AN - Heh heh heh didn't expect me to write 3 stories in a span of three days did ya?


I... no... we did it. We stopped the Skull King and the Virgin Born. I don't believe it. We nearly lost or lives fight him for hours. Now... now it's my turn for eternal slumber. *cough* *cough* n-no. Not now. I can still do this one last thing for everyone.

Jake looked at me sadly, "You can't take much more, can you?" I took five steps towards the body, watching it slowly turn to stone. I reached out my hand slowly getting closer.

Yakumo took a step towards me, "Whoa, what are you..." I pulled back my arm and slammed it through the head, blood spraying everywhere, but I didn't care, I need to do it before it's to late. I then yank my arm back out ripping the relic out successfully. I liftes it up slowly, miasma covering my arm, I watch as more relics appear.

Louis reaches out his hand for me, "Stop! You can't"

It was too late for me. I plunged the relic into my gut, a sharp pain appearing all over my body, then another to my right ribcage forcefully moving me to the left, even more pain, the second into my back, it hurts please help me, the third to the left side of my back near the ribs, I can't stand it someone... anyone. My body burns, I hold myself to tell myself it's going to be alright. More miasma covers me, but it's blue. Just like the queens. I look up and scream, I no longer sound human or like a revenant, I began to sound like the lost.

The burning pain left. My eyes return to blue. "Amazing." Mia spoke out, everyone tried to approach me but I put my hand out making them stop. It's returning, the burning pain. I turn around against my well. Somethings controlling me.

"This miasma is..." Jack fried to block it. It was already everywhere. I start breathing harder. The miasma gets thicker.

Louis took a step forward , "No... This is the queens miasma!" Huh, was this suppose to happen. I kill the queen then become the queen?

Yakumo took a step forward, "No, it can't be..." Ge took another one, but more alert, "not the queen!"

I turned around slowly to look at them, I can't control myself. I could see Mia's face, she was worried, "why... why are they...?" I slowly lift my arms up.

Jack prepares to kill me, "Don't worry... I won't let you suffer in vain!" Louis stops him, putting his arm in front of him. My body then summons spears, aimed at my family...

I felt a sharp pain in my back, I look down and see Louis's sword, he got closer and told me these few words, "...Leave this to me." I turn around and look at him.

"...sorry" just loud enough for everyone to hear, as he pulled his sword out and I crumbled To the floor, now a lifeless body. I'm sorry I couldn't do more to help you guys... They gather around me, crying, I don't want to see you cry.

"I... I wish I could've... done more... for you guys..." they were my last words, the last thing I saw was them crying even harder then before. Time stopped, everything around me shattered. I still lag they bleeding.

*??? Pov*

The mission was a bust. I barely escaped with my life. I was running from the Grimm. I could hear them, they were far but could catch up if given enough time. I ran quicker into the forest to my house but what I saw next shocked me. A child the age of my daughter, Yang, laid on the grass floor. I saw blood everywhere. But shocked me even more was that he wasn't attacked by Grimm, but a person. What monster would do such a thing. I decided to forget about my wounds and picked up the child. He had a smooth face, black hair at the base of his hair and turned into a blond the longer it got, his hair covered his left eye. I pulled his hair off his face and saw something that looked inhuman. You could see his veins, bright blue in color, but they were glowing. I shakes my head and sprinted home.

Knock knock Taiyang! It's me, Summer, open the door quickly. I could hear people inside. The first my husband Taiyang, the second my eldest daughter, and third youngest daughter.

"Huh, oh Summer it's you let me get the... door..." he stared at me and the child, eyes wide.

"Hey mom did you buy anything!"

"Mom, mom look wh... Mom! What happened to you"! Ruby yelled as she hugged my leg.

"J-just let me get some rest, him too also."

"Ye-yea, sure Summer."