"You get in a fight?" Harry asked his boyfriend, extremely concerned, as he reached out to touch the bruise forming below Draco's left eye.

Ah-h-h," Draco, his voice catching in pain as Harry touched the bruise gently, and grabbed his hand before he could do any more damage.

"Why on Earth does everyone keep asking that?" Draco replied.

"Uh, 'cause it looks like you got in a fight, mate," Ron combated.

"Do I really look like the kind of person who would get in a fight?" Draco genuinely asked, looking down at the floor.

"I didn't mean it like that-" Ron tried, looking embarrassed, and the conversation quickly drifted away, until they arrived at Harry and Ron's class, their parting way. Draco and Harry shared a quick kiss, and Draco managed a tight lipped smile before he left down the hall.

"Lord know's I hate keeping secrets from that kid," Draco muttered guiltily under his breath, reaching up to touch the place where he could feel the bruise throbbing. He didn't think he could tell Harry- no, he didn't think he could tell anyone about what happened to him. It was even painful to think about- more painful then the constant reminder splattered on his cheek.

"Ooh, Chinese, fancy," Harry teased, as they sat on a couch in the Slytherin common room, a Chinese take-out buffet on the coffee table before them. All the Slytherins were at a party, so Draco suggested Harry coming over, after he assured him he didn't want to go with his Slytherin friends.

"So, I've been thinking," Harry said part way through the meal, clearing his throat. "I think we should have dinner with you parents sometime this week. Unless they aren't free, then maybe next week-

"Harry," Draco set his chopsticks down, and stared meaningfully at his boyfriend. "You actually want to meet my parents?"

"Well, yeah," Harry responded, slightly flustered, "They're a big part of your life so I want to...know them,"

Draco went back to poking miserably at a spring roll, "I really don't want you to meet them,"

"Why?" Harry snapped, wanting a good reason, and when Draco didn't respond he started spewing random, dumb things, "They don't like me?" He asked, "They don't support the LGBTQ community? Draco, if that's it, I don't care, I couldn't care if they treated me like absolute garbage, I just want to meet them,"

Harry laid his hand on top of Draco's, and smiled reassuringly. Draco lifted his head to meet Harry's eyes, and Harry was startled to see fear shining there. Realization struck Harry, and he gasped, his heart thundering in his chest.

"They hit you," He breathed, and when Draco didn't deny it, he quickly rested his head inside his palms.

"They hit you, and I didn't realize it," Harry said, ashamed.

"Harry..." Draco said gently,"It's not that big of a deal-"

"Not that big a deal?" Harry roared.

"This is only the third time...and it wasn't even that bad!" Draco tried his best to reassure him, but his tone was more like a plea.

"I don't care how often, or how bad. They hit you!" Harry yelled tensely, but his shoulders quickly slumped. "And I didn't realize it...and now I'm making it about me,"

"Harry, it's fine-"

Harry had to take a deep breath, and control his urge to scream. "Draco, it's not fine," and he sank deeper in the couch, running his fingers messily through his hair, muttering over and over, "I can't believe they hurt you,"

"I think we need to tell someone," Harry said after a while, but Draco's eyes widened.

"Please Harry, don't. I'm fine, and I'm sure this will be the last time," Draco was almost on the brink of tears, and Harry's heart caved in, though it was an ugly bruise.

Harry shook his head, almost at tears. "Draco, I care about you," He said.

"So you won't tell anyone?"

Harry sighed, and responded with, "That's exactly the reason why I have to tell someone,"

"Please, Harry, please don't," Draco was fighting back tears.

"You still love them...they are your parents," Harry acknowledged, and Draco nodded. Harry took a shaky breath, knowing he would regret it. "Then...as long as you promise this is the last time! I guess.. I won't tell anyone,"

Draco breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned over to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek.

"I promise this was the last time,"

"Don't make promises you can't keep," Harry said, already regretting giving in to Draco.

Everyone was staring as Draco trudged miserably through the hallways. Rumors were already spreading, and spreading fast. Just as his last bruise had begun to disappear, hopefully also taking the memory with it, something had happened, again. Just as he promised Harry it wouldn't.

Harry spotted Draco, and winced at his black eye, and bruise along his jaw line. Harry confronted Draco, covered his mouth with his hand, and shook his head painfully. He quickly made up his mind.

"I have to, Draco," he whispered, the guilt of not telling anyone before weighing down on Harry. If he had said something, he could've stopped this from happening. It was all his fault.

"You promised," Draco begged.

"I never, ever, should've made that promise," Harry said, "And Draco, you promised too,"

"But Harry! Don't you see, it's the last time! I'm serious!" Draco shouted helplessly, earning more stares from the people around them.

"Draco, don't you see," Harry said, trying to keep an even tone, "A month ago was supposed to be the last time, it'll just keep continuing. I can't bare for any of that to happen again, knowing it was all my fault. You have to understand, please,"

"Harry, you don't have to do this," Draco continued to plea desperately.

"I do," Harry said, looking at the floor glumly, "Even if you hate me for the rest of my life. Please, please, believe I care about you. I really, really do," And with that, he gave Draco a one sided kiss, whispered an apology, and ran to find a Professor.


Okay, so it's been about a week since I published the last chapter...not to bad, and even though I still have studying and stuff, since it's Thanksgiving Break, I'll probably be updating a little more frequently. Probably another chapter will go up this week, or the next. Thanks for reading!
