A young woman was staring at the sidewalk trying to keep herself calm. She rustled her newly cut short hair that had been changed to periwinkle purple and forget-me-not blue. 'Okay, I can do this. Just... just stay calm. I changed my appearance enough that they will likely not notice me for a while... I may not be able to flee the city cause it will leave a paper trail but I at least have the new identification set up. But where will I be able to hide until I can leave or they give up and leave?'

She paused her internal thoughts hearing what sounded like crying of a child. The cry was followed by a sound like something being struck. And then muffled harsh vocals of a adult. 'Is... is someone attacking a child?'

Her feet moved before she could process fully what she was doing as she walked around the corner and took in the sight of a woman about ten years older than her with what looks to be a belt in her hands lashing at a child roughly around the age of eight.

Clinching her fists she felt something writhing within her start to boil and grow. She was quickly trying to think on how to handle this as she walked up behind the woman, as rage coursed through her.

"You damn brat! It is your fault that this is happening you know! If you had not freed the monsters from underground their prison, more and more people would not have to suffer from their unsightly appearance you deserve everything your getting!" She felt something within her snap as she reached out and grabbed the arm which had the belt, and kept her from striking the child she was assaulting. Yanking her back, Esther slammed her into the wall, her blue eyes burning with venomous fire and righteous anger.

"How dare you... how dare you treat a child like this you racist scumbag!" she growled as she fought to not do physical harm to the woman, no matter if she deserved it. She yanked the belt from her hand, tossed it away from the three of them and shoved her away from the child.

"Go. Leave. This child is no longer of your concern." She made a note to herself that she will be sure to tell their parent of the things she saw being done to them.

"W-what? Ma'am I-I think you misunderstand the situation. This was just… Discipline for misbeha-"

She backhanded the woman with a mighty slap. Unable to handle what ever ridiculous excuse she had for what she was doing to the poor child behind her. There was no excuse for what she has seen being done, nor what she had hear being said. Her gaze blazed in unbridled rage as she glares at the woman staring at her in shock and fear. Something that for a moment made her feel unsettled but not enough to make her loose her stance against the abuser before her.

"I. Said. Go!" She watched as the woman fled like a coward with her tail between her legs. She took in quick short breaths, trying to quell he inner rage before turning to look at the child, recognizing them to be Frisk Von Script, the adopted daughter of Prince Papyrus and niece to his brother King Sans.

'To think that filth has been getting away with this... if Frisk died under their hands it would have started a god damn war and countless would suffer and monsters would not have survived it.' She knelt next to them her eyes saddening as they flinched before turning putting her back to them.

"Hop on kiddo, you look like you could use some ice cream before you get home." She glanced back at them giving a warm smile watching as they tear up and climb onto her back clinging to her and sobbing into her shoulder. She sighed as she picked up the child's backpack and walked to one of the ice cream vendors. She pulled the cash, or what is left of what she had from her pocket and smiled turning her head looking at the child.

"Point to what you want. After you have eaten the treat, you will have to point me in the way of your home." she said watching as the she pointed to the minty chip ice cream and bought it for her. She walked forward a bit and waited by the trashcan for her to get done so the trash can be tossed. She debated on what to say, the words of the woman repeating in her mind, along with the things that were said and done to her throughout her youth.

'I refuse to let that bitch's words poison her mind and cause more harm than they already have.' She thought to herself and waited till she hears the ting of the remains of the ice cream fall into the trash before she began to speak.

"If you want when we get to your home I can stay with you as you tell your dad what happened? I... can understand all to well how powerless one can feel being abused like that at your age. Just know what ever that loony has been saying while doing that to you is wrong and you are a special child. And nobody has the right to say any different nor treat you like dirt." She hears Frisk begin to sob again, causing her to ease the child around and gently give her a hug nuzzling the top of her head reassuringly as she let her cry. After a while Frisk pulled back rubbing their eyes looking up at her and smiled softly.

"T-Thank you... w-what's your name?"

"Esther. My name is Esther." she said smiling warmly glad to of had been able to help and save Frisk from her fate she was suffering.

"Do you think you will be able to walk? If not I can carry you home, just do not fall asleep midway or I'll have to stop... we do not need to cause them more worry then they already will have after the shady deeds of butts for brains has done." She smiled pleased when she hears Frisk giggle.

"I think I can walk!" She set Frisk down gently when that was stated, waiting to see if she could stand stably before putting the straps of Frisk's backpack over her shoulder.

"I'll just carry this for you for now... not sure how much your were um... hit but if it is as many as I think it is you do not need to have weight on you causing pain." She said unable to mask the concern coming to her face as she looked down at them. She watched as Frisk beams up a smile at her as she takes her hand leading the way towards her home. She smiled before looking forward, hoping that she will be able to keep her word and that the woman from before was smart and left town.

So she will not do something she will regret.

Sans watched as his brother was pacing while on the phone trying to get in contact with Captain Toriel. It has been several minutes since Saskia returned to the house crying and saying that some crazy woman had assaulted her and kidnapped Frisk.

Honestly, he has never seen the woman look so distraught. Not that he fully trusted her before, there being something off about her that he could not place. But his brother hired her; and there was extensive background checks done on her. Speaking of whom, the woman was upstairs now in her room. He heard her moving around and it sounds like she was packing something.

The woman likely assumed that she was getting fired because she had not been able to protect Frisk. He will have to make a note, despite liking the idea of her leaving, to clarify that she does not have to leave. It would be too much of a hassle trying to find a replacement nanny. And Frisk, while she was quiet around her, did not seem to mind her.

'It's not like many humans would want to work for monsters anyways despite us paying well. Least skeleton monsters like my brother and I. Too many people that qualified prior quit before even starting cause of seeing Papyrus and me. And that was before they could have the chance to meet Frisk. Really, as much as I don't like her, we lucked out with her. I just hope whom ever has my niece does not do anything to her or heads will roll.'

He turns his head hearing a knock at the door. He grumbled getting up from his seat heading to the door hands in his pockets as he wondered whom it was now and that it better not be Jerald looking for free wifi service again. He does not have the patience right now to deal with the monster with all that is going on and this stress that is mounting. He opened the door, with a less then enthusiastic expression, which turned to surprise seeing a adult human holding the hand of his niece. He stared at her in shock as he felt his soul start to pound within him and utter soft tunes in response to the sounds of the soul within the young woman.

'... Oh my god... what are the chances someone could have found Frisk and is... no. No I do not deserve… I don't deserve to have someone like that.' He looked down to his niece whom smiled up at him teary eyed. He felt his smile falter as he stepped aside.

'Will have to talk with this woman later after she and Frisk talk about what happened. To find some sort of way to repay her before she leaves. Its… good to know there are more humans out there that are decent. Given how she helped bring Frisk home.'

"Please, come in. I'll need to tell my brother that the search needs to be called off since you've helped Frisk come home and not be whisked away with some kidnapper." He watched as Frisk bolt inside while the woman looked to be confused furrowing her brow.

"Um... I did not save them from a kidnapper. I saved them from a person that I am guessing you hired to look after her while your busy that was beating her with a belt and saying... things that would be best not to be resaid. I took her to get some ice cream to try and help cheer her up before having her lead the way home so I can explain what happened. Why would... oh my god that woman did not come back here and... She did oh my god I can believe the nerve of some people!" He watched as rage flashed in her eyes seeing something from where she was standing in the doorway before walking in. He could pick up the anger coming off of her but that is not what he was focusing on right now.

'…. She caught Saskia... oh… oh god how could we have been so..' He let out a growl as he clutched the doorknob and tried to calmly shut the door. Glaring up at the direction of the soon to be ex-nanny's room eye-lights snuffed out of his sockets. 'Goddamn humans and their monitoring monsters… if it were not for the fact we have to wait for five years until the monitoring ends, I would unleash my wrath on that foolish woman.'

"Where is her room? I am guessing she is staying here. I had read about the whole monster kind being monitored nonsense and since you can't do anything I will gladly step in and drag her two faced lying ass out and toss her out the door." His head snapped in the direction of the woman standing before him, with a fire in her eyes that matched the anger he had writhing inside him. He felt his rage calm a tiny bit, enough to let him contemplate the pros and cons of this.

