absolute m-mess is my psychotic brother's mate. NO I WON'T ALLOW IT!' his own demon coming to the forefront.