Update: 28/08/2020

Happy 28th Birthday too me! Also Happy 54th Birthday to my Dad.

And like I do every year for my stories here is an update for you!


Chapter .6.

3 Days Later…

Everything was on schedule. A couple of weeks Celestia time Atlantis had been moved to Celestia. And Omega had been swamped with citizens asking him how he was alive and what happened to him. He tried to have Pontos, Thalassa or even Hydros deal with them. But they were enjoying watching him being uncomfortable.

Both cities Atlantica and Atlantis were overjoyed at him being alive. And they basically didn't want him to leave. But Omega stood firm saying he had more important things too do then spend more time with his birth Fathers people.

But Delphin his birth Fathers lieutenant was basically grovelling at his feet. He expected him to take over. Omega put his foot down saying that since Delphin was Poseidon's Lieutenant he should be in charge. Delphin had argued that since Omega was a Prince of the Seas he should take change. That was when Omega snapped.


"My Prince you're the rightful Regent in your Fathers absence", Delphin tells him

"I am NOT a Prince of the Seas! Poseidon is not my Father after disowning me and chucking me in Tartarus!" Omega snarls.
"Perseus your…"

"MY name is Omega! Or Maelstrom! Or Shadow of the Strom! Or the Deathly Current! Or Stormbringer! Commander of the Chaos and Order Army! Right-Hand of Lady Chaos and Lord Order! Ambassador for Lady Chaos and Lord Order! And I am the Crown Prince of the Universe! I am the son of Lord Order and Lady Chaos", Omega proclaims to Delphin and those who were there.
"But your still Pos…"

"I will NEVER AGAIN be Poseidon's Son! And don't you EVER compare me to him!" Omega snarls

End Flashback

His mood was getting worse as it was nearly time for the people he once fought for would be arriving. And it wasn't helping his mood or temper.

Luckily Zoe, Reyna, Bianca, Ananke, Hemera, Metis, Mnemosyne, Themis, Harmonia, Eris, Asteria, Maia, Leuke and his other wives were experts at dealing with his emotions.

They all understood just how much stress he was under. He was going to see the people the betrayed him and left him like he was.

Omega knew they were regretfully. After all he saw what Lady Chaos and Lord Order were seeing. How much they were trying to make up for their mistakes. But it was hard to accept that they were truly sorry and that they would soon learn he was alive.

After all he lost his arm and eye because of them. And spent centuries in Tartarus basically being tortured.

So he didn't know how he would react when he saw them again. The only good reaction he would have was seeing his Mother again. He still couldn't believe the Gods had made her a Goddess along with Paul and his sister. She was the only one really he was looking forward too seeing.

The only others he was looking forward too seeing were Thalia, Clarisse and Kayla as they had never betrayed him. And didn't believe he was a traitor. He believed they would had fought for him if they could.
And the only Gods he didn't have a grudge against being Artemis, Apollo, Hades, Persephone, Hermes, Hephaestus, Bellona, Nemesis, Nike, Hecate, Thanatos and of course Hestia. As they had all voted he was innocent. So they would at least be treated with respect from him.

Those 12 he personally was seeing to their Temples being put in. And anything else that had been sent through as theirs. It was the least he could do for those who had tried to save him and believed he was innocent.

The rest of the new Section for the Olympians in his part of the City were basically complete. The buildings and housing were now waiting on their occupants. Who would be here in days.

But there was still unrest in Celestia. People were still protesting about the coming Earth Residents. But Omega had some of the Army out settling things down.

He had been overworked for a while now. His wives told him he would be having a holiday as soon as Chaos and Order returned. And that he would be spending more time with his children.

Which he admitted he hadn't been spending much time with them. He felt bad about that. Hopefully once everything settled down he would have a few weeks to spend time with his family.

But now he just had so much work too do.

As anytime now their new residents would be arriving…

Earth Earlier…

Everyone was packing the last few things they had. After they had seen too all their Temples and monuments being moved.

"So are Temples are alright?" Apollo asks Alpha.

"They are fine and in place according to Lady Nyx", Alpha tells him

Poseidon was worried about his people. After all they had been gone for two days for Atlantica and just a day for Atlantis. And he couldn't go with them because he was needed here. So was Amphitrite and Triton so they had left their people in the capable hands of Delphin.