"As satisfying that would be to watch, it would be best to not alert her to the fact we know so when my captain gets here she can be arrested and taken to jail. I do not know how we will be able to repay you for all you have done. Please let me go get my checkbook I can write up something." He says about to teleport to his study when she gave a wave of her hand dismisivly stopping him, a light pink blush forming on her cheeks.

"That would not be necessary, just... let me be here long enough to watch as that vulture gets arrested. I despise it when people like that get away with making children suffer through abuse. I had experienced... things in my childhood much like she had so I want to try and be there for her as moral support as her former caretaker gets removed from the property. And I would like to say goodbye to Frisk before I leave if that is alright." He stared at her in shock and forced himself not to blush as he slowly gives a nod.

"Yeah uh… sure. If you do not mind my asking where are you staying so I can arrange for you to be dropped of at your home the least I can do." Sans watched as she tensed glancing away as if to be having a mental debate before sighing. He felt his soul stir in concern as he watched her expression become forlorn and distraught.

"Honestly. I do not really have a place to stay. I was on my way to one of the homeless shelters in hopes that they have space until I can find a job and earn enough money to afford a place. And no, I still will not take money for helping Frisk. I helped because it was the right thing to do not because I wanted a reward for saving her given who she is to you and all of monster kind. That would make me no better than a gold digger or that excuse for a person where ever she is at here in your home. I refuse to be a user like those types of people."

He watched, as her expression grew firm, akin to Frisk's determination when she had her mind set on something. He wondered for a moment if her soul type was like Frisk's before pushing the thought back barely able to stop the blush from forming on his cheekbones.

"... Well. As luck would have it we have a new job opening. Due to our previous employee doing things behind our backs and harming Frisk, a job as a live-in nanny is open. I will have to talk it over with my brother but if you do not have any other plans, we would be glad to have someone that would actually care about how Frisk feels watching over them," He felt his soul do flips as he watched her, again a surprised look while questioning why he talked about this without consulting his brother first.

'…... This... this is not just because she is my soulmate I jumped to offer her the job is it? Oh god what if it is!? I need to add no pressure or-'

"Okay. But only on the condition that Frisk is okay with it. After what happened to her I do not blame her if she wants to forgo nanny's for a while." He blinked before nodding. Finding the condition she put forth resonable.

"Even uh... even if Frisk does not want a nanny for right now please at least consider staying here even if it is for the night. I have heard about how bad it can get in homeless shelters and if you got hurt I'm not sure the guilt will ever leave." He bit back a grimace at the words he spoke while he watched her expression turn contemplative as he starts to sweat a tiny bit.

'Oh god this is because she is my soulmate. I told myself that I was not going take a mate after I had done those things to those.. those children. Why. Why does the universe conspire against me. No person deserves to be tied to a child killer like me.'

"I suppose I can... least for tonight I.. I don't want to be a imposition so if she does not want a nanny it will be just that." He could not help giving her a softened expression as a rare amused chuckle escaped him. It is hard to see how she could be a imposition to anyone. Even with not know much about her he just can't see that.

"I do not think you could ever be a imposition here. If you had not of stepped in... I would hate to think what would have happened. Frisk.. she is a special child. Not to mention if she died I think.. I do not think my brother would take it well because she is his child." He frowned looked to the living room watching his brother as he held onto Frisk.

"He'd probably fall down and... I do not think I could handle losing both of them. They are very precious to me." He was startled to see a deep sadness appear in her eyes before she looked over to where Papyrus and Frisk was, a forlorn expression and a mask of a smile coming up just after when Frisk looked over and smiled brightly.

"They are lucky then, to have you to care about them. It is nice to see families close and actually care for each other and their well being. I wish mine loved me and not... hehe it.. it does not matter... sorry I just... I just had a long day you do not need to hear about my problems when you have your own still lurking in your home." He felt concern at the words she spoke mixed with her demure and the unspoken implications. He looked to his brother and niece the uneasy feeling settling into his soul, prompting a thought to appear in his head that would not leave.

'What happened to her in her past to make her feel her problems do not matter?'