Quirks, or more scientifically named, Quarks, appeared over two centuries ago. They started off being meaningless, maybe a child emitted a light glow, or maybe they grew a small horn atop their head. Either way, they evolved into one of the defining factors of ones being over the course of several years. But of course, there were those who used this power for their own gain, turning to crime to make a living. And thus, the Heroics Department was born, where people who gained the title of Pro Hero, used their quirks to fight against evil. Scientist gained the ability to study the genetic material of Quarked persons and decided that it was just a random mutation that led to the creation of Quarks.

Or at least, that was what they thought.

Isshin Kurosaki knew better. These quote on quote 'random' mutations hadn't been random at all. They had been created due to the mass amounts of Reishi that had and still fill the air of the world of the living. And, how they got there, he knew as well.

Two centuries ago, the mad man Sousuke Aizen challenged the beliefs of the heaven know as the Soul Society, and stole the object known as the Hogyoku to battle the Society. He succeeded, but the death of the Soul Reapers as they had been called, caused the one and only Soul King to be roused from his spot in his own dimension.

Aizen fought to destroy the Soul King, but ultimately was killed by the strength of the 'god.' The death of the Soul Reapers left a great imbalance in the world that the Soul King had to fix, and by sacrificing himself, he destroyed the opposing realm of Hueco Mundo, and balance was restored.

The aftermath of the war left the few remaining Soul Reapers and the dwellers of Hueco Mundo, Hollows, to scatter, hiding among the humans and leading lives not unlike their previous ones. The nature of their existence led them to both sides of the spectrum, where Soul Reapers took the role of hero, and Hollows joined the side of villains.

How this plays into Quarks, well, I was getting to that.

The destruction of the powerful beings of the soul realm led to the abundance of Reishi in the World of the Living, which it turn caused Quarks to appear. While he, Isshin, would like to take credit for this discovery, it was the scientist who made the destructive Hogyoku who came to this conclusion. Kisuke Urahara.

And that, leads us into the start of this journey, the overthrowing of the Dark Tyrant, All for One.



The orange haired eight year old didn't reply. He only continued to stare out towards the river as raindrops continued to beat down around them. "You can't blame yourself for what happened."




Still no reply.

Isshin sat down next to him, crossing his legs as he did. "You know, your mother hated the rain. Refused to go out into it, no matter what." He explained to his son. "That was, until you three were born. Once you rascals were out and about, it seemed like nothing fazed her. Though, I knew better than that. She still hated the rain, but for you, I think she would've let if pour for the rest of her life."

Ichigo still hadn't moved from his spot, though it was clear that tears had started to roll down his cheeks. "Your mother was a wonderful woman, though you already know that. She loved you so much, so how do you think she would feel to see you out here. She would think it was her fault, and it would hurt her." Isshin continued, and his reluctant guilt-tripping worked.

"I'm sorry dad!" The boy nearly choked on his words, as he tackled his father in a bear hug. "I just miss her so much!" He cried into his fathers chest, gripping on as if for dear life.

"I know, son. I know." Isshin returned the hug as rain continued to pour, almost as if the world itself was weeping for the loss of an angel. As a few tears streaked down his own face, he made a promise.

All-for-One was going to pay for destroying his family, his stability.

And most importantly, for hurting his son.


Hey everyone! Just a little pre-prologue-prologue to get this thing out of the works. Is there a name for that? Anyway, I hope this gives a little basis on the story, and what to expect. I'm actually really happy with how this turned out, even though it's a little short. Working on the true prologue now. Oh yeah, also, beta thing is still open if you want to help me out. Otherwise, y'all have a nice day.