The Olympians had taken to watching those in the Chaos Army. They recognised some of their behaviours that matched some of their children.

Alpha especially had traits of a child of Hermes.

But some others things they had noticed in the last few days was that some of these people felt familiar. Like they had met before.

But not one had let their hoods slip. Even with Mark and Skyton trying to out them or challenging them to duals. Which the two were always humiliated in.

Now it was the day they would leave Earth behind.

It saddened many people. The demigods. Hestia, Artemis, Apollo, Hermes, Demeter, and Poseidon felt sadness.

Dionysus, Hephaestus, Ares, didn't care.

Actually Ares was looking forward to getting to Celestia and seeing how good the people of Celestia were in a fight. He wanted to establish himself as a War God right away.

Hephaestus looked forward to getting to look closer at the technology on Celestia. As he saw what the Army was using and it was advanced enough for him wanting to know more.

Hades and Athena were indifferent about leaving. But Athena was curious about Celestia as it was a place she had never been.

Zeus, Aphrodite, Hera did feel sadness but also happiness that they would finally get a place that would suit them and that deserved them.

Sally Jackson was sad to leave Earth behind as it was the place she gave birth to her son. She would be leaving most of the reminders of Percy behind. It saddened her. But she knew Percy would what her to be safe.

Chiron and Lupa looked at their charges and saw the mixed feeling sin most off them. Chiron was worried with some of the looks certain demigods had on their faces. Chiron and Lupa hoped they wouldn't cause too much trouble.

The Demigods and Immortals were in two minds about leaving. They were happy they would soon be out of most danger. But also sad at leaving the only home they had ever known.

"This is going to be my chance to shine!" Mark exclaims

"We are going to rule Celestia!" Skyton states

Alpha snickers, "If you can't even defeat me you have no hope at betting Omega"

"We have been going easy on you", Skyton states glaring at Alpha and so does Mark.

Many of the Army roll their eyes. They were both in for a rude shock.

They couldn't believe how much some of these Immortals had changed. Many of them DID have genuine regret for how they had treated Percy. Even the Olympians and other Gods has some regret for how they acted. Some more then others.

"I can't believe we are leaving this all behind", Annabeth mutters
"It is for the best and for our safety", Thalia tells her.

"I will miss the nature here what little there is after humans had destroyed much off it. I hope there is plenty of Nature in Celestia. But I'll miss the memories", Grover states looking at the empty looking Olympus.
"Do you think Percy would have approved?" Annabeth asks

"I think he would have. But we will never know now because of our decisions", Nico replies

Thalia just glares at them.

"Yes you two should never have done what you did. He was our cousin Nico! And your boyfriend Annabeth! And you Grover breaking the Empathy link! What did he ever do to make you betray him?" Thalia asks them

They both look down. Thalia hadn't really forgiven them for what they did. She hadn't even forgiven her brother Jason either.

"Ok everyone lets make sure everyone is here. As we are about to leave", Alpha orders

Everyone Demigods, Immortals, Gods, Mortals, Satyrs, Centaurs and Natural Spirits all gather around as the Army goes through everyone checking to make sure nobody was missing.

"Everyone here Lieutenant?" Lady Chaos asks Alpha.

"Everyone accounted for Lady Chaos, Lord Order", Alpha confirms

"Olympians do you agree?" Lord Order asks
The Olympians go over everyone and sense out their children and nod confirming everyone was here.

"Ok now we will be transporting you across dozens of galaxies", Lord Order tells them
"It will probably be uncomfortable", Lady Chaos states, "But it will be over in minutes"

"Try not to squirm too much. We don't want you dropping out of transit somewhere you shouldn't", Nyx jokes.

"Nyx", Lady Chaos scolds having seen the young Demigods looking more nervous and scared.

"Just saying", Nyx says smirking

"Ok everyone gather around", Lord Order instructs everyone.

"Magical's take your positions", Lady Chaos orders

"Army also take your positions around everyone to make sure nothing goes wrong", Lord Order orders

Everyone does what they are ordered too.

Soon Lady Chaos, Lord Order and the Magical's begin to chant.

"Say goodbye too Earth and hello to Celestia!" Nyx calls

As they enveloped in bright white light…

Author's Note: What do you think? Please Review:)