"Lily, James, always a pleasure to see you. Thank you for agreeing to this meeting." Albus Dumbledore said to his former students that had come exited the floo, he smiled at the sight of Lily's large pregnant stomach. "Is all going well?" he asked concerned as he saw her leaning into her husband's side to keep upright, Lily smiled and responded with James softly chuckling in her ear "It's going great, he's just a bit more active than his brother was.". Albus raised his eyebrow having not seen the young child, James responded as if reading his mind, Albus later chuckled at that thought 'as if anyone could penetrate the great Albus Dumbledore's mind easily and without his detection', "Hadrian is with Sirius, as it's been a bit harder to care for both Lily and him as well as preparing for the baby.". Albus nodded concealing his glee at the thought of his plans becoming exponentially simpler with the young child and mutt out of the way, "That is good, as what I have to tell you should not be heard by such innocent ears." he confided, smiling in his head as he saw the young couple play right into his palm. And so he informed them of the prophecy that he had been witness to, of course leaving out that he had imperiused Trelawny to 'see' the false prophecy, hiding the knowledge of the original. The young couple followed his suggestion of giving Sirius full custody of Hadrian in the event of an emergency. And so after Albus had said his farewells to the shaken couple he sat upon his Gryffindor red headmaster chair, 'like a king in his throne' he thought to himself, smirking at the gullibility of Gryffindors. They were all naive idiots, (discounting himself of course, he was the smartest wizard to ever grace these halls).

"Born to those who have thrice defied death,

A great champion for the light shall be born,

But there are those that are trusted among his blood that will reveal their true intentions,

The true war shall not be one of light and dark, good and evil

It shall be one of the same blood fighting in the name of honor and revenge

The dark and light fighters shall be born to those who have thrice defied death"

-True prophecy by Sybil Trelawny